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/* -*- Mode: javascript; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
// Traditionally, mailnews tabs come in two flavours: "folder" and
// "message" tabs. But these modes are just mere default settings on tab
// creation, defining layout, URI to load, etc.
// The user can turn a "message" tab into a "folder" tab just by unhiding
// the folder pane (F9) and hiding the message pane (F8), and vice versa.
// Tab title and icon will change accordingly.
// Both flavours are just instances of the basic "3pane" mode, triggered by
// a bitwise or combination of these possible pane values:
const kTabShowNoPane = 0;
const kTabShowFolderPane = 1 << 0;
const kTabShowMessagePane = 1 << 1;
const kTabShowThreadPane = 1 << 2;
const kTabShowAcctCentral = 1 << 3;
// predefined mode masks
const kTabMaskDisplayDeck = kTabShowThreadPane | kTabShowAcctCentral;
// predefined traditional flavours
const kTabModeFolder = kTabShowFolderPane | kTabShowThreadPane | kTabShowMessagePane;
const kTabModeMessage = kTabShowMessagePane; // message tab
// global mailnews tab definition object
var gMailNewsTabsType =
name: "mailnews",
panelId: "mailContent",
isDefault: true,
type: "3pane",
// aTabInfo belongs to the newly created tab,
// aModeBits is a combination of kTabShow* layout bits (or null),
// aFolderURI designates the folder to select (or null)
// aMsgHdr designates the message to select (or null)
openTab: function(aTabInfo, aModeBits, aFolderURI, aMsgHdr)
// clone the current 3pane state before overriding parts of it
// aModeBits must have at least one bit set
// if not, we just copy the current state
let cloneMode = !aModeBits;
if (cloneMode)
aModeBits = this.getCurrentModeBits() || kTabModeFolder;
aTabInfo.modeBits = aModeBits;
// Currently, we only check for kTabModeMessage vs. kTabModeFolder,
// but in theory we could distinguish in much more detail!
let messageId = null;
if (aModeBits == kTabModeMessage || cloneMode)
if (!aMsgHdr && gDBView)
// duplicate current message tab if nothing else is specified
aMsgHdr = gDBView.hdrForFirstSelectedMessage;
// Use the header's folder - this will open a msg in a virtual folder view
// in its real folder, which is needed if the msg wouldn't be in a new
// view with the same terms - e.g., it's read and the view is unread only.
// If we cloned the view, we wouldn't have to do this.
if (aTabInfo.switchToNewTab)
// Fix it so we won't try to load the previously loaded message.
aMsgHdr.folder.lastMessageLoaded = nsMsgKey_None;
aFolderURI = aMsgHdr.folder.URI;
catch (ex) {}
if (aMsgHdr)
messageId = aMsgHdr.messageId;
aTabInfo.clearSplitter = true;
if (!messageId)
// only sanitize the URL, if possible
let clearSplitter = aModeBits == kTabModeFolder;
if (!aFolderURI)
// Use GetSelectedMsgFolders() to find out which folder to open
// instead of GetLoadedMsgFolder().URI. This is required because on a
// right-click, the currentIndex value will be different from the
// actual row that is highlighted. GetSelectedMsgFolders() will
// return the message that is highlighted.
let msgFolder = GetSelectedMsgFolders()[0];
aFolderURI = msgFolder.URI;
// don't kill the splitter settings for account central
clearSplitter &= !msgFolder.isServer;
aMsgHdr = null;
aTabInfo.clearSplitter = clearSplitter;
aTabInfo.uriToOpen = aFolderURI;
aTabInfo.hdr = aMsgHdr;
aTabInfo.selectedMsgId = messageId;
// call superclass logic
// We can close all mailnews tabs - but one.
// Closing the last mailnews tab would destroy our mailnews functionality.
canCloseTab: function(aTabInfo)
return aTabInfo.mode.tabs.length > 1;
// combines the current pane visibility states into a mode bit mask
getCurrentModeBits: function()
let modeBits = kTabShowNoPane;
if (!IsFolderPaneCollapsed())
modeBits |= kTabShowFolderPane;
if (!IsDisplayDeckCollapsed())
// currently, the display deck has only two panes
if (gAccountCentralLoaded)
modeBits |= kTabShowAcctCentral;
modeBits |= kTabShowThreadPane;
if (!IsMessagePaneCollapsed())
modeBits |= kTabShowMessagePane;
return modeBits;
_updatePaneLayout: function(aTabInfo)
// first show all needed panes, then hide all unwanted ones
// (we have to keep this order to avoid hiding all panes!)
let showFolderPane = aTabInfo.modeBits & kTabShowFolderPane;
let showMessagePane = aTabInfo.modeBits & kTabShowMessagePane;
let showDisplayDeck = aTabInfo.modeBits & (kTabShowThreadPane | kTabShowAcctCentral);
if (showMessagePane && IsMessagePaneCollapsed())
MsgToggleMessagePane(true); // show message pane
if (showDisplayDeck && IsDisplayDeckCollapsed())
MsgToggleThreadPane(); // show thread pane
if (showFolderPane && IsFolderPaneCollapsed())
MsgToggleFolderPane(true); // show folder pane
if (!showMessagePane && !IsMessagePaneCollapsed())
MsgToggleMessagePane(true); // hide message pane
if (!showDisplayDeck && !IsDisplayDeckCollapsed())
MsgToggleThreadPane(); // hide thread pane
if (!showFolderPane && !IsFolderPaneCollapsed())
MsgToggleFolderPane(true); // hide folder pane
* Create the new tab's state, which engenders some side effects.
* Part of our contract is that we leave the tab in the selected state.
openTab: function(aTabInfo)
// each tab gets its own messenger instance
// for undo/redo, backwards/forwards, etc.
messenger = Components.classes[";1"]
messenger.setWindow(window, msgWindow);
aTabInfo.messenger = messenger;
// remember the currently selected folder
aTabInfo.msgSelectedFolder = gMsgFolderSelected;
// show tab if permitted
if (aTabInfo.switchToNewTab)
showTab: function(aTabInfo)
// don't allow saveTabState while restoring a tab
aTabInfo.lock = true;
// set the messagepane as the primary browser for content
getMessageBrowser().setAttribute("type", "content-primary");
if (aTabInfo.uriToOpen)
// Clear selection, because context clicking on a folder and opening in a
// new tab needs to have SelectFolder think the selection has changed.
// We also need to clear these globals to subvert the code that prevents
// folder loads when things haven't changed.
let folderTree = GetFolderTree();
folderTree.view.selection.currentIndex = -1;
gMsgFolderSelected = null;
msgWindow.openFolder = null;
// clear gDBView so we won't try to close it
gDBView = null;
// reroot the message sink (we might have switched layout)
messenger.setWindow(null, null);
messenger.setWindow(window, msgWindow);
// Clear thread pane selection - otherwise, the tree tries to impose the
// the current selection on the new view.
let msgHdr = aTabInfo.hdr;
let msgId = aTabInfo.selectedMsgId;
let folderResource = RDF.GetResource(aTabInfo.uriToOpen);
if (folderResource instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIMsgFolder)
aTabInfo.msgSelectedFolder = folderResource;
gCurrentFolderToReroot = null;
delete aTabInfo.uriToOpen; // destroy after use!
// restore our message data
aTabInfo.hdr = msgHdr;
aTabInfo.selectedMsgId = msgId;
aTabInfo.dbView = gDBView;
UpdateMailToolbar("new tab");
// restore layout if present
// Some modes (e.g. new message tabs) need to initially hide the splitters,
// this is marked by aTabInfo.clearSplitter=true.
let clearSplitter = "clearSplitter" in aTabInfo && aTabInfo.clearSplitter;
if (clearSplitter)
aTabInfo.messageSplitter.collapsible = true;
aTabInfo.folderSplitter.collapsible = true;
delete aTabInfo.clearSplitter;
SetSplitterState(GetThreadAndMessagePaneSplitter(), aTabInfo.messageSplitter);
SetSplitterState(GetFolderPaneSplitter(), aTabInfo.folderSplitter);
// force header pane twisty state restoration by toggling from the opposite
if (gCollapsedHeaderViewMode != aTabInfo.headerViewMode)
// restore globals
messenger = aTabInfo.messenger;
gDBView = aTabInfo.dbView;
gSearchSession = aTabInfo.searchSession;
let folderToSelect = aTabInfo.msgSelectedFolder || gDBView && gDBView.msgFolder;
// restore view state if we had one
let folderTree = GetFolderTree();
let row = EnsureFolderIndex(folderTree.builderView, folderToSelect);
let treeBoxObj = folderTree.treeBoxObject;
let folderTreeSelection = folderTree.view.selection;
// make sure that row.value is valid so that it doesn't mess up
// the call to ensureRowIsVisible()
if ((row >= 0) && !folderTreeSelection.isSelected(row))
gMsgFolderSelected = folderToSelect;
msgWindow.openFolder = folderToSelect;;
if (gDBView)
// This sets the thread pane tree's view to the gDBView view.
UpdateSortIndicators(gDBView.sortType, gDBView.sortOrder);
// We don't want to reapply the mailview (threadpane changes by switching
// tabs alone would be rather surprising), just update the viewpicker
// and resave the new view.
SetMailViewForFolder(folderToSelect, aTabInfo.mailView);
// restore quick search
GetSearchInput().value = aTabInfo.searchInput;
// We need to restore the selection to what it was when we switched away
// from this tab. We need to remember the selected keys, instead of the
// selected indices, since the view might have changed. But maybe the
// selectedIndices adjust as items are added/removed from the (hidden)
// view.
if (aTabInfo.selectedMsgId && aTabInfo.msgSelectedFolder)
// We clear the selection in order to generate an event when we
// re-select our message. This destroys aTabInfo.selectedMsgId.
let selectedMsgId = aTabInfo.selectedMsgId;
aTabInfo.selectedMsgId = selectedMsgId;
let msgDB = aTabInfo.msgSelectedFolder.msgDatabase;
let msgHdr = msgDB.getMsgHdrForMessageID(aTabInfo.selectedMsgId);
// We do not clear the selection if there was more than one message
// displayed. this leaves our selection intact. there was originally
// some claim that the selection might lose synchronization with the
// view, but this is unsubstantiated. said comment came from the
// original code that stored information on the selected rows, but
// then failed to do anything with it, probably because there is no
// existing API call that accomplishes it.
catch (ex)
else if (gMsgFolderSelected.isServer)
// Load AccountCentral page here.
UpdateMailToolbar("tab changed");
delete aTabInfo.lock;
closeTab: function(aTabInfo)
// If the tab has never been opened, we must not clean up the view,
// because it still belongs to a different tab.
if (aTabInfo.uriToOpen)
if (aTabInfo.dbView)
if (aTabInfo.messenger)
aTabInfo.messenger.setWindow(null, null);
// called when switching away from aTabInfo
saveTabState: function(aTabInfo)
if (aTabInfo.lock)
// save message db data and view filters
aTabInfo.messenger = messenger;
aTabInfo.dbView = gDBView;
aTabInfo.searchSession = gSearchSession;
aTabInfo.msgSelectedFolder = gMsgFolderSelected;
aTabInfo.selectedMsgId = null;
if (gDBView)
// save thread pane scroll position
aTabInfo.firstVisibleRow = GetThreadTree().treeBoxObject.getFirstVisibleRow();
let curMsgViewIndex = gDBView.currentlyDisplayedMessage;
if (curMsgViewIndex != nsMsgViewIndex_None)
try // there may not be a selected message.
// the currentlyDisplayedMessage is not always the first selected
// message, e.g. on a right click for the context menu
let curMsgHdr = gDBView.getMsgHdrAt(curMsgViewIndex);
aTabInfo.selectedMsgId = curMsgHdr.messageId;
catch (ex) {}
if (!aTabInfo.selectedMsgId)
aTabInfo.msgSelectedFolder = gDBView.msgFolder;
aTabInfo.mailView = GetMailViewForFolder(aTabInfo.msgSelectedFolder);
// remember layout
aTabInfo.modeBits = this.getCurrentModeBits();
aTabInfo.messageSplitter = GetSplitterState(GetThreadAndMessagePaneSplitter());
aTabInfo.folderSplitter = GetSplitterState(GetFolderPaneSplitter());
// header pane twisty state
aTabInfo.headerViewMode = gCollapsedHeaderViewMode;
// quick search
aTabInfo.searchInput = GetSearchInput().value;
onTitleChanged: function(aTabInfo, aTabNode)
// If we have an account, we also always have a "Local Folders" account,
let accountCount = Components.classes[";1"]
let multipleRealAccounts = accountCount > 2;
// clear out specific tab data now, because we might need to return early
// aTabInfo.msgSelectedFolder may contain the base folder of saved search
let msgSelectedFolder = null;
if (aTabInfo.uriToOpen)
// select folder for the backgound tab without changing the current one
// (stolen from SelectFolder)
let folderResource = RDF.GetResource(aTabInfo.uriToOpen);
if (folderResource instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIMsgFolder)
msgSelectedFolder = folderResource;
msgSelectedFolder = (aTabInfo.dbView && aTabInfo.dbView.viewFolder) ||
(aTabInfo.dbView && aTabInfo.dbView.msgFolder) ||
aTabInfo.msgSelectedFolder ||
// update the message header only if we're the current tab
if (aTabNode.selected)
aTabInfo.hdr = aTabInfo.dbView && aTabInfo.dbView.hdrForFirstSelectedMessage;
catch (e)
aTabInfo.hdr = null;
// update tab title and icon state
aTabInfo.title = "";
if (IsMessagePaneCollapsed() || !aTabInfo.hdr)
// Folder Tab
aTabNode.setAttribute("type", "folder"); // override "3pane"
if (!msgSelectedFolder)
// nothing to do
aTabInfo.title = msgSelectedFolder.prettyName;
if (!msgSelectedFolder.isServer && multipleRealAccounts)
aTabInfo.title += " - " + msgSelectedFolder.server.prettyName;
// The user may have changed folders, triggering our onTitleChanged callback.
// Update the appropriate attributes on the tab.
aTabNode.setAttribute("SpecialFolder", getSpecialFolderString(msgSelectedFolder));
aTabNode.setAttribute("ServerType", msgSelectedFolder.server.type);
aTabNode.setAttribute("IsServer", msgSelectedFolder.isServer);
aTabNode.setAttribute("IsSecure", msgSelectedFolder.server.isSecure);
aTabNode.setAttribute("NewMessages", msgSelectedFolder.hasNewMessages);
aTabNode.setAttribute("ImapShared", msgSelectedFolder.imapShared);
let biffState = "UnknownMail";
switch (msgSelectedFolder.biffState)
case Components.interfaces.nsIMsgFolder.nsMsgBiffState_NewMail:
biffState = "NewMail";
case Components.interfaces.nsIMsgFolder.nsMsgBiffState_NoMail:
biffState = "NoMail";
aTabNode.setAttribute("BiffState", biffState);
// Message Tab
aTabNode.setAttribute("type", "message"); // override "3pane"
if (aTabInfo.hdr.flags & Components.interfaces.nsMsgMessageFlags.HasRe)
aTabInfo.title = "Re: ";
if (aTabInfo.hdr.mime2DecodedSubject)
aTabInfo.title += aTabInfo.hdr.mime2DecodedSubject;
aTabInfo.title += " - " + aTabInfo.hdr.folder.prettyName;
if (multipleRealAccounts)
aTabInfo.title += " - " + aTabInfo.hdr.folder.server.prettyName;
// message specific tab data
const nsMsgMessageFlags = Components.interfaces.nsMsgMessageFlags;
let flags = aTabInfo.hdr.flags;
aTabNode.setAttribute("MessageType", msgSelectedFolder.server.type);
aTabNode.setAttribute("Offline", Boolean(flags & nsMsgMessageFlags.Offline));
aTabNode.setAttribute("Attachment", Boolean(flags & nsMsgMessageFlags.Attachment));
aTabNode.setAttribute("IMAPDeleted", Boolean(flags & nsMsgMessageFlags.IMAPDeleted));
getBrowser: function(aTabInfo)
// we currently use the messagepane element for all 3pane tab types
return getMessageBrowser();
// nsIController implementation
// We ignore the aTabInfo parameter sent by tabmail when calling nsIController
// stuff and just delegate the call to the DefaultController by using it as
// our proto chain.
// XXX remove the MessageWindowController stuff once we kill messageWindow.xul
__proto__: "DefaultController" in window && window.DefaultController ||
"MessageWindowController" in window && window.MessageWindowController
// tabmail support methods
function GetTabMail()
return document.getElementById("tabmail");
function MsgOpenNewTab(aType, aModeBits)
// duplicate the current tab
var tabmail = GetTabMail();
if (tabmail)
tabmail.openTab(aType, aModeBits);
function MsgOpenNewTabForFolder()
// open current folder in full 3pane tab
MsgOpenNewTab("3pane", kTabModeFolder);
function MsgOpenNewTabForMessage()
// open current message in message tab
MsgOpenNewTab("3pane", kTabModeMessage);
// A Thunderbird compatibility function called from e.g. newsblog.
// We ignore aHandlerRegExp as it is not needed by SeaMonkey.
function openContentTab(aUrl, aWhere, aHandlerRegExp)
openUILinkIn(aUrl, aWhere);
function MsgCloseCurrentTab()
var tabmail = GetTabMail();
if (tabmail.tabInfo.length > 1)
function AllowOpenTabOnMiddleClick()
return Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.tabs.opentabfor.middleclick");
function AllowOpenTabOnDoubleClick()
return Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.tabs.opentabfor.doubleclick");
// pane management
// (maybe we should cache these items in a global object?)
function GetFolderPane()
return document.getElementById("folderPaneBox");
function GetThreadPane()
return document.getElementById("threadPaneBox");
function GetDisplayDeck()
return document.getElementById("displayDeck");
function GetMessagePane()
return document.getElementById("messagepanebox");
function GetHeaderPane()
return document.getElementById("msgHeaderView");
function GetFolderPaneSplitter()
return document.getElementById("folderpane-splitter");
function GetThreadAndMessagePaneSplitter()
return document.getElementById("threadpane-splitter");
// pane visibility management
// - collapsing the folderpane by clicking its splitter doesn't need
// additional processing
// - collapsing the messagepane by clicking its splitter needs some special
// treatment of attachments, gDBView, etc.
// - the threadpane has no splitter assigned to it
// - collapsing the messagepane, threadpane or folderpane by <key> needs to
// pay attention to the other panes' (and splitters') visibility
function IsMessagePaneCollapsed()
return GetMessagePane().collapsed;
function IsDisplayDeckCollapsed()
// regard display deck as collapsed in the standalone message window
var displayDeck = GetDisplayDeck();
return !displayDeck || displayDeck.collapsed;
function IsFolderPaneCollapsed()
// regard folderpane as collapsed in the standalone message window
var folderPane = GetFolderPane();
return !folderPane || folderPane.collapsed;
// Which state is the splitter in? Is it collapsed?
// How wide/high is the associated pane?
function GetSplitterState(aSplitter)
var next = aSplitter.getAttribute("collapse") == "after";
var pane = next ? aSplitter.nextSibling : aSplitter.previousSibling;
var vertical = aSplitter.orient == "vertical";
var rv =
state: aSplitter.getAttribute("state"),
collapsed: aSplitter.collapsed,
// <splitter>s are <hbox>es,
// thus the "orient" attribute is usually either unset or "vertical"
size: vertical ? pane.height : pane.width,
collapsible: "collapsible" in aSplitter && aSplitter.collapsible
return rv;
function SetSplitterState(aSplitter, aState)
// all settings in aState are optional
if (!aState)
if ("state" in aState)
aSplitter.setAttribute("state", aState.state);
if ("collapsed" in aState)
aSplitter.collapsed = aState.collapsed;
if ("size" in aState)
let next = aSplitter.getAttribute("collapse") == "after";
let pane = next ? aSplitter.nextSibling : aSplitter.previousSibling;
let vertical = aSplitter.orient == "vertical";
if (vertical)
// vertical splitter orientation
pane.height = aState.size;
// horizontal splitter orientation
pane.width = aState.size;
if ("collapsible" in aState)
aSplitter.collapsible = aState.collapsible;
// If we hit one of the pane splitter <key>s or choose the respective menuitem,
// we show/hide both the pane *and* the splitter, just like we do for the
// browser sidebar. Clicking a splitter's grippy, though, will hide the pane
// but not the splitter.
function MsgToggleSplitter(aSplitter)
var state = aSplitter.getAttribute("state");
if (state == "collapsed")
// removing the attribute would hurt persistency
aSplitter.setAttribute("state", "open");
aSplitter.collapsed = false; // always show splitter when open
aSplitter.setAttribute("state", "collapsed");
aSplitter.collapsed = true; // hide splitter
function MsgCollapseSplitter(aSplitter, aCollapse)
if (!("collapsible" in aSplitter))
aSplitter.collapsible = true;
aSplitter.collapsed = aCollapse && aSplitter.collapsible;
// helper function for UpdateLayoutVisibility
function UpdateFolderPaneFlex(aTuneLayout)
var folderBox = GetFolderPane();
var messagesBox = document.getElementById("messagesBox");
if (aTuneLayout)
// tune folderpane layout
folderBox.setAttribute("flex", "1");
// restore old layout
messagesBox.setAttribute("flex", "1");
// we need to finetune the pane and splitter layout in certain circumstances
function UpdateLayoutVisibility()
var modeBits = gMailNewsTabsType.getCurrentModeBits();
var folderPaneVisible = modeBits & kTabShowFolderPane;
var messagePaneVisible = modeBits & kTabShowMessagePane;
var threadPaneVisible = modeBits & kTabShowThreadPane;
var displayDeckVisible = modeBits & kTabMaskDisplayDeck;
var onlyFolderPane = modeBits == kTabShowFolderPane;
var onlyMessagePane = modeBits == kTabShowMessagePane;
var onlyDisplayDeck = modeBits == kTabShowThreadPane ||
modeBits == kTabShowAcctCentral;
var onlyOnePane = onlyFolderPane || onlyMessagePane || onlyDisplayDeck;
var showFolderSplitter = false;
var showMessageSplitter = false;
switch (Services.prefs.getIntPref("mail.pane_config.dynamic"))
case kClassicMailLayout:
// if only the folderpane is visible it has to flex,
// while the messagesbox must not
if (!onlyOnePane)
showFolderSplitter = folderPaneVisible;
showMessageSplitter = threadPaneVisible && messagePaneVisible;
case kWideMailLayout:
// if only the messagepane is visible, collapse the rest
let messengerBox = document.getElementById("messengerBox");
messengerBox.collapsed = onlyMessagePane;
// a hidden displaydeck must not flex, while the folderpane has to
if (!onlyMessagePane)
if (!onlyOnePane)
showFolderSplitter = folderPaneVisible && displayDeckVisible;
showMessageSplitter = messagePaneVisible;
case kVerticalMailLayout:
// if the threadpane is hidden, we need to hide its outer box as well
let messagesBox = document.getElementById("messagesBox");
messagesBox.collapsed = !displayDeckVisible;
// if only the folderpane is visible, it needs to flex
if (!onlyOnePane)
showFolderSplitter = folderPaneVisible;
showMessageSplitter = messagePaneVisible;
// set splitter visibility
// if the pane was hidden by clicking the splitter grippy,
// the splitter must not hide
MsgCollapseSplitter(GetFolderPaneSplitter(), !showFolderSplitter);
MsgCollapseSplitter(GetThreadAndMessagePaneSplitter(), !showMessageSplitter);
// disable location bar if only message pane is visible
document.getElementById("locationFolders").disabled = onlyMessagePane;
// disable mailviews and search if threadpane is invisible
if (!threadPaneVisible)
gDisableViewsSearch.setAttribute("disabled", true);
function ChangeMessagePaneVisibility()
var hidden = IsMessagePaneCollapsed();
// We also have to disable the Message/Attachments menuitem.
// It will be enabled when loading a message with attachments
// (see messageHeaderSink.handleAttachment).
if (hidden)
let node = document.getElementById("msgAttachmentMenu");
if (node)
node.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
if (gDBView)
// clear the subject, collapsing won't automatically do this
setTitleFromFolder(GetThreadPaneFolder(), null);
// the collapsed state is the state after we released the mouse
// so we take it as it is
gDBView.suppressMsgDisplay = hidden;
// set the subject, uncollapsing won't automatically do this
var event = new Event( "messagepane-"+ (hidden ? "hide" : "unhide"),
{ bubbles: false, cancelable: true });
function MsgToggleMessagePane(aToggleManually)
// don't hide all three panes at once
if (IsDisplayDeckCollapsed() && IsFolderPaneCollapsed())
// toggle the splitter manually if it wasn't clicked and remember that
var splitter = GetThreadAndMessagePaneSplitter();
if (aToggleManually)
splitter.collapsible = aToggleManually;
function MsgToggleFolderPane(aToggleManually)
// don't hide all three panes at once
if (IsDisplayDeckCollapsed() && IsMessagePaneCollapsed())
// toggle the splitter manually if it wasn't clicked and remember that
var splitter = GetFolderPaneSplitter();
if (aToggleManually)
splitter.collapsible = aToggleManually;
function MsgToggleThreadPane()
// don't hide all three panes at once
if (IsFolderPaneCollapsed() && IsMessagePaneCollapsed())
var threadPane = GetDisplayDeck();
threadPane.collapsed = !threadPane.collapsed;
// we only get here by hitting a key, so always hide border splitters
// When the ThreadPane is hidden via the displayDeck, we should collapse the
// elements that are only meaningful to the thread pane. When AccountCentral is
// shown via the displayDeck, we need to switch the displayDeck to show the
// accountCentralBox and load the iframe in the AccountCentral box with the
// corresponding page.
function ShowAccountCentral()
GetDisplayDeck().selectedPanel = accountCentralBox;
let acctCentralPage = GetLocalizedStringPref("mailnews.account_central_page.url");
if (acctCentralPage)
window.frames["accountCentralPane"].location.href = acctCentralPage;
dump("Error loading AccountCentral page\n");
function ShowingAccountCentral()
if (!IsFolderPaneCollapsed())
gAccountCentralLoaded = true;
function HidingAccountCentral()
gAccountCentralLoaded = false;
function ShowThreadPane()
GetDisplayDeck().selectedPanel = GetThreadPane();
function ShowingThreadPane()
var threadPaneSplitter = GetThreadAndMessagePaneSplitter();
threadPaneSplitter.collapsed = false;
if (!threadPaneSplitter.hidden && threadPaneSplitter.getAttribute("state") != "collapsed")
GetMessagePane().collapsed = false;
// XXX We need to force the tree to refresh its new height
// so that it will correctly scroll to the newest message
function HidingThreadPane()
GetUnreadCountElement().hidden = true;
GetTotalCountElement().hidden = true;
GetMessagePane().collapsed = true;
GetThreadAndMessagePaneSplitter().collapsed = true;
gDisableViewsSearch.setAttribute("disabled", true);
document.getElementById("key_toggleThreadPane").setAttribute("disabled", "true");
document.getElementById("key_toggleMessagePane").setAttribute("disabled", "true");
var gCurrentDisplayDeckId = "";
function ObserveDisplayDeckChange(aEvent)
var selectedPanel = GetDisplayDeck().selectedPanel;
var nowSelected = selectedPanel ? : "";
// onselect fires for every mouse click inside the deck, so ObserveDisplayDeckChange
// is getting called every time we click on a message in the thread pane.
// Only show/hide elements if the selected deck is actually changing.
if (nowSelected != gCurrentDisplayDeckId)
if (nowSelected == "threadPaneBox")
if (nowSelected == "accountCentralBox")
gCurrentDisplayDeckId = nowSelected;
function InvalidateTabDBs()
// enforce reloading the tab's dbView
var tabInfos = GetTabMail().tabInfo;
for (let i = 0; i < tabInfos.length; ++i)
let tabInfo = tabInfos[i];
// only reroot 3pane tabs
if (tabInfo.mode.type == "3pane")
// don't change URI if already set -
// we might try to read from an invalid msgSelectedFolder
if (!("uriToOpen" in tabInfo))
tabInfo.uriToOpen = tabInfo.msgSelectedFolder.URI;