Bug 787149 - Change Chat log tree so that it aggregates logs into days. r=florian, ui-r=bwinton.

This commit is contained in:
Mike Conley 2012-09-20 18:00:28 +02:00
Родитель 5b383d5340
Коммит 83f997a387
2 изменённых файлов: 233 добавлений и 44 удалений

Просмотреть файл

@ -42,14 +42,16 @@ interface imILog: nsISupports {
imILogConversation getConversation();
[scriptable, uuid(ab38c01c-2245-4279-9437-1d6bcc69d556)]
[scriptable, uuid(327ba58c-ee9c-4d1c-9216-fd505c45a3e0)]
interface imILogger: nsISupports {
imILog getLogFromFile(in nsIFile aFile);
imILog getLogFromFile(in nsIFile aFile, [optional] in boolean aGroupByDay);
nsIFile getLogFileForOngoingConversation(in prplIConversation aConversation);
nsISimpleEnumerator getLogsForAccountBuddy(in imIAccountBuddy aAccountBuddy);
nsISimpleEnumerator getLogsForBuddy(in imIBuddy aBuddy);
nsISimpleEnumerator getLogsForContact(in imIContact aContact);
nsISimpleEnumerator getLogsForConversation(in prplIConversation aConversation);
nsISimpleEnumerator getLogsForConversation(in prplIConversation aConversation,
[optional] in boolean aGroupByDay);
nsISimpleEnumerator getSystemLogsForAccount(in imIAccount aAccount);
nsISimpleEnumerator getSimilarLogs(in imILog aLog);
nsISimpleEnumerator getSimilarLogs(in imILog aLog,
[optional] in boolean aGroupByDay);

Просмотреть файл

@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ ConversationLog.prototype = {
_init: function cl_init() {
let file = getLogFolderForAccount(this._conv.account, true);
let name = this._conv.normalizedName;
if (this._conv.isChat && this._conv.account.protocol.id != "prpl-twitter")
if (convIsRealMUC(this._conv))
name += ".chat";
if (!file.exists())
@ -300,32 +300,47 @@ function LogMessage(aData, aConversation)
LogMessage.prototype = GenericMessagePrototype;
function LogConversation(aLineInputStream)
function LogConversation(aLineInputStreams)
let line = {value: ""};
let more = aLineInputStream.readLine(line);
if (!line.value)
throw "bad log file";
let data = JSON.parse(line.value);
this.name = data.name;
this.title = data.title;
this._accountName = data.account;
this._protocolName = data.protocol;
this._isChat = data.isChat;
// If aLineInputStreams isn't an Array, we'll assume that it's a lone
// InputStream, and wrap it in an Array.
if (!Array.isArray(aLineInputStreams))
aLineInputStreams = [aLineInputStreams];
this._messages = [];
while (more) {
more = aLineInputStream.readLine(line);
// We'll read the name, title, account, and protocol data from the first
// stream, and skip the others.
let firstFile = true;
for each (let inputStream in aLineInputStreams) {
let line = {value: ""};
let more = inputStream.readLine(line);
if (!line.value)
try {
throw "bad log file";
if (firstFile) {
let data = JSON.parse(line.value);
this._messages.push(new LogMessage(data, this));
} catch (e) {
// if a message line contains junk, just ignore the error and
// continue reading the conversation.
this.name = data.name;
this.title = data.title;
this._accountName = data.account;
this._protocolName = data.protocol;
this._isChat = data.isChat;
firstFile = false;
while (more) {
more = inputStream.readLine(line);
if (!line.value)
try {
let data = JSON.parse(line.value);
this._messages.push(new LogMessage(data, this));
} catch (e) {
// if a message line contains junk, just ignore the error and
// continue reading the conversation.
@ -352,19 +367,15 @@ function Log(aFile)
this.file = aFile;
this.path = aFile.path;
const regexp = /([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}).([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([+-])([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2}).*\.([a-z]+)$/;
let r = aFile.leafName.match(regexp);
if (!r) {
let [date, format] = getDateFromFilename(aFile.leafName);
if (!date || !format) {
this.format = "invalid";
this.time = 0;
let date = new Date(r[1], r[2] - 1, r[3], r[4], r[5], r[6]);
let offset = r[7] * 60 + r[8];
if (r[6] == -1)
offset *= -1;
this.time = date.valueOf() / 1000; // ignore the timezone offset for now (FIXME)
this.format = r[10];
this.time = date.valueOf() / 1000;
this.format = format;
Log.prototype = {
__proto__: ClassInfo("imILog", "Log object"),
@ -390,6 +401,38 @@ Log.prototype = {
* Takes a properly formatted log file name and extracts the date information
* and filetype, returning the results as an Array.
* Filenames are expected to be formatted as:
* YYYY-MM-DD.HHmmSS+ZZzz.format
* @param aFilename the name of the file
* @returns an Array, where the first element is a Date object for the date
* that the log file represents, and the file type as a string.
function getDateFromFilename(aFilename) {
const kRegExp = /([\d]{4})-([\d]{2})-([\d]{2}).([\d]{2})([\d]{2})([\d]{2})([+-])([\d]{2})([\d]{2}).*\.([A-Za-z]+)$/;
let r = aFilename.match(kRegExp);
if (!r)
return [];
// We ignore the timezone offset for now (FIXME)
return [new Date(r[1], r[2] - 1, r[3], r[4], r[5], r[6]), r[10]];
* Returns true if a Conversation is both a chat conversation, and not
* a Twitter conversation.
function convIsRealMUC(aConversation) {
return (aConversation.isChat &&
aConversation.account.protocol.id != "prpl-twitter");
function LogEnumerator(aEntries)
this._entries = aEntries;
@ -406,17 +449,158 @@ LogEnumerator.prototype = {
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsISimpleEnumerator])
function DailyLogEnumerator(aEntries) {
this._entries = {};
for each (entry in aEntries) {
while (entry.hasMoreElements()) {
let file = entry.getNext();
if (!(file instanceof Ci.nsIFile))
let [logDate] = getDateFromFilename(file.leafName);
if (!logDate) {
// We'll skip this one, since it's got a busted filename.
// We want to cluster all of the logs that occur on the same day
// into the same Arrays. We clone the date for the log, reset it to
// the 0th hour/minute/second, and use that to construct an ID for the
// Array we'll put the log in.
let dateForID = new Date(logDate);
let dayID = dateForID.toISOString();
if (!(dayID in this._entries))
this._entries[dayID] = [];
file: file,
time: logDate
this._days = Object.keys(this._entries).sort();
this._index = 0;
DailyLogEnumerator.prototype = {
_entries: {},
_days: [],
_index: 0,
hasMoreElements: function() this._index < this._days.length,
getNext: function() new LogCluster(this._entries[this._days[this._index++]]),
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsISimpleEnumerator])
* A LogCluster is a Log representing several log files all at once. The
* constructor expects aEntries, which is an array of objects that each
* have two properties: file and time. The file is the nsIFile for the
* log file, and the time is the Date object extracted from the filename for
* the log file.
function LogCluster(aEntries) {
if (!aEntries.length)
throw new Error("LogCluster was passed an empty Array");
// Sort our list of entries for this day in increasing order.
aEntries.sort(function(aLeft, aRight) aLeft.time - aRight.time);
this._entries = aEntries;
// Calculate the timestamp for the first entry down to the day.
let timestamp = new Date(aEntries[0].time);
this.time = timestamp.valueOf() / 1000;
// Path is used to uniquely identify a Log, and sometimes used to
// quickly determine which directory a log file is from. We'll use
// the first file's path.
this.path = aEntries[0].file.path;
LogCluster.prototype = {
__proto__: ClassInfo("imILog", "LogCluster object"),
format: "json",
getConversation: function() {
const PR_RDONLY = 0x01;
let streams = [];
for each (let entry in this._entries) {
let fis = new FileInputStream(entry.file, PR_RDONLY, 0444,
// Pass in 0x0 so that we throw exceptions on unknown bytes.
let lis = new ConverterInputStream(fis, "UTF-8", 1024, 0x0);
try {
return new LogConversation(streams);
} catch (e) {
// If the file contains some junk (invalid JSON), the
// LogConversation code will still read the messages it can parse.
// If the first line of meta data is corrupt, there's really no
// useful data we can extract from the file so the
// LogConversation constructor will throw.
return null;
function Logger() { }
Logger.prototype = {
_enumerateLogs: function logger__enumerateLogs(aAccount, aNormalizedName) {
_enumerateLogs: function logger__enumerateLogs(aAccount, aNormalizedName,
aGroupByDay) {
let file = getLogFolderForAccount(aAccount);
if (!file.exists())
return EmptyEnumerator;
return new LogEnumerator([file.directoryEntries]);
let enumerator = aGroupByDay ? DailyLogEnumerator : LogEnumerator;
return new enumerator([file.directoryEntries]);
getLogFromFile: function logger_getLogFromFile(aFile, aGroupByDay) {
if (aGroupByDay)
return this._getDailyLogFromFile(aFile);
return new Log(aFile);
_getDailyLogFromFile: function logger_getDailyLogsForFile(aFile) {
let [targetDate] = getDateFromFilename(aFile.leafName);
if (!targetDate)
return null;
let targetDay = Math.floor(targetDate / (86400 * 1000));
// Get the path for the log file - we'll assume that the files relevant
// to our interests are in the same folder.
let path = aFile.path;
let folder = aFile.parent.directoryEntries;
let relevantEntries = [];
// Pick out the files that start within our date range.
while (folder.hasMoreElements()) {
let file = folder.getNext();
if (!(file instanceof Ci.nsIFile))
let [logTime] = getDateFromFilename(file.leafName);
let day = Math.floor(logTime / (86400 * 1000));
if (targetDay == day) {
file: file,
time: logTime
return new LogCluster(relevantEntries);
getLogFromFile: function logger_getLogFromFile(aFile) new Log(aFile),
getLogFileForOngoingConversation: function logger_getLogFileForOngoingConversation(aConversation)
getLogsForContact: function logger_getLogsForContact(aContact) {
@ -443,17 +627,20 @@ Logger.prototype = {
getLogsForAccountBuddy: function logger_getLogsForAccountBuddy(aAccountBuddy)
this._enumerateLogs(aAccountBuddy.account, aAccountBuddy.normalizedName),
getLogsForConversation: function logger_getLogsForConversation(aConversation) {
getLogsForConversation: function logger_getLogsForConversation(aConversation,
aGroupByDay) {
let name = aConversation.normalizedName;
if (aConversation.isChat &&
aConversation.account.protocol.id != "prpl-twitter")
if (convIsRealMUC(aConversation))
name += ".chat";
return this._enumerateLogs(aConversation.account, name);
return this._enumerateLogs(aConversation.account, name, aGroupByDay);
getSystemLogsForAccount: function logger_getSystemLogsForAccount(aAccount)
this._enumerateLogs(aAccount, ".system"),
getSimilarLogs: function(aLog)
new LogEnumerator([new LocalFile(aLog.path).parent.directoryEntries]),
getSimilarLogs: function(aLog, aGroupByDay) {
let enumerator = aGroupByDay ? DailyLogEnumerator : LogEnumerator;
return new enumerator([new LocalFile(aLog.path).parent.directoryEntries]);
observe: function logger_observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
switch (aTopic) {