Bug 1102588 - Port |Bug 1045100 - Plugin crashed event is now an event not custom event anymore. r=mkmelin
This commit is contained in:
@ -494,18 +494,17 @@ var gPluginHandler = {
// Crashed-plugin event listener. Called for every instance of a
// plugin in content.
pluginInstanceCrashed: function (plugin, aEvent) {
// Ensure the plugin and event are of the right type.
if (!(aEvent instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIDOMCustomEvent))
if (!(aEvent instanceof PluginCrashedEvent))
let propBag = aEvent.detail.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIPropertyBag2);
let submittedReport = propBag.getPropertyAsBool("submittedCrashReport");
let doPrompt = true; // XXX followup for .getData("doPrompt");
let submitReports = true; // XXX followup for .getData("submitReports");
let pluginName = propBag.getPropertyAsAString("pluginName");
let pluginFilename = propBag.getPropertyAsAString("pluginFilename");
let pluginDumpID = propBag.getPropertyAsAString("pluginDumpID");
let browserDumpID = propBag.getPropertyAsAString("browserDumpID");
let submittedReport = aEvent.submittedCrashReport;
let doPrompt = true; // XXX followup for aEvent.doPrompt;
let submitReports = true; // XXX followup for aEvent.submitReports;
let pluginName = aEvent.pluginName;
let pluginFilename = aEvent.pluginFilename;
let pluginDumpID = aEvent.pluginDumpID;
let browserDumpID = aEvent.browserDumpID;
let messengerBundle = document.getElementById("bundle_messenger");
let tabmail = document.getElementById('tabmail');
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