# .hgignore - List of filenames hg should ignore # Filenames that should be ignored wherever they appear ~$ \.pyc$ (^|/)TAGS$ (^|/)\.DS_Store$ # User files that may appear at the root ^ID$ #treestate ^.treestate$ # Build directories ^obj- ^objdir- ^.mozilla-trunk$ # SVN directories \.svn/ # Git repositories .git/ # Ignore the files and directory that Eclipse IDE creates \.project$ \.cproject$ \.settings/ # Ignore the files and directories that JetBrains IDEs create ^\.idea/ \.iml$ # Ignore Storybook generated files ^mail/components/storybook/node_modules/ ^mail/components/storybook/storybook-static/ ^mail/components/storybook/.storybook/chrome-map.js ^mail/components/storybook/custom-elements.json # Ignore third_party npm files third_party/asn1js/node_modules/ # Ruff \.ruff_cache/ # Built documentation docs/_build docs/_venv ^rust/target/