Followup to bug 1341433 - remove unused file that wasn't meant to be in the patch. DONTBUILD

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Magnus Melin 2017-04-27 22:14:18 +03:00
Родитель c681219c29
Коммит f07648048b
1 изменённых файлов: 0 добавлений и 470 удалений

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@ -1,470 +0,0 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* This bar lives inside the message window.
* Its lifetime is the lifetime of the main thunderbird message window.
var ltnImipBar = {
actionFunc: null,
itipItem: null,
foundItems: null,
msgOverlay: null,
* Thunderbird Message listener interface, hide the bar before we begin
onStartHeaders: function() {
* Thunderbird Message listener interface
onEndHeaders: function() {
* Load Handler called to initialize the imip bar
* NOTE: This function is called without a valid this-context!
load: function() {
// Add a listener to gMessageListeners defined in msgHdrViewOverlay.js
// We need to extend the HideMessageHeaderPane function to also hide the
// message header pane. Otherwise, the imip bar will still be shown when
// changing folders.
ltnImipBar.tbHideMessageHeaderPane = HideMessageHeaderPane;
HideMessageHeaderPane = function() {
ltnImipBar.tbHideMessageHeaderPane.apply(null, arguments);
// Set up our observers
Services.obs.addObserver(ltnImipBar, "onItipItemCreation", false);
* Unload handler to clean up after the imip bar
* NOTE: This function is called without a valid this-context!
unload: function() {
removeEventListener("messagepane-loaded", ltnImipBar.load, true);
removeEventListener("messagepane-unloaded", ltnImipBar.unload, true);
Services.obs.removeObserver(ltnImipBar, "onItipItemCreation");
observe: function(subject, topic, state) {
if (topic == "onItipItemCreation") {
let itipItem = null;
let msgOverlay = null;
try {
if (!subject) {
let sinkProps =;
// This property was set by lightningTextCalendarConverter.js
itipItem = sinkProps.getPropertyAsInterface("itipItem",
msgOverlay = sinkProps.getPropertyAsAUTF8String("msgOverlay");
} catch (e) {
// This will throw on every message viewed that doesn't have the
// itipItem property set on it. So we eat the errors and move on.
// XXX TODO: Only swallow the errors we need to. Throw all others.
if (!itipItem || !msgOverlay || !gMessageDisplay.displayedMessage) {
let imipMethod = gMessageDisplay.displayedMessage.getStringProperty("imip_method");
cal.itip.initItemFromMsgData(itipItem, imipMethod, gMessageDisplay.displayedMessage);
let imipBar = document.getElementById("imip-bar");
imipBar.setAttribute("collapsed", "false");
imipBar.setAttribute("label", cal.itip.getMethodText(itipItem.receivedMethod));
ltnImipBar.msgOverlay = msgOverlay;
cal.itip.processItipItem(itipItem, ltnImipBar.setupOptions);
* Hide the imip bar and reset the itip item.
resetBar: function() {
document.getElementById("imip-bar").collapsed = true;
// Clear our iMIP/iTIP stuff so it doesn't contain stale information.
ltnImipBar.itipItem = null;
* Resets all buttons and its menuitems, all buttons are hidden thereafter
resetButtons: function() {
let buttons = ltnImipBar.getButtons();
buttons.forEach(aButton => ltnImipBar.getMenuItems(aButton).forEach(showElement));
* Provides a list of all available buttons
getButtons: function() {
let toolbarbuttons = document.getElementById("imip-view-toolbar")
return Array.from(toolbarbuttons);
* Provides a list of available menuitems of a button
* @param aButton button node
getMenuItems: function(aButton) {
let items = [];
let mitems = aButton.getElementsByTagName("menuitem");
if (mitems != null && mitems.length > 0) {
for (let mitem of mitems) {
return items;
* Checks and converts button types based on available menuitems of the buttons
* to avoid dropdowns which are empty or only replicating the default button action
* Should be called once the buttons are set up
conformButtonType: function() {
// check only needed on visible and not simple buttons
let buttons = ltnImipBar.getButtons()
.filter(aElement => aElement.hasAttribute("type") && !aElement.hidden);
// change button if appropriate
for (let button of buttons) {
let items = ltnImipBar.getMenuItems(button).filter(aItem => !aItem.hidden);
if (button.type == "menu" && items.length == 0) {
// hide non functional buttons
button.hidden = true;
} else if (button.type == "menu-button") {
if (items.length == 0 ||
(items.length == 1 &&
button.hasAttribute("oncommand") &&
items[0].hasAttribute("oncommand") &&
.endsWith(items[0].getAttribute("oncommand")))) {
// convert to simple button
* This is our callback function that is called each time the itip bar UI needs updating.
* NOTE: This function is called without a valid this-context!
* @param itipItem The iTIP item to set up for
* @param rc The status code from processing
* @param actionFunc The action function called for execution
* @param foundItems An array of items found while searching for the item
* in subscribed calendars
setupOptions: function(itipItem, rc, actionFunc, foundItems) {
let imipBar = document.getElementById("imip-bar");
let data = cal.itip.getOptionsText(itipItem, rc, actionFunc, foundItems);
if (Components.isSuccessCode(rc)) {
ltnImipBar.itipItem = itipItem;
ltnImipBar.actionFunc = actionFunc;
ltnImipBar.foundItems = foundItems;
// We need this to determine whether this is an outgoing or incoming message because
// Thunderbird doesn't provide a distinct flag on message level to do so. Relying on
// folder flags only may lead to false positives.
let isOutgoing = function(aMsgHdr) {
if (!aMsgHdr) {
return false;
let author = aMsgHdr.mime2DecodedAuthor;
let isSentFolder = aMsgHdr.folder && aMsgHdr.folder.flags &
if (author && isSentFolder) {
let accounts = MailServices.accounts;
for (let identity in fixIterator(accounts.allIdentities,
Components.interfaces.nsIMsgIdentity)) {
if (author.includes( && !identity.fccReplyFollowsParent) {
return true;
return false;
// We override the bar label for sent out invitations and in case the event does not exist
// anymore, we also clear the buttons if any to avoid e.g. accept/decline buttons
if (isOutgoing(gMessageDisplay.displayedMessage)) {
if (ltnImipBar.foundItems && ltnImipBar.foundItems[0]) {
data.label = ltn.getString("lightning", "imipBarSentText");
} else {
data = {
label: ltn.getString("lightning", "imipBarSentButRemovedText"),
buttons: [],
hideMenuItems: []
imipBar.setAttribute("label", data.label);
// let's reset all buttons first
// menu items are visible by default, let's hide what's not available
data.hideMenuItems.forEach(aElementId => hideElement(document.getElementById(aElementId)));
// buttons are hidden by default, let's make required buttons visible
data.buttons.forEach(aElementId => showElement(document.getElementById(aElementId)));
// adjust button style if necessary
* Displays changes in case of invitation updates in invitation overlay
displayModifications: function() {
if (!ltnImipBar.msgOverlay || !msgWindow || !ltnImipBar.foundItems ||
!ltnImipBar.foundItems[0] || !ltnImipBar.itipItem) {
let msgOverlay = ltnImipBar.msgOverlay;
let diff ={})[0], ltnImipBar.foundItems[0]);
// displaying chnages is only needed if that is enabled, an item already exists and there are
// differences
if (diff != 0 && Preferences.get("calendar.itip.displayInvitationChanges", false)) {
let foundOverlay = ltn.invitation.createInvitationOverlay(ltnImipBar.foundItems[0],
let serializedOverlay = cal.xml.serializeDOM(foundOverlay);
let organizerId = ltnImipBar.itipItem.targetCalendar.getProperty("organizerId");
if (diff == 1) {
// this is an update to previously accepted invitation
msgOverlay = ltn.invitation.compareInvitationOverlay(serializedOverlay, msgOverlay,
} else {
// this is a copy of a previously sent out invitation or a previous revision of a
// meanwhile accepted invitation, so we flip comparison order
msgOverlay = ltn.invitation.compareInvitationOverlay(msgOverlay, serializedOverlay,
msgWindow.displayHTMLInMessagePane("", msgOverlay, false);
executeAction: function(partStat, extendResponse) {
function _execAction(aActionFunc, aItipItem, aWindow, aPartStat) {
if (cal.itip.promptCalendar(aActionFunc.method, aItipItem, aWindow)) {
let isDeclineCounter = aPartStat == "X-DECLINECOUNTER";
// filter out fake partstats
if (aPartStat.startsWith("X-")) {
partStat = "";
// hide the buttons now, to disable pressing them twice...
if (aPartStat == partStat) {
let opListener = {
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Components.interfaces.calIOperationListener]),
onOperationComplete: function(aCalendar, aStatus, aOperationType, aId, aDetail) {
if (Components.isSuccessCode(aStatus) && isDeclineCounter) {
// TODO: move the DECLINECOUNTER stuff to actionFunc
aItipItem.getItemList({}).forEach(aItem => {
// we can rely on the received itipItem to reply at this stage
// already, the checks have been done in cal.itip.processFoundItems
// when setting up the respective aActionFunc
let attendees = cal.getAttendeesBySender(
let status = true;
if (attendees.length == 1 && ltnImipBar.foundItems &&
ltnImipBar.foundItems.length) {
// we must return a message with the same sequence number as the
// counterproposal - to make it easy, we simply use the received
// item and just remove a comment, if any
try {
let item = aItem.clone();
item.calendar = ltnImipBar.foundItems[0].calendar;
// once we have full support to deal with for multiple items
// in a received invitation message, we should send this
// from outside outside of the forEach context
status = cal.itip.sendDeclineCounterMessage(
{ value: false }
} catch (e) {
status = false;
} else {
status = false;
if (!status) {
cal.ERROR("Failed to send DECLINECOUNTER reply!");
// For now, we just state the status for the user something very simple
let label = cal.itip.getCompleteText(aStatus, aOperationType);
imipBar.setAttribute("label", label);
if (!Components.isSuccessCode(aStatus)) {
onGetResult: function(aCalendar, aStatus, aItemType, aDetail, aCount, aItems) {
try {
aActionFunc(opListener, partStat);
} catch (exc) {
return true;
return false;
let imipBar = document.getElementById("imip-bar");
if (partStat == null) {
partStat = "";
if (partStat == "X-SHOWDETAILS" || partStat == "X-RESCHEDULE") {
let counterProposal;
let items = ltnImipBar.foundItems;
if (items && items.length) {
let item = items[0].isMutable ? items[0] : items[0].clone();
if (partStat == "X-RESCHEDULE") {
// TODO most of the following should be moved to the actionFunc defined in
// calItipUtils
let proposedItem = ltnImipBar.itipItem.getItemList({})[0];
let proposedRID = proposedItem.getProperty("RECURRENCE-ID");
if (proposedRID) {
// if this is a counterproposal for a specific occurrence, we use
// that to compare with
item = item.recurrenceInfo.getOccurrenceFor(proposedRID).clone();
let parsedProposal = ltn.invitation.parseCounter(proposedItem, item);
let potentialProposers = cal.getAttendeesBySender(
let proposingAttendee = potentialProposers.length == 1 ?
potentialProposers[0] : null;
if (proposingAttendee &&
["OK", "OUTDATED", "NOTLATESTUPDATE"].includes(parsedProposal.result.type)) {
counterProposal = {
attendee: proposingAttendee,
proposal: parsedProposal.differences,
oldVersion: parsedProposal.result == "OLDVERSION" ||
parsedProposal.result == "NOTLATESTUPDATE",
onReschedule: () => {
ltn.getString("lightning", "imipBarCounterPreviousVersionText")
// TODO: should we hide the buttons in this case, too?
} else {
ltn.getString("lightning", "imipBarCounterErrorText")
if (proposingAttendee) {
} else {
cal.LOG("Failed to identify the sending attendee of the counterproposal.");
return false;
// if this a rescheduling operation, we suppress the occurrence prompt here
modifyEventWithDialog(item, null, partStat != "X-RESCHEDULE", null, counterProposal);
} else {
if (extendResponse) {
// Open an extended response dialog to enable the user to add a comment, make a
// counterproposal, delegate the event or interact in another way.
// Instead of a dialog, this might be implemented as a separate container inside the
// imip-overlay as proposed in bug 458578
// If implemented as a dialog, the OL compatibility decision should be incorporated
// therein too and the itipItems's autoResponse set to auto subsequently
// to prevent a second popup during imip transport processing.
let delmgr = Components.classes[";1"]
let items = ltnImipBar.itipItem.getItemList({});
if (items && items.length) {
let delTime = delmgr.getDeletedDate(items[0].id);
let dialogText = ltnGetString("lightning", "confirmProcessInvitation");
let dialogTitle = ltnGetString("lightning", "confirmProcessInvitationTitle");
if (delTime && !Services.prompt.confirm(window, dialogTitle, dialogText)) {
return false;
if (partStat == "X-SAVECOPY") {
// we create and adopt copies of the respective events
let saveitems = ltnImipBar.itipItem.getItemList({}).map(cal.getPublishLikeItemCopy.bind(cal));
if (saveitems.length > 0) {
let methods = { receivedMethod: "PUBLISH", responseMethod: "PUBLISH" };
let newItipItem = cal.itip.getModifiedItipItem(ltnImipBar.itipItem,
saveitems, methods);
// control to avoid processing _execAction on later user changes on the item
let isFirstProcessing = true;
// setup callback and trigger re-processing
let storeCopy = function(aItipItem, aRc, aActionFunc, aFoundItems) {
if (isFirstProcessing && aActionFunc && Components.isSuccessCode(aRc)) {
_execAction(aActionFunc, aItipItem, window, partStat);
cal.itip.processItipItem(newItipItem, storeCopy);
isFirstProcessing = false;
// we stop here to not process the original item
return false;
return _execAction(ltnImipBar.actionFunc, ltnImipBar.itipItem, window, partStat);
return false;
addEventListener("messagepane-loaded", ltnImipBar.load, true);
addEventListener("messagepane-unloaded", ltnImipBar.unload, true);