# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import pytest from zeppelin.legacy_converter import LegacyConverter @pytest.fixture def zc(): zc = LegacyConverter('in', 'out', '', 'anonymous', 'N/A', 'N/A') return zc def test_header(zc): zc.user = 'tester' zc.build_header('title') assert zc.out == ['---', 'title: title', 'author(s): tester', 'tags: ', 'created_at: ' + zc.date_created, 'updated_at: ' + zc.date_updated, 'tldr: ', 'thumbnail: ', '---'] def test_build_markdown(zc): zc.build_markdown('scala', None) assert zc.out == [] zc.build_markdown('scala', 'sample body') assert zc.out == ['sample body'] def test_build_code(zc): zc.build_code('scala', None) assert zc.out == ['```scala', '```'] zc.build_code('scala', 'sample body') assert zc.out == ['```scala', '```', '```scala', 'sample body', '```'] @pytest.mark.parametrize('test_input, expected', [ ('%md', []), ('%md text', ['text']), (' %md text', ['text']), (' sample text', ['```scala', 'sample text', '```']), ('s%ample', ['```scala', 's%ample', '```'])]) def test_process_input(zc, test_input, expected): zc.process_input(test_input) assert zc.out == expected def test_build_text(zc): zc.build_text('one ring to rule them all') zc.build_text('one ring to find them') assert zc.out == ['one ring to rule them all', 'one ring to find them'] def test_title(zc): assert zc.out == [] zc.process_title('title') assert zc.out == ['#### title'] @pytest.mark.parametrize('test_input, expected', [ ('', []), ('test', ['test']), ('test\ttest2', ['|test|test2|']), ('test\t\ttest2', ['|test||test2|']) ]) def test_create_md_row(zc, test_input, expected): zc.create_md_row(test_input) assert zc.out == expected def test_create_md_row_header(zc): zc.create_md_row('test\ttest2', True) assert zc.out == ['|test|test2|\n|-|-|'] def test_find_message(zc): data = 'nothing here' assert zc.find_message(data) is None data = '\u003c?xml version\u003d\"1.0\" encoding\u003d\"utf-8\"' assert zc.find_message(data).group(0) == 'xml version' def test_process_results(zc): paragraph = {} zc.process_results(paragraph) assert zc.out == [] paragraph = { 'result': { 'msg': '' } } zc.process_results(paragraph) assert zc.out == [] paragraph = { 'result': { 'msg': 'one ring to bring them all', 'type': 'TEXT' } } zc.process_results(paragraph) assert zc.out == ['one ring to bring them all']