2012-05-30 20:48:24 +04:00
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
2008-09-18 18:13:11 +04:00
2012-07-26 18:47:06 +04:00
2010-12-11 00:46:47 +03:00
2012-07-26 18:47:06 +04:00
2008-09-18 18:13:11 +04:00
2012-07-26 18:47:06 +04:00
* HTML Export Plugin
2008-09-18 18:13:11 +04:00
function calHtmlExporter() {
2010-12-11 00:46:47 +03:00
calHtmlExporter.prototype = {
classID: Components.ID("{72d9ab35-9b1b-442a-8cd0-ae49f00b159b}"),
2012-07-26 18:47:06 +04:00
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Components.interfaces.calIExporter]),
2010-12-11 00:46:47 +03:00
2012-07-26 18:47:06 +04:00
classInfo: XPCOMUtils.generateCI({
classID: Components.ID("{72d9ab35-9b1b-442a-8cd0-ae49f00b159b}"),
contractID: "@mozilla.org/calendar/export;1?type=html",
classDescription: "Calendar HTML Exporter",
interfaces: [Components.interfaces.calIExporter]
2010-12-11 00:46:47 +03:00
getFileTypes: function getFileTypes(aCount) {
aCount.value = 1;
let wildmat = '*.html; *.htm';
let label = cal.calGetString("calendar", 'filterHtml', [wildmat]);
2012-07-26 18:47:06 +04:00
return [{
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Components.interfaces.calIFileType]),
defaultExtension: 'html',
extensionFilter: wildmat,
description: label
2010-12-11 00:46:47 +03:00
exportToStream: function html_exportToStream(aStream, aCount, aItems, aTitle) {
2012-07-26 18:47:06 +04:00
let document = cal.xml.parseFile("chrome://calendar/skin/printing/calHtmlExport.html");
let itemContainer = document.getElementById("item-container");
document.getElementById("title").textContent = aTitle || cal.calGetString("calendar", "HTMLTitle");
2010-12-11 00:46:47 +03:00
// Sort aItems
2012-07-26 18:47:06 +04:00
aItems.sort(function(a, b) {
2010-12-11 00:46:47 +03:00
let start_a = a[cal.calGetStartDateProp(a)];
if (!start_a) {
return -1;
let start_b = b[cal.calGetStartDateProp(b)];
if (!start_b) {
return 1;
return start_a.compare(start_b);
2012-07-26 18:47:06 +04:00
for each (let item in aItems) {
let itemNode = document.getElementById("item-template").cloneNode(true);
function setupTextRow(classKey, propValue, prefixKey) {
if (propValue) {
let prefix = cal.calGetString("calendar", prefixKey);
itemNode.querySelector("." + classKey + "key").textContent = prefix;
itemNode.querySelector("." + classKey).textContent = propValue;
} else {
let row = itemNode.querySelector("." + classKey + "row");
if (row.nextSibling instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIDOMText) {
2010-12-11 00:46:47 +03:00
let startDate = item[cal.calGetStartDateProp(item)];
let endDate = item[cal.calGetEndDateProp(item)];
2012-07-26 18:47:06 +04:00
if (startDate || endDate) {
2010-12-11 00:46:47 +03:00
// This is a task with a start or due date, format accordingly
2012-07-26 18:47:06 +04:00
let prefixWhen = cal.calGetString("calendar", "htmlPrefixWhen");
itemNode.querySelector(".intervalkey").textContent = prefixWhen;
let startNode = itemNode.querySelector(".dtstart");
let dateString = cal.getDateFormatter().formatItemInterval(item);
startNode.setAttribute("title", (startDate ? startDate.icalString : "none"));
startNode.textContent = dateString;
} else {
let row = itemNode.querySelector(".intervalrow");
if (row.nextSibling instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIDOMText) {
2010-12-11 00:46:47 +03:00
2008-09-18 18:13:11 +04:00
2012-07-26 18:47:06 +04:00
let itemTitle = (item.isCompleted ? cal.calGetString("calendar", "htmlTaskCompleted", [item.title]) : item.title);
setupTextRow("summary", itemTitle, "htmlPrefixTitle");
2010-12-11 00:46:47 +03:00
2012-07-26 18:47:06 +04:00
setupTextRow("location", item.getProperty("LOCATION"), "htmlPrefixLocation");
setupTextRow("description", item.getProperty("DESCRIPTION"), "htmlPrefixDescription");
2008-09-18 18:13:11 +04:00
2012-07-26 18:47:06 +04:00
let templates = document.getElementById("templates");
// Convert the javascript string to an array of bytes, using the utf8 encoder
2010-12-11 00:46:47 +03:00
let convStream = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/intl/converter-output-stream;1"]
convStream.init(aStream, 'UTF-8', 0, 0x0000);
2012-07-26 18:47:06 +04:00
2010-12-11 00:46:47 +03:00
2008-09-18 18:13:11 +04:00