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127 строки
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// The various pieces that we'll be testing
var testdata = {
dummyid: "smile-dummy-extension@mozilla.org",
dummyname: "Dummy Extension",
inspectorid: "inspector@mozilla.org",
inspectorname: "DOM Inspector",
missing: "smile.smile-test-missing",
dummy: "smile.smile-test"
var gLastEvent = "";
function test() {
// test to see if the extensions object is available
ok(Application.extensions, "Check for the 'Extensions' object");
// test to see if a non-existant extension exists
ok(!Application.extensions.has(testdata.dummyid), "Check non-existant extension for existance");
// BUG 420028: Must find a way to add a dummy extension for test suite
// test to see if an extension exists
ok(Application.extensions.has(testdata.inspectorid), "Check extension for existance");
var inspector = Application.extensions.get(testdata.inspectorid);
is(inspector.id, testdata.inspectorid, "Check 'Extension.id' for known extension");
is(inspector.name, testdata.inspectorname, "Check 'Extension.name' for known extension");
// The known version number changes too frequently to hardcode in
ok(inspector.version, "Check 'Extension.version' for known extension");
ok(inspector.firstRun, "Check 'Extension.firstRun' for known extension");
ok(inspector.enabled, "Check 'Extension.enabled' for known extension");
// test to see if extension find works
is(Application.extensions.all.length, 1, "Check a find for all extensions");
// Make sure the we are given the same extension (cached) so things like .storage work right
inspector.storage.set("test", "simple check");
ok(inspector.storage.has("test"), "Checking that extension storage worked");
var inspector2 = Application.extensions.get(testdata.inspectorid);
is(inspector2.id, testdata.inspectorid, "Check 'Extension.id' for known extension - from cache");
ok(inspector.storage.has("test"), "Checking that extension storage worked - from cache");
is(inspector2.storage.get("test", "cache"), inspector.storage.get("test", "original"), "Checking that the storage of same extension is correct - from cache");
inspector.events.addListener("disable", onGenericEvent);
inspector.events.addListener("enable", onGenericEvent);
inspector.events.addListener("uninstall", onGenericEvent);
inspector.events.addListener("cancel", onGenericEvent);
var extmgr = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/extensions/manager;1"]
is(gLastEvent, "disable", "Checking that disable event is fired");
// enabling after a disable will only fire a 'cancel' event
// see - http://mxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/src/nsExtensionManager.js.in#5216
is(gLastEvent, "cancel", "Checking that enable (cancel) event is fired");
is(gLastEvent, "uninstall", "Checking that uninstall event is fired");
is(gLastEvent, "cancel", "Checking that cancel event is fired");
// Reset the install event preference, so that we can test it again later
// test the value of the preference root
is(Application.extensions.all[0].prefs.root, "extensions.inspector@mozilla.org.", "Check an extension preference root");
// test getting non-existing values
var itemValue = inspector.prefs.getValue(testdata.missing, "default");
is(itemValue, "default", "Check 'Extension.prefs.getValue' for non-existing item");
is(inspector.prefs.get(testdata.missing), null, "Check 'Extension.prefs.get' for non-existing item");
// test setting and getting a value
inspector.prefs.setValue(testdata.dummy, "dummy");
itemValue = inspector.prefs.getValue(testdata.dummy, "default");
is(itemValue, "dummy", "Check 'Extension.prefs.getValue' for existing item");
// test for overwriting an existing value
inspector.prefs.setValue(testdata.dummy, "smarty");
itemValue = inspector.prefs.getValue(testdata.dummy, "default");
is(itemValue, "smarty", "Check 'Extension.prefs.getValue' for overwritten item");
// test setting and getting a value
inspector.prefs.get(testdata.dummy).value = "dummy2";
itemValue = inspector.prefs.get(testdata.dummy).value;
is(itemValue, "dummy2", "Check 'Extension.prefs.get().value' for existing item");
// test resetting a pref [since there is no default value, the pref should disappear]
var itemValue = inspector.prefs.getValue(testdata.dummy, "default");
is(itemValue, "default", "Check 'Extension.prefs.getValue' for reset pref");
// test to see if a non-existant property exists
ok(!inspector.prefs.has(testdata.dummy), "Check non-existant property for existance");
inspector.prefs.events.addListener("change", onPrefChange);
inspector.prefs.setValue("smile.smile-test", "change event");
function onGenericEvent(event) {
gLastEvent = event.type;
function onPrefChange(evt) {
var inspector3 = Application.extensions.get(testdata.inspectorid);
is(evt.data, testdata.dummy, "Check 'Extension.prefs.set' fired a change event");
inspector3.prefs.events.removeListener("change", onPrefChange);
inspector3.prefs.get("smile.smile-test").events.addListener("change", onPrefChange2);
inspector3.prefs.setValue("smile.smile-test", "change event2");
function onPrefChange2(evt) {
is(evt.data, testdata.dummy, "Check 'Extension.prefs.set' fired a change event for a single preference");