Bug 1526715 - avoid repeatedly calling Services.intl.DateTimeFormat when displaying chat messages or the list of previous conversations, r=clokep.

Differential Revision: https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D19275

extra : moz-landing-system : lando
This commit is contained in:
Florian Quèze 2019-02-11 15:22:58 +00:00
Родитель 663c920e35
Коммит cc892d2a90
2 изменённых файлов: 152 добавлений и 151 удалений

Просмотреть файл

@ -9,151 +9,152 @@ this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["ToLocaleFormat"];
// JS implementation of the deprecated Date.toLocaleFormat.
// aFormat follows strftime syntax,
// http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/007908799/xsh/strftime.html
function Day(t) {
return Math.floor(t.valueOf() / 86400000);
function DayFromYear(y) {
return 365 * (y - 1970) +
Math.floor((y - 1969) / 4) -
Math.floor((y - 1901) / 100) +
Math.floor((y - 1601) / 400);
function DayWithinYear(t) {
return Day(t) - DayFromYear(t.getFullYear());
function weekday(aDate, option) {
return aDate.toLocaleString(undefined, {weekday: option});
function month(aDate, option) {
return aDate.toLocaleString(undefined, {month: option});
function hourMinSecTwoDigits(aDate) {
return aDate.toLocaleString(undefined, {
hour: "2-digit", minute: "2-digit", second: "2-digit"
function dayPeriod(aDate) {
let dtf = Intl.DateTimeFormat(undefined, {hour: "2-digit"});
let dayPeriodPart =
dtf.resolvedOptions().hour12 &&
dtf.formatToParts(aDate).find(part => part.type === "dayPeriod");
return dayPeriodPart ? dayPeriodPart.value : "";
function weekNumber(aDate, weekStart) {
let day = aDate.getDay();
if (weekStart) {
day = (day || 7) - weekStart;
return Math.max(Math.floor((DayWithinYear(t) + 7 - day) / 7), 0);
function weekNumberISO(t) {
let thisWeek = weekNumber(1, t);
let firstDayOfYear =
(new Date(t.getFullYear(), 0, 1).getDay() || 7) - 1;
if (thisWeek === 0 && firstDayOfYear >= 4)
return weekNumberISO(new Date(t.getFullYear() - 1, 11, 31));
if (t.getMonth() === 11 &&
(t.getDate() - ((t.getDay() || 7) - 1)) >= 29)
return 1;
return thisWeek + (firstDayOfYear > 0 && firstDayOfYear < 4);
function weekYearISO(aDate) {
let thisWeek = weekNumber(1, aDate);
let firstDayOfYear =
(new Date(aDate.getFullYear(), 0, 1).getDay() || 7) - 1;
if (thisWeek === 0 && firstDayOfYear >= 4)
return aDate.getFullYear() - 1;
if (aDate.getMonth() === 11 &&
(aDate.getDate() - ((aDate.getDay() || 7) - 1)) >= 29)
return aDate.getFullYear() + 1;
return aDate.getFullYear();
function timeZoneOffset(aDate) {
let offset = aDate.getTimezoneOffset();
let tzoff =
Math.floor(Math.abs(offset) / 60) * 100 + Math.abs(offset) % 60;
return (offset < 0 ? "+" : "-") + String(tzoff).padStart(4, "0");
function timeZone(aDate) {
let dtf = Intl.DateTimeFormat(undefined, {timeZoneName: "short"});
let timeZoneNamePart = dtf.formatToParts(aDate)
.find(part => part.type === "timeZoneName");
return timeZoneNamePart ? timeZoneNamePart.value : "";
const dateTimeFormatter = new Services.intl.DateTimeFormat(undefined, {
dateStyle: "full", timeStyle: "long"
const dateFormatter = new Services.intl.DateTimeFormat(undefined, {
dateStyle: "full"
const timeFormatter = new Services.intl.DateTimeFormat(undefined, {
timeStyle: "long"
const formatFunctions = {
a: aDate => weekday(aDate, "short"),
A: aDate => weekday(aDate, "long"),
b: aDate => month(aDate, "short"),
B: aDate => month(aDate, "long"),
c: aDate => dateTimeFormatter.format(aDate),
C: aDate => String(Math.trunc(aDate.getFullYear() / 100)),
d: aDate => String(aDate.getDate()),
D: aDate => ToLocaleFormat("%m/%d/%y", aDate),
e: aDate => String(aDate.getDate()),
F: aDate => ToLocaleFormat("%Y-%m-%d", aDate),
g: aDate => String(weekYearISO(aDate) % 100),
G: aDate => String(weekYearISO(aDate)),
h: aDate => month(aDate, "short"),
H: aDate => String(aDate.getHours()),
I: aDate => String(aDate.getHours() % 12 || 12),
j: aDate => String(DayWithinYear(aDate) + 1),
k: aDate => String(aDate.getHours()),
l: aDate => String(aDate.getHours() % 12 || 12),
m: aDate => String(aDate.getMonth() + 1),
M: aDate => String(aDate.getMinutes()),
n: () => "\n",
p: aDate => dayPeriod(aDate).toLocaleUpperCase(),
P: aDate => dayPeriod(aDate).toLocaleLowerCase(),
r: aDate => hourMinSecTwoDigits(aDate),
R: aDate => ToLocaleFormat("%H:%M", aDate),
s: aDate => String(Math.trunc(aDate.getTime() / 1000)),
S: aDate => String(aDate.getSeconds()),
t: () => "\t",
T: aDate => ToLocaleFormat("%H:%M:%S", aDate),
u: aDate => String(aDate.getDay() || 7),
U: aDate => String(weekNumber(aDate, 0)),
V: aDate => String(weekNumberISO(aDate)),
w: aDate => String(aDate.getDay()),
W: aDate => String(weekNumber(aDate, 1)),
x: aDate => dateFormatter.format(aDate),
X: aDate => timeFormatter.format(aDate),
y: aDate => String(aDate.getFullYear() % 100),
Y: aDate => String(aDate.getFullYear()),
z: aDate => timeZoneOffset(aDate),
Z: aDate => timeZone(aDate),
"%": () => "%",
const padding = {
C: {fill: "0", width: 2},
d: {fill: "0", width: 2},
e: {fill: " ", width: 2},
g: {fill: "0", width: 2},
H: {fill: "0", width: 2},
I: {fill: "0", width: 2},
j: {fill: "0", width: 3},
k: {fill: " ", width: 2},
l: {fill: " ", width: 2},
m: {fill: "0", width: 2},
M: {fill: "0", width: 2},
S: {fill: "0", width: 2},
U: {fill: "0", width: 2},
V: {fill: "0", width: 2},
W: {fill: "0", width: 2},
y: {fill: "0", width: 2},
function ToLocaleFormat(aFormat, aDate) {
function Day(t) {
return Math.floor(t.valueOf() / 86400000);
function DayFromYear(y) {
return 365 * (y - 1970) +
Math.floor((y - 1969) / 4) -
Math.floor((y - 1901) / 100) +
Math.floor((y - 1601) / 400);
function DayWithinYear(t) {
return Day(t) - DayFromYear(t.getFullYear());
function weekday(option) {
return aDate.toLocaleString(undefined, {weekday: option});
function month(option) {
return aDate.toLocaleString(undefined, {month: option});
function hourMinSecTwoDigits() {
return aDate.toLocaleString(undefined, {
hour: "2-digit", minute: "2-digit", second: "2-digit"
function dayPeriod() {
let dtf = Intl.DateTimeFormat(undefined, {hour: "2-digit"});
let dayPeriodPart =
dtf.resolvedOptions().hour12 &&
dtf.formatToParts(aDate).find(part => part.type === "dayPeriod");
return dayPeriodPart ? dayPeriodPart.value : "";
function weekNumber(weekStart, t = aDate) {
let day = t.getDay();
if (weekStart) {
day = (day || 7) - weekStart;
return Math.max(Math.floor((DayWithinYear(t) + 7 - day) / 7), 0);
function weekNumberISO(t = aDate) {
let thisWeek = weekNumber(1, t);
let firstDayOfYear =
(new Date(t.getFullYear(), 0, 1).getDay() || 7) - 1;
if (thisWeek === 0 && firstDayOfYear >= 4)
return weekNumberISO(new Date(t.getFullYear() - 1, 11, 31));
if (t.getMonth() === 11 &&
(t.getDate() - ((t.getDay() || 7) - 1)) >= 29)
return 1;
return thisWeek + (firstDayOfYear > 0 && firstDayOfYear < 4);
function weekYearISO() {
let thisWeek = weekNumber(1, aDate);
let firstDayOfYear =
(new Date(aDate.getFullYear(), 0, 1).getDay() || 7) - 1;
if (thisWeek === 0 && firstDayOfYear >= 4)
return aDate.getFullYear() - 1;
if (aDate.getMonth() === 11 &&
(aDate.getDate() - ((aDate.getDay() || 7) - 1)) >= 29)
return aDate.getFullYear() + 1;
return aDate.getFullYear();
function timeZoneOffset() {
let offset = aDate.getTimezoneOffset();
let tzoff =
Math.floor(Math.abs(offset) / 60) * 100 + Math.abs(offset) % 60;
return (offset < 0 ? "+" : "-") + String(tzoff).padStart(4, "0");
function timeZone() {
let dtf = Intl.DateTimeFormat(undefined, {timeZoneName: "short"});
let timeZoneNamePart = dtf.formatToParts(aDate)
.find(part => part.type === "timeZoneName");
return timeZoneNamePart ? timeZoneNamePart.value : "";
let dateTimeFormatter = new Services.intl.DateTimeFormat(undefined, {
dateStyle: "full", timeStyle: "long"
let dateFormatter = new Services.intl.DateTimeFormat(undefined, {
dateStyle: "full"
let timeFormatter = new Services.intl.DateTimeFormat(undefined, {
timeStyle: "long"
let formatFunctions = {
a: () => weekday("short"),
A: () => weekday("long"),
b: () => month("short"),
B: () => month("long"),
c: () => dateTimeFormatter.format(aDate),
C: () => String(Math.trunc(aDate.getFullYear() / 100)),
d: () => String(aDate.getDate()),
D: () => ToLocaleFormat("%m/%d/%y", aDate),
e: () => String(aDate.getDate()),
F: () => ToLocaleFormat("%Y-%m-%d", aDate),
g: () => String(weekYearISO() % 100),
G: () => String(weekYearISO()),
h: () => month("short"),
H: () => String(aDate.getHours()),
I: () => String(aDate.getHours() % 12 || 12),
j: () => String(DayWithinYear(aDate) + 1),
k: () => String(aDate.getHours()),
l: () => String(aDate.getHours() % 12 || 12),
m: () => String(aDate.getMonth() + 1),
M: () => String(aDate.getMinutes()),
n: () => "\n",
p: () => dayPeriod().toLocaleUpperCase(),
P: () => dayPeriod().toLocaleLowerCase(),
r: () => hourMinSecTwoDigits(),
R: () => ToLocaleFormat("%H:%M", aDate),
s: () => String(Math.trunc(aDate.getTime() / 1000)),
S: () => String(aDate.getSeconds()),
t: () => "\t",
T: () => ToLocaleFormat("%H:%M:%S", aDate),
u: () => String(aDate.getDay() || 7),
U: () => String(weekNumber(0)),
V: () => String(weekNumberISO()),
w: () => String(aDate.getDay()),
W: () => String(weekNumber(1)),
x: () => dateFormatter.format(aDate),
X: () => timeFormatter.format(aDate),
y: () => String(aDate.getFullYear() % 100),
Y: () => String(aDate.getFullYear()),
z: () => timeZoneOffset(),
Z: () => timeZone(),
"%": () => "%",
let padding = {
C: {fill: "0", width: 2},
d: {fill: "0", width: 2},
e: {fill: " ", width: 2},
g: {fill: "0", width: 2},
H: {fill: "0", width: 2},
I: {fill: "0", width: 2},
j: {fill: "0", width: 3},
k: {fill: " ", width: 2},
l: {fill: " ", width: 2},
m: {fill: "0", width: 2},
M: {fill: "0", width: 2},
S: {fill: "0", width: 2},
U: {fill: "0", width: 2},
V: {fill: "0", width: 2},
W: {fill: "0", width: 2},
y: {fill: "0", width: 2},
// Modified conversion specifiers E and O are ignored.
let specifiers = Object.keys(formatFunctions).join("");
let pattern =
@ -161,7 +162,7 @@ function ToLocaleFormat(aFormat, aDate) {
return aFormat.replace(pattern,
(matched, upperCaseFlag, fillWidthFlags, specifier) => {
let result = formatFunctions[specifier]();
let result = formatFunctions[specifier](aDate);
if (upperCaseFlag)
result = result.toLocaleUpperCase();
let fill = (specifier in padding) ? padding[specifier].fill : "";

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@ -1248,16 +1248,16 @@ chatLogTreeView.prototype = {
let chatBundle = document.getElementById("chatBundle");
let dateFormatBundle = document.getElementById("bundle_dateformat");
let placesBundle = document.getElementById("bundle_places");
const dateFormatter = new Services.intl.DateTimeFormat(undefined, {
dateStyle: "short",
let formatDate = function(aDate) {
const dateFormatter = new Services.intl.DateTimeFormat(undefined, {
dateStyle: "short",
return dateFormatter.format(aDate);
const dateTimeFormatter = new Services.intl.DateTimeFormat(undefined, {
dateStyle: "short", timeStyle: "short",
let formatDateTime = function(aDate) {
const dateTimeFormatter = new Services.intl.DateTimeFormat(undefined, {
dateStyle: "short", timeStyle: "short",
return dateTimeFormatter.format(aDate);
let formatMonthYear = function(aDate) {