# ignore-this-changeset
These changes were achieved by:
1. Using eslint to add curly brackets to control
statements that did not have them (if, else, etc.),
thanks to the eslint rule: "curly": ["error", "all"]
Done by running |mach eslint mailnews/ --fix|
2. Reformatting the code using Prettier.
Done by deleting the mailnews/ line from
the .prettierignore file and running:
|mach eslint mailnews/ --fix|
# ignore-this-changeset
These changes were achieved by:
1. Using eslint to add curly brackets to control
statements that did not have them (if, else, etc.),
thanks to the eslint rule: "curly": ["error", "all"]
Done by running |mach eslint mail/ --fix|
2. Reformatting the code using Prettier.
Done by deleting the mail/ line from
the .prettierignore file and running:
|mach eslint mail/ --fix|
# ignore-this-changeset
These changes were achieved by:
1. Using eslint to add curly brackets to control
statements that did not have them (if, else, etc.),
thanks to the eslint rule: "curly": ["error", "all"]
Done by running |mach eslint editor/ --fix|
2. Reformatting the code using Prettier.
Done by deleting the editor/ line from
the .prettierignore file and running:
|mach eslint editor/ --fix|
# ignore-this-changeset
These changes were achieved by:
1. Using eslint to add curly brackets to control
statements that did not have them (if, else, etc.),
thanks to the eslint rule: "curly": ["error", "all"]
Done by running |mach eslint common/ --fix|
2. Reformatting the code using Prettier.
Done by deleting the common/ and ldap/ lines from
the .prettierignore file and running:
|mach eslint chat/ --fix|
# ignore-this-changeset
These changes were achieved by:
1. Using eslint to add curly brackets to control
statements that did not have them (if, else, etc.),
thanks to the eslint rule: "curly": ["error", "all"]
Done by running |mach eslint chat/ --fix|
2. Reformatting the code using Prettier.
Done by deleting the chat/ line from
the .prettierignore file and running:
|mach eslint chat/ --fix|