Bug 581287 - suite installer should not copy Quicktime xpt into our install Directory. r=:rs

This commit is contained in:
Justin Wood 2010-08-04 15:05:50 -04:00
Родитель f1340703a1
Коммит b779e8e2a5
1 изменённых файлов: 0 добавлений и 23 удалений

Просмотреть файл

@ -341,29 +341,6 @@ Section "-Application" APP_IDX
${CopyFilesFromDir} "$EXEDIR\localized" "$INSTDIR" \
${LogHeader} "Adding Additional Files"
; Check if QuickTime is installed and copy the nsIQTScriptablePlugin.xpt from
; directory into the app's components directory.
ReadRegStr $R0 HKLM "Software\Apple Computer, Inc.\QuickTime" "InstallDir"
${Unless} ${Errors}
${GetLongPath} "$R0" $R0
${Unless} "$R0" == ""
GetFullPathName $R0 "$R0\Plugins\nsIQTScriptablePlugin.xpt"
${Unless} ${Errors}
${LogHeader} "Copying QuickTime Scriptable Component"
CopyFiles /SILENT "$R0" "$INSTDIR\components"
${If} ${Errors}
${LogMsg} "** ERROR Installing File: $INSTDIR\components\nsIQTScriptablePlugin.xpt **"
${LogMsg} "Installed File: $INSTDIR\components\nsIQTScriptablePlugin.xpt"
${LogUninstall} "File: \components\nsIQTScriptablePlugin.xpt"
; Default for creating Start Menu folder and shortcuts