Bug 753807 - Land in comm-central Instantbird's changes to chat/ - Bio 1305 - /mode messages don't work on JS-IRC - follow-up to handle more cases, r=aleth.

This commit is contained in:
Patrick Cloke 2012-04-24 00:43:54 +02:00
Родитель eba093bed3
Коммит 9d9acf5a5a
2 изменённых файлов: 40 добавлений и 11 удалений

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@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ command.join=%S <room1>[,<room2>]* [<key1>[,<key2>]*]: E
command.kick=%S <nick> [<message>]: Remove someone from a channel. You must be a channel operator to do this.
command.list=%S: Display a list of chat rooms on the network. Warning, some servers may disconnect you upon doing this.
command.memoserv=%S <command>: Send a command to MemoServ.
command.mode=%S (<nick>|<channel>) (+|-)<new mode>: Set or unset a channel or user mode.
command.mode=%S [<channel>] [(+|-)<new mode>] [<nick>]: Set or unset a channel or user mode.
command.msg=%S <nick> <message>: Send a private message to a user (as opposed to a channel).
command.nick=%S <new nickname>: Change your nickname.
command.nickserv=%S <command>: Send a command to NickServ.

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@ -217,18 +217,47 @@ var commands = [
name: "mode",
get helpString() _("command.mode", "mode"),
run: function(aMsg, aConv) {
function isMode(aString) "+-".indexOf(aString[0]) != -1;
let params = aMsg.split(" ");
// If only a mode is given, it's the user's own mode that we want to set
// so we have to provide the user's nick.
if (params.length == 1)
// If a new mode and a nick are given, then it's for the current
// conversation.
else if (params.length == 2 && !getAccount(aConv).isMUCName(params[0]))
params = [aConv.name, params[1], params[0]];
// Otherwise assume a channel, new mode and nick were given or a channel
// and a mode were given. Nothing needs to be changed in these cases.
// Check if we have any params, we can't just check params.length, since
// that will always be at least 1 (but params[0] would be empty).
let hasParams = !/^\s*$/.test(aMsg);
let account = getAccount(aConv);
// These must be false if we don't have any paramters!
let isChannelName = hasParams && account.isMUCName(params[0]);
let isOwnNick =
account.normalize(params[0]) == account.normalize(account._nickname);
// If no parameters are given, the user is requesting their own mode.
if (!hasParams)
params = [aConv.nick];
else if (params.length == 1) {
// Only a mode is given, therefore the user is trying to set their own
// mode. We need to provide the user's nick.
if (isMode(params[0]))
// Alternately if the user gives a channel name, they're requesting a
// channel's mode. If they give their own nick, they're requesting their
// own mode. Otherwise, this is nonsensical.
else if (!isChannelName && !isOwnNick)
return false;
else if (params.length == 2) {
// If a new mode and a nick are given, then we need to provide the
// current conversation's name.
if (isMode(params[0]) && !isMode(params[1]))
params = [aConv.name, params[1], params[0]];
// Otherwise, the input must be a channel name or the user's own nick
// and a mode.
else if ((!isChannelName && !isOwnNick) || !isMode(params[1]))
return false;
// Otherwise a channel name, new mode and a nick were given or a channel
// name and a mode were given. If this is not true, return false.
else if (!(isChannelName && isMode(params[1])))
return false;
return simpleCommand(aConv, "MODE", params);