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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
def test(mod, path, entity=None):
import re
# ignore anything but SeaMonkey
if mod not in ("netwerk", "dom", "toolkit", "security/manager",
"devtools/shared", "devtools/client",
"editor/ui", "suite", "services/sync"):
return "ignore"
# ignore temporary files, hiden files and files from rejects
if (re.match(r".*?\/[.#].+", path) or
re.match(r".*~$", path) or
re.match(r".+\.(orig|rej)", path)):
return "ignore"
if mod not in ("suite"):
# we only have exceptions for suite
return "error"
if entity is None:
# missing and obsolete files
return ("ignore" if (re.match(r"searchplugins\/.+\.xml", path) or
path == "profile/bookmarks.extra" or
path == "profile/panels.extra" or
path == "" or
path == "suite-l10n.js" or
re.match(r"chrome\/common\/help\/images\/[A-Za-z-_]+\.[a-z]+", path))
else "error")
if path == "":
return ("ignore" if (entity == "MOZ_LANGPACK_CONTRIBUTORS")
else "error")
if path == "chrome/common/":
return ("ignore" if (re.match(r"browser\.search\.order\.[1-9]", entity))
else "error")
if path != "chrome/browser/":
# only exceptions remain, compare all others
return "error"
return ("ignore"
if (re.match(r"browser\.contentHandlers\.types\.[0-5]", entity))
else "error")