Bug 920801 - Port chat/ changes from Instantbird to comm-central - 6 - Bio 1370 - Fix JS-IRC's usage of normalizedChatBuddy getter, r=aleth.

This commit is contained in:
Patrick Cloke 2013-05-21 21:49:10 +02:00
Родитель c6fa4192c3
Коммит 334c293775
3 изменённых файлов: 74 добавлений и 69 удалений

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@ -93,8 +93,11 @@ interface prplIConvChat: prplIConversation {
The list of people participating in this chat */
nsISimpleEnumerator getParticipants();
/* The normalized chat buddy name will be suitable for starting a
private conversation or calling requestBuddyInfo. */
/* The normalized chat buddy name will be suitable for calling
createConversation to start a private conversation or calling
requestBuddyInfo. Generally this can just be aChatBuddyName, but some
protocols (e.g. XMPP) use this to strip out parts of the name (e.g. the
resource). */
AUTF8String getNormalizedChatBuddyName(in AUTF8String aChatBuddyName);
/* The topic of this chat room */

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@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ const GenericIRCConversation = {
requestBuddyInfo: function(aNick) {
if (!this._observedNicks.length)
Services.obs.addObserver(this, "user-info-received", false);
@ -184,25 +184,54 @@ const GenericIRCConversation = {
if (aTopic != "user-info-received")
let nick = this._account.normalize(aData);
let nick = this.normalizeNick(aData);
let nickIndex = this._observedNicks.indexOf(nick);
if (nickIndex == -1)
// Remove the nick from the list of nicks that are being waited to received.
this._observedNicks.splice(nickIndex, 1);
// If this is the last nick, remove the observer.
if (!this._observedNicks.length)
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "user-info-received");
// If we are waiting for the conversation name, set it.
let account = this._account;
if (this._waitingForNick && nick == this.normalizedName) {
if (hasOwnProperty(this._account.whoisInformation, nick))
if (hasOwnProperty(account.whoisInformation, nick))
delete this._waitingForNick;
// Otherwise, print the requested whois information.
this._account.writeWhois(this, aData,
let type = {system: true, noLog: true};
// RFC 2812 errors 401 and 406 result in there being no entry for the nick.
if (!hasOwnProperty(account.whoisInformation, nick)) {
this.writeMessage(null, _("message.unknownNick", nick), type);
// If the nick is offline, tell the user. In that case, it's WHOWAS info.
let msgType = "message.whois";
if ("offline" in account.whoisInformation[nick])
msgType = "message.whowas";
let msg = _(msgType, account.whoisInformation[nick]["nick"]);
// Iterate over each field.
let tooltipInfo = aSubject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISimpleEnumerator);
while (tooltipInfo.hasMoreElements()) {
let elt = tooltipInfo.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.prplITooltipInfo);
switch (elt.type) {
case Ci.prplITooltipInfo.pair:
case Ci.prplITooltipInfo.sectionHeader:
msg += "\n" + _("message.whoisEntry", elt.label, elt.value);
case Ci.prplITooltipInfo.sectionBreak:
this.writeMessage(null, msg, type);
unInitIRCConversation: function() {
@ -268,14 +297,16 @@ ircChannel.prototype = {
getNormalizedChatBuddyName: function(aNick)
this._account.normalize(aNick, this._account.userPrefixes),
// Use the normalized nick in order to properly notify the observers.
getNormalizedChatBuddyName: function(aNick) this.normalizeNick(aNick),
normalizeNick: function(aNick) this._account.normalizeNick(aNick),
hasParticipant: function(aNick)
hasOwnProperty(this._participants, this.getNormalizedChatBuddyName(aNick)),
hasOwnProperty(this._participants, this.normalizeNick(aNick)),
getParticipant: function(aNick, aNotifyObservers) {
let normalizedNick = this.getNormalizedChatBuddyName(aNick);
let normalizedNick = this.normalizeNick(aNick);
if (this.hasParticipant(aNick))
return this._participants[normalizedNick];
@ -283,7 +314,7 @@ ircChannel.prototype = {
this._participants[normalizedNick] = participant;
// Add the participant to the whois table if it is not already there.
if (aNotifyObservers) {
this.notifyObservers(new nsSimpleEnumerator([participant]),
@ -293,7 +324,7 @@ ircChannel.prototype = {
updateNick: function(aOldNick, aNewNick) {
let isParticipant = this.hasParticipant(aOldNick);
if (this._account.normalize(aOldNick) == this._account.normalize(this.nick)) {
if (this.normalizeNick(aOldNick) == this.normalizeNick(this.nick)) {
// If this is the user's nick, change it.
this.nick = aNewNick;
// If the account was disconnected, it's OK the user is not a participant.
@ -312,7 +343,7 @@ ircChannel.prototype = {
// Update the nickname and add it under the new nick.
participant._name = aNewNick;
this._participants[this.getNormalizedChatBuddyName(aNewNick)] = participant;
this._participants[this.normalizeNick(aNewNick)] = participant;
this.notifyObservers(participant, "chat-buddy-update", aOldNick);
@ -327,7 +358,7 @@ ircChannel.prototype = {
this.notifyObservers(new nsSimpleEnumerator([stringNickname]),
delete this._participants[this.getNormalizedChatBuddyName(aNick)];
delete this._participants[this.normalizeNick(aNick)];
// Use this before joining to avoid errors of trying to re-add an existing
// participant
@ -381,7 +412,7 @@ ircChannel.prototype = {
aModeParams.length && this.hasParticipant(peekNextParam())) {
// Store the new modes for this nick (so each participant's mode is only
// updated once).
let nick = this._account.normalize(getNextParam());
let nick = this.normalizeNick(getNextParam());
if (!hasOwnProperty(userModes, nick))
userModes[nick] = [];
@ -786,6 +817,7 @@ ircAccount.prototype = {
return str.replace(this.normalizeExpression,
function(c) String.fromCharCode(c.charCodeAt(0) + 0x20));
normalizeNick: function(aNick) this.normalize(aNick, this.userPrefixes),
isMUCName: function(aStr) {
return (this.channelPrefixes.indexOf(aStr[0]) != -1);
@ -876,6 +908,10 @@ ircAccount.prototype = {
this.sendMessage("WHOIS", aBuddyName);
notifyWhois: function(aNick) {
Services.obs.notifyObservers(this.getBuddyInfo(aNick), "user-info-received",
// Request WHOWAS information on a buddy when the user requests more
// information.
requestOfflineBuddyInfo: function(aBuddyName) {
@ -884,7 +920,7 @@ ircAccount.prototype = {
// Return an nsISimpleEnumerator of imITooltipInfo for a given nick.
getBuddyInfo: function(aNick) {
let nick = this.normalize(aNick);
let nick = this.normalizeNick(aNick);
if (!hasOwnProperty(this.whoisInformation, nick))
return EmptyEnumerator;
@ -940,24 +976,17 @@ ircAccount.prototype = {
// Remove a WHOIS entry.
removeBuddyInfo: function(aNick) {
let nick = this.normalize(aNick);
let nick = this.normalizeNick(aNick);
if (hasOwnProperty(this.whoisInformation, nick))
delete this.whoisInformation[nick];
// Set minimal WHOIS entry containing only the capitalized nick,
// if no WHOIS info exists already.
setWhoisFromNick: function(aNick) {
let nick = this.normalize(aNick);
if (!hasOwnProperty(this.whoisInformation, nick))
this.whoisInformation[nick] = {"nick": aNick};
// Copies the fields of aFields into the whois table. If the field already
// exists, that field is ignored (it is assumed that the first server response
// is the most up to date information, as is the case for 312/314). Note that
// the whois info for a nick is reset whenever whois information is requested,
// so the first response from each whois is recorded.
setWhois: function(aNick, aFields) {
let nick = this.normalize(aNick, this.userPrefixes);
setWhois: function(aNick, aFields = {}) {
let nick = this.normalizeNick(aNick);
// If the nickname isn't in the list yet, add it.
if (!hasOwnProperty(this.whoisInformation, nick))
this.whoisInformation[nick] = {};
@ -973,33 +1002,6 @@ ircAccount.prototype = {
return true;
// Write WHOIS information to a conversation.
writeWhois: function(aConv, aNick, aTooltipInfo) {
let nick = this.normalize(aNick);
let type = {system: true, noLog: true};
// RFC 2812 errors 401 and 406 result in there being no entry for the nick.
if (!hasOwnProperty(this.whoisInformation, nick)) {
aConv.writeMessage(null, _("message.unknownNick", nick), type);
// If the nick is offline, tell the user. In that case, it's WHOWAS info.
let msgType = "message.whois";
if ("offline" in this.whoisInformation[nick])
msgType = "message.whowas";
let msg = _(msgType, this.whoisInformation[nick]["nick"]);
while (aTooltipInfo.hasMoreElements()) {
let elt = aTooltipInfo.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.prplITooltipInfo);
switch (elt.type) {
case Ci.prplITooltipInfo.pair:
case Ci.prplITooltipInfo.sectionHeader:
msg += "\n" + _("message.whoisEntry", elt.label, elt.value);
case Ci.prplITooltipInfo.sectionBreak:
aConv.writeMessage(null, msg, type);
trackBuddy: function(aNick) {
// Put the username as the first to be checked on the next ISON call.
@ -1022,7 +1024,7 @@ ircAccount.prototype = {
return buddy;
hasBuddy: function(aName)
hasOwnProperty(this._buddies, this.normalize(aName, this.userPrefixes)),
hasOwnProperty(this._buddies, this.normalizeNick(aName)),
// Return an array of buddy names.
getBuddyNames: function() {
let buddies = [];
@ -1032,12 +1034,12 @@ ircAccount.prototype = {
getBuddy: function(aName) {
if (this.hasBuddy(aName))
return this._buddies[this.normalize(aName, this.userPrefixes)];
return this._buddies[this.normalizeNick(aName)];
return null;
changeBuddyNick: function(aOldNick, aNewNick) {
let msg;
if (this.normalize(aOldNick) == this.normalize(this._nickname)) {
if (this.normalizeNick(aOldNick) == this.normalizeNick(this._nickname)) {
// Your nickname changed!
this._nickname = aNewNick;
msg = _("message.nick.you", aNewNick);
@ -1061,7 +1063,7 @@ ircAccount.prototype = {
// Adjust the whois table where necessary.
// If a private conversation is open with that user, change its title.
if (this.hasConversation(aOldNick)) {
@ -1070,7 +1072,7 @@ ircAccount.prototype = {
// Remove the old reference to the conversation and create a new one.
this._conversations[this.normalize(aNewNick)] = conversation;
this._conversations[this.normalizeNick(aNewNick)] = conversation;
conversation.writeMessage(aOldNick, msg, {system: true});
@ -1129,7 +1131,7 @@ ircAccount.prototype = {
// Attempt to maximize the characters used in each message, this may mean
// that a specific user gets sent very often since they have a short name!
let buddiesLength = this.countBytes(this.pendingIsOnQueue[0]);
for (let i = 0; i < this.trackQueue.length; i++) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.trackQueue.length; ++i) {
// If we can fit the nick, add it to the current buffer.
if ((buddiesLength + this.countBytes(this.trackQueue[i])) < this._isOnLength) {
// Remove the name from the list and add it to the pending queue.
@ -1278,6 +1280,10 @@ ircAccount.prototype = {
// Returns a conversation (creates it if it doesn't exist)
getConversation: function(aName) {
let name = this.normalize(aName);
// If the whois information has been received, we have the proper nick
// capitalization.
if (hasOwnProperty(this.whoisInformation, name))
aName = this.whoisInformation[name].nick;
if (!this.hasConversation(aName)) {
let constructor = this.isMUCName(aName) ? ircChannel : ircConversation;
this._conversations[name] = new constructor(this, aName, this._nickname);

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@ -759,12 +759,10 @@ var ircBase = {
// <nick> :End of WHOIS list
// We've received everything about WHOIS, tell the tooltip that is waiting
// for this information.
let nick = this.normalize(aMessage.params[1]);
let nick = this.normalizeNick(aMessage.params[1]);
if (hasOwnProperty(this.whoisInformation, nick)) {
"user-info-received", nick);
if (hasOwnProperty(this.whoisInformation, nick))
else {
// If there is no whois information stored at this point, the nick
// is either offline or does not exist, so we run WHOWAS.
@ -978,9 +976,7 @@ var ircBase = {
// <nick> :End of WHOWAS
// We've received everything about WHOWAS, tell the tooltip that is waiting
// for this information.
let nick = this.normalize(aMessage.params[1]);
"user-info-received", nick);
return true;