1303 строки
37 KiB
1303 строки
37 KiB
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource:///modules/imServices.jsm");
const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.import(
const ParserUtils = Cc["@mozilla.org/parserutils;1"].getService(
var kMessagesStylePrefBranch = "messenger.options.messagesStyle.";
var kThemePref = "theme";
var kVariantPref = "variant";
var kCombineConsecutivePref = "combineConsecutive";
var kCombineConsecutiveIntervalPref = "combineConsecutiveInterval";
var DEFAULT_THEME = "bubbles";
var DEFAULT_THEMES = ["bubbles", "dark", "mail", "papersheets", "simple"];
var kLineBreak = "@mozilla.org/windows-registry-key;1" in Cc ? "\r\n" : "\n";
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "gPrefBranch", () =>
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "TXTToHTML", function() {
let cs = Cc["@mozilla.org/txttohtmlconv;1"].getService(Ci.mozITXTToHTMLConv);
return aTXT => cs.scanTXT(aTXT, cs.kEntities);
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "gTimeFormatter", () => {
return new Services.intl.DateTimeFormat(undefined, {
hour: "2-digit",
minute: "2-digit",
second: "2-digit",
var gCurrentTheme = null;
function getChromeFile(aURI) {
try {
let channel = Services.io.newChannel(
let stream = channel.open();
let sstream = Cc["@mozilla.org/scriptableinputstream;1"].createInstance(
let text = sstream.read(sstream.available());
return text;
} catch (e) {
if (e.result != Cr.NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) {
dump("Getting " + aURI + ": " + e + "\n");
return null;
function HTMLTheme(aBaseURI) {
let files = {
footer: "Footer.html",
header: "Header.html",
status: "Status.html",
statusNext: "NextStatus.html",
incomingContent: "Incoming/Content.html",
incomingContext: "Incoming/Context.html",
incomingNextContent: "Incoming/NextContent.html",
incomingNextContext: "Incoming/NextContext.html",
outgoingContent: "Outgoing/Content.html",
outgoingContext: "Outgoing/Context.html",
outgoingNextContent: "Outgoing/NextContent.html",
outgoingNextContext: "Outgoing/NextContext.html",
for (let id in files) {
let html = getChromeFile(aBaseURI + files[id]);
if (html) {
Object.defineProperty(this, id, { value: html });
if (!("incomingContent" in files)) {
throw new Error("Invalid theme: Incoming/Content.html is missing!");
HTMLTheme.prototype = {
get footer() {
return "";
get header() {
return "";
get status() {
return this.incomingContent;
get statusNext() {
return this.status;
get incomingContent() {
throw new Error("Incoming/Content.html is a required file");
get incomingNextContent() {
return this.incomingContent;
get outgoingContent() {
return this.incomingContent;
get outgoingNextContent() {
return this.incomingNextContent;
get incomingContext() {
return this.incomingContent;
get incomingNextContext() {
return this.incomingNextContent;
get outgoingContext() {
return this.hasOwnProperty("outgoingContent")
? this.outgoingContent
: this.incomingContext;
get outgoingNextContext() {
return this.hasOwnProperty("outgoingNextContent")
? this.outgoingNextContent
: this.incomingNextContext;
function plistToJSON(aElt) {
switch (aElt.localName) {
case "true":
return true;
case "false":
return false;
case "string":
case "data":
return aElt.textContent;
case "real":
return parseFloat(aElt.textContent);
case "integer":
return parseInt(aElt.textContent, 10);
case "dict":
let res = {};
let nodes = aElt.children;
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) {
if (nodes[i].nodeName == "key") {
let key = nodes[i].textContent;
while (!Element.isInstance(nodes[i])) {
res[key] = plistToJSON(nodes[i]);
return res;
case "array":
let array = [];
nodes = aElt.children;
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) {
if (Element.isInstance(nodes[i])) {
return array;
throw new Error("Unknown tag in plist file");
function getInfoPlistContent(aBaseURI) {
try {
let channel = Services.io.newChannel(
aBaseURI + "Info.plist",
let stream = channel.open();
let parser = new DOMParser();
let doc = parser.parseFromStream(
if (doc.documentElement.localName != "plist") {
throw new Error("Invalid Info.plist file");
let node = doc.documentElement.firstElementChild;
while (node && !Element.isInstance(node)) {
node = node.nextElementSibling;
if (!node || node.localName != "dict") {
throw new Error("Empty or invalid Info.plist file");
return plistToJSON(node);
} catch (e) {
return null;
function getChromeBaseURI(aThemeName) {
if (DEFAULT_THEMES.includes(aThemeName)) {
return "chrome://messenger-messagestyles/skin/" + aThemeName + "/";
return "chrome://" + aThemeName + "/skin/";
function getThemeByName(aName) {
let baseURI = getChromeBaseURI(aName);
let metadata = getInfoPlistContent(baseURI);
if (!metadata) {
throw new Error("Cannot load theme " + aName);
return {
name: aName,
variant: "default",
html: new HTMLTheme(baseURI),
combineConsecutive: gPrefBranch.getBoolPref(kCombineConsecutivePref),
combineConsecutiveInterval: gPrefBranch.getIntPref(
function getCurrentTheme() {
let name = gPrefBranch.getCharPref(kThemePref);
let variant = gPrefBranch.getCharPref(kVariantPref);
if (
gCurrentTheme &&
gCurrentTheme.name == name &&
gCurrentTheme.variant == variant
) {
return gCurrentTheme;
try {
gCurrentTheme = getThemeByName(name);
gCurrentTheme.variant = variant;
} catch (e) {
gCurrentTheme = getThemeByName(DEFAULT_THEME);
gCurrentTheme.variant = "default";
return gCurrentTheme;
function getDirectoryEntries(aDir) {
let ios = Services.io;
let uri = ios.newURI(aDir);
let cr = Cc["@mozilla.org/chrome/chrome-registry;1"].getService(
while (uri.scheme == "chrome") {
uri = cr.convertChromeURL(uri);
// remove any trailing file name added by convertChromeURL
let spec = uri.spec.replace(/[^\/]+$/, "");
uri = ios.newURI(spec);
let results = [];
if (uri.scheme == "jar") {
let strEntry = uri.JAREntry;
if (!strEntry) {
return [];
let zr = Cc["@mozilla.org/libjar/zip-reader;1"].createInstance(
let jarFile = uri.JARFile;
if (jarFile instanceof Ci.nsIJARURI) {
let innerZr = Cc["@mozilla.org/libjar/zip-reader;1"].createInstance(
zr.openInner(innerZr, jarFile.JAREntry);
} else {
if (!zr.hasEntry(strEntry) || !zr.getEntry(strEntry).isDirectory) {
return [];
let escapedEntry = strEntry.replace(/([*?$[\]^~()\\])/g, "\\$1");
let filter = escapedEntry + "?*~" + escapedEntry + "?*/?*";
let entries = zr.findEntries(filter);
let parentLength = strEntry.length;
for (let entry of entries) {
} else if (uri.scheme == "file") {
let dir = uri.file;
if (!dir.exists() || !dir.isDirectory()) {
return [];
for (let file of dir.directoryEntries) {
return results;
function getThemeVariants(aTheme) {
let variants = getDirectoryEntries(aTheme.baseURI + "Variants/");
return variants
.filter(v => v.endsWith(".css"))
.map(v => v.substring(0, v.length - 4));
/* helper function for replacements in messages */
function getBuddyFromMessage(aMsg) {
if (aMsg.incoming) {
let conv = aMsg.conversation;
if (!conv.isChat) {
return conv.buddy;
return null;
function getStatusIconFromBuddy(aBuddy) {
let status = "unknown";
if (aBuddy) {
if (!aBuddy.online) {
status = "offline";
} else if (aBuddy.idle) {
status = "idle";
} else if (!aBuddy.available) {
status = "away";
} else {
status = "available";
return "chrome://chat/skin/" + status + "-16.png";
var footerReplacements = {
chatName: aConv => TXTToHTML(aConv.title),
sourceName: aConv => TXTToHTML(aConv.account.alias || aConv.account.name),
destinationName: aConv => TXTToHTML(aConv.name),
destinationDisplayName: aConv => TXTToHTML(aConv.title),
incomingIconPath(aConv) {
let buddy;
return (
(!aConv.isChat && (buddy = aConv.buddy) && buddy.buddyIconFilename) ||
outgoingIconPath: aConv => "outgoing_icon.png",
timeOpened(aConv, aFormat) {
let date = new Date(aConv.startDate / 1000);
if (aFormat) {
return ToLocaleFormat(aFormat, date);
return gTimeFormatter.format(date);
function formatAutoResponce(aTxt) {
return Services.strings
.formatStringFromName("autoReply", [aTxt]);
var statusMessageReplacements = {
message: aMsg =>
'<span class="ib-msg-txt">' +
(aMsg.autoResponse ? formatAutoResponce(aMsg.message) : aMsg.message) +
time(aMsg, aFormat) {
let date = new Date(aMsg.time * 1000);
if (aFormat) {
return ToLocaleFormat(aFormat, date);
return gTimeFormatter.format(date);
timestamp: aMsg => aMsg.time,
shortTime(aMsg) {
return gTimeFormatter.format(new Date(aMsg.time * 1000));
messageClasses(aMsg) {
let msgClass = [];
if (aMsg.system) {
} else {
if (aMsg.incoming) {
} else if (aMsg.outgoing) {
if (/^(<[^>]+>)*\/me /.test(aMsg.displayMessage)) {
if (aMsg.autoResponse) {
if (aMsg.containsNick) {
if (aMsg.error) {
if (aMsg.delayed) {
if (aMsg.notification) {
if (aMsg.noFormat) {
if (aMsg.noCollapse) {
return msgClass.join(" ");
function formatSender(aName, isEncrypted = false) {
let otr = isEncrypted ? " message-encrypted" : "";
return `<span class="ib-sender${otr}">${TXTToHTML(aName)}</span>`;
var messageReplacements = {
userIconPath(aMsg) {
// If the protocol plugin provides an icon for the message, use it.
let iconURL = aMsg.iconURL;
if (iconURL) {
return iconURL;
// For outgoing messages, use the current user icon.
if (aMsg.outgoing) {
iconURL = aMsg.conversation.account.statusInfo.getUserIcon();
if (iconURL) {
return iconURL.spec;
// Fallback to the theme's default icons.
return (aMsg.incoming ? "Incoming" : "Outgoing") + "/buddy_icon.svg";
senderScreenName: aMsg => formatSender(aMsg.who, aMsg.isEncrypted),
sender: aMsg => formatSender(aMsg.alias || aMsg.who, aMsg.isEncrypted),
senderColor: aMsg => aMsg.color,
senderStatusIcon: aMsg => getStatusIconFromBuddy(getBuddyFromMessage(aMsg)),
messageDirection: aMsg => "ltr",
// no theme actually use this, don't bother making sure this is the real
// serverside alias
senderDisplayName: aMsg =>
formatSender(aMsg.alias || aMsg.who, aMsg.isEncrypted),
service: aMsg => aMsg.conversation.account.protocol.name,
textbackgroundcolor: (aMsg, aFormat) => "transparent", // FIXME?
__proto__: statusMessageReplacements,
var statusReplacements = {
status: aMsg => "", // FIXME
statusIcon(aMsg) {
let conv = aMsg.conversation;
let buddy = null;
if (!conv.isChat) {
buddy = conv.buddy;
return getStatusIconFromBuddy(buddy);
__proto__: statusMessageReplacements,
var kReplacementRegExp = /%([a-zA-Z]*)(\{([^\}]*)\})?%/g;
function replaceKeywordsInHTML(aHTML, aReplacements, aReplacementArg) {
kReplacementRegExp.lastIndex = 0;
let previousIndex = 0;
let result = "";
let match;
while ((match = kReplacementRegExp.exec(aHTML))) {
let content = "";
if (match[1] in aReplacements) {
content = aReplacements[match[1]](aReplacementArg, match[3]);
} else {
"Unknown replacement string %" + match[1] + "% in message styles."
result += aHTML.substring(previousIndex, match.index) + content;
previousIndex = kReplacementRegExp.lastIndex;
return result + aHTML.slice(previousIndex);
function isNextMessage(aTheme, aMsg, aPreviousMsg) {
if (
!aTheme.combineConsecutive ||
(hasMetadataKey(aTheme, "DisableCombineConsecutive") &&
getMetadata(aTheme, "DisableCombineConsecutive"))
) {
return false;
if (!aPreviousMsg) {
return false;
if (aMsg.system && aPreviousMsg.system) {
return true;
if (
aMsg.who != aPreviousMsg.who ||
aMsg.outgoing != aPreviousMsg.outgoing ||
aMsg.incoming != aPreviousMsg.incoming
) {
return false;
let timeDifference = aMsg.time - aPreviousMsg.time;
return (
timeDifference >= 0 && timeDifference <= aTheme.combineConsecutiveInterval
* Determine whether the message was a next message when it was initially
* inserted.
* @param {imIMessage} msg
* @param {DOMDocument} doc
* @returns {boolean} If the message is a next message. Returns false if the
* message doesn't already exist in the conversation.
function wasNextMessage(msg, doc) {
return Boolean(
doc.querySelector(`#Chat [data-remote-id="${CSS.escape(msg.remoteId)}"]`)
* Create an HTML string to insert the message into the conversation.
* @param {imIMessage} aMsg
* @param {object} aTheme
* @param {boolean} aIsNext - If this message is immediately following a
* message of the same origin. Used for visual grouping.
* @param {boolean} aIsContext - If this message was already read by the user
* previously and just provided for context.
* @returns {string} Raw HTML for the message.
function getHTMLForMessage(aMsg, aTheme, aIsNext, aIsContext) {
let html, replacements;
if (aMsg.system) {
html = aIsNext ? aTheme.html.statusNext : aTheme.html.status;
replacements = statusReplacements;
} else {
html = aMsg.incoming ? "incoming" : "outgoing";
if (aIsNext) {
html += "Next";
html += aIsContext ? "Context" : "Content";
html = aTheme.html[html];
replacements = messageReplacements;
let meRegExp = /^((<[^>]+>)*)\/me /;
// We must test displayMessage here as aMsg.message loses its /me
// in the following, so if getHTMLForMessage is called a second time for
// the same aMsg (e.g. because it follows the unread ruler), the test
// would fail otherwise.
if (meRegExp.test(aMsg.displayMessage)) {
aMsg.message = aMsg.message.replace(meRegExp, "$1");
let actionMessageTemplate = "* %message% *";
if (hasMetadataKey(aTheme, "ActionMessageTemplate")) {
actionMessageTemplate = getMetadata(aTheme, "ActionMessageTemplate");
html = html.replace(/%message%/g, actionMessageTemplate);
return replaceKeywordsInHTML(html, replacements, aMsg);
* @param {imIMessage} aMsg
* @param {string} aHTML
* @param {DOMDocument} aDoc
* @param {boolean} aIsNext
* @returns {Element}
function insertHTMLForMessage(aMsg, aHTML, aDoc, aIsNext) {
let insert = aDoc.getElementById("insert");
if (insert && !aIsNext) {
insert = null;
let parent = insert ? insert.parentNode : aDoc.getElementById("Chat");
let documentFragment = getDocumentFragmentFromHTML(aDoc, aHTML);
let result = documentFragment.firstElementChild;
// store the prplIMessage object in each of the "root" node that
// will be inserted into the document, so that selection code can
// retrieve the message by just looking at the parent node until it
// finds something.
for (let root = result; root; root = root.nextElementSibling) {
root._originalMsg = aMsg;
// Store remote ID of the message in the DOM for fast retrieval
root.dataset.remoteId = aMsg.remoteId;
if (aIsNext) {
root.dataset.isNext = aIsNext;
// make sure the result is an HTMLElement and not some text (whitespace)...
while (
result &&
result.nodeType == result.ELEMENT_NODE &&
result.namespaceURI == "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
) {
result = result.nextElementSibling;
if (insert) {
parent.replaceChild(documentFragment, insert);
} else {
return result;
* Replace the HTML of an already displayed message based on the matching
* remote ID.
* @param {imIMessage} msg - Message to insert the updated contents of.
* @param {string} html - The HTML contents to insert.
* @param {DOMDocument} doc - The HTML document the message should be replaced
* in.
* @param {boolean} isNext - If this message is immediately following a
* message of the same origin. Used for visual grouping.
function replaceHTMLForMessage(msg, html, doc, isNext) {
// If the updated message has no remote ID, do nothing.
if (!msg.remoteId) {
let parent = doc.getElementById("Chat");
let message = parent.querySelectorAll(
// If we couldn't find a matching message, do nothing.
if (!message.length) {
let documentFragment = getDocumentFragmentFromHTML(doc, html);
// store the prplIMessage object in each of the "root" nodes that
// will be inserted into the document, so that the selection code can
// retrieve the message by just looking at the parent node until it
// finds something.
for (
let root = documentFragment.firstElementChild;
root = root.nextElementSibling
) {
root._originalMsg = msg;
root.dataset.remoteId = msg.remoteId;
if (isNext) {
root.dataset.isNext = isNext;
// Remove all but the first element of the original message
if (message.length > 1) {
let range = doc.createRange();
range.setEndAfter(message[message.length - 1]);
// Insert the new message into the DOM
function hasMetadataKey(aTheme, aKey) {
return (
aKey in aTheme.metadata ||
(aTheme.variant != "default" &&
aKey + ":" + aTheme.variant in aTheme.metadata) ||
("DefaultVariant" in aTheme.metadata &&
aKey + ":" + aTheme.metadata.DefaultVariant in aTheme.metadata)
function getMetadata(aTheme, aKey) {
if (
aTheme.variant != "default" &&
aKey + ":" + aTheme.variant in aTheme.metadata
) {
return aTheme.metadata[aKey + ":" + aTheme.variant];
if (
"DefaultVariant" in aTheme.metadata &&
aKey + ":" + aTheme.metadata.DefaultVariant in aTheme.metadata
) {
return aTheme.metadata[aKey + ":" + aTheme.metadata.DefaultVariant];
return aTheme.metadata[aKey];
function initHTMLDocument(aConv, aTheme, aDoc) {
let base = aDoc.createElement("base");
base.href = aTheme.baseURI;
// Screen readers may read the title of the document, so provide one
// to avoid an ugly fallback to the URL (see bug 1165).
aDoc.title = aConv.title;
function addCSS(aHref) {
let link = aDoc.createElement("link");
link.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");
link.setAttribute("href", aHref);
link.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
// add css to handle DefaultFontFamily and DefaultFontSize
let cssText = "";
if (hasMetadataKey(aTheme, "DefaultFontFamily")) {
cssText += "font-family: " + getMetadata(aTheme, "DefaultFontFamily") + ";";
if (hasMetadataKey(aTheme, "DefaultFontSize")) {
cssText += "font-size: " + getMetadata(aTheme, "DefaultFontSize") + ";";
if (cssText) {
addCSS("data:text/css,*{ " + cssText + " }");
// add the main CSS file of the theme
if (aTheme.metadata.MessageViewVersion >= 3 || aTheme.variant == "default") {
// add the CSS file of the variant
if (aTheme.variant != "default") {
addCSS("Variants/" + aTheme.variant + ".css");
} else if ("DefaultVariant" in aTheme.metadata) {
addCSS("Variants/" + aTheme.metadata.DefaultVariant + ".css");
aDoc.body.id = "ibcontent";
// We insert the whole content of body: chat div, footer
let html = '<div id="Chat" aria-live="polite"></div>';
html += replaceKeywordsInHTML(aTheme.html.footer, footerReplacements, aConv);
let frag = getDocumentFragmentFromHTML(aDoc, html);
if (!aTheme.metadata.NoScript) {
const scriptTag = aDoc.createElement("script");
scriptTag.src = "inline.js";
aDoc.defaultView.convertTimeUnits = DownloadUtils.convertTimeUnits;
/* Selection stuff */
function getEllipsis() {
let ellipsis = "[\u2026]";
try {
ellipsis = Services.prefs.getComplexValue(
} catch (e) {}
return ellipsis;
function _serializeDOMObject(aDocument, aInitFunction) {
// This shouldn't really be a constant, as we want to support
// text/html too in the future.
const type = "text/plain";
let encoder = Cu.createDocumentEncoder(type);
encoder.init(aDocument, type, Ci.nsIDocumentEncoder.OutputPreformatted);
let result = encoder.encodeToString();
return result;
function serializeRange(aRange) {
return _serializeDOMObject(aRange.startContainer.ownerDocument, function(
) {
function serializeNode(aNode) {
return _serializeDOMObject(aNode.ownerDocument, function(aEncoder) {
/* This function is used to pretty print a selection inside a conversation area */
function serializeSelection(aSelection) {
// We have two kinds of selection serialization:
// - The short version, used when only a part of message is
// selected, or if nothing interesting is selected
let shortSelection = "";
// - The long version, which is used:
// * when both some of the message text and some of the context
// (sender, time, ...) is selected;
// * when several messages are selected at once
// This version uses an array, with each message formatted
// through the theme system.
let longSelection = [];
// We first assume that we are going to use the short version, but
// while working on creating the short version, we prepare
// everything to be able to switch to the long version if we later
// discover that it is in fact needed.
let shortVersionPossible = true;
// Sometimes we need to know if a selection range is inside the same
// message as the previous selection range, so we keep track of the
// last message we have processed.
let lastMessage = null;
for (let i = 0; i < aSelection.rangeCount; ++i) {
let range = aSelection.getRangeAt(i);
let messages = getMessagesForRange(range);
// If at least one selected message has some of its text selected,
// remove from the selection all the messages that have no text
// selected
let testFunction = msg => msg.isTextSelected();
if (messages.some(testFunction)) {
messages = messages.filter(testFunction);
if (!messages.length) {
// Do it only if it wouldn't override a better already found selection
if (!shortSelection) {
shortSelection = serializeRange(range);
if (
shortVersionPossible &&
messages.length == 1 &&
(!messages[0].isTextSelected() || messages[0].onlyTextSelected()) &&
(!lastMessage ||
lastMessage.msg == messages[0].msg ||
lastMessage.msg.who == messages[0].msg.who)
) {
if (shortSelection) {
if (lastMessage.msg != messages[0].msg) {
// Add the ellipsis only if the previous message was cut
if (lastMessage.cutEnd) {
shortSelection += " " + getEllipsis();
shortSelection += kLineBreak;
} else {
shortSelection += " " + getEllipsis() + " ";
shortSelection += serializeRange(range);
} else {
shortVersionPossible = false;
for (let m = 0; m < messages.length; ++m) {
let message = messages[m];
if (m == 0 && lastMessage && lastMessage.msg == message.msg) {
let text = message.getSelectedText();
if (message.cutEnd) {
text += " " + getEllipsis();
longSelection[longSelection.length - 1] += " " + text;
} else {
lastMessage = messages[messages.length - 1];
if (shortVersionPossible) {
return shortSelection || aSelection.toString();
return longSelection.join(kLineBreak);
function SelectedMessage(aRootNode, aRange) {
this._rootNodes = [aRootNode];
this._range = aRange;
SelectedMessage.prototype = {
get msg() {
return this._rootNodes[0]._originalMsg;
addRoot(aRootNode) {
// Helper function that returns the first span node of class
// ib-msg-text under the rootNodes of the selected message.
_getSpanNode() {
// first use the cached value if any
if (this._spanNode) {
return this._spanNode;
let spanNode = null;
// If we could use NodeFilter.webidl, we wouldn't have to make up our own
// object. FILTER_REJECT is not used here, but included for completeness.
const NodeFilter = {
// helper filter function for the tree walker
let filter = function(node) {
return node.className == "ib-msg-txt"
: NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;
// walk the DOM subtrees of each root, keep the first correct span node
for (let i = 0; !spanNode && i < this._rootNodes.length; ++i) {
let rootNode = this._rootNodes[i];
// the TreeWalker doesn't test the root node, special case it first
if (filter(rootNode) == NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT) {
spanNode = rootNode;
let treeWalker = rootNode.ownerDocument.createTreeWalker(
{ acceptNode: filter },
spanNode = treeWalker.nextNode();
return (this._spanNode = spanNode);
// Initialize _textSelected and _otherSelected; if _textSelected is true,
// also initialize _selectedText and _cutBegin/End.
_initSelectedText() {
if ("_textSelected" in this) {
// Already initialized.
let spanNode = this._getSpanNode();
if (!spanNode) {
// can happen if the message text is under a separate root node
// that isn't selected at all
this._textSelected = false;
this._otherSelected = true;
let startPoint = this._range.comparePoint(spanNode, 0);
// Note that we are working on the HTML DOM, including text nodes,
// so we need to use childNodes here and below.
let endPoint = this._range.comparePoint(
if (startPoint <= 0 && endPoint >= 0) {
let range = this._range.cloneRange();
if (startPoint >= 0) {
range.setStart(spanNode, 0);
if (endPoint <= 0) {
range.setEnd(spanNode, spanNode.childNodes.length);
this._selectedText = serializeRange(range);
// if the selected text is empty, set _selectedText to false
// this happens if the carret is at the offset 0 in the span node
this._textSelected = this._selectedText != "";
} else {
this._textSelected = false;
if (this._textSelected) {
// to check if the start or end is cut, the result of
// comparePoint is not enough because the selection range may
// start or end in a text node instead of the span node
if (startPoint == -1) {
let range = spanNode.ownerDocument.createRange();
range.setStart(spanNode, 0);
range.setEnd(this._range.startContainer, this._range.startOffset);
this._cutBegin = serializeRange(range) != "";
} else {
this._cutBegin = false;
if (endPoint == 1) {
let range = spanNode.ownerDocument.createRange();
range.setStart(this._range.endContainer, this._range.endOffset);
range.setEnd(spanNode, spanNode.childNodes.length);
this._cutEnd = !/^(\r?\n)?$/.test(serializeRange(range));
} else {
this._cutEnd = false;
this._otherSelected =
(startPoint >= 0 || endPoint <= 0) && // eliminate most negative cases
(!this._textSelected ||
serializeRange(this._range).length > this._selectedText.length);
get cutBegin() {
return this._textSelected && this._cutBegin;
get cutEnd() {
return this._textSelected && this._cutEnd;
isTextSelected() {
return this._textSelected;
onlyTextSelected() {
return !this._otherSelected;
getSelectedText() {
return this._textSelected ? this._selectedText : "";
getFormattedMessage() {
// First, get the selected text
let msg = this.msg;
let text;
if (this._textSelected) {
// Add ellipsis is needed
text =
(this._cutBegin ? getEllipsis() + " " : "") +
this._selectedText +
(this._cutEnd ? " " + getEllipsis() : "");
} else {
let div = this._rootNodes[0].ownerDocument.createElement("div");
let divChildren = getDocumentFragmentFromHTML(
msg.autoResponse ? formatAutoResponce(msg.message) : msg.message
text = serializeNode(div);
// then get the suitable replacements and templates for this message
let getLocalizedPrefWithDefault = function(aName, aDefault) {
try {
let prefBranch = Services.prefs.getBranch(
return prefBranch.getComplexValue(aName, Ci.nsIPrefLocalizedString)
} catch (e) {
return aDefault;
let html, replacements;
if (msg.system) {
replacements = statusReplacements;
html = getLocalizedPrefWithDefault(
"%time% - %message%"
} else {
replacements = messageReplacements;
if (/^(<[^>]+>)*\/me /.test(msg.displayMessage)) {
html = getLocalizedPrefWithDefault(
"%time% * %sender% %message%"
} else {
html = getLocalizedPrefWithDefault(
"%time% - %sender%: %message%"
// Overrides default replacements so that they don't add a span node.
// Also, this uses directly the text variable so that we don't
// have to change the content of msg.message and revert it
// afterwards.
replacements = {
message: aMsg => text,
sender: aMsg => aMsg.alias || aMsg.who,
__proto__: replacements,
// Finally, let the theme system do the magic!
return replaceKeywordsInHTML(html, replacements, msg);
function getMessagesForRange(aRange) {
let result = []; // will hold the final result
let messages = {}; // used to prevent duplicate messages in the result array
// cache the range boundaries, they will be used a lot
let endNode = aRange.endContainer;
let startNode = aRange.startContainer;
// Helper function to recursively look for _originalMsg JS
// properties on DOM nodes, and stop when endNode is reached.
// Found nodes are pushed into the rootNodes array.
let processSubtree = function(aNode) {
if (aNode._originalMsg) {
// store the result
if (!(aNode._originalMsg.id in messages)) {
// we've found a new message!
let newMessage = new SelectedMessage(aNode, aRange);
messages[aNode._originalMsg.id] = newMessage;
} else {
// we've found another root of an already known message
// check if we have reached the end node
if (aNode == endNode) {
return true;
// recurse through children
if (
aNode.nodeType == aNode.ELEMENT_NODE &&
aNode.namespaceURI == "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
) {
for (let i = 0; i < aNode.children.length; ++i) {
if (processSubtree(aNode.children[i])) {
return true;
return false;
let currentNode = aRange.commonAncestorContainer;
if (
currentNode.nodeType == currentNode.ELEMENT_NODE &&
currentNode.namespaceURI == "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
) {
// Determine the index of the first and last children of currentNode
// that we should process.
let found = false;
let start = 0;
if (currentNode == startNode) {
// we want to process all children
found = true;
start = aRange.startOffset;
} else {
// startNode needs to be a direct child of currentNode
while (startNode.parentNode != currentNode) {
startNode = startNode.parentNode;
let end;
if (currentNode == endNode) {
end = aRange.endOffset;
} else {
end = currentNode.children.length;
for (let i = start; i < end; ++i) {
let node = currentNode.children[i];
// don't do anything until we find the startNode
found = found || node == startNode;
if (!found) {
if (processSubtree(node)) {
// The selection may not include any root node of the first touched
// message, in this case, the DOM traversal of the DOM range
// couldn't give us the first message. Make sure we actually have
// the message in which the range starts.
let firstRoot = aRange.startContainer;
while (firstRoot && !firstRoot._originalMsg) {
firstRoot = firstRoot.parentNode;
if (firstRoot && !(firstRoot._originalMsg.id in messages)) {
result.unshift(new SelectedMessage(firstRoot, aRange));
return result;
* Turns a raw HTML string into a DocumentFragment usable in the provided
* document.
* @param {Document} doc - The Document the fragment will belong to.
* @param {string} html - The target HTML to be parsed.
* @returns {DocumentFragment}
function getDocumentFragmentFromHTML(doc, html) {
let uri = Services.io.newURI(doc.baseURI);
let flags = Ci.nsIParserUtils.SanitizerAllowStyle;
let context = doc.createElement("div");
return ParserUtils.parseFragment(html, flags, false, uri, context);