Bug 491624 - [SeaMonkey, Linux] mochitest-browser-chrome: intermittent ".../suite/browser/test/browser_bug462289.js | tab key to tab activeElement - Got [object HTMLInputElement], expected [object XULElement]"; (Bv2a) Undo 3 non-helping hacks, Use todo_is() ftb; r=neil
This commit is contained in:
@ -27,23 +27,23 @@ function step3()
todo_is(document.activeElement, tab1, "mouse on tab again activeElement");
// give tab key a chance to settle
setTimeout(step3a, 0);
function step3a()
is(document.activeElement.localName, "input", "focus URL bar activeElement");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_TAB", { });
// give tab key a chance to settle
setTimeout(step3b, 0);
function step3b()
is(document.activeElement.localName, "tab", "tab key to tab activeElement");
is(document.activeElement, tab1, "tab key to tab activeElement");
let osString = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/xre/app-info;1"]
if (osString != "Linux" || document.activeElement == tab1) {
// Expected behavior.
is(document.activeElement, tab1, "tab key to tab activeElement");
} else {
// Linux intermittent failure.
// Check local name too to help diagnose bug 491624.
todo_is(document.activeElement.localName, "tab",
"tab key to tab activeElement (bug 491624: name = " +
document.activeElement.localName + ")");
todo_is(document.activeElement, tab1,
"tab key to tab activeElement (bug 491624: object = " +
document.activeElement + ")");
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(tab1, 9, 9, {});
setTimeout(step4, 0);
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