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"""Test suite for TAAR Locale Job."""
import functools
import pytest
from datetime import date, datetime
from numpy import repeat as np_repeat
from pandas import DataFrame
from mozetl.taar import taar_locale
from pyspark.sql.types import (
from pyspark.sql.functions import substring_index
StructField("client_id", StringType(), True),
StructField("submission_date_s3", StringType(), True),
StructField("channel", StringType(), True),
StructField("app_name", StringType(), True),
StructField("locale", StringType(), True),
# active_addons is a list of dictionaries holding all
# metadata related to an addon
StructField("addon_id", StringType(), True),
StructField("app_disabled", BooleanType(), True),
StructField("blocklisted", BooleanType(), True),
StructField("foreign_install", BooleanType(), True),
StructField("is_system", BooleanType(), True),
StructField("signed_state", LongType(), True),
StructField("type", StringType(), True),
StructField("user_disabled", BooleanType(), True),
# Templates for a single `active_addons` entry.
"good": {
"addon_id": "<guid>",
"app_disabled": False,
"blocklisted": False,
"foreign_install": False,
"is_system": False,
"signed_state": 2,
"type": "extension",
"user_disabled": False,
"bad1": {
"addon_id": "<guid>",
"app_disabled": False,
"blocklisted": False,
"foreign_install": False,
"is_system": True,
"signed_state": 2,
"type": "extension",
"user_disabled": False,
"bad2": {
"addon_id": "<guid>",
"app_disabled": False,
"blocklisted": False,
"foreign_install": False,
"is_system": False,
"signed_state": 0,
"type": "extension",
"user_disabled": True,
# Template for a clients_daily row.
"client_id": "<client_id>",
"submission_date_s3": "<yyyymmdd>",
"channel": "release",
"app_name": "Firefox",
"locale": "en-US",
"active_addons": "<addons_list>",
# Condensed client data.
# Generate snippets using `generate_rows_for_client()`.
"client-1": {
"20190115": ["guid-1", "guid-5", "guid-bad1"],
"20190113": ["guid-1", "guid-4", "guid-bad1"],
"20190112": ["guid-1", "guid-3", "guid-bad1"],
"20190110": ["guid-1", "guid-bad1"],
"client-2": {
"20190114": ["guid-2", "guid-bad2"],
"20190112": ["guid-1", "guid-bad2"],
"client-3": {"20190109": ["guid-1"]},
"client-4": {"20190112": ["guid-1", "guid-2"]},
"client-5": {"20190114": [], "20190113": []},
"client-6": {"20190114": ["guid-1"], "20190112": ["guid-1"]},
"client-7": {
"20190114": [
# Per-locale add-on count records.
("en-US", "guid-1", 5),
("en-US", "guid-2", 2),
("en-US", "guid-3", 1),
("de", "guid-1", 3),
("de", "guid-2", 2),
("de", "guid-3", 4),
# Boundary dates to use when querying the mocked `clients_daily`.
DATE_RANGE = {"start": "20190112", "end": "20190114"}
LOCALE_LIMITS = {"en-US": 1, "de": 3, "pl": 7}
AMO_WHITELIST = ["guid-1", "guid-2", "guid-3", "guid-4", "guid-5", "guid-not-installed"]
def generate_addon_entry(guid):
"""Generate an `active_addons` entry with the given GUID.
The desired type ('good'/'badN') can optionally be tagged on to the GUID
as a suffix delimited by '-'.
guid_suffix = guid.split("-")[-1]
addon_type = guid_suffix if guid_suffix.startswith("bad") else "good"
entry = dict(ADDON_TEMPLATES[addon_type])
entry["addon_id"] = guid
return entry
def generate_rows_for_client(client_id, client_data):
"""Generate dataframe_factory snippets with the given client ID from the
condensed format
'<date>': [ <addon1>, ... ],
where <addon> will be passed to `generate_addon_entry()`. Ordering of the
rows is not guaranteed.
snippets = []
for subm_date, addons in client_data.items():
"client_id": client_id,
"submission_date_s3": subm_date,
"active_addons": [generate_addon_entry(a) for a in addons],
return snippets
def generate_data(dataframe_factory):
return functools.partial(
def locale_limits():
return dict(LOCALE_LIMITS)
def whitelist():
return list(AMO_WHITELIST)
def short_locale_limits(locale_limits):
"""A condensed version of the locale limits."""
del locale_limits["pl"]
return locale_limits
def short_whitelist(whitelist):
"""A condensed version of the whitelist."""
for x in ["guid-4", "guid-5"]:
return whitelist
def addon_counts():
return DataFrame.from_records(
SAMPLE_ADDON_COUNTS, columns=["locale", "addon", "count"]
def addon_count_neg(addon_counts):
"""Add-on counts with a negative count, as could occur from adding noise."""
replace_row = (addon_counts["locale"] == "de") & (addon_counts["addon"] == "guid-1")
addon_counts.loc[replace_row, "count"] = -1
return addon_counts
def client_addons_df(generate_data, locale_limits):
"""Returns a mock `clients_daily` Spark DF."""
snippets = []
for locale, maxn in locale_limits.items():
# Copy all the clients for each locale, tagging the client ID with
# the locale.
for cid, cdata in SAMPLE_CLIENT_DATA.items():
tagged_cid = "{}_{}".format(locale, cid)
client_snippets = generate_rows_for_client(tagged_cid, cdata)
for s in client_snippets:
s["locale"] = locale
# Add a dummy locale that should get dropped in processing.
client_snippets = generate_rows_for_client(
"client_fr", SAMPLE_CLIENT_DATA["client-4"]
for s in client_snippets:
s["locale"] = "fr"
df = generate_data(snippets)
return df
def short_client_df(client_addons_df):
"""A condensed version of the `clients_daily` data."""
df = client_addons_df.where("locale in ('en-US', 'de')")
return df
def multi_day_client_df(client_addons_df):
"""A single-locale version of the `clients_daily` data."""
df = (
client_addons_df.where("locale = 'en-US'")
.withColumn("client_id", substring_index("client_id", "_", -1))
.where(substring_index("client_id", "-", -1).isin([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]))
return df
def mock_sql_rand(spark):
"""Patch Spark SQL `RAND` to return a constant value.
This will ensure deterministic selection of the add-on subsets, assuming
that sorting maintains the ordering of `active_addons`.
def mock_rand():
return 1
spark.udf.register("rand", mock_rand, IntegerType())
# Afterwards, reset all temporary catalog items to undo the patching.
def mock_rlaplace(monkeypatch):
"""Patch the Laplace noise generation to make results deterministic."""
def mock_noise(scale, size):
"""Return `size` copies of the `scale` parameter."""
return np_repeat(scale, size)
monkeypatch.setattr(taar_locale, "rlaplace", mock_noise)
def mock_amo_whitelist(monkeypatch, short_whitelist):
"""Patch the whitelist loader to just use the one defined here."""
taar_locale, "load_amo_curated_whitelist", lambda: short_whitelist
def mock_today(monkeypatch):
"""Patch `` to 2019-01-15, the latest date in the dataset."""
class MockDate:
def today(cls):
return date(2019, 1, 15)
monkeypatch.setattr(taar_locale, "date", MockDate)
def spark_df_to_records(df):
"""Dump a Spark DF as a list of tuples representing rows ('records')."""
return [tuple(r) for r in df.collect()]
def pandas_df_to_records(df):
"""Convert a Pandas DF to a list of tuples representing rows ('records')."""
return df.to_records(index=False).tolist()
def same_rows(rows_list_1, rows_list_2):
"""Compare DF rows represented as lists of tuples ('records').
Checks that the lists contain the same tuples (possibly in different orders).
return sorted(rows_list_1) == sorted(rows_list_2)
# =========================================================================== #
def test_get_client_addons(spark, multi_day_client_df):
# Test date range limited on both ends.
client_df = taar_locale.get_client_addons(
spark, DATE_RANGE["start"], DATE_RANGE["end"]
actual = spark_df_to_records(client_df)
expected = [
# client-1 retains the 20190113 record, dropping the bad add-on
("en-US", "client-1", "guid-1"),
("en-US", "client-1", "guid-4"),
# client-2 retains the 20190114 record, dropping the bad add-on
("en-US", "client-2", "guid-2"),
# client-3 is dropped (outside date range)
# client-4 retains the 20190112 record
("en-US", "client-4", "guid-1"),
("en-US", "client-4", "guid-2")
# client-5 is dropped (no add-ons)
assert same_rows(actual, expected)
# Test date range limited by earliest only.
client_df_no_end = taar_locale.get_client_addons(spark, DATE_RANGE["start"])
actual = spark_df_to_records(client_df_no_end)
expected = [
# client-1 retains the 20190115 record, dropping the bad add-on
("en-US", "client-1", "guid-1"),
("en-US", "client-1", "guid-5"),
# client-2 retains the 20190114 record, dropping the bad add-on
("en-US", "client-2", "guid-2"),
# client-3 is dropped (outside date range)
# client-4 retains the 20190112 record
("en-US", "client-4", "guid-1"),
("en-US", "client-4", "guid-2")
# client-5 is dropped (no add-ons)
assert same_rows(actual, expected)
def test_limit_client_addons(
spark, client_addons_df, locale_limits, whitelist, mock_sql_rand
client_df = taar_locale.get_client_addons(spark, DATE_RANGE["start"])
limited_df = taar_locale.limit_client_addons(
spark, client_df, locale_limits, whitelist
actual = spark_df_to_records(limited_df)
expected = [
# en-US clients keep 1 add-on
# client-1 retains the 20190115 record
("en-US_client-1", "en-US", "guid-1"),
# client-2 retains the 20190114 record
("en-US_client-2", "en-US", "guid-2"),
# client-4 retains the 20190112 record
("en-US_client-4", "en-US", "guid-1"),
# client-6 retains the 20190114 record
("en-US_client-6", "en-US", "guid-1"),
# client-7 retains the 20190114 record
("en-US_client-7", "en-US", "guid-1"),
# de clients keep 3 add-ons
# client-1 retains the 20190115 record
("de_client-1", "de", "guid-1"),
("de_client-1", "de", "guid-5"),
# client-2 retains the 20190114 record
("de_client-2", "de", "guid-2"),
# client-4 retains the 20190112 record
("de_client-4", "de", "guid-1"),
("de_client-4", "de", "guid-2"),
# client-6 retains the 20190114 record
("de_client-6", "de", "guid-1"),
# client-7 retains the 20190114 record
("de_client-7", "de", "guid-1"),
("de_client-7", "de", "guid-2"),
("de_client-7", "de", "guid-3"),
# pl clients keep 7 add-ons
# client-1 retains the 20190115 record
("pl_client-1", "pl", "guid-1"),
("pl_client-1", "pl", "guid-5"),
# client-2 retains the 20190114 record
("pl_client-2", "pl", "guid-2"),
# client-4 retains the 20190112 record
("pl_client-4", "pl", "guid-1"),
("pl_client-4", "pl", "guid-2"),
# client-6 retains the 20190114 record
("pl_client-6", "pl", "guid-1"),
# client-7 retains the 20190114 record,
# dropping the non-whitelisted add-on
("pl_client-7", "pl", "guid-1"),
("pl_client-7", "pl", "guid-2"),
("pl_client-7", "pl", "guid-3"),
("pl_client-7", "pl", "guid-4"),
("pl_client-7", "pl", "guid-5")
# fr locale is dropped because it is not in the locale dict
assert same_rows(actual, expected)
def test_compute_noisy_counts(
addon_counts, short_locale_limits, short_whitelist, mock_rlaplace
noisy_df = taar_locale.compute_noisy_counts(
addon_counts, short_locale_limits, short_whitelist
actual = pandas_df_to_records(noisy_df)
expected = [
# The mock noisification adds the Laplace scale parameter
# to the count directly.
# The function is using taar_locale.EPSILON = 0.4.
# For en-US, it is 1.0 / 0.4 = 2.5.
("en-US", "guid-1", 7.5),
("en-US", "guid-2", 4.5),
("en-US", "guid-3", 3.5),
# The whitelist add-on which was not installed in any profile
# gets added to the raw count DF with a count of 0.
("en-US", "guid-not-installed", 2.5),
# For de, the scale parameter is 3.0 / 0.4 = 7.5.
("de", "guid-1", 10.5),
("de", "guid-2", 9.5),
("de", "guid-3", 11.5),
("de", "guid-not-installed", 7.5),
assert same_rows(actual, expected)
def test_get_protected_and_dictionary(
spark, short_client_df, mock_sql_rand, mock_rlaplace, mock_amo_whitelist, mock_today
client_df = taar_locale.get_client_addons(spark, DATE_RANGE["start"])
noisy_df = taar_locale.get_protected_locale_addon_counts(spark, client_df)
actual = pandas_df_to_records(noisy_df)
expected = [
# The mock noisification adds the Laplace scale parameter
# to the count directly.
# The function is using taar_locale.EPSILON = 0.4 and setting each
# locale limit to 1.
# The scale parameters are 1.0 / 0.4 = 2.5.
("en-US", "guid-1", 6.5),
("en-US", "guid-2", 3.5),
# The next two add-ons are not installed in the sample profiles,
# so they have a raw count of 0.
("en-US", "guid-3", 2.5),
("en-US", "guid-not-installed", 2.5),
("de", "guid-1", 6.5),
("de", "guid-2", 3.5),
("de", "guid-3", 2.5),
("de", "guid-not-installed", 2.5),
assert same_rows(actual, expected)
# To test `generate_dictionary()`, we need to mock ``.
# Make sure that the `dataset_num_days` arg works out to give us
# `DATE_RANGE["start"] as the earliest date.
start_date = datetime.strptime(DATE_RANGE["start"], "%Y%m%d").date()
num_days = ( - start_date).days
# `generate_dictionary()` adds 1 to the number of days.
num_days -= 1
actual = taar_locale.generate_dictionary(spark, 3, num_days)
# Noisy counts will be the same as listed in `expected` above.
# To generate the dictionary, the min value (2.5) is subtracted in each locale,
# counts are converted to relative proportions, and the list is ordered by
# decreasing value.
expected = {
"en-US": [("guid-1", 0.8), ("guid-2", 0.2), ("guid-not-installed", 0.0)],
"de": [("guid-1", 0.8), ("guid-2", 0.2), ("guid-not-installed", 0.0)],
assert actual == expected
def test_get_top_addons_by_locale(addon_count_neg):
actual = taar_locale.get_top_addons_by_locale(addon_count_neg, 3)
# Weights should sum to 1 within each locale.
for addons in actual.values():
assert sum([w for a, w in addons]) == 1.0
expected = {
"en-US": [("guid-1", 0.8), ("guid-2", 0.2), ("guid-3", 0.0)],
"de": [("guid-3", 0.625), ("guid-2", 0.375), ("guid-1", 0.0)],
assert actual == expected