Fix bug 490243 - reference to undefined property this.mExceptionMap[getRidKey(aRecurrenceId)], calRecurrenceInfo.js Line: 744.

This commit is contained in: 2009-05-18 18:34:42 +02:00
Родитель 3eb0acbb4c
Коммит e4b5d05c06
1 изменённых файлов: 5 добавлений и 4 удалений

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@ -741,10 +741,11 @@ calRecurrenceInfo.prototype = {
getExceptionFor: function cRI_getExceptionFor(aRecurrenceId) {
// to avoid strict "reference to undefined property" warning, appending
// "|| undefined" gives explicit result in case where property undefined
// (or false, or null, or "", but here it should never be those values)
return this.mExceptionMap[getRidKey(aRecurrenceId)] || undefined;
// Interface calIRecurrenceInfo specifies result be null if not found.
// To avoid strict "reference to undefined property" warning, appending
// "|| null" gives explicit result in case where property undefined
// (or false, 0, null, or "", but here it should never be those values).
return this.mExceptionMap[getRidKey(aRecurrenceId)] || null;
removeExceptionFor: function cRI_removeExceptionFor(aRecurrenceId) {