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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
const lazy = {};
ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, {
MailConsts: "resource:///modules/MailConsts.sys.mjs",
MailServices: "resource:///modules/MailServices.sys.mjs",
MimeParser: "resource:///modules/mimeParser.sys.mjs",
NetUtil: "resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.sys.mjs",
PluralForm: "resource:///modules/PluralForm.sys.mjs",
* This module has several utility functions for use by both core and
* third-party code. Some functions are aimed at code that doesn't have a
* window context, while others can be used anywhere.
export var MailUtils = {
* Restarts the application, keeping it in
* safe mode if it is already in safe mode.
restartApplication() {
const cancelQuit = Cc["@mozilla.org/supports-PRBool;1"].createInstance(
if (cancelQuit.data) {
// If already in safe mode restart in safe mode.
if (Services.appinfo.inSafeMode) {
Ci.nsIAppStartup.eAttemptQuit | Ci.nsIAppStartup.eRestart
Ci.nsIAppStartup.eAttemptQuit | Ci.nsIAppStartup.eRestart
* Discover all folders. This is useful during startup, when you have code
* that deals with folders and that executes before the main 3pane window is
* open (the folder tree wouldn't have been initialized yet).
discoverFolders() {
for (const server of lazy.MailServices.accounts.allServers) {
// Bug 466311 Sometimes this can throw file not found, we're unsure
// why, but catch it and log the fact.
try {
} catch (ex) {
"Discovering folders for account failed with exception: " + ex
* Get the nsIMsgFolder corresponding to this file. This just looks at all
* folders and does a direct match.
* One of the places this is used is desktop search integration -- to open
* the search result corresponding to a mozeml/wdseml file, we need to figure
* out the folder using the file's path.
* @param {nsIFile} aFile - The nsIFile to convert to a folder.
* @returns {?nsIMsgFolder} the nsIMsgFolder corresponding to aFile, or null
* if the folder isn't found.
getFolderForFileInProfile(aFile) {
for (const folder of lazy.MailServices.accounts.allFolders) {
if (folder.filePath.equals(aFile)) {
return folder;
return null;
* Get the nsIMsgFolder corresponding to this URI.
* @param {string} aFolderURI - The URI of the target folder
* @returns {?nsIMsgFolder} Folder corresponding to this URI, or null if
* the folder doesn't already exist.
getExistingFolder(aFolderURI) {
const fls = Cc["@mozilla.org/mail/folder-lookup;1"].getService(
return fls.getFolderForURL(aFolderURI);
* Get the nsIMsgFolder corresponding to this URI, or create a detached
* folder if it doesn't already exist.
* @param {string} aFolderURI - The URI of the target folder
* @returns {?nsIMsgFolder} Folder corresponding to this URI. Will return null
* if aUrl is not a folder url.
getOrCreateFolder(aFolderURI) {
const fls = Cc["@mozilla.org/mail/folder-lookup;1"].getService(
return fls.getOrCreateFolderForURL(aFolderURI);
* Display this message header in a new tab, a new window or an existing
* window, depending on the preference and whether a 3pane or standalone
* window is already open. This function should be called when you'd like to
* display a message to the user according to the pref set.
* Note: Do not use this if you want to open multiple messages at once. Use
* |displayMessages| instead.
* @param {nsIMsgHdr} aMsgHdr - The message header to display.
* @param {DBViewWrapper} [aViewWrapperToClone] - A view wrapper to clone.
* If null or not given, the message header's folder's default view will
* be used.
* @param {Element} [aTabmail] - A tabmail element to use in case we need to
* open tabs. If null or not given:
* - if one or more 3pane windows are open, the most recent one's tabmail
* is used, and the window is brought to the front
* - if no 3pane windows are open, a standalone window is opened instead
* of a tab
displayMessage(aMsgHdr, aViewWrapperToClone, aTabmail) {
this.displayMessages([aMsgHdr], aViewWrapperToClone, aTabmail);
* Display the warning if the number of messages to be displayed is greater than
* the limit set in preferences.
* @param {integer} aNumMessages - Number of messages to be displayed.
* @param {string} aConfirmTitle - Title ID.
* @param {string} aConfirmMsg - Message ID.
* @param {string} aLimitingPref - Name of the pref for limit.
confirmAction(aNumMessages, aConfirmTitle, aConfirmMsg, aLimitingPref) {
const openWarning = Services.prefs.getIntPref(aLimitingPref);
if (openWarning > 1 && aNumMessages >= openWarning) {
const bundle = Services.strings.createBundle(
const title = bundle.GetStringFromName(aConfirmTitle);
const message = lazy.PluralForm.get(
).replace("#1", aNumMessages);
if (!Services.prompt.confirm(null, title, message)) {
return true;
return false;
* Display these message headers in new tabs, new windows or existing
* windows, depending on the preference, the number of messages, and whether
* a 3pane or standalone window is already open. This function should be
* called when you'd like to display multiple messages to the user according
* to the pref set.
* @param {nsIMsgHdr[]} aMsgHdrs - An array containing the message headers to
* display. The array should contain at least one message header.
* @param {DBViewWrapper} [aViewWrapperToClone] - A DB view wrapper to clone
* for each of the tabs or windows.
* @param {Element} [aTabmail] - A tabmail element to use in case we need to
* open tabs. If given, the window containing the tabmail is assumed to be
* in front. If null or not given:
* - if one or more 3pane windows are open, the most recent one's tabmail
* is used, and the window is brought to the front
* - if no 3pane windows are open, a standalone window is opened instead
* of a tab
* @param {boolean} [forceTab] - Boolean that let us know when the middle
* click button triggered the event. We then proceed to open the message in
* a new tab.
* @param {boolean} [shiftPressed] - We take into account if the user pressed
* the shift key to know how to open a message in a new tab.
forceTab = false,
) {
const openMessageBehavior = Services.prefs.getIntPref(
if (forceTab) {
const behaviorEnum = lazy.MailConsts.OpenMessageBehavior;
switch (openMessageBehavior) {
case behaviorEnum.NEW_WINDOW:
this.openMessagesInNewWindows(aMsgHdrs, aViewWrapperToClone);
case behaviorEnum.EXISTING_WINDOW:
// Try reusing an existing window. If we can't, fall back to opening
// new windows.
if (
aMsgHdrs.length > 1 ||
) {
this.openMessagesInNewWindows(aMsgHdrs, aViewWrapperToClone);
case behaviorEnum.NEW_TAB:
* Open the messages in a Tab.
* @param {nsIMsgHdr[]} aMsgHdrs - An array containing the message headers to
* display. The array should contain at least one message header.
* @param {DBViewWrapper} [aViewWrapperToClone] - A DB view wrapper to clone
* for each of the tabs or windows.
* @param {Element} [aTabmail] - A tabmail element to use in case we need to
* open tabs. If given, the window containing the tabmail is assumed to be
* in front. If null or not given:
* - if one or more 3pane windows are open, the most recent one's tabmail
* is used, and the window is brought to the front
* - if no 3pane windows are open, a standalone window is opened instead
* of a tab
* @param {boolean} [shiftPressed] - We take into account if the user pressed
* the shift key to know how to open a message in a new tab. We only look at
* the loadInBackground preferefence if this value is provided.
* @param {boolean} [backgroundCmd] - We take into account whether we are
* opening a tab from middle click, in which case the tab should only
* open in the background.
) {
let mail3PaneWindow = null;
if (!aTabmail) {
// Try opening new tabs in a 3pane window.
mail3PaneWindow = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("mail:3pane");
if (mail3PaneWindow) {
aTabmail = mail3PaneWindow.document.getElementById("tabmail");
if (!aTabmail) {
// We still haven't found a tabmail, so we'll need to open new windows.
this.openMessagesInNewWindows(aMsgHdrs, aViewWrapperToClone);
if (
) {
const loadInBgPref =
backgroundCmd || Services.prefs.getBoolPref("mail.tabs.loadInBackground");
// If shiftPressed is not specified the message should ignore the
// loadInBackground preference.
const loadInBackground =
shiftPressed !== undefined && loadInBgPref !== shiftPressed;
// Open all the tabs in the background, except for the last one.
for (const [i, msgHdr] of aMsgHdrs.entries()) {
aTabmail.openTab("mailMessageTab", {
messageURI: msgHdr.folder.getUriForMsg(msgHdr),
viewWrapper: aViewWrapperToClone,
background: i < aMsgHdrs.length - 1 || loadInBackground,
disregardOpener: aMsgHdrs.length > 1,
* Show this message in an existing window.
* @param {nsIMsgHdr} aMsgHdr - The message header to display.
* @param {DBViewWrapper} [aViewWrapperToClone] - A DB view wrapper to clone
* for the message window.
* @returns {boolean} true if an existing window was found and the message
* header was displayed, false otherwise.
openMessageInExistingWindow(aMsgHdr, aViewWrapperToClone) {
const messageWindow = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("mail:messageWindow");
if (messageWindow) {
messageWindow.displayMessage(aMsgHdr, aViewWrapperToClone);
return true;
return false;
* Open a new standalone message window with this header.
* @param {nsIMsgHdr} aMsgHdr the message header to display
* @param {DBViewWrapper} [aViewWrapperToClone] - A DB view wrapper to clone
* for the message window.
* @returns {DOMWindow} the opened window
openMessageInNewWindow(aMsgHdr, aViewWrapperToClone) {
// It sucks that we have to go through XPCOM for this.
const args = { msgHdr: aMsgHdr, viewWrapperToClone: aViewWrapperToClone };
args.wrappedJSObject = args;
return Services.ww.openWindow(
* Open new standalone message windows for these headers. This will prompt
* for confirmation if the number of windows to be opened is greater than the
* value of the mailnews.open_window_warning preference.
* @param {nsIMsgHdr[]} aMsgHdrs - An array containing the message headers
* to display.
* @param {DBViewWrapper} [aViewWrapperToClone] - A DB view wrapper to clone
* for each message window.
openMessagesInNewWindows(aMsgHdrs, aViewWrapperToClone) {
if (
) {
for (const msgHdr of aMsgHdrs) {
this.openMessageInNewWindow(msgHdr, aViewWrapperToClone);
* Display the given folder in the 3pane of the most recent 3pane window.
* @param {string} folderURI - The URI of the folder to display
displayFolderIn3Pane(folderURI) {
// Try opening new tabs in a 3pane window
const win = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("mail:3pane");
const tabmail = win.document.getElementById("tabmail");
if (!tabmail.currentAbout3Pane) {
* Display this message header in a folder tab in a 3pane window. This is
* useful when the message needs to be displayed in the context of its folder
* or thread.
* @param {nsIMsgHdr} msgHdr - The message header to display.
* @param {boolean} [openIfMessagePaneHidden] - If true, and the folder tab's
* message pane is hidden, opens the message in a new tab or window.
* Otherwise uses the folder tab.
displayMessageInFolderTab(msgHdr, openIfMessagePaneHidden) {
// Try opening new tabs in a 3pane window
const mail3PaneWindow = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("mail:3pane");
if (mail3PaneWindow) {
if (openIfMessagePaneHidden) {
const tab =
if (!tab.chromeBrowser.contentWindow.paneLayout.messagePaneVisible) {
if (Ci.nsIMessengerWindowsIntegration) {
const args = { msgHdr };
args.wrappedJSObject = args;
* Open the given .eml file.
* @param {DOMWindow} win - The window which the file is being opened within.
* @param {nsIFile} aFile - The file being opened.
* @param {nsIURL} aURL - The full file URL.
openEMLFile(win, aFile, aURL) {
const url = aURL
let fstream = null;
let headers = new Map();
// Read this eml and extract its headers to check for X-Unsent.
try {
fstream = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/file-input-stream;1"].createInstance(
fstream.init(aFile, -1, 0, 0);
const data = lazy.NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(
headers = lazy.MimeParser.extractHeaders(data);
} catch (e) {
// Ignore errors on reading the eml or extracting its headers. The test for
// the X-Unsent header below will fail and the message window will take care
// of any error handling.
} finally {
if (fstream) {
if (headers.get("X-Unsent") == "1") {
const msgWindow = Cc["@mozilla.org/messenger/msgwindow;1"].createInstance(
} else if (
Services.prefs.getIntPref("mail.openMessageBehavior") ==
lazy.MailConsts.OpenMessageBehavior.NEW_TAB &&
) {
.openTab("mailMessageTab", { messageURI: url.spec });
} else {
* The number of milliseconds to wait between loading of folders in
* |takeActionOnFolderAndDescendents|. We wait at all because
* opening msf databases is a potentially expensive synchronous operation that
* can approach the order of a second in pathological cases like gmail's
* all mail folder.
* If we did not use a timer or otherwise spin the event loop we would
* completely lock up the UI. In theory we would still maintain some degree
* of UI responsiveness if we just used postMessage to break up our work so
* that the event loop still got a chance to run between our folder openings.
* The use of any delay between processing folders is to try and avoid causing
* system-wide interactivity problems from dominating the system's available
* disk seeks to such an extent that other applications start experiencing
* non-trivial I/O waits.
* The specific choice of delay remains an arbitrary one to maintain app
* and system responsiveness per the above while also processing as many
* folders as quickly as possible.
* This is exposed primarily to allow unit tests to set this to 0 to minimize
* throttling.
* Set a string property on a folder and all of its descendents, taking care
* to avoid locking up the main thread and to avoid leaving folder databases
* open. To avoid locking up the main thread we operate in an asynchronous
* fashion; we invoke a callback when we have completed our work.
* Using this function will write the value into the folder cache
* as well as the folder itself. Hopefully you want this; if
* you do not, keep in mind that the only way to avoid that is to retrieve
* the nsIMsgDatabase and then the nsIDbFolderInfo. You would want to avoid
* that as much as possible because once those are exposed to you, XPConnect
* is going to hold onto them creating a situation where you are going to be
* in severe danger of extreme memory bloat unless you force garbage
* collections after every time you close a database.
* @param {nsIMsgFolder} folder - The parent folder; we take action on it and all
* of its descendents.
* @param {Function} action - the function to call on each folder.
async takeActionOnFolderAndDescendents(folder, action) {
// We need to add the base folder as it is not included by .descendants.
const allFolders = [folder, ...folder.descendants];
// - worker function
function* folderWorker() {
for (const folder of allFolders) {
try {
} catch (ex) {
console.warn(`Folder action failed for ${folder.URI}`, ex);
yield undefined;
const worker = folderWorker();
return new Promise(resolve => {
// - driver logic
const timer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer);
function folderDriver() {
if (worker.next().done) {
// make sure there is at least 100 ms of not us between doing things.
* Get the identity that most likely is the best one to use, given the hint.
* @param {nsIMsgIdentity[]} identities - The candidates to pick from.
* @param {string} [optionalHint] - String containing comma separated mailboxes.
* @param {boolean} useDefault - If true, use the default identity of the
* account as last choice. This is useful when all default account as last
* choice. This is useful when all identities are passed in. Otherwise, use
* the first entity in the list.
* @returns {Array} - An array of two elements, [identity, matchingHint].
* identity is an nsIMsgIdentity and matchingHint is a string.
getBestIdentity(identities, optionalHint, useDefault = false) {
const identityCount = identities.length;
if (identityCount < 1) {
return [null, null];
// If we have a hint to help us pick one identity, search for a match.
// Even if we only have one identity, check which hint might match.
if (optionalHint) {
const hints =
for (const hint of hints) {
for (const identity of identities.filter(i => i.email)) {
if (hint.email.toLowerCase() == identity.email.toLowerCase()) {
return [identity, hint];
// Lets search again, this time for a match from catchAll.
for (const hint of hints) {
for (const identity of identities.filter(
i => i.email && i.catchAll && i.catchAllHint
)) {
for (let caHint of identity.catchAllHint.toLowerCase().split(",")) {
// If the hint started with *@, it applies to the whole domain. In
// this case return the hint so it can be used for replying.
// If the hint was for a more specific hint, don't return a hint
// so that the normal from address for the identity is used.
const wholeDomain = caHint.trim().startsWith("*@");
caHint = caHint.trim().replace(/^\*/, ""); // Remove initial star.
if (hint.email.toLowerCase().includes(caHint)) {
return wholeDomain ? [identity, hint] : [identity, null];
// Still no matches? Give up and pick the default or the first one.
if (useDefault) {
const defaultAccount = lazy.MailServices.accounts.defaultAccount;
if (defaultAccount && defaultAccount.defaultIdentity) {
return [defaultAccount.defaultIdentity, null];
return [identities[0], null];
getIdentityForServer(server, optionalHint) {
const identities =
return this.getBestIdentity(identities, optionalHint);
* Get the identity for the given header.
* @param {nsIMsgHdr} hdr - Message header.
* @param {nsIMsgCompType} type - Compose type the identity is used for.
* @returns {Array} - An array of two elements, [identity, matchingHint].
* identity is an nsIMsgIdentity and matchingHint is a string.
getIdentityForHeader(hdr, type, hint = "") {
let server = null;
let identity = null;
let matchingHint = null;
const folder = hdr.folder;
if (folder) {
server = folder.server;
identity = folder.customIdentity;
if (identity) {
return [identity, null];
if (!server) {
const accountKey = hdr.accountKey;
if (accountKey) {
const account = lazy.MailServices.accounts.getAccount(accountKey);
if (account) {
server = account.incomingServer;
let hintForIdentity = "";
if (type == Ci.nsIMsgCompType.ReplyToList) {
hintForIdentity = hint;
} else if (
type == Ci.nsIMsgCompType.Template ||
type == Ci.nsIMsgCompType.EditTemplate ||
type == Ci.nsIMsgCompType.EditAsNew
) {
hintForIdentity = hdr.author;
} else {
hintForIdentity = hdr.recipients + "," + hdr.ccList + "," + hint;
if (server) {
[identity, matchingHint] = this.getIdentityForServer(
if (!identity) {
[identity, matchingHint] = this.getBestIdentity(
return [identity, matchingHint];
getInboxFolder(server) {
try {
var rootMsgFolder = server.rootMsgFolder;
// Now find the Inbox.
return rootMsgFolder.getFolderWithFlags(Ci.nsMsgFolderFlags.Inbox);
} catch (ex) {
dump(ex + "\n");
return null;
* Finds a mailing list anywhere in the address books.
* @param {string} entryName - Value against which dirName is checked.
* @returns {nsIAbDirectory|null} - Found list or null.
findListInAddressBooks(entryName) {
for (const abDir of lazy.MailServices.ab.directories) {
if (abDir.supportsMailingLists) {
for (const dir of abDir.childNodes) {
if (dir.isMailList && dir.dirName == entryName) {
return dir;
return null;
* Recursively search for message id in a given folder and its subfolders,
* return the first one found.
* @param {string} msgId - The message id to find.
* @param {nsIMsgFolder} folder - The folder to check.
* @returns {nsIMsgDBHdr}
findMsgIdInFolder(msgId, folder) {
let msgHdr;
// Search in folder.
if (!folder.isServer) {
try {
msgHdr = folder.msgDatabase.getMsgHdrForMessageID(msgId);
if (msgHdr) {
return msgHdr;
} catch (ex) {
console.error(`Database for ${folder.name} not accessible`);
// Search subfolders recursively.
for (const currentFolder of folder.subFolders) {
msgHdr = this.findMsgIdInFolder(msgId, currentFolder);
if (msgHdr) {
return msgHdr;
return null;
* Recursively search for message id in all msg folders, return the first one
* found.
* @param {string} msgId - The message id to search for.
* @param {nsIMsgIncomingServer} [startServer] - The server to check first.
* @returns {nsIMsgDBHdr}
getMsgHdrForMsgId(msgId, startServer) {
let allServers = lazy.MailServices.accounts.allServers;
if (startServer) {
allServers = [startServer].concat(
allServers.filter(s => s.key != startServer.key)
for (const server of allServers) {
if (server && server.canSearchMessages && !server.isDeferredTo) {
const msgHdr = this.findMsgIdInFolder(msgId, server.rootFolder);
if (msgHdr) {
return msgHdr;
return null;
* Recursively search for message id in all msg folders and open the first
* matching message found.
* @param {string} msgId - The message id string without the brackets.
* @param {nsIMsgIncomingServer} [startServer] - The server to check first.
* @param {DOMWindow} [window] - The message window to load the message into.
openMessageForMessageId(msgId, startServer, window) {
const msgHdr = this.getMsgHdrForMsgId(msgId, startServer);
// If message was found open corresponding message.
if (msgHdr) {
if (window) {
if (window.parent.location == "about:3pane") {
// Message in 3pane.
} else {
// Message in tab, standalone message window.
const uri = msgHdr.folder.getUriForMsg(msgHdr);
} else {
const bundle = Services.strings.createBundle(
bundle.formatStringFromName("errorOpenMessageForMessageIdMessage", [
* Take the message id from the messageIdNode and use the url defined in the
* hidden pref "mailnews.messageid_browser.url" to open it in a browser window
* (%mid is replaced by the message id).
* @param {string} messageId - The message id to open.
openBrowserWithMessageId(messageId) {
let browserURL = Services.prefs.getStringPref(
browserURL = browserURL.replace(/%mid/, encodeURIComponent(messageId));
* If the 'news' URI contains a message-id, retrieve the corresponding
* message from the server, save it in a temporary EML file, and display it
* in a new tab or message window.
* For URIs that identify a newsgroup, ask to subscribe, if necessary, and
* open the group in the folder pane.
* If no host is specified in the URI, the server of the first NNTP account
* is used.
* @param {string} uri - The 'news' URI to open.
* @param {DOMWindow} win - The window which the URI is being opened within.
handleNewsUri(uri, win) {
// @see {@link https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5538#section-2.2}
const url = new URL(uri);
if (url.pathname.length <= 1) {
// Treat deprecated 'snews' URIs exactly as 'news' URIs.
// @see {@link https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5538#section-8.1}
if (url.protocol == "snews:") {
url.protocol = "news:";
const firstNntpServer = lazy.MailServices.accounts.accounts.find(
account => account.incomingServer.type == "nntp"
// 'news' URIs identifying a newsgroup.
const identifier = decodeURIComponent(url.pathname.slice(1));
if (!identifier.includes("@")) {
if (identifier.includes("*")) {
console.warn(`Unsupported news URI: ${url}`);
const server = url.hostname
? lazy.MailServices.accounts.findServer("", url.hostname, "nntp")
: firstNntpServer;
if (!server) {
console.warn(`Unknown news server: ${url.hostname}`);
if (
) {
const bundle = Services.strings.createBundle(
const result = Services.prompt.confirm(
bundle.formatStringFromName("autoSubscribeText", [identifier])
if (!result) {
// URIs that contain a message-ID.
if (!url.hostname) {
if (!firstNntpServer) {
console.warn("No news server set up.");
url.hostname = firstNntpServer.hostName;
url.port = firstNntpServer.port;
if (!url.port) {
url.port = Ci.nsINntpUrl.DEFAULT_NNTP_PORT;
const tempFile = Services.dirsvc.get("TmpD", Ci.nsIFile);
tempFile.createUnique(Ci.nsIFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0o600);
const extAppLauncher = Cc[
const messageService = Cc[
const urlListener = {
OnStopRunningUrl(url, aExitCode) {
if (!Components.isSuccessCode(aExitCode) || tempFile.fileSize <= 0) {
console.warn(`Could not open URI ${url.asciiSpec}`);
MailUtils.openEMLFile(win, tempFile, Services.io.newFileURI(tempFile));
* Display the appropriate warning to inform in which way messages will be
* deleted.
* @param {boolean} deleteStorage - If the messages are about to be deleted
* permanently.
* @param {nsIMsgDBView} dbView - The view displaying the messages.
* @param {nsIMsgFolder} [folder] - Defaults to the folder of the first
* selected message.
* @returns {boolean} - True, if the user confirms the deletion.
confirmDelete(deleteStorage, dbView, folder = null) {
if (!folder && dbView.numSelected >= 1) {
folder = dbView.hdrForFirstSelectedMessage?.folder;
const trashFolder = folder?.isSpecialFolder(
let activePref = "";
let warningName = "";
const warnTrashDelPref = "mail.warn_on_delete_from_trash";
const warnShiftDelPref = "mail.warn_on_shift_delete";
const warnCollapsedPref = "mail.warn_on_collapsed_thread_operation";
const warnNewsPref = "news.warn_on_delete";
if (trashFolder && Services.prefs.getBoolPref(warnTrashDelPref, true)) {
activePref = warnTrashDelPref;
warningName = "confirmMsgDelete.deleteFromTrash.desc";
if (
!activePref &&
dbView.selection.count != dbView.numSelected &&
Services.prefs.getBoolPref(warnCollapsedPref, true)
) {
activePref = warnCollapsedPref;
warningName = "confirmMsgDelete.collapsed.desc";
if (
!activePref &&
deleteStorage &&
!trashFolder &&
Services.prefs.getBoolPref(warnShiftDelPref, true)
) {
activePref = warnShiftDelPref;
warningName = "confirmMsgDelete.deleteNoTrash.desc";
if (
!activePref &&
folder?.isSpecialFolder(Ci.nsMsgFolderFlags.Newsgroup, true) &&
Services.prefs.getBoolPref(warnNewsPref, true)
) {
activePref = warnNewsPref;
warningName = "confirmMsgDelete.deleteNoTrash.desc";
if (!activePref) {
return true;
const messengerBundle = Services.strings.createBundle(
const dontAsk = { value: false };
if (
Services.prompt.BUTTON_TITLE_IS_STRING * Services.prompt.BUTTON_POS_0 +
Services.prompt.BUTTON_TITLE_CANCEL * Services.prompt.BUTTON_POS_1,
) != 0
) {
return false;
if (dontAsk.value) {
Services.prefs.setBoolPref(activePref, false);
return true;
* A class that listens to notifications about folders, and deals with them
* appropriately.
* @implements {nsIObserver}
class FolderNotificationManager {
QueryInterface = ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIObserver"]);
static #manager = null;
static init() {
if (FolderNotificationManager.#manager) {
FolderNotificationManager.#manager = new FolderNotificationManager();
constructor() {
Services.obs.addObserver(this, "profile-before-change");
Services.obs.addObserver(this, "folder-attention");
observe(subject, topic) {
switch (topic) {
case "profile-before-change":
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "profile-before-change");
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "folder-attention");
case "folder-attention":