Bug 1906043 - Remove redundant nsIMsgPluggableStore.sliceStream(). r=darktrojan
Differential Revision: https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D215599 --HG-- extra : amend_source : 1912d546519917acdbf8832f0f49d0bb2821d7e2
This commit is contained in:
@ -199,23 +199,6 @@ interface nsIMsgPluggableStore : nsISupports {
nsIInputStream getMsgInputStream(in nsIMsgFolder aFolder,
in ACString aMsgToken);
* This is a hack to expose to allow JsAccount folders to implement a
* working getLocalMsgStream().
* It just provides a way to construct a SlicedInputStream from JS.
* It'll be removed once Bug 1733849 is complete.
* @param inStream The stream providing the data to be sliced.
* Should not be read after calling this function.
* @param start Where slice begins, from current position of inStream.
* @param length The size of the slice.
* @return A new input stream which produces the data slice when read from.
nsIInputStream sliceStream(in nsIInputStream inStream,
in unsigned long long start,
in unsigned long length);
* Delete the passed in messages. These message should all be in the
* same folder.
@ -1643,16 +1643,6 @@ nsresult nsMsgBrkMBoxStore::CreateDirectoryForFolder(nsIFile* path) {
return rv;
nsMsgBrkMBoxStore::SliceStream(nsIInputStream* inStream, uint64_t start,
uint32_t length, nsIInputStream** result) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIInputStream> in(inStream);
RefPtr<mozilla::SlicedInputStream> slicedStream =
new mozilla::SlicedInputStream(in.forget(), start, uint64_t(length));
return NS_OK;
// For mbox store, we'll just use mbox file size as our estimate.
NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgBrkMBoxStore::EstimateFolderSize(nsIMsgFolder* folder,
int64_t* size) {
@ -1355,16 +1355,6 @@ nsresult nsMsgMaildirStore::CreateDirectoryForFolder(nsIFile* path,
return rv;
nsMsgMaildirStore::SliceStream(nsIInputStream* inStream, uint64_t start,
uint32_t length, nsIInputStream** result) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIInputStream> in(inStream);
RefPtr<mozilla::SlicedInputStream> slicedStream =
new mozilla::SlicedInputStream(in.forget(), start, uint64_t(length));
return NS_OK;
// For maildir store, our estimate is just the total of the file sizes.
NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgMaildirStore::EstimateFolderSize(nsIMsgFolder* folder,
int64_t* size) {
@ -15,28 +15,6 @@ function test_discoverSubFolders() {
mailbox.msgStore.discoverSubFolders(mailbox, true);
function test_sliceStream() {
const mailbox = setup_mailbox("none", create_temporary_directory());
const str = "Just a test string.";
const strStream = Cc["@mozilla.org/io/string-input-stream;1"].createInstance(
strStream.setData(str, str.length);
const sliced = mailbox.msgStore.sliceStream(strStream, 7, 4);
const s = Cc["@mozilla.org/scriptableinputstream;1"].createInstance(
const chunk = s.read(1024);
Assert.equal(chunk, "test", "Check we got the expected subset.");
Assert.equal(s.available(), 0, "Check no more bytes available.");
Assert.equal(s.read(1024), "", "Check read() returns EOF.");
// Load messages into a msgStore and make sure we can read
// them back correctly using asyncScan().
async function test_AsyncScan() {
@ -90,6 +68,5 @@ function withStore(store, fn) {
for (const store of localAccountUtils.pluggableStores) {
add_task(withStore(store, test_discoverSubFolders));
add_task(withStore(store, test_sliceStream));
add_task(withStore(store, test_AsyncScan));
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