/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const Cm = Components.manager; Cm.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIServiceManager); import { AppConstants } from "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.sys.mjs"; import { XPCOMUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs"; const lazy = {}; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( lazy, "BROWSER_STARTUP_RECORD", "browser.startup.record", false ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( lazy, "BROWSER_STARTUP_RECORD_IMAGES", "browser.startup.recordImages", false ); let firstPaintNotification = "widget-first-paint"; // widget-first-paint fires much later than expected on Linux. if (AppConstants.platform == "linux") { firstPaintNotification = "xul-window-visible"; } let win, canvas; let paints = []; const afterPaintListener = () => { let width, height; canvas.width = width = win.innerWidth; canvas.height = height = win.innerHeight; if (width < 1 || height < 1) { return; } const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d", { alpha: false, willReadFrequently: true, }); ctx.drawWindow( win, 0, 0, width, height, "white", ctx.DRAWWINDOW_DO_NOT_FLUSH | ctx.DRAWWINDOW_DRAW_VIEW | ctx.DRAWWINDOW_ASYNC_DECODE_IMAGES | ctx.DRAWWINDOW_USE_WIDGET_LAYERS ); paints.push({ data: ctx.getImageData(0, 0, width, height).data, width, height, }); }; /** * The StartupRecorder component observes notifications at various stages of * startup and records the set of JS modules that were already loaded at * each of these points. * The records are meant to be used by startup tests in * browser/base/content/test/performance * This component only exists in nightly and debug builds, it doesn't ship in * our release builds. */ export function StartupRecorder() { this.wrappedJSObject = this; this.data = { images: { "image-drawing": new Set(), "image-loading": new Set(), }, code: {}, extras: {}, prefStats: {}, }; this.done = new Promise(resolve => { this._resolve = resolve; }); } StartupRecorder.prototype = { QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIObserver"]), record(name) { ChromeUtils.addProfilerMarker("startupRecorder:" + name); this.data.code[name] = { modules: Cu.loadedJSModules.concat(Cu.loadedESModules), services: Object.keys(Cc).filter(c => { try { return Cm.isServiceInstantiatedByContractID(c, Ci.nsISupports); } catch (e) { return false; } }), }; this.data.extras[name] = { hiddenWindowLoaded: Services.appShell.hasHiddenWindow, }; }, observe(subject, topic, data) { if (topic == "app-startup" || topic == "content-process-ready-for-script") { // Don't do anything in xpcshell. if (Services.appinfo.ID != "{3550f703-e582-4d05-9a08-453d09bdfdc6}") { return; } if (!lazy.BROWSER_STARTUP_RECORD && !lazy.BROWSER_STARTUP_RECORD_IMAGES) { this._resolve(); this._resolve = null; return; } // We can't ensure our observer will be called first or last, so the list of // topics we observe here should avoid the topics used to trigger things // during startup (eg. the topics observed by BrowserGlue.sys.mjs). let topics = [ "profile-do-change", // This catches stuff loaded during app-startup "toplevel-window-ready", // Catches stuff from final-ui-startup firstPaintNotification, "mail-startup-done", "mail-startup-idle-tasks-finished", ]; if (lazy.BROWSER_STARTUP_RECORD_IMAGES) { // For code simplicify, recording images excludes the other startup // recorder behaviors, so we can observe only the image topics. topics = [ "image-loading", "image-drawing", "mail-startup-idle-tasks-finished", ]; } for (const t of topics) { Services.obs.addObserver(this, t); } return; } // We only care about the first paint notification for browser windows, and // not other types (for example, the gfx sanity test window) if (topic == firstPaintNotification) { // In the case we're handling xul-window-visible, we'll have been handed // an nsIAppWindow instead of an nsIDOMWindow. if (subject instanceof Ci.nsIAppWindow) { subject = subject .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindow); } if ( subject.document.documentElement.getAttribute("windowtype") != "mail:3pane" ) { return; } } if (topic == "image-drawing" || topic == "image-loading") { this.data.images[topic].add(data); return; } Services.obs.removeObserver(this, topic); if (topic == firstPaintNotification) { // Because of the check for mail:3pane we made earlier, we know // that if we got here, then the subject must be the first browser window. win = subject; canvas = win.document.createElementNS( "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "canvas" ); canvas.mozOpaque = true; afterPaintListener(); win.addEventListener("MozAfterPaint", afterPaintListener); } // TODO: Figure out what can replace this section. if (topic == "mail-startup-done") { // We use idleDispatchToMainThread here to record the set of // loaded scripts after we are fully done with startup and ready // to react to user events. Services.tm.dispatchToMainThread( this.record.bind(this, "before handling user events") ); } else if (topic == "mail-startup-idle-tasks-finished") { if (lazy.BROWSER_STARTUP_RECORD_IMAGES) { Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "image-drawing"); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "image-loading"); this._resolve(); this._resolve = null; return; } this.record("before becoming idle"); win.removeEventListener("MozAfterPaint", afterPaintListener); win = null; this.data.frames = paints; this.data.prefStats = {}; if (AppConstants.DEBUG) { Services.prefs.readStats( (key, value) => (this.data.prefStats[key] = value) ); } paints = null; if (!Services.env.exists("MOZ_PROFILER_STARTUP_PERFORMANCE_TEST")) { this._resolve(); this._resolve = null; return; } Services.profiler.getProfileDataAsync().then(profileData => { this.data.profile = profileData; // There's no equivalent StartProfiler call in this file because the // profiler is started using the MOZ_PROFILER_STARTUP environment // variable in browser/base/content/test/performance/browser.ini Services.profiler.StopProfiler(); this._resolve(); this._resolve = null; }); } else { const topicsToNames = { "profile-do-change": "before profile selection", "toplevel-window-ready": "before opening first browser window", }; topicsToNames[firstPaintNotification] = "before first paint"; this.record(topicsToNames[topic]); } }, };