Bug 1060891 - Reduce stats service memory usage and avoid jank on /list. r=florian

extra : rebase_source : 4f7fbafff166474e5e8a00ed03fbc2d7237530a4
This commit is contained in:
aleth 2016-05-12 23:53:34 +02:00
Родитель 30b28c22d0
Коммит 507544b7fb
6 изменённых файлов: 139 добавлений и 97 удалений

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@ -44,9 +44,8 @@ interface prplIChatRoomField: nsISupports {
* Information about a chat room and the fields required to join it.
[scriptable, uuid(3fc279d9-b280-4f4a-babd-b4e328e65a01)]
[scriptable, uuid(017d5951-fdd0-4f26-b697-fcc138cd2861)]
interface prplIRoomInfo: nsISupports {
readonly attribute AUTF8String accountId;
readonly attribute AUTF8String name;
readonly attribute AUTF8String topic;
readonly attribute unsigned long participantCount;
@ -56,15 +55,14 @@ interface prplIRoomInfo: nsISupports {
* Callback passed to an account's requestRoomInfo function.
[scriptable, function, uuid(d3c13bde-b852-44a8-a0dc-c781366cf110)]
[scriptable, function, uuid(43102a36-883a-421d-a6ac-126aafee5a28)]
interface prplIRoomInfoCallback: nsISupports {
/* aRooms is an array containing a batch of prplIRoomInfo. This will be called
/* aRooms is an array of chatroom names. This will be called
* multiple times as batches of chat rooms are received. The number of rooms
* in each batch is left for the prplIAccount implementation to decide.
* aCompleted will be true when aRooms is the last batch.
void onRoomInfoAvailable([array, size_is(aCount)] in prplIRoomInfo aRooms,
in prplIAccount aAccount,
void onRoomInfoAvailable([array, size_is(aCount)] in wstring aRooms,
in boolean aCompleted,
in unsigned long aCount);
@ -73,7 +71,7 @@ interface prplIRoomInfoCallback: nsISupports {
* This interface should be implemented by the protocol plugin.
[scriptable, uuid(55331ab9-54e9-4cd3-bb19-a46da76898e5)]
[scriptable, uuid(3ce02a3c-f38b-4a1e-9050-a19bea1cb6c1)]
interface prplIAccount: nsISupports {
readonly attribute imIAccount imAccount;
@ -117,10 +115,12 @@ interface prplIAccount: nsISupports {
readonly attribute boolean canJoinChat;
nsISimpleEnumerator getChatRoomFields();
prplIChatRoomFieldValues getChatRoomDefaultFieldValues([optional] in AUTF8String aDefaultChatName);
/* Request information on available chat rooms, to be returned via the
* callback.
/* Request information on available chat rooms, whose names are returned
* via the callback.
void requestRoomInfo(in prplIRoomInfoCallback aCallback);
prplIRoomInfo getRoomInfo(in AUTF8String aRoomName);
readonly attribute boolean isRoomInfoStale;

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@ -207,6 +207,7 @@ var GenericAccountPrototype = {
return new ChatRoomFieldValues(defaultFieldValues);
requestRoomInfo: function(aCallback) { throw Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; },
getRoomInfo: function(aName) { throw Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; },
get isRoomInfoStale() { return false; },
getPref: function (aName, aType) {

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@ -765,6 +765,21 @@ ircAccountBuddy.prototype = {
function ircRoomInfo(aName, aAccount) {
this.name = aName;
this._account = aAccount;
ircRoomInfo.prototype = {
__proto__: ClassInfo("prplIRoomInfo", "IRC RoomInfo Object"),
get topic() { return this._account._channelList.get(this.name).topic; },
get participantCount() {
return this._account._channelList.get(this.name).participantCount;
get chatRoomFieldValues() {
return this._account.getChatRoomDefaultFieldValues(this.name);
function ircAccount(aProtocol, aImAccount) {
this._init(aProtocol, aImAccount);
this.buddies = new NormalizedMap(this.normalizeNick.bind(this));
@ -941,13 +956,14 @@ ircAccount.prototype = {
return true;
// Channels are stored as prplIRoomInfo.
_channelList: [],
// Room info: maps channel names to {topic, participantCount}.
_channelList: new Map(),
_roomInfoCallbacks: new Set(),
// If true, we have sent the LIST request and are waiting for replies.
_pendingList: false,
// Callbacks receive at most this many channels per call.
_channelsPerBatch: 25,
// Callbacks receive this many channels per call while results are incoming.
_channelsPerBatch: 50,
_currentBatch: [],
_lastListTime: 0,
get isRoomInfoStale() { return Date.now() - this._lastListTime > kListRefreshInterval; },
// Called by consumers that want a list of available channels, which are
@ -962,15 +978,16 @@ ircAccount.prototype = {
// Send a LIST request if the channel list is stale and a current request
// has not been sent.
if (this.isRoomInfoStale && !this._pendingList) {
this._channelList = [];
this._channelList = new Map();
this._currentBatch = [];
this._pendingList = true;
this._lastListTime = Date.now();
// Otherwise, pass channels that have already been received to the callback.
else {
aCallback.onRoomInfoAvailable(this._channelList, this, !this._pendingList,
let rooms = [...this._channelList.keys()];
aCallback.onRoomInfoAvailable(rooms, !this._pendingList, rooms.length);
if (this._pendingList)
@ -978,16 +995,18 @@ ircAccount.prototype = {
// Pass room info for any remaining channels to callbacks and clean up.
_sendRemainingRoomInfo: function() {
let remainingChannelCount = this._channelList.length % this._channelsPerBatch;
if (remainingChannelCount) {
let remainingChannels = this._channelList.slice(-remainingChannelCount);
if (this._currentBatch.length) {
for (let callback of this._roomInfoCallbacks) {
callback.onRoomInfoAvailable(remainingChannels, this, true,
callback.onRoomInfoAvailable(this._currentBatch, true,
delete this._pendingList;
delete this._currentBatch;
getRoomInfo: function(aName) {
return new ircRoomInfo(aName, this);
// The last time a buffered command was sent.

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@ -27,20 +27,6 @@ Cu.import("resource:///modules/ircHandlers.jsm");
function ircRoomInfo(aName, aTopic, aParticipantCount, aAccount) {
this.name = aName;
this.topic = aTopic;
this.participantCount = aParticipantCount;
this._account = aAccount;
ircRoomInfo.prototype = {
__proto__: ClassInfo("prplIRoomInfo", "IRC RoomInfo Object"),
get accountId() { return this._account.imAccount.id; },
get chatRoomFieldValues() {
return this._account.getChatRoomDefaultFieldValues(this.name);
function privmsg(aAccount, aMessage, aIsNotification) {
let params = {incoming: true};
if (aIsNotification)
@ -811,14 +797,16 @@ var ircBase = {
// 1058584. This hack can be removed when bug 1058653 is fixed.
topic = topic ? topic.normalize() : "";
this._channelList.push(new ircRoomInfo(name, topic, participantCount, this));
{topic: topic, participantCount: participantCount});
// Give callbacks a batch of channels of length _channelsPerBatch.
if (this._channelList.length % this._channelsPerBatch == 0) {
let channelBatch = this._channelList.slice(-this._channelsPerBatch);
if (this._currentBatch.length == this._channelsPerBatch) {
for (let callback of this._roomInfoCallbacks) {
callback.onRoomInfoAvailable(channelBatch, this, false,
callback.onRoomInfoAvailable(this._currentBatch, false,
this._currentBatch = [];
return true;

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@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ var {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu} = Components;
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Task",
// Shortcut to get the JavaScript conversation object.
function getConv(aConv) { return aConv.wrappedJSObject; };
@ -269,14 +271,27 @@ var commands = [
let account = getAccount(aConv);
let serverName = account._currentServerName;
let serverConv = account.getConversation(serverName);
let pendingChats = [];
account.requestRoomInfo({onRoomInfoAvailable: function(aRooms) {
aRooms.forEach(function(aRoom) {
aRoom.name +
" (" + aRoom.participantCount + ") " +
{incoming: true, noLog: true});
if (!pendingChats.length) {
Task.spawn(function*() {
// pendingChats has no rooms added yet, so ensure we wait a tick.
let t = 0;
const kMaxBlockTime = 10; // Unblock every 10ms.
do {
if (Date.now() > t) {
yield Promise.resolve();
t = Date.now() + kMaxBlockTime;
let name = pendingChats.pop();
let roomInfo = account.getRoomInfo(name);
name + " (" + roomInfo.participantCount + ") " + roomInfo.topic,
{incoming: true, noLog: true});
} while (pendingChats.length);
pendingChats = pendingChats.concat(aRooms);
}}, true);
if (aReturnedConv)
aReturnedConv.value = serverConv;

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@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
var {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr} = Components;
var kNotificationsToObserve =
@ -198,44 +199,62 @@ ConvStatsService.prototype = {
// Queue of RoomInfo to be added.
_pendingChats: [],
// The last time an update notification was sent to observers.
_lastUpdateNotification: 0,
// Account ids from which chat room info has been requested.
// We send an update notification if this is empty after adding chat rooms.
_accountsRequestingRoomInfo: new Set(),
_addPendingChats: function() {
let begin = Date.now();
for (let time = 0; time < 15 && this._pendingChats.length;
time = Date.now() - begin) {
let chat = this._pendingChats.pop();
let accountId = chat.accountId;
let chatList = this._chatsByAccountIdAndName.get(accountId);
if (!chatList) {
chatList = new Map();
this._chatsByAccountIdAndName.set(accountId, chatList);
// If a chat is already added, we remove it and re-add to refresh.
else if (chatList.has(chat.name)) {
this._convs.indexOf(chatList.get(chat.name)), 1);
let possibleConv = new PossibleChat(chat);
let pos = this._getPositionToInsert(possibleConv, this._convs);
this._convs.splice(pos, 0, possibleConv);
chatList.set(chat.name, possibleConv);
if (this._pendingChats.length)
executeSoon(() => this._addPendingChats());
delete this._addingPendingChats;
let now = Date.now();
if ((!this._accountsRequestingRoomInfo.size && !this._pendingChats.length) ||
now - this._lastUpdateNotification > 500) {
this._lastUpdateNotification = now;
_addPendingChats: function(aAccountId, aRoomInfo) {
if (this._pendingChats) {
this._pendingChats.push([aAccountId, aRoomInfo]);
this._pendingChats = [[aAccountId, aRoomInfo]];
Task.spawn(function*() {
let t = Date.now();
let sendUpdateNotification = () => {
if ((!this._accountsRequestingRoomInfo.size &&
!this._pendingChats.length) ||
t - this._lastUpdateNotification > 500) {
this._lastUpdateNotification = t;
while (this._pendingChats.length) {
let [accountId, rooms] = this._pendingChats.pop();
let chatList = this._chatsByAccountIdAndName.get(accountId);
if (!chatList) // Account no longer connected.
for (let name of rooms) {
// If a chat is already added, we remove it and re-add to refresh.
if (chatList.has(name))
this._convs.splice(this._convs.indexOf(chatList.get(name)), 1);
let possibleConv = new PossibleChat(accountId, name);
let pos = this._getPositionToInsert(possibleConv, this._convs);
this._convs.splice(pos, 0, possibleConv);
chatList.set(name, possibleConv);
// Unblock every 10ms.
if (Date.now() > t + 10) {
yield Promise.resolve();
t = Date.now();
if (!this._chatsByAccountIdAndName.has(accountId)) {
// The account was disconnected in the meantime, so don't add
// any more chats to it.
t = Date.now();
delete this._pendingChats;
_removeChatsForAccount: function(aAccId) {
@ -245,7 +264,6 @@ ConvStatsService.prototype = {
this._convs = this._convs.filter(c =>
c.source != "chat" || c.accountId != aAccId);
this._pendingChats = this._pendingChats.filter(c => c.accountId != aAccId);
_getPositionToInsert: function(aPossibleConversation, aArrayToInsert) {
@ -376,18 +394,17 @@ ConvStatsService.prototype = {
// Discard any chat room data we already have.
try {
acc.prplAccount.requestRoomInfo((aRoomInfo, aPrplAccount, aCompleted) => {
this._chatsByAccountIdAndName.set(id, new Map());
acc.prplAccount.requestRoomInfo((aRoomInfo, aCompleted) => {
if (aCompleted)
this._pendingChats = this._pendingChats.concat(aRoomInfo);
if (this._addingPendingChats)
this._addingPendingChats = true;
executeSoon(() => this._addPendingChats());
this._addPendingChats(id, aRoomInfo);
} catch(e) {
if (e.result != Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
if (e.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
@ -661,34 +678,36 @@ PossibleConvFromContact.prototype = {
createConversation: function() { return this.contact.createConversation(); }
function PossibleChat(aRoomInfo) {
this._roomInfo = aRoomInfo;
function PossibleChat(aAccountId, aName) {
this.displayName = aName;
this.accountId = aAccountId;
let account = this.account;
this.id = getConversationId(account.protocol.normalizedName,
account.normalize(aRoomInfo.name), true);
account.normalize(aName), true);
PossibleChat.prototype = {
get isChat() { return true; },
get statusType() { return Ci.imIStatusInfo.STATUS_AVAILABLE; },
get buddyIconFilename() { return ""; },
get displayName() { return this._roomInfo.name; },
get lowerCaseName() {
return this._lowerCaseName || (this._lowerCaseName = this.displayName.toLowerCase());
get statusText() {
return "(" + this._roomInfo.participantCount + ") " + this._roomInfo.topic;
let roomInfo = this.account.prplAccount.getRoomInfo(this.displayName);
return "(" + roomInfo.participantCount + ") " + roomInfo.topic;
get infoText() { return this.account.normalizedName; },
get source() { return "chat"; },
get accountId() { return this._roomInfo.accountId; },
get account() { return Services.accounts.getAccountById(this.accountId); },
createConversation: function() {
let account = this.account;
// Work around the fact that joinChat doesn't return the conv.
return Services.conversations
this.account, true);
account, true);
get computedScore() {
let stats = gStatsByConvId[this.id];