Bustage/Regression fixes for bug 475715 - Create a binding for the calendar list. r=ssitter
This commit is contained in:
@ -81,21 +81,23 @@ function promptDeleteCalendar(aCalendar) {
* Called to initialize the calendar manager for a window.
function loadCalendarManager() {
// Set up the composite calendar in the calendar list widget.
let tree = document.getElementById("calendar-list-tree-widget");
tree.compositeCalendar = getCompositeCalendar();
// Create the home calendar if no calendar exists.
let calendars = getCalendarManager().getCalendars({});
if (!calendars.length) {
// Set up the composite calendar in the calendar list widget.
let tree = document.getElementById("calendar-list-tree-widget");
tree.compositeCalendar = getCompositeCalendar();
* Creates the initial "Home" calendar if no calendar exists.
function initHomeCalendar() {
let calMgr = cal.getCalendarManager();
let composite = getCompositeCalendar();
let url = makeURL("moz-profile-calendar://");
let homeCalendar = calMgr.createCalendar("storage", url);
@ -544,27 +544,24 @@ var categoryManagement = {
// Add color information to the stylesheets.
categoryPrefBranch.addObserver("", this, false);
categoryPrefBranch.addObserver("", categoryManagement, false);
cleanupCategories: function cM_cleanupCategories() {
let prefService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
let categoryPrefBranch = prefService.getBranch("calendar.category.color.");
categoryPrefBranch.removeObserver("", this, false);
let categoryPrefBranch = prefService.getBranch("calendar.category.color.")
categoryPrefBranch.removeObserver("", categoryManagement, false);
observe: function cM_observe(aSubject, aTopic, aPrefName) {
if (aPrefName.substring(0, 24) == "calendar.category.color.") {
// TODO Currently, the only way to find out if categories are removed is
// to initially grab the calendar.categories.names preference and then
// observe changes to it. it would be better if we had hooks for this,
// so we could delete the rule from our style cache and also remove its
// color preference.
categoryStyleCache: {},
@ -573,7 +570,7 @@ var categoryManagement = {
if (!(aCatName in this.categoryStyleCache)) {
// We haven't created a rule for this category yet, do so now.
let sheet = getViewStyleSheet();
let ruleString = '.category-color-box[categories~="' + aCalendar.id + '"] {} ';
let ruleString = '.category-color-box[categories~="' + aCatName + '"] {} ';
let ruleIndex = sheet.insertRule(ruleString, sheet.cssRules.length);
this.categoryStyleCache[aCatName] = sheet.cssRules[ruleIndex];
@ -58,6 +58,8 @@
this.calMgrObserver.listTree = null;
<field name="mAddingFromComposite">false</field>
<property name="compositeCalendar">
if (!this.mCompositeCalendar) {
@ -72,8 +74,10 @@
// Now that we have a composite calendar, we can get all calendars
// from the calendar manager.
let calendars = cal.getCalendarManager().getCalendars({});
this.mAddingFromComposite = true;
let calendars = sortCalendarArray(getCalendarManager().getCalendars({}));
calendars.forEach(this.addCalendar, this);
this.mAddingFromComposite = false;
return val;
@ -263,7 +267,6 @@
if (this.mCompositeCalendar) {
<field name="calObserver"><![CDATA[
@ -418,10 +421,19 @@
<method name="sortOrderChanged">
<parameter name=""/>
if (this.mAddingFromComposite) {
let event = document.createEvent('Events');
event.initEvent("SortOrderChanged", true, false);
event.sortOrder = this.sortOrder
let handler = this.getAttribute("onSortOrderChanged");
if (handler) {
// Call the given code in a function
(new Function("event", handler))(event);
<method name="displayScrollbarSpacer">
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
<tabpanel id="tablist-calendarlist">
<!-- This will be overlayed by calendar-calendars-list.xul -->
<tree id="calendar-list-tree-widget" flex="1"/>
<calendar-list-tree id="calendar-list-tree-widget" flex="1"/>
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