Bug 1416474 - Add some basic tests for bug 663695 and bug 1417856. r=jorgk
This commit is contained in:
@ -38,12 +38,9 @@ var b64Attachment =
var b64Size = 188;
function setupModule(module) {
let fdh = collector.getModule('folder-display-helpers');
let ch = collector.getModule("compose-helpers");
let wh = collector.getModule('window-helpers');
for (let lib of MODULE_REQUIRES) {
folder = create_folder('ComposeAttachmentA');
@ -308,6 +305,111 @@ function test_forward_message_with_attachments_as_attachment() {
* Check that the compose window has the attachments we expect.
* @param aController The controller for the compose window
* @param aNames An array of attachment names that are expected
function check_attachment_names(aController, aNames) {
let bucket = aController.e("attachmentBucket");
assert_equals(aNames.length, bucket.itemCount);
for (let i = 0; i < aNames.length; i++) {
assert_equals(bucket.getItemAtIndex(i).getAttribute("name"), aNames[i]);
* Execute given actions on attachments and check the expected results.
* @param aController The controller for the compose window
* @param aReorder_actions An array of objects specifying reordering action:
* { select: array of attachment item indexes to select,
* button: ID of button to click in the reordering menu,
* key: key to press instead of a click,
* key_modifiers: { shiftKey: bool, accelKey: bool, ctrlKey: bool, altKey: bool },
* result: an array of attachment names that should result
* }
function subtest_check_reordering_actions(aController, aReorder_actions) {
let bucket = aController.e("attachmentBucket");
for (let action of aReorder_actions) {
// Ensure selection.
for (let itemIndex of action.select) {
// Take action.
if ("button" in action)
else if ("key" in action)
aController.keypress(null, action.key, action.key_modifiers);
// Check result.
check_attachment_names(aController, action.result);
* Bug 663695
* Check simple attachment reordering operations.
function test_attachment_reordering() {
let cwc = open_compose_new_mail();
// Create a set of attachments.
const size = 1234;
let initialAttachmentNames = ["a", "C", "B", "b", "bb", "x"];
for (let name of initialAttachmentNames) {
add_attachment(cwc, filePrefix + name, size);
assert_equals(cwc.window.attachmentsCount(), initialAttachmentNames.length);
check_attachment_names(cwc, initialAttachmentNames);
// Bring up the reordering panel.
let bucket = cwc.e("attachmentBucket");
cwc.rightClick(new elib.Elem(bucket.getItemAtIndex(1)));
[{ id: "composeAttachmentContext_reorderItem" }]);
let panel = cwc.e("reorderAttachmentsPanel");
// Check various moving operations.
const reorder_actions_basic = [
{ select: [1, 2, 3],
button: "btn_sortAttachmentsToggle",
result: ["a", "b", "B", "C", "bb", "x"] },
{ select: [4],
button: "btn_moveAttachmentUp",
result: ["a", "b", "B", "bb", "C", "x"] },
{ select: [5],
button: "btn_moveAttachmentTop",
result: ["x", "a", "b", "B", "bb", "C"] },
{ select: [0],
key: "VK_DOWN",
key_modifiers: { altKey: true },
result: ["a", "x", "b", "B", "bb", "C"] },
{ select: [1],
button: "btn_moveAttachmentBottom",
result: ["a", "b", "B", "bb", "C", "x"] },
{ select: [1, 3],
button: "btn_moveAttachmentBundleUp",
result: ["a", "b", "bb", "B", "C", "x"] },
// Bug 1417856
{ select: [2],
button: "btn_sortAttachmentsToggle",
result: ["a", "b", "B", "bb", "C", "x"] }
subtest_check_reordering_actions(cwc, reorder_actions_basic);
// Click on the editor which should close the panel.
cwc.click(new elib.Elem(cwc.window.GetCurrentEditorElement()));
cwc.waitFor(() => panel.state == "closed", "Reordering panel didn't close");
// XXX: Test attached emails dragged onto composer and files pulled from other
// emails (this probably requires better drag-and-drop support from Mozmill)
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