Bug 920801 - Port chat/ changes from Instantbird to comm-central - 6 - Bio 2070 - Add support for setting Buddy Icons, r=clokep.
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ buddy.auth.defaultGroup=Contacts
# Some options are commented out because they aren't used. We do the same thing
# to their description strings.
options.pagerPort=Pager port
#options.transferHost=File transfer server
#options.transferPort=File transfer port
options.transferHost=File transfer server
options.transferPort=File transfer port
#options.chatLocale=Chat room locale
options.ignoreInvites=Ignore conference and chatroom invitations
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ const EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["YahooSession"];
const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu} = Components;
@ -16,12 +18,16 @@ XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "_", function()
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "imgTools",
"@mozilla.org/image/tools;1", "imgITools");
const kProtocolVersion = 16;
const kVendorId = 0;
const kPacketDataDelimiter = "\xC0\x80";
const kPacketIdentifier = "YMSG";
const kPacketHeaderSize = 20;
const kProfileIconWidth = 96;
const kPacketType = {
// Sent by a client when logging off of the Yahoo! network.
@ -49,8 +55,12 @@ const kPacketType = {
RemoveBuddy: 0x84,
// This is sent when you reject a Yahoo! user's buddy request.
BuddyReqReject: 0x86,
// This is sent after a profile picture has been successfully uploaded.
PictureUpload: 0xc2,
// This is sent whenever a buddy changes their status.
StatusUpdate: 0xc6,
// This is sent when we update our icon.
AvatarUpdate: 0xc7,
// This is sent when someone wishes to become your buddy.
BuddyAuth: 0xd6,
// Holds the initial status of all buddies when a user first logs in.
@ -136,6 +146,9 @@ YahooSession.prototype = {
// The session ID is obtained during the login process and is maintained
// throughout the session. This helps the pager server identify the client.
sessionId: null,
// The T and Y cookies obtained by the YahooLoginHelper during login.
tCookie: null,
yCookie: null,
// Public methods.
login: function() {
@ -284,6 +297,23 @@ YahooSession.prototype = {
setProfileIcon: function(aFileName) {
// Try to get a handle to the icon file.
let file = FileUtils.getFile("ProfD", [aFileName]);
let type = Cc["@mozilla.org/mime;1"].getService(Ci.nsIMIMEService)
NetUtil.asyncFetch(file, (function(aStream, aStatus) {
if (!Components.isSuccessCode(aStatus)) {
throw "Could not access icon file.";
let image = imgTools.decodeImage(aStream, type);
let uploader = new YahooProfileIconUploader(this._account, this,
aFileName, image);
// Callbacks.
onLoginComplete: function() {
@ -391,11 +421,9 @@ YahooLoginHelper.prototype = {
_challengeString: null,
// The authentication token sent from Yahoo!'s login server.
_loginToken: null,
// Crumb and cookie strings sent from Yahoo!'s login server, and used in
// the final authentication request to the pager server.
// Crumb sent from Yahoo!'s login server, and used in the final authentication
// request to the pager server.
_crumb: null,
_yCookie: null,
_tCookie: null,
// Public methods.
login: function(aAccount) {
@ -447,8 +475,8 @@ YahooLoginHelper.prototype = {
// Build the key/value pairs.
packet.addValue(1, this._account.cleanUsername);
packet.addValue(0, this._account.cleanUsername);
packet.addValue(277, this._yCookie);
packet.addValue(278, this._tCookie);
packet.addValue(277, this._session.yCookie);
packet.addValue(278, this._session.tCookie);
packet.addValue(307, response);
packet.addValue(244, this._account.protocol.buildId);
packet.addValue(2, this._account.cleanUsername);
@ -533,8 +561,10 @@ YahooLoginHelper.prototype = {
this._crumb = responseParams[1].replace("crumb=", "");
this._yCookie = responseParams[2].substring(2); // Remove the "Y=" bit.
this._tCookie = responseParams[3].substring(2); // Remove the "T=" bit.
// Remove the "Y=" bit.
this._session.yCookie = responseParams[2].substring(2);
// Remove the "T=" bit.
this._session.tCookie = responseParams[3].substring(2);
@ -825,6 +855,20 @@ const YahooPacketHandler = {
// to be authenticated if we are receiving other packets anyway.
0x57: function(aPacket) {},
// Picture upload.
0xc2: function(aPacket) {
let onlineBuddies = this.getOnlineBuddies();
// Send a notification to each online buddy that your icon has changed.
// Those offline will automatically pick up the change when they log in.
for each (let buddy in onlineBuddies) {
let packet = new YahooPacket(kPacketType.AvatarUpdate, 0,
packet.addValue(3, buddy.userName);
packet.addValue(213, 2); // A value of 2 means we are using an icon.
// Buddy status update.
0xc6: function (aPacket) {
let name = aPacket.getValue(7);
@ -927,3 +971,82 @@ const YahooPacketHandler = {
/* The YahooProfileIconUploader class is specifically designed to set a profile
* image on a Yahoo! Messenger account. The reason this functionality is split
* into a separate class is because of the complexity of the operation. Because
* of special protocol requirements, it is easier to use raw TCP communication
* instead of the doXHRequest() method. */
function YahooProfileIconUploader(aAccount, aSession, aFileName, aImage)
this._account = aAccount;
this._session = aSession;
this._fileName = aFileName;
this._image = aImage;
// To upload our icon to Yahoo!, we must go through their file transfer
// servers. So we access our file transfer server settings.
this._host = this._account.getString("xfer_host");
this._port = this._account.getString("xfer_port");
YahooProfileIconUploader.prototype = {
__proto__: Socket,
_account: null,
_session: null,
_fileName: null,
_image: null,
_host: null,
_port: null,
uploadIcon: function() {
// Connect to the file transfer server, and the onConnection callback
// will do the rest.
this.connect(this._host, this._port);
// Socket callbacks.
onConnection: function() {
// Scale the image down, and make it a PNG. Icon widths are constant, but
// their height varies depending on the aspect ratio of the original image.
let aspectRatio = this._image.width / this._image.height;
let scaledHeight = kProfileIconWidth / aspectRatio;
let scaledImage = imgTools.encodeScaledImage(this._image, "image/png",
let imageData = NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(scaledImage,
// Build the Yahoo packet.
let packet = new YahooPacket(kPacketType.Picture, 0, this.sessionId);
packet.addValue(1, this._account.cleanUsername);
// TODO - Look into how expiration time works for profile icons, and its
// purpose. We aren't sure if this refers to seconds, days, years, etc.
packet.addValue(38, "604800"); // Expiration time.
packet.addValue(0, this._account.cleanUsername);
packet.addValue(28, imageData.length); // Picture size in bytes.
packet.addValue(27, this._fileName); // Picture filename.
packet.addValue(14, ""); // Null string.
let packetBuffer = packet.toArrayBuffer();
// Build the request header.
let headers = [
["User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0"],
["Cookie", "T=" + this._session.tCookie + "; Y=" + this._session.yCookie],
["Host", this._host + ":" + this._port],
["Content-Length", packetBuffer.byteLength + 4 + imageData.length],
["Cache-Control", "no-cache"],
let headerString = "POST /notifyft HTTP/1.1\r\n";
headers.forEach(function(header) {
headerString += header[0] + ": " + header[1] + "\r\n";
// The POST request uses a special delimeter between the end of the included
// Yahoo binary packet, and the image data.
let requestPacketEnd = "29" + kPacketDataDelimiter;
// Build the complete POST request data.
let requestData = headerString + "\r\n" +
ArrayBufferToString(packetBuffer) + requestPacketEnd +
@ -206,10 +206,10 @@ YahooAccount.prototype = {
observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
if (aTopic != "status-changed")
this._session.setStatus(aSubject.statusType, aData);
if (aTopic == "status-changed")
this._session.setStatus(aSubject.statusType, aData);
else if (aTopic == "user-icon-changed")
remove: function() {
@ -326,6 +326,15 @@ YahooAccount.prototype = {
return null;
getOnlineBuddies: function() {
let onlineBuddies = [];
for (let buddy of this._buddies) {
if (buddy[1].statusType != Ci.imIStatusInfo.STATUS_OFFLINE)
return onlineBuddies;
receiveMessage: function(aName, aMessage) {
let conv;
// Check if we have an existing converstaion open with this user. If not,
@ -417,8 +426,8 @@ YahooProtocol.prototype = {
get iconBaseURI() "chrome://prpl-yahoo/skin/",
options: {
port: {get label() _("options.pagerPort"), default: 5050},
//xfer_host: {get label() _("options.transferHost"), default: "filetransfer.msg.yahoo.com"},
//xfer_port: {get label() _("options.transferPort"), default: 80},
xfer_host: {get label() _("options.transferHost"), default: "filetransfer.msg.yahoo.com"},
xfer_port: {get label() _("options.transferPort"), default: 80},
//room_list_locale: {get label() _("options.chatLocale"), default: "us"},
local_charset: {get label() _("options.chatEncoding"), default: "UTF-8"},
ignore_invites: {get label() _("options.ignoreInvites"), default: false}
@ -473,8 +482,8 @@ YahooJapanProtocol.prototype = {
get iconBaseURI() "chrome://prpl-yahoojp/skin/",
options: {
port: {get label() _("options.pagerPort"), default: 5050},
//xfer_host: {get label() _("options.transferHost"), default: "filetransfer.msg.yahoo.com"},
//xfer_port: {get label() _("options.transferPort"), default: 80},
xfer_host: {get label() _("options.transferHost"), default: "filetransfer.msg.yahoo.com"},
xfer_port: {get label() _("options.transferPort"), default: 80},
//room_list_locale: {get label() _("options.chatLocale"), default: "jp"},
local_charset: {get label() _("options.chatEncoding"), default: "UTF-8"},
ignore_invites: {get label() _("options.ignoreInvites"), default: false}
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