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1987 строки
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/* -*- Mode: javascript; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
/* This is where functions related to displaying the headers for a selected message in the
message pane live. */
// Warning: if you go to modify any of these JS routines please get a code review from
// scott@scott-macgregor.org. It's critical that the code in here for displaying
// the message headers for a selected message remain as fast as possible. In particular,
// right now, we only introduce one reflow per message. i.e. if you click on a message in the thread
// pane, we batch up all the changes for displaying the header pane (to, cc, attachements button, etc.)
// and we make a single pass to display them. It's critical that we maintain this one reflow per message
// view in the message header pane.
var gViewAllHeaders = false;
var gShowOrganization = false;
var gShowUserAgent = false;
var gShowReferences = false;
var gShowMessageId = false;
var gCollectIncoming = false;
var gCollectOutgoing = false;
var gCollectNewsgroup = false;
var gCollapsedHeaderViewMode = false;
var gCollectAddressTimer = null;
var gBuildAttachmentsForCurrentMsg = false;
var gBuildAttachmentPopupForCurrentMsg = true;
var gBuiltExpandedView = false;
var gBuiltCollapsedView = false;
var gMessengerBundle;
// Globals for setFromBuddyIcon().
var gFileHandler;
var gProfileDirURL;
var gExtraExpandedHeaders;
// Show the friendly display names for people I know, instead of the name + email address.
var gShowCondensedEmailAddresses;
var msgHeaderParser = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/messenger/headerparser;1"]
var abAddressCollector = null;
// other components may listen to on start header & on end header notifications for each message we display
// to do that you need to add yourself to our gMessageListeners array with an object that supports the three properties:
// onStartHeaders, onEndHeaders and onEndAttachments.
var gMessageListeners = new Array();
// For every possible "view" in the message pane, you need to define the header names you want to
// see in that view. In addition, include information describing how you want that header field to be
// presented. i.e. if it's an email address field, if you want a toggle inserted on the node in case
// of multiple email addresses, etc. We'll then use this static table to dynamically generate header view entries
// which manipulate the UI.
// When you add a header to one of these view lists you can specify the following properties:
// name: the name of the header. i.e. "to", "subject". This must be in lower case and the name of the
// header is used to help dynamically generate ids for objects in the document. (REQUIRED)
// useToggle: true if the values for this header are multiple email addresses and you want a
// a toggle icon to show a short vs. long list (DEFAULT: false)
// useShortView: (only works on some fields like From). If the field has a long presentation and a
// short presentation we'll use the short one. i.e. if you are showing the From field and you
// set this to true, we can show just "John Doe" instead of "John Doe <jdoe@netscape.net>".
// (DEFAULT: false)
// outputFunction: this is a method which takes a headerEntry (see the definition below) and a header value
// This allows you to provide your own methods for actually determining how the header value
// is displayed. (DEFAULT: updateHeaderValue which just sets the header value on the text node)
// Our first view is the collapsed view. This is very light weight view of the data. We only show a couple
// fields.
var gCollapsedHeaderList = [ {name:"subject", outputFunction:updateHeaderValueInTextNode},
{name:"from", useToggle:true, useShortView:true, outputFunction:OutputEmailAddresses},
{name:"date", outputFunction:updateHeaderValueInTextNode}];
// We also have an expanded header view. This shows many of your more common (and useful) headers.
var gExpandedHeaderList = [ {name:"subject"},
{name:"from", useToggle:true, outputFunction:OutputEmailAddresses},
{name:"sender", outputFunction:OutputEmailAddresses},
{name:"reply-to", useToggle:true, outputFunction:OutputEmailAddresses},
{name:"to", useToggle:true, outputFunction:OutputEmailAddresses},
{name:"cc", useToggle:true, outputFunction:OutputEmailAddresses},
{name:"bcc", useToggle:true, outputFunction:OutputEmailAddresses},
{name:"newsgroups", outputFunction:OutputNewsgroups},
{name:"references", outputFunction:OutputMessageIds},
{name:"followup-to", outputFunction:OutputNewsgroups},
{name:"tags"} ];
// These are all the items that use a mail-multi-emailHeaderField widget and
// therefore may require updating if the address book changes.
const gEmailAddressHeaderNames = ["from", "reply-to", "to", "cc", "bcc"];
// Now, for each view the message pane can generate, we need a global table of headerEntries. These
// header entry objects are generated dynamically based on the static data in the header lists (see above)
// and elements we find in the DOM based on properties in the header lists.
var gCollapsedHeaderView = {};
var gExpandedHeaderView = {};
// currentHeaderData --> this is an array of header name and value pairs for the currently displayed message.
// it's purely a data object and has no view information. View information is contained in the view objects.
// for a given entry in this array you can ask for:
// .headerName ---> name of the header (i.e. 'to'). Always stored in lower case
// .headerValue --> value of the header "johndoe@netscape.net"
var currentHeaderData = {};
// For the currently displayed message, we store all the attachment data. When displaying a particular
// view, it's up to the view layer to extract this attachment data and turn it into something useful.
// For a given entry in the attachments list, you can ask for the following properties:
// .contentType --> the content type of the attachment
// url --> an imap, or mailbox url which can be used to fetch the message
// uri --> an RDF URI which refers to the message containig the attachment
// isExternalAttachment --> boolean flag stating whether the attachment is external or not.
var currentAttachments = new Array();
const nsIAbDirectory = Components.interfaces.nsIAbDirectory;
const nsIAbListener = Components.interfaces.nsIAbListener;
const nsIAbCard = Components.interfaces.nsIAbCard;
// createHeaderEntry --> our constructor method which creates a header Entry
// based on an entry in one of the header lists. A header entry is different from a header list.
// a header list just describes how you want a particular header to be presented. The header entry
// actually has knowledge about the DOM and the actual DOM elements associated with the header.
// prefix --> the name of the view (i.e. "collapsed", "expanded")
// headerListInfo --> entry from a header list.
function createHeaderEntry(prefix, headerListInfo)
var useShortView = false;
var partialIDName = prefix + headerListInfo.name;
this.enclosingBox = document.getElementById(partialIDName + 'Box');
this.textNode = document.getElementById(partialIDName + 'Value');
this.isNewHeader = false;
this.isValid = false;
if ("useShortView" in headerListInfo)
useShortView = headerListInfo.useShortView;
if (useShortView)
this.enclosingBox = this.textNode;
this.enclosingBox.emailAddressNode = this.textNode;
if ("useToggle" in headerListInfo)
this.useToggle = headerListInfo.useToggle;
if (this.useToggle) // find the toggle icon in the document
this.toggleIcon = this.enclosingBox.toggleIcon;
this.longTextNode = this.enclosingBox.longEmailAddresses;
this.textNode = this.enclosingBox.emailAddresses;
this.useToggle = false;
if (this.textNode)
this.textNode.useShortView = useShortView;
if ("outputFunction" in headerListInfo)
this.outputFunction = headerListInfo.outputFunction;
this.outputFunction = updateHeaderValue;
// Stash this so that the <mail-multi-emailheaderfield/> binding can
// later attach it to any <mail-emailaddress> tags it creates for later
// extraction and use by UpdateEmailNodeDetails.
this.enclosingBox.headerName = headerListInfo.name;
function initializeHeaderViewTables()
// iterate over each header in our header list arrays and create header entries
// for each one. These header entries are then stored in the appropriate header table
for (let index = 0; index < gCollapsedHeaderList.length; index++)
gCollapsedHeaderView[gCollapsedHeaderList[index].name] =
new createHeaderEntry('collapsed', gCollapsedHeaderList[index]);
for (let index = 0; index < gExpandedHeaderList.length; index++)
var headerName = gExpandedHeaderList[index].name;
gExpandedHeaderView[headerName] = new createHeaderEntry('expanded', gExpandedHeaderList[index]);
var extraHeaders = gExtraExpandedHeaders.match(/[^ ]+/g);
if (extraHeaders) {
for (let index = 0; index < extraHeaders.length; index++)
let extraHeader = extraHeaders[index];
gExpandedHeaderView[extraHeader.toLowerCase()] = new createNewHeaderView(extraHeader, extraHeader + ':');
if (gShowOrganization)
let organizationEntry = {name:"organization", outputFunction:updateHeaderValue};
gExpandedHeaderView[organizationEntry.name] = new createHeaderEntry('expanded', organizationEntry);
if (gShowUserAgent)
let userAgentEntry = {name:"user-agent", outputFunction:updateHeaderValue};
gExpandedHeaderView[userAgentEntry.name] = new createHeaderEntry('expanded', userAgentEntry);
if (gShowMessageId)
let messageIdEntry = {name:"message-id", outputFunction:OutputMessageIds};
gExpandedHeaderView[messageIdEntry.name] = new createHeaderEntry('expanded', messageIdEntry);
function OnLoadMsgHeaderPane()
// HACK...force our XBL bindings file to be load before we try to create our first xbl widget....
// otherwise we have problems.
// load any preferences that at are global with regards to
// displaying a message...
gCollectIncoming = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("mail.collect_email_address_incoming");
gCollectNewsgroup = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("mail.collect_email_address_newsgroup");
gCollectOutgoing = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("mail.collect_email_address_outgoing");
gShowCondensedEmailAddresses = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("mail.showCondensedAddresses");
gShowUserAgent = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("mailnews.headers.showUserAgent");
gShowOrganization = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("mailnews.headers.showOrganization");
gShowReferences = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("mailnews.headers.showReferences");
gShowMessageId = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("mailnews.headers.showMessageId");
gExtraExpandedHeaders = Services.prefs.getCharPref("mailnews.headers.extraExpandedHeaders");
Services.prefs.addObserver("mail.showCondensedAddresses", MsgHdrViewObserver, false);
// Add an address book listener so we can update the header view when things
// change.
.addAddressBookListener(AddressBookListener, nsIAbListener.all);
var toggleHeaderView = GetHeaderPane();
var initialCollapsedSetting = toggleHeaderView.getAttribute("state");
if (initialCollapsedSetting == "true")
gCollapsedHeaderViewMode = true;
// dispatch an event letting any listeners know that we have loaded the message pane
toggleHeaderView.dispatchEvent(new Event('messagepane-loaded',
{ bubbles: false, cancelable: true }));
function OnUnloadMsgHeaderPane()
Services.prefs.removeObserver("mail.showCondensedAddresses", MsgHdrViewObserver);
// dispatch an event letting any listeners know that we have unloaded the message pane
GetHeaderPane().dispatchEvent(new Event('messagepane-unloaded',
{ bubbles: false, cancelable: true }));
const MsgHdrViewObserver =
observe: function(subject, topic, prefName)
// verify that we're changing the mail pane config pref
if (topic == "nsPref:changed")
if (prefName == "mail.showCondensedAddresses")
gShowCondensedEmailAddresses = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("mail.showCondensedAddresses");
var AddressBookListener =
onItemAdded: function(aParentDir, aItem) {
aParentDir, aItem);
onItemRemoved: function(aParentDir, aItem) {
OnAddressBookDataChanged(aItem instanceof nsIAbCard ?
nsIAbListener.directoryItemRemoved :
aParentDir, aItem);
onItemPropertyChanged: function(aItem, aProperty, aOldValue, aNewValue) {
// We only need updates for card changes, address book and mailing list
// ones don't affect us here.
if (aItem instanceof nsIAbCard)
OnAddressBookDataChanged(nsIAbListener.itemChanged, null, aItem);
function OnAddressBookDataChanged(aAction, aParentDir, aItem)
gEmailAddressHeaderNames.forEach(function (aHeaderName)
var headerEntry = null;
// Ensure both collapsed and expanded are updated in case we toggle
// between the two.
if (aHeaderName in gCollapsedHeaderView)
headerEntry = gCollapsedHeaderView[aHeaderName];
if (headerEntry)
if (aHeaderName in gExpandedHeaderView)
headerEntry = gExpandedHeaderView[aHeaderName];
if (headerEntry)
// The messageHeaderSink is the class that gets notified of a message's headers as we display the message
// through our mime converter.
var messageHeaderSink = {
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI(
onStartHeaders: function()
this.mSaveHdr = null;
// clear out any pending collected address timers...
if (gCollectAddressTimer)
gCollectAddressTimer = null;
// every time we start to redisplay a message, check the view all headers pref....
var showAllHeadersPref = Services.prefs.getIntPref("mail.show_headers");
if (showAllHeadersPref == 2)
gViewAllHeaders = true;
if (gViewAllHeaders) // if we currently are in view all header mode, rebuild our header view so we remove most of the header data
gExpandedHeaderView = {};
gViewAllHeaders = false;
gBuiltExpandedView = false;
gBuiltCollapsedView = false;
gBuildAttachmentsForCurrentMsg = false;
gBuildAttachmentPopupForCurrentMsg = true;
for (let index in gMessageListeners)
onEndHeaders: function()
EnsureSubjectValue(); // make sure there is a subject even if it's empty so we'll show the subject and the twisty
for (let index in gMessageListeners)
processHeaders: function(headerNameEnumerator, headerValueEnumerator, dontCollectAddress)
const kMailboxSeparator = ", ";
var index = 0;
while (headerNameEnumerator.hasMore())
var header = new Object;
header.headerValue = headerValueEnumerator.getNext();
header.headerName = headerNameEnumerator.getNext();
// For consistency's sake, let us force all header names to be lower
// case so we don't have to worry about looking for: Cc and CC, etc.
var lowerCaseHeaderName = header.headerName.toLowerCase();
// If we have an x-mailer, x-mimeole, or x-newsreader string,
// put it in the user-agent slot which we know how to handle already.
if (/^x-(mailer|mimeole|newsreader)$/.test(lowerCaseHeaderName))
lowerCaseHeaderName = "user-agent";
if (this.mDummyMsgHeader)
if (lowerCaseHeaderName == "from")
this.mDummyMsgHeader.author = header.headerValue;
else if (lowerCaseHeaderName == "to")
this.mDummyMsgHeader.recipients = header.headerValue;
else if (lowerCaseHeaderName == "cc")
this.mDummyMsgHeader.ccList = header.headerValue;
else if (lowerCaseHeaderName == "subject")
this.mDummyMsgHeader.subject = header.headerValue;
else if (lowerCaseHeaderName == "reply-to")
this.mDummyMsgHeader.replyTo = header.headerValue;
else if (lowerCaseHeaderName == "message-id")
this.mDummyMsgHeader.messageId = header.headerValue;
else if (lowerCaseHeaderName == "list-post")
this.mDummyMsgHeader.listPost = header.headerValue;
else if (lowerCaseHeaderName == "date")
this.mDummyMsgHeader.date = Date.parse(header.headerValue) * 1000;
// We emit both the original, raw date header and a localized version.
// Pretend that the localized version is the real version.
if (lowerCaseHeaderName == "date")
if (lowerCaseHeaderName == "x-mozilla-localizeddate")
lowerCaseHeaderName = "date";
header.headerName = "Date";
// according to RFC 2822, certain headers
// can occur "unlimited" times
if (lowerCaseHeaderName in currentHeaderData)
// sometimes, you can have multiple To or Cc lines....
// in this case, we want to append these headers into one.
if (lowerCaseHeaderName == 'to' || lowerCaseHeaderName == 'cc')
currentHeaderData[lowerCaseHeaderName].headerValue = currentHeaderData[lowerCaseHeaderName].headerValue + ',' + header.headerValue;
// use the index to create a unique header name like:
// received5, received6, etc
currentHeaderData[lowerCaseHeaderName + index++] = header;
currentHeaderData[lowerCaseHeaderName] = header;
if (lowerCaseHeaderName == "from")
if (header.headerValue)
var createCard = (gCollectIncoming && !dontCollectAddress) || (gCollectNewsgroup && dontCollectAddress);
if (createCard || gCollectOutgoing)
// collect, add card if doesn't exist and gCollectOutgoing is set,
// otherwise only update existing cards, unknown preferred send format
gCollectAddressTimer = setTimeout(collectAddresses,
catch(ex) {}
} // if lowerCaseHeaderName == "from"
} // while we have more headers to parse
// process message tags as if they were headers in the message
if (("from" in currentHeaderData) && ("sender" in currentHeaderData) && msgHeaderParser)
var senderMailbox = kMailboxSeparator +
currentHeaderData.sender.headerValue) + kMailboxSeparator;
var fromMailboxes = kMailboxSeparator +
currentHeaderData.from.headerValue) + kMailboxSeparator;
if (fromMailboxes.indexOf(senderMailbox) >= 0)
delete currentHeaderData.sender;
handleAttachment: function(contentType, url, displayName, uri, isExternalAttachment)
// presentation level change....don't show vcards as external attachments in the UI.
// libmime already renders them inline.
if (!this.mSaveHdr)
this.mSaveHdr = messenger.msgHdrFromURI(uri);
catch (ex) {}
if (contentType == "text/x-vcard")
var inlineAttachments = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("mail.inline_attachments");
var displayHtmlAs = Services.prefs.getIntPref("mailnews.display.html_as");
if (inlineAttachments && !displayHtmlAs)
var size = null;
if (isExternalAttachment)
var file = GetFileFromString(url);
if (file && file.exists())
size = file.fileSize;
dump("Couldn't open external attachment!");
currentAttachments.push(new createNewAttachmentInfo(contentType,
// If we have an attachment, set the nsMsgMessageFlags.Attachment flag
// on the hdr to cause the "message with attachment" icon to show up
// in the thread pane.
// We only need to do this on the first attachment.
var numAttachments = currentAttachments.length;
if (numAttachments == 1) {
// we also have to enable the Message/Attachments menuitem
var node = document.getElementById("msgAttachmentMenu");
if (node)
try {
// convert the uri into a hdr
catch (ex) {
dump("ex = " + ex + "\n");
addAttachmentField: function(aField, aValue)
let last = currentAttachments[currentAttachments.length - 1];
if (aField == "X-Mozilla-PartSize" && !last.isExternalAttachment &&
last.contentType != "text/x-moz-deleted")
let size = parseInt(aValue);
// libmime returns -1 if it never managed to figure out the size.
if (size != -1)
last.size = size;
else if (aField == "X-Mozilla-PartDownloaded" && aValue == "0")
// We haven't downloaded the attachment, so any size we get from
// libmime is almost certainly inaccurate. Just get rid of it. (Note:
// this relies on the fact that PartDownloaded comes after PartSize from
// the MIME emitter.)
last.size = null;
onEndAllAttachments: function()
// AddSaveAllAttachmentsMenu();
if (gCollapsedHeaderViewMode)
for (let index in gMessageListeners) {
if ("onEndAttachments" in gMessageListeners[index])
onEndMsgDownload: function(url)
// if we don't have any attachments, turn off the attachments flag
if (!this.mSaveHdr)
var messageUrl = url.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIMsgMessageUrl);
this.mSaveHdr = messenger.msgHdrFromURI(messageUrl.uri);
catch (ex) {}
if (!currentAttachments.length && this.mSaveHdr)
onEndMsgHeaders: function(url)
onMsgHasRemoteContent: function(aMsgHdr)
mSecurityInfo : null,
mSaveHdr: null,
get securityInfo()
return this.mSecurityInfo;
set securityInfo(aSecurityInfo)
this.mSecurityInfo = aSecurityInfo;
mDummyMsgHeader: null,
get dummyMsgHeader()
if (!this.mDummyMsgHeader)
this.mDummyMsgHeader = new nsDummyMsgHeader();
return this.mDummyMsgHeader;
mProperties: null,
get properties()
if (!this.mProperties)
this.mProperties = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/hash-property-bag;1"].
return this.mProperties;
resetProperties: function()
this.mProperties = null;
// Private method which generates a space delimited list of tag keys for the
// current message. This list is then stored in currentHeaderData["tags"].
function SetTagHeader()
// it would be nice if we passed in the msgHdr from the back end
var msgHdr;
msgHdr = gDBView.hdrForFirstSelectedMessage;
catch (ex)
return; // no msgHdr to add our tags to
// get the list of known tags
var tagService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/messenger/tagservice;1"]
var tagArray = tagService.getAllTags({});
var tagKeys = {};
for each (var tagInfo in tagArray)
if (tagInfo.tag)
tagKeys[tagInfo.key] = true;
// extract the tag keys from the msgHdr
var msgKeyArray = msgHdr.getStringProperty("keywords").split(" ");
// attach legacy label to the front if not already there
var label = msgHdr.label;
if (label)
var labelKey = "$label" + label;
if (msgKeyArray.indexOf(labelKey) < 0)
// Rebuild the keywords string with just the keys that are actual tags or
// legacy labels and not other keywords like Junk and NonJunk.
// Retain their order, though, with the label as oldest element.
for (let i = msgKeyArray.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
if (!(msgKeyArray[i] in tagKeys))
msgKeyArray.splice(i, 1); // remove non-tag key
var msgKeys = msgKeyArray.join(" ");
if (msgKeys)
currentHeaderData.tags = {headerName: "tags", headerValue: msgKeys};
else // no more tags, so clear out the header field
delete currentHeaderData.tags;
function EnsureSubjectValue()
if (!('subject' in currentHeaderData))
var foo = new Object;
foo.headerValue = "";
foo.headerName = 'subject';
currentHeaderData[foo.headerName] = foo;
// Private method used by messageHeaderSink::processHeaders.
function collectAddresses(aAddresses, aCreateCard)
if (!abAddressCollector)
abAddressCollector = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/addressbook/services/addressCollector;1"]
var sendFormat = Components.interfaces.nsIAbPreferMailFormat.unknown;
abAddressCollector.collectAddress(aAddresses, aCreateCard, sendFormat);
// Public method called by the tag front end code when the tags for the selected
// message has changed.
function OnTagsChange()
// rebuild the tag headers
// now update the expanded header view to rebuild the tags,
// and then show or hide the tag header box.
if (gBuiltExpandedView)
var headerEntry = gExpandedHeaderView.tags;
if (headerEntry)
headerEntry.valid = ("tags" in currentHeaderData);
if (headerEntry.valid)
headerEntry.outputFunction(headerEntry, currentHeaderData.tags.headerValue);
// if we are showing the expanded header view then we may need to collapse or
// show the tag header box...
if (!gCollapsedHeaderViewMode)
headerEntry.enclosingBox.collapsed = !headerEntry.valid;
// flush out any local state being held by a header entry for a given
// table
function ClearHeaderView(headerTable)
for (let index in headerTable)
let headerEntry = headerTable[index];
if (headerEntry.useToggle)
headerEntry.valid = false;
// make sure that any valid header entry in the table is collapsed
function hideHeaderView(headerTable)
for (let index in headerTable)
headerTable[index].enclosingBox.collapsed = true;
// make sure that any valid header entry in the table specified is
// visible
function showHeaderView(headerTable)
for (let index in headerTable)
let headerEntry = headerTable[index];
if (headerEntry.valid)
headerEntry.enclosingBox.collapsed = false;
else // if the entry is invalid, always make sure it's collapsed
headerEntry.enclosingBox.collapsed = true;
// make sure the appropriate fields within the currently displayed view header mode
// are collapsed or visible...
function updateHeaderViews()
if (gCollapsedHeaderViewMode)
function ToggleHeaderView()
var expandedNode = document.getElementById("expandedHeaderView");
var collapsedNode = document.getElementById("collapsedHeaderView");
if (gCollapsedHeaderViewMode)
gCollapsedHeaderViewMode = false;
// hide the current view
// update the current view
// now uncollapse / collapse the right views
expandedNode.collapsed = false;
collapsedNode.collapsed = true;
gCollapsedHeaderViewMode = true;
// hide the current view
// update the current view
// now uncollapse / collapse the right views
collapsedNode.collapsed = false;
expandedNode.collapsed = true;
var toggleHeaderView = GetHeaderPane();
if (gCollapsedHeaderViewMode)
toggleHeaderView.setAttribute("state", "true");
toggleHeaderView.setAttribute("state", "false");
// default method for updating a header value into a header entry
function updateHeaderValue(headerEntry, headerValue)
headerEntry.enclosingBox.headerValue = headerValue;
function updateHeaderValueInTextNode(headerEntry, headerValue)
headerEntry.textNode.value = headerValue;
function createNewHeaderView(headerName, label)
var idName = 'expanded' + headerName + 'Box';
var newHeader = document.createElement("mail-headerfield");
newHeader.setAttribute('id', idName);
newHeader.setAttribute('label', label);
// all mail-headerfield elements are keyword related
newHeader.collapsed = true;
// this new element needs to be inserted into the view...
var topViewNode = document.getElementById('expandedHeaders');
this.enclosingBox = newHeader;
this.isNewHeader = true;
this.isValid = false;
this.useToggle = false;
this.outputFunction = updateHeaderValue;
* Removes all non-predefined header nodes from the view.
* @param aHeaderTable Table of header entries.
function RemoveNewHeaderViews(aHeaderTable)
for (let index in aHeaderTable)
let headerEntry = aHeaderTable[index];
if (headerEntry.isNewHeader)
// UpdateMessageHeaders: Iterate through all the current header data we received from mime for this message
// for each header entry table, see if we have a corresponding entry for that header. i.e. does the particular
// view care about this header value. if it does then call updateHeaderEntry
function UpdateMessageHeaders()
// iterate over each header we received and see if we have a matching entry in each
// header view table...
for (let headerName in currentHeaderData)
let headerField = currentHeaderData[headerName];
let headerEntry = null;
if (headerName == "subject")
try {
if (gDBView.keyForFirstSelectedMessage == nsMsgKey_None)
let folder = null;
if (gCurrentFolderUri)
folder = GetMsgFolderFromUri(gCurrentFolderUri);
setTitleFromFolder(folder, headerField.headerValue);
} catch (ex) {}
if (gCollapsedHeaderViewMode && !gBuiltCollapsedView)
if (headerName in gCollapsedHeaderView)
headerEntry = gCollapsedHeaderView[headerName];
else if (!gCollapsedHeaderViewMode && !gBuiltExpandedView)
if (headerName in gExpandedHeaderView)
headerEntry = gExpandedHeaderView[headerName];
if (!headerEntry && gViewAllHeaders)
// for view all headers, if we don't have a header field for this value....cheat and create one....then
// fill in a headerEntry
if (headerName == "message-id" || headerName == "in-reply-to")
let messageIdEntry = {name:headerName, outputFunction:OutputMessageIds};
gExpandedHeaderView[headerName] = new createHeaderEntry('expanded', messageIdEntry);
gExpandedHeaderView[headerName] = new createNewHeaderView(headerName,
currentHeaderData[headerName].headerName + ':');
headerEntry = gExpandedHeaderView[headerName];
} // if we are in expanded view....
if (headerEntry)
if (headerName == "references" &&
!(gViewAllHeaders || gShowReferences ||
(gDBView.msgFolder && gDBView.msgFolder.server.type == "nntp")))
// hide references header if view all headers mode isn't selected, the pref show references is
// deactivated and the currently displayed message isn't a newsgroup posting
headerEntry.valid = false;
headerEntry.outputFunction(headerEntry, headerField.headerValue);
headerEntry.valid = true;
if (gCollapsedHeaderViewMode)
gBuiltCollapsedView = true;
gBuiltExpandedView = true;
// now update the view to make sure the right elements are visible
function ClearCurrentHeaders()
currentHeaderData = {};
currentAttachments = new Array();
function IsListPost()
if ("list-post" in currentHeaderData)
return /<mailto:.+@.+>/.test(currentHeaderData["list-post"].headerValue);
return false;
function ShowMessageHeaderPane()
var node;
if (gCollapsedHeaderViewMode)
node = document.getElementById("collapsedHeaderView");
if (node)
node.collapsed = false;
node = document.getElementById("expandedHeaderView");
if (node)
node.collapsed = false;
/* workaround for 39655 */
if (gFolderJustSwitched)
let el = GetHeaderPane();
el.setAttribute("style", el.getAttribute("style"));
gFolderJustSwitched = false;
function HideMessageHeaderPane()
var node = document.getElementById("collapsedHeaderView");
if (node)
node.collapsed = true;
node = document.getElementById("expandedHeaderView");
if (node)
node.collapsed = true;
// we also have to disable the Message/Attachments menuitem
node = document.getElementById("msgAttachmentMenu");
if (node)
node.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
function OutputNewsgroups(headerEntry, headerValue)
headerValue = headerValue.replace(/,/g,", ");
updateHeaderValue(headerEntry, headerValue);
// take string of message-ids separated by whitespace, split it
// into message-ids and send them together with the index number
// to the corresponding mail-messageids-headerfield element
function OutputMessageIds(headerEntry, headerValue)
var messageIdArray = headerValue.split(/\s+/);
for (let i = 0; i < messageIdArray.length; i++)
// OutputEmailAddresses --> knows how to take a comma separated list of email addresses,
// extracts them one by one, linkifying each email address into a mailto url.
// Then we add the link-ified email address to the parentDiv passed in.
// emailAddresses --> comma separated list of the addresses for this header field
function OutputEmailAddresses(headerEntry, emailAddresses)
if (!emailAddresses)
if (msgHeaderParser)
var addresses = {};
var fullNames = {};
var names = {};
var numAddresses = 0;
numAddresses = msgHeaderParser.parseHeadersWithArray(emailAddresses, addresses, names, fullNames);
var index = 0;
while (index < numAddresses)
// if we want to include short/long toggle views and we have a long view, always add it.
// if we aren't including a short/long view OR if we are and we haven't parsed enough
// addresses to reach the cutoff valve yet then add it to the default (short) div.
var address = {};
address.emailAddress = addresses.value[index] || "";
address.fullAddress = fullNames.value[index] || "";
address.displayName = names.value[index] || "";
if (headerEntry.useToggle)
updateEmailAddressNode(headerEntry.enclosingBox.emailAddressNode, address);
if (headerEntry.enclosingBox.getAttribute("id") == "expandedfromBox") {
if (headerEntry.useToggle)
} // if msgheader parser
function setFromBuddyIcon(email)
var fromBuddyIcon = document.getElementById("fromBuddyIcon");
var myScreenName = null;
try {
// TODO: Cache this.
myScreenName = Services.prefs.getCharPref("aim.session.screenname");
catch (ex) {
// No screenname preference.
if (myScreenName)
var card = GetCardForEmail(email).card;
if (card)
// For now, retrieve the screen name only.
var iconURLStr = card.getProperty("_AimScreenName", "");
if (iconURLStr)
// Lazily create these globals.
if (!gFileHandler)
gFileHandler = Services.io.getProtocolHandler("file")
gProfileDirURL = Services.io.newFileURI(GetSpecialDirectory("ProfD"));
// If we did have a buddy icon on disk for this screenname,
// this would be the file url spec for it.
iconURLStr = gProfileDirURL.spec + "/NIM/" + myScreenName
+ "/picture/" + iconURLStr + ".gif";
// check if the file exists
// is this a perf hit? (how expensive is stat()?)
if (gFileHandler.getFileFromURLSpec(iconURLStr).exists()) {
fromBuddyIcon.setAttribute("src", iconURLStr);
fromBuddyIcon.setAttribute("src", "");
function updateEmailAddressNode(emailAddressNode, address)
emailAddressNode.setAttribute("emailAddress", address.emailAddress);
emailAddressNode.setAttribute("fullAddress", address.fullAddress);
emailAddressNode.setAttribute("displayName", address.displayName);
UpdateEmailNodeDetails(address.emailAddress, emailAddressNode);
function UpdateEmailNodeDetails(aEmailAddress, aDocumentNode, aCardDetails)
// If we haven't been given specific details, search for a card.
var cardDetails = aCardDetails || GetCardForEmail(aEmailAddress);
aDocumentNode.cardDetails = cardDetails;
var condense = gShowCondensedEmailAddresses;
// Get the id of the mail-multi-emailHeaderField binding parent.
var parentElementId = aDocumentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.id;
// Don't condense the address for the from and reply-to fields.
// Ids: "collapsedfromValue", "expandedfromBox", "expandedreply-toBox".
if (/^(collapsedfromValue|expanded(from|reply-to)Box)$/.test(parentElementId))
condense = false;
var displayName = "";
if (condense && cardDetails.card)
if (cardDetails.card.getProperty("PreferDisplayName", true) != true)
displayName = aDocumentNode.getAttribute("displayName");
if (!displayName)
displayName = cardDetails.card.displayName;
if (displayName)
aDocumentNode.setAttribute("tooltiptext", aEmailAddress);
displayName = aDocumentNode.getAttribute("fullAddress") ||
aDocumentNode.setAttribute("label", displayName);
function UpdateExtraAddressProcessing(aAddressData, aDocumentNode, aAction,
aParentDir, aItem)
switch (aAction)
case nsIAbListener.itemChanged:
if (aAddressData &&
aDocumentNode.cardDetails.card &&
aItem.hasEmailAddress(aAddressData.emailAddress)) {
aDocumentNode.cardDetails.card = aItem;
UpdateEmailNodeDetails(aAddressData.emailAddress, aDocumentNode,
case nsIAbListener.itemAdded:
// Is it a new address book?
if (aItem instanceof nsIAbDirectory)
// If we don't have a match, search again for updates (e.g. a interface
// to an existing book may just have been added).
if (!aDocumentNode.cardDetails.card)
UpdateEmailNodeDetails(aAddressData.emailAddress, aDocumentNode);
else if (aItem instanceof nsIAbCard)
// If we don't have a card, does this new one match?
if (!aDocumentNode.cardDetails.card &&
// Just in case we have a bogus parent directory.
if (aParentDir instanceof nsIAbDirectory)
let cardDetails = { book: aParentDir, card: aItem };
UpdateEmailNodeDetails(aAddressData.emailAddress, aDocumentNode,
UpdateEmailNodeDetails(aAddressData.emailAddress, aDocumentNode);
case nsIAbListener.directoryItemRemoved:
// Unfortunately we don't necessarily get the same card object back.
if (aAddressData &&
aDocumentNode.cardDetails.card &&
aDocumentNode.cardDetails.book == aParentDir &&
UpdateEmailNodeDetails(aAddressData.emailAddress, aDocumentNode);
case nsIAbListener.directoryRemoved:
if (aDocumentNode.cardDetails.book == aItem)
UpdateEmailNodeDetails(aAddressData.emailAddress, aDocumentNode);
function SetupEmailAddressPopup(aAddressNode)
.setAttribute("label", aAddressNode.getAttribute("emailAddress"));
var addItem = document.getElementById("addToAddressBookItem");
var editItem = document.getElementById("editContactItem");
var viewItem = document.getElementById("viewContactItem");
if (aAddressNode.cardDetails.card)
addItem.setAttribute("hidden", true);
if (!aAddressNode.cardDetails.book.readOnly)
viewItem.setAttribute("hidden", true);
editItem.setAttribute("hidden", true);
editItem.setAttribute("hidden", true);
viewItem.setAttribute("hidden", true);
* Returns an object with two properties, book and card. If the email address
* is found in the address books, then book will contain an nsIAbDirectory,
* and card will contain an nsIAbCard. If the email address is not found, both
* properties will be null.
* @param emailAddress The email address to find.
* @return An object with two properties, book and card.
* @see nsIAbDirectory.cardForEmailAddress()
function GetCardForEmail(aEmailAddress)
var books = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/abmanager;1"]
var result = { book: null, card: null};
while (!result.card && books.hasMoreElements())
var ab = books.getNext();
if (ab instanceof nsIAbDirectory)
var card = ab.cardForEmailAddress(aEmailAddress);
if (card)
result.book = ab;
result.card = card;
catch (ex)
// Unsearchable address books throw |NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED|.
return result;
* Create a new attachment object which goes into the data attachment array.
* This method checks whether the passed attachment is empty or not.
* @param contentType The attachment's mimetype
* @param url The URL for the attachment
* @param displayName The name to be displayed for this attachment (usually the
* @param uri The URI for the message containing the attachment
* @param isExternalAttachment True if the attachment has been detached
* @param size The size in bytes of the attachment
function createNewAttachmentInfo(contentType, url, displayName, uri,
isExternalAttachment, size)
this.contentType = contentType;
this.url = url;
this.displayName = displayName;
this.uri = uri;
this.isExternalAttachment = isExternalAttachment;
this.attachment = this;
this.size = size;
createNewAttachmentInfo.prototype.saveAttachment = function saveAttachment()
if (this.isExternalAttachment)
// TODO: This displays "Save As" instead of "Save Attachment" in the title
internalSave(this.url, null,
this.displayName, null,
this.contentType, false,
null, null, null, document);
createNewAttachmentInfo.prototype.viewAttachment = function viewAttachment()
var url = this.url;
if (!this.isExternalAttachment)
url += "&filename=" + encodeURIComponent(this.displayName);
"_blank", "all,dialog=no", url);
createNewAttachmentInfo.prototype.openAttachment = function openAttachment()
switch (this.contentType)
// As of bug 599119, isTypeSupported returns true for messages, but
// attached messages don't open reliably in the browser, so pretend
// they're not supported and open a message window for them instead.
case "message/rfc822":
var url = this.url + "&type=application/x-message-display";
"_blank", "all,dialog=no",
Services.io.newURI(url, null, null));
case "text/x-moz-deleted":
var webNavigationInfo =
if (webNavigationInfo.isTypeSupported(this.contentType, null))
createNewAttachmentInfo.prototype.printAttachment = function printAttachment()
/* we haven't implemented the ability to print attachments yet...
createNewAttachmentInfo.prototype.deleteAttachment = function deleteAttachment()
createNewAttachmentInfo.prototype.detachAttachment = function detachAttachment()
function CanDetachAttachments()
var canDetach = !gFolderDisplay.selectedMessageIsNews &&
(!gFolderDisplay.selectedMessageIsImap ||
if (canDetach && ("content-type" in currentHeaderData))
canDetach = !ContentTypeIsSMIME(currentHeaderData["content-type"].headerValue);
return canDetach;
/** Return true if the content type is an S/MIME one. */
function ContentTypeIsSMIME(contentType)
// S/MIME is application/pkcs7-mime and application/pkcs7-signature
// - also match application/x-pkcs7-mime and application/x-pkcs7-signature.
return /application\/(x-)?pkcs7-(mime|signature)/.test(contentType);
function onShowAttachmentContextMenu()
// if no attachments are selected, disable the Open and Save...
var attachmentList = document.getElementById('attachmentList');
var selectedAttachments = attachmentList.selectedItems;
var openMenu = document.getElementById('context-openAttachment');
var viewMenu = document.getElementById('context-viewAttachment');
var saveMenu = document.getElementById('context-saveAttachment');
var detachMenu = document.getElementById('context-detachAttachment');
var deleteMenu = document.getElementById('context-deleteAttachment');
var saveAllMenu = document.getElementById('context-saveAllAttachments');
var detachAllMenu = document.getElementById('context-detachAllAttachments');
var deleteAllMenu = document.getElementById('context-deleteAllAttachments');
var canDetach = CanDetachAttachments();
var deletedAmongSelected = false;
var detachedAmongSelected = false;
var anyDeleted = false; // at least one deleted attachment in the list
var anyDetached = false; // at least one detached attachment in the list
// Check if one or more of the selected attachments are deleted.
for (let i = 0; i < selectedAttachments.length && !deletedAmongSelected; i++)
deletedAmongSelected =
(selectedAttachments[i].attachment.contentType == 'text/x-moz-deleted');
// Check if one or more of the selected attachments are detached.
for (let i = 0; i < selectedAttachments.length && !detachedAmongSelected; i++)
detachedAmongSelected = selectedAttachments[i].attachment.isExternalAttachment;
// Check if any attachments are deleted.
for (let i = 0; i < currentAttachments.length && !anyDeleted; i++)
anyDeleted = (currentAttachments[i].contentType == 'text/x-moz-deleted');
// Check if any attachments are detached.
for (let i = 0; i < currentAttachments.length && !anyDetached; i++)
anyDetached = currentAttachments[i].isExternalAttachment;
if (!deletedAmongSelected && selectedAttachments.length == 1)
openMenu.setAttribute('disabled', true);
viewMenu.setAttribute('disabled', true);
saveMenu.setAttribute('disabled', deletedAmongSelected);
detachMenu.setAttribute('disabled', !canDetach || deletedAmongSelected
|| detachedAmongSelected);
deleteMenu.setAttribute('disabled', !canDetach || deletedAmongSelected
|| detachedAmongSelected);
saveAllMenu.setAttribute('disabled', anyDeleted);
detachAllMenu.setAttribute('disabled', !canDetach || anyDeleted || anyDetached);
deleteAllMenu.setAttribute('disabled', !canDetach || anyDeleted || anyDetached);
function MessageIdClick(node, event)
if (event.button == 0)
var messageId = GetMessageIdFromNode(node, true);
// this is our onclick handler for the attachment list.
// A double click in a listitem simulates "opening" the attachment....
function attachmentListClick(event)
// we only care about button 0 (left click) events
if (event.button != 0)
if (event.detail == 2) // double click
var target = event.target;
if (target.localName == "listitem")
// on command handlers for the attachment list context menu...
// commandPrefix matches one of our existing functions
// (openAttachment, saveAttachment, etc.)
function handleAttachmentSelection(commandPrefix)
var attachmentList = document.getElementById('attachmentList');
var selectedAttachments = attachmentList.selectedItems;
if (selectedAttachments.length > 1)
HandleMultipleAttachments(commandPrefix, selectedAttachments);
function createAttachmentDisplayName(aAttachment)
// Strip any white space at the end of the display name to avoid
// attachment name spoofing (especially Windows will drop trailing dots
// and whitespace from filename extensions). Leading and internal
// whitespace will be taken care of by the crop="center" attribute.
// We must not change the actual filename, though.
return aAttachment.displayName.trimRight();
function displayAttachmentsForExpandedView()
var numAttachments = currentAttachments.length;
if (numAttachments > 0 && !gBuildAttachmentsForCurrentMsg)
let attachmentList = document.getElementById('attachmentList');
for (let index in currentAttachments)
let attachment = currentAttachments[index];
// create a listitem for the attachment listbox
let displayName = createAttachmentDisplayName(attachment);
let nameAndSize = displayName;
if (attachment.size != null)
nameAndSize += " (" + messenger.formatFileSize(attachment.size) + ")";
let item = attachmentList.appendItem(nameAndSize, "");
item.setAttribute("crop", "center");
item.setAttribute("class", "listitem-iconic attachment-item");
item.setAttribute("tooltiptext", attachment.displayName);
item.attachment = attachment;
item.setAttribute("attachmentUrl", attachment.url);
item.setAttribute("attachmentContentType", attachment.contentType);
item.setAttribute("attachmentUri", attachment.uri);
item.setAttribute("attachmentSize", attachment.size);
if (attachment.contentType == "text/x-moz-deleted")
item.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');
setApplicationIconForAttachment(attachment, item);
} // for each attachment
gBuildAttachmentsForCurrentMsg = true;
var expandedAttachmentBox = document.getElementById('expandedAttachmentBox');
expandedAttachmentBox.collapsed = numAttachments <= 0;
// attachment --> the attachment struct containing all the information on the attachment
// listitem --> the listitem currently showing the attachment.
function setApplicationIconForAttachment(attachment, listitem)
// generate a moz-icon url for the attachment so we'll show a nice icon next to it.
listitem.setAttribute('image', "moz-icon:" + "//" + attachment.displayName + "?size=16&contentType=" + attachment.contentType);
function displayAttachmentsForCollapsedView()
var numAttachments = currentAttachments.length;
var attachmentNode = document.getElementById('collapsedAttachmentBox');
attachmentNode.collapsed = numAttachments <= 0; // make sure the attachment button is visible
// Public method called when we create the attachments file menu
function FillAttachmentListPopup(popup)
// the FE sometimes call this routine TWICE...I haven't been able to figure out why yet...
// protect against it...
if (!gBuildAttachmentPopupForCurrentMsg)
var attachmentIndex = 0;
// otherwise we need to build the attachment view...
// First clear out the old view...
var canDetachOrDeleteAll = CanDetachAttachments();
for (let index in currentAttachments)
addAttachmentToPopup(popup, currentAttachments[index], attachmentIndex);
if (canDetachOrDeleteAll &&
(currentAttachments[index].isExternalAttachment ||
currentAttachments[index].contentType == 'text/x-moz-deleted'))
canDetachOrDeleteAll = false;
gBuildAttachmentPopupForCurrentMsg = false;
var detachAllMenu = document.getElementById('file-detachAllAttachments');
var deleteAllMenu = document.getElementById('file-deleteAllAttachments');
detachAllMenu.setAttribute('disabled', !canDetachOrDeleteAll);
deleteAllMenu.setAttribute('disabled', !canDetachOrDeleteAll);
// Public method used to clear the file attachment menu
function ClearAttachmentMenu(popup)
if ( popup )
while (popup.firstChild.localName == 'menu')
// Public method used to determine the number of attachments for the currently displayed message...
function GetNumberOfAttachmentsForDisplayedMessage()
return currentAttachments.length;
// private method used to build up a menu list of attachments
function addAttachmentToPopup(popup, attachment, attachmentIndex)
if (popup)
var item = document.createElement('menu');
if ( item )
if (!gMessengerBundle)
gMessengerBundle = document.getElementById("bundle_messenger");
// insert the item just before the separator
item = popup.insertBefore(item, popup.childNodes[attachmentIndex - 1]);
item.setAttribute('class', 'menu-iconic attachment-item');
var displayName = createAttachmentDisplayName(attachment);
var formattedDisplayNameString = gMessengerBundle.getFormattedString("attachmentDisplayNameFormat",
[attachmentIndex, displayName]);
item.setAttribute("crop", "center");
item.setAttribute('label', formattedDisplayNameString);
item.setAttribute('accesskey', attachmentIndex);
var openpopup = document.createElement('menupopup');
openpopup = item.appendChild(openpopup);
if (attachment.contentType == "text/x-moz-deleted") {
item.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');
openpopup.attachment = attachment;
openpopup.addEventListener('popupshowing', FillAttachmentItemPopup, false);
setApplicationIconForAttachment(attachment, item);
function FillAttachmentItemPopup(event)
var openpopup = event.target;
var canDetach = CanDetachAttachments() && !openpopup.attachment.isExternalAttachment;
openpopup.removeEventListener('popupshowing', FillAttachmentItemPopup, false);
var menuitementry = document.getElementById("context-openAttachment").cloneNode(false);
menuitementry.setAttribute('oncommand', 'this.parentNode.attachment.openAttachment();');
menuitementry = openpopup.appendChild(menuitementry);
menuitementry = document.getElementById("context-viewAttachment").cloneNode(false);
menuitementry.setAttribute('oncommand', 'this.parentNode.attachment.viewAttachment();');
menuitementry = openpopup.appendChild(menuitementry);
menuitementry = document.getElementById("context-saveAttachment").cloneNode(false);
menuitementry.setAttribute('oncommand', 'this.parentNode.attachment.saveAttachment()');
menuitementry = openpopup.appendChild(menuitementry);
menuitementry = document.getElementById("context-detachAttachment").cloneNode(false);
menuitementry.setAttribute('oncommand', 'this.parentNode.attachment.detachAttachment()');
if (!canDetach)
menuitementry.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');
menuitementry = openpopup.appendChild(menuitementry);
menuitementry = document.getElementById("context-deleteAttachment").cloneNode(false);
menuitementry.setAttribute('oncommand', 'this.attachment.deleteAttachment()');
if (!canDetach)
menuitementry.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');
menuitementry = openpopup.appendChild(menuitementry);
function HandleMultipleAttachments(commandPrefix, selectedAttachments)
// convert our attachment data into some c++ friendly structs
var attachmentContentTypeArray = new Array();
var attachmentUrlArray = new Array();
var attachmentDisplayNameArray = new Array();
var attachmentMessageUriArray = new Array();
// populate these arrays..
for (let index in selectedAttachments)
let attachment = selectedAttachments[index].attachment;
attachmentContentTypeArray[index] = attachment.contentType;
attachmentUrlArray[index] = attachment.url;
attachmentDisplayNameArray[index] = encodeURI(attachment.displayName);
attachmentMessageUriArray[index] = attachment.uri;
// okay the list has been built... now call our action code...
switch (commandPrefix)
case "saveAttachment":
case "detachAttachment":
true /* save */);
case "deleteAttachment":
false /* don't save */);
dump (commandPrefix + "** unknown handle all attachments action **\n");
catch (ex)
dump ("** failed to handle all attachments **\n");
function ClearAttachmentList()
// we also have to disable the Message/Attachments menuitem
var node = document.getElementById("msgAttachmentMenu");
if (node)
node.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
// clear selection
var list = document.getElementById('attachmentList');
while (list.hasChildNodes())
function ShowEditMessageBox()
// it would be nice if we passed in the msgHdr from the back end
var msgHdr = gDBView.hdrForFirstSelectedMessage;
if (!msgHdr || !msgHdr.folder)
const nsMsgFolderFlags = Components.interfaces.nsMsgFolderFlags;
if (msgHdr.folder.isSpecialFolder(nsMsgFolderFlags.Drafts, true))
document.getElementById("editMessageBox").collapsed = false;
catch (ex) {}
function ClearEditMessageBox()
var editBox = document.getElementById("editMessageBox");
if (editBox)
editBox.collapsed = true;
// CopyWebsiteAddress takes the website address title button, extracts
// the website address we stored in there and copies it to the clipboard
function CopyWebsiteAddress(websiteAddressNode)
if (websiteAddressNode)
var websiteAddress = websiteAddressNode.getAttribute("value");
var contractid = "@mozilla.org/widget/clipboardhelper;1";
var iid = Components.interfaces.nsIClipboardHelper;
var clipboard = Components.classes[contractid].getService(iid);
clipboard.copyString(websiteAddress, document);
function BookmarkWebsite(aWebsiteAddressNode)
if (aWebsiteAddressNode)
let websiteAddress = aWebsiteAddressNode.getAttribute("value");
if (currentHeaderData && "content-base" in currentHeaderData)
let url = currentHeaderData["content-base"].headerValue;
if (url != websiteAddress)
let title = currentHeaderData["subject"].headerValue;
PlacesUIUtils.showMinimalAddBookmarkUI(makeURI(url), title);
var attachmentAreaDNDObserver = {
onDragStart: function (aEvent, aAttachmentData, aDragAction)
var target = aEvent.target;
if (target.localName == "listitem")
var attachment = target.attachment;
if (attachment.contentType == "text/x-moz-deleted")
var data = new TransferData();
if (attachment.url && attachment.displayName)
var info = attachment.url + "&type=" + attachment.contentType +
"&filename=" + encodeURIComponent(attachment.displayName);
data.addDataForFlavour("text/x-moz-url", info + "\n" +
attachment.displayName + "\n" + attachment.size);
data.addDataForFlavour("text/x-moz-url-data", attachment.url);
data.addDataForFlavour("text/x-moz-url-desc", attachment.displayName);
new nsFlavorDataProvider(), 0,
aAttachmentData.data = data;
function nsFlavorDataProvider()
nsFlavorDataProvider.prototype =
QueryInterface : function(iid)
if (iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIFlavorDataProvider) ||
return this;
throw Components.results.NS_NOINTERFACE;
getFlavorData : function(aTransferable, aFlavor, aData, aDataLen)
// get the url for the attachment
if (aFlavor == "application/x-moz-file-promise")
var urlPrimitive = { };
var dataSize = { };
aTransferable.getTransferData("application/x-moz-file-promise-url", urlPrimitive, dataSize);
var srcUrlPrimitive = urlPrimitive.value.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString);
// now get the destination file location from kFilePromiseDirectoryMime
var dirPrimitive = {};
aTransferable.getTransferData("application/x-moz-file-promise-dir", dirPrimitive, dataSize);
var destDirectory = dirPrimitive.value.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
// now save the attachment to the specified location
// XXX: we need more information than just the attachment url to save it, fortunately, we have an array
// of all the current attachments so we can cheat and scan through them
var attachment = null;
for (let index in currentAttachments)
attachment = currentAttachments[index];
if (attachment.url == srcUrlPrimitive)
// call our code for saving attachments
if (attachment)
var destFilePath = messenger.saveAttachmentToFolder(attachment.contentType, attachment.url, encodeURIComponent(attachment.displayName), attachment.uri, destDirectory);
aData.value = destFilePath.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsISupports);
aDataLen.value = 4;
function nsDummyMsgHeader()
nsDummyMsgHeader.prototype =
mProperties : new Array,
getStringProperty : function(aProperty)
return this.mProperties[aProperty];
setStringProperty : function(aProperty, aVal)
this.mProperties[aProperty] = aVal;
getUint32Property : function(aProperty)
if (aProperty in this.mProperties)
return parseInt(this.mProperties[aProperty]);
return 0;
setUint32Property : function(aProperty, aVal)
this.mProperties[aProperty] = aVal.toString();
markHasAttachments : function(hasAttachments) {},
messageSize : 0,
recipients : null,
from : null,
subject : "",
get mime2DecodedSubject() { return this.subject; },
ccList : null,
messageId : null,
listPost : null,
date : 0,
accountKey : "",
flags : 0,
folder : null