Bug 954108 - Implement a general Sockets object for JavaScript protocols, r=florian.

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Patrick Cloke 2011-03-19 00:35:29 +01:00
Родитель 1ab5e37e9a
Коммит 5dd55c71d1
1 изменённых файлов: 474 добавлений и 0 удалений

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@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
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* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
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* The Original Code is JSIRC Library
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is New Dimensions Consulting, Inc.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1999
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Robert Ginda, <rginda@ndcico.com>, original author
* Peter Van der Beken, <peter.vanderbeken@pandora.be>, necko-only version
* Stephen Clavering <mozilla@clav.me.uk>, extensively rewritten for
* MSNMessenger (http://msnmsgr.mozdev.org/)
* Benoît Renard <benoit@gawab.com>, MSNMessenger
* Patrick Cloke, <clokep@gmail.com>, updated, extended and generalized for
* Instantbird (http://www.instantbird.com)
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* Combines a lot of the Mozilla networking interfaces into a sane interface for
* simple(r) use of sockets code.
* This implements nsIServerSocketListener, nsIStreamListener,
* nsIRequestObserver, nsITransportEventSink, nsIBadCertListener2,
* nsISSLErrorListener, and nsIProtocolProxyCallback.
* This uses nsISocketTransportServices, nsIServerSocket, nsIThreadManager,
* nsIBinaryInputStream, nsIScriptableInputStream, nsIInputStreamPump,
* nsIProxyService, nsIProxyInfo.
* High-level methods:
* .connect(<host>, <port>[, ("starttls" | "ssl" | "udp") [, <proxy>]])
* .disconnect()
* .reconnect()
* .listen(port)
* .send(String data)
* .isAlive()
* High-level properties:
* XXX Need to include properties here
* Users should "subclass" this object, i.e. set their .__proto__ to be it. And
* then implement:
* onConnection()
* onConnectionHeard()
* onConnectionTimedOut()
* onConnectionReset()
* onDataReceived(data)
* onBinaryDataReceived(ArrayBuffer data, int length)
* onTransportStatus(nsISocketTransport transport, nsresult status,
* unsigned long progress, unsigned longprogressMax)
* log(message)
* To Do:
* Add a message queue to keep from flooding a server (just an array, just
* keep shifting the first element off and calling as setTimeout for the
* desired flood time?).
var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["Socket"];
const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, results: Cr, utils: Cu} = Components;
// Network errors see: netwerk/base/public/nsNetError.h
const NS_ERROR_MODULE_NETWORK = 2152398848;
const BinaryInputStream =
"nsIBinaryInputStream", "setInputStream");
const BinaryOutputStream =
"nsIBinaryOutputStream", "setOutputStream");
const ScriptableInputStream =
"nsIScriptableInputStream", "init");
const ServerSocket =
"nsIServerSocket", "init");
const InputStreamPump =
"nsIInputStreamPump", "init");
const Socket = {
// Use this to use binary mode for the
binaryMode: false,
// Set this for non-binary mode to automatically parse the stream into chunks
// separated by delimiter.
delimiter: null,
// Set this for binary mode to split after a certain number of bytes have
// been received.
inputSegmentSize: 0,
// Set this for the segment size of outgoing binary streams.
outputSegmentSize: 0,
// Use this to specify a URI scheme to the hostname when resolving the proxy,
// this may be unnecessary for some protocols.
uriScheme: "http://",
// Flags used by nsIProxyService when resolving a proxy.
proxyFlags: Ci.nsIProtocolProxyService.RESOLVE_PREFER_SOCKS_PROXY,
// Time for nsISocketTransport to continue trying before reporting a failure,
// 0 is forever.
connectTimeout: 0,
readWriteTimeout: 0,
******************************* Public methods ******************************
// Synchronously open a connection.
connect: function(aHost, aPort, aSecurity, aProxy) {
this.log("Connecting to: " + aHost + ":" + aPort);
this.host = aHost;
this.port = aPort;
// Array of security options
this.security = aSecurity || [];
// Choose a proxy, use the given one, otherwise get one from the proxy
// service
if (aProxy)
else {
try {
// Attempt to get a default proxy from the proxy service.
let proxyService = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/protocol-proxy-service;1"]
// Add a URI scheme since, by default, some protocols (i.e. IRC) don't
// have a URI scheme before the host.
let uri = Services.io.newURI(this.uriScheme + this.host, null, null);
this._proxyCancel = proxyService.asyncResolve(uri, this.proxyFlags, this);
} catch(e) {
// We had some error getting the proxy service, just don't use one.
// Reconnect to the current settings stored in the socket.
reconnect: function() {
// If there's nothing to reconnect to or we're connected, do nothing
if (!this.isAlive() && this.host && this.port) {
this.connect(this.host, this.port, this.security, this.proxy);
// Disconnect all open streams.
disconnect: function() {
// Close all input and output streams.
if ("_inputStream" in this) {
delete this._inputStream;
if ("_outputStream" in this) {
delete this._outputStream;
if ("transport" in this) {
delete this.transport;
if ("_proxyCancel" in this) {
this._proxyCancel.cancel(Cr.NS_ERROR_ABORT); // Has to give a failure code
delete this._proxyCancel;
// Listen for a connection on a port.
// XXX take a timeout and then call stopListening
listen: function(port) {
this.log("Listening on port " + port);
this.serverSocket = new ServerSocket(port, false, -1);
// Stop listening for a connection.
stopListening: function() {
this.log("Stop listening");
// Close the socket to stop listening.
if ("serverSocket" in this)
// Send data on the output stream.
sendData: function(/* string */ aData) {
this.log("Send data: <" + aData + ">");
try {
this._outputStream.write(aData + this.delimiter,
aData.length + this.delimiter.length);
} catch(e) {
sendBinaryData: function(/* ArrayBuffer */ aData) {
this.log("Sending binary data data: <" + aData + ">");
let uint8 = Uint8Array(aData);
// Since there doesn't seem to be a uint8.get() method for the byte array
let byteArray = [];
for (let i = 0; i < uint8.byteLength; i++)
try {
// Send the data as a byte array
this._binaryOutputStream.writeByteArray(byteArray, byteArray.length);
} catch(e) {
isAlive: function() {
if (!this.transport)
return false;
return this.transport.isAlive();
***************************** Interface methods *****************************
* nsIProtocolProxyCallback methods
onProxyAvailable: function(aRequest, aURI, aProxyInfo, aStatus) {
delete this._proxyCancel;
* nsIServerSocketListener methods
// Called after a client connection is accepted when we're listening for one.
onSocketAccepted: function(aServerSocket, aTransport) {
// Store the values
this.transport = aTransport;
this.host = this.transport.host;
this.port = this.transport.port;
// Called when the listening socket stops for some reason.
// The server socket is effectively dead after this notification.
onStopListening: function(aSocket, aStatus) {
if ("serverSocket" in this)
delete this.serverSocket;
* nsIStreamListener methods
// onDataAvailable, called by Mozilla's networking code.
// Buffers the data, and parses it into discrete messages.
onDataAvailable: function(aRequest, aContext, aInputStream, aOffset, aCount) {
if (this.binaryMode) {
// Load the data from the stream
this._incomingDataBuffer = this._incomingDataBuffer
let size = this.inputSegmentSize || this._incomingDataBuffer.length;
this.log(size + " " + this._incomingDataBuffer.length);
while (this._incomingDataBuffer.length >= size) {
let buffer = new ArrayBuffer(size);
// Create a new ArraybufferView
let uintArray = new Uint8Array(buffer);
// Set the data into the array while saving the extra data
uintArray.set(this._incomingDataBuffer.splice(0, size));
// Notify we've received data
} else {
if (this.delimiter) {
// Load the data from the stream
this._incomingDataBuffer += this._scriptableInputStream.read(aCount);
let data = this._incomingDataBuffer.split(this.delimiter);
// Store the (possibly) incomplete part
this._incomingDataBuffer = data.pop();
// Send each string to the handle data function
data.forEach(this.onDataReceived, this);
} else {
// Send the whole string to the handle data function
* nsIRequestObserver methods
// Signifies the beginning of an async request
onStartRequest: function(aRequest, aContext) {
// Called to signify the end of an asynchronous request.
onStopRequest: function(aRequest, aContext, aStatus) {
this.log("onStopRequest (" + aStatus + ")");
if (aStatus == NS_ERROR_NET_RESET)
* nsIBadCertListener2
// Called when there's an error, return true to suppress the modal alert.
notifyCertProblem: function(aSocketInfo, aStatus, aTargetSite) true,
* nsISSLErrorListener
notifySSLError: function(aSocketInfo, aError, aTargetSite) true,
****************************** Private methods ******************************
_resetBuffers: function() {
this._incomingDataBuffer = this.binaryMode ? [] : "";
this._outgoingDataBuffer = [];
_createTransport: function(aProxy) {
this.proxy = aProxy;
// Empty incoming and outgoing data storage buffers
// Create a socket transport
let socketTS = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/socket-transport-service;1"]
this.transport = socketTS.createTransport(this.security,
this.security.length, this.host,
this.port, this.proxy);
// Open the incoming and outgoing sockets.
_openStreams: function() {
// Security notification callbacks (must support nsIBadCertListener2 and
// nsISSLErrorListener for SSL connections, and possibly other interfaces).
this.transport.securityCallbacks = this;
// Set the timeouts for the nsISocketTransport for both a connect event and
// a read/write. Only set them if the user has provided them.
if (this.connectTimeout) {
if (this.readWriteTimeout) {
this.transport.setEventSink(this, Services.tm.currentThread);
// No limit on the output stream buffer
this._outputStream = this.transport.openOutputStream(0, // flags
this.outputSegmentSize, // Use default segment size
-1); // Segment count
if (!this._outputStream)
throw "Error getting output stream.";
this._inputStream = this.transport.openInputStream(0, // flags
0, // Use default segment size
0); // Use default segment count
if (!this._inputStream)
throw "Error getting input stream.";
if (this.binaryMode) {
// Handle binary mode
this._binaryInputStream = new BinaryInputStream(this._inputStream);
this._binaryOutputStream = new BinaryOutputStream(this._outputStream);
} else {
// Handle character mode
this._scriptableInputStream =
new ScriptableInputStream(this._inputStream);
this.pump = new InputStreamPump(this._inputStream, // Data to read
-1, // Current offset
-1, // Read all data
0, // Use default segment size
0, // Use default segment length
false); // Do not close when done
this.pump.asyncRead(this, this);
// Notify that connection is finished.
********************* Methods for subtypes to override **********************
log: function(aString) { },
// Called when a connection is established.
onConnection: function() { },
// Called when a socket is accepted after listening.
onConnectionHeard: function() { },
// Called when a connection times out.
onConnectionTimedOut: function() { },
// Called when a socket request's network is reset
onConnectionReset: function() { },
// Called when ASCII data is available.
onDataReceived: function(/*string */ aData) { },
// Called when binary data is available.
onBinaryDataReceived: function(/* ArrayBuffer */ aData) { },
* nsITransportEventSink methods
onTransportStatus: function(aTransport, aStatus, aProgress, aProgressmax) { }