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<?xml version="1.0"?>
- Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
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- for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- License.
- The Original Code is Sun Microsystems code.
- The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Sun Microsystems.
- Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2009
- the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- Contributor(s):
- Berend Cornelius <>
- Joey Minta <>
- Markus Adrario <>
- Philipp Kewisch <>
- Dan Mosedale <>
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- ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
<bindings id="calendar-specific-view-bindings"
<binding id="calendar-day-view"
<implementation implements="calICalendarView">
<property name="observerID">
return "day-view-observer";
<!--Public methods-->
<method name="goToDay">
<parameter name="aDate"/>
aDate = aDate.getInTimezone(this.timezone);
this.setDateRange(aDate, aDate);
var toolTips = calGetStringArray("calendar",
["oneDayBack", "gotoToday", "oneDayForward"]);
cal.navigationBar.setDateRange(aDate, aDate, toolTips);
this.selectedDay = aDate;
<method name="moveView">
<parameter name="aNumber"/>
if (!aNumber) {
} else {
var currentDay = this.startDay.clone(); += aNumber;
<binding id="calendar-week-view"
<implementation implements="calICalendarView">
<property name="observerID">
return "week-view-observer";
<!--Public methods-->
<method name="goToDay">
<parameter name="aDate"/>
this.displayDaysOff = !this.mWorkdaysOnly;
aDate = aDate.getInTimezone(this.timezone);
var d1 = getWeekInfoService().getStartOfWeek(aDate);
var d2 = d1.clone(); += 6;
this.setDateRange(d1, d2);
var toolTips = calGetStringArray("calendar",
["oneWeekBack", "gotoToday", "oneWeekForward"]);
cal.navigationBar.setDateRange(d1, d2, toolTips);
this.selectedDay = aDate;
<method name="moveView">
<parameter name="aNumber"/>
if (!aNumber) {
} else {
var d1 = this.selectedDay.clone(); += 7 * aNumber;
<binding id="calendar-multiweek-view" extends="chrome://calendar/content/calendar-month-view.xml#calendar-month-base-view">
<implementation implements="calICalendarView">
this.mWeeksInView = getPrefSafe("calendar.weeks.inview", 4);
<field name="mWeeksInView">4</field>
<property name="weeksInView">
return this.mWeeksInView;
this.mWeeksInView = val;
setPref("calendar.weeks.inview", val);
return val;
<property name="observerID">
return "multiweek-view-observer";
<!--Public methods-->
<method name="goToDay">
<parameter name="aDate"/>
this.showFullMonth = false;
this.displayDaysOff = !this.mWorkdaysOnly;
aDate = aDate.getInTimezone(this.timezone);
// Get the first date that should be shown. This is the
// start of the week of the day that we're centering around
// adjusted for the day the week starts on and the number
// of previous weeks we're supposed to display.
let d1 = getWeekInfoService().getStartOfWeek(aDate); -= (7 * getPrefSafe("calendar.previousweeks.inview", 0));
// The last day we're supposed to show
let d2 = d1.clone(); += ((7 * this.mWeeksInView) - 1);
let toolTips = calGetStringArray("calendar",
["oneWeekBack", "gotoToday", "oneWeekForward"]);
cal.navigationBar.setDateRange(d1,d2, toolTips);
this.selectedDay = aDate;
<method name="moveView">
<parameter name="aNumber"/>
if (!aNumber) {
let date = now();
this.selectedDay = date;
} else {
let d1 = this.startDay.clone();
let savedSelectedDay = this.selectedDay.clone();
// aNumber only corresponds to the number of weeks to move
// make sure to compensate for previous weeks in view too += 7 * (aNumber + getPrefSafe("calendar.previousweeks.inview", 4));
this.goToDay(d1); += 7 * aNumber;
this.selectedDay = savedSelectedDay;
<binding id="calendar-month-view" extends="chrome://calendar/content/calendar-month-view.xml#calendar-month-base-view">
<implementation implements="calICalendarView">
<property name="observerID">
return "month-view-observer";
<!--Public methods-->
<method name="goToDay">
<parameter name="aDate"/>
this.displayDaysOff = !this.mWorkdaysOnly;
aDate = aDate.getInTimezone(this.timezone);
this.setDateRange(aDate.startOfMonth, aDate.endOfMonth);
let toolTips = calGetStringArray("calendar",
["oneMonthBack", "gotoToday", "oneMonthForward"]);
cal.navigationBar.setDateRange(aDate.startOfMonth, aDate.endOfMonth, toolTips);
this.selectedDay = aDate;
<method name="getRangeDescription">
let monthName = calGetString("dateFormat", "month." + (this.rangeStartDate.month + 1) + ".name");
return calGetString("calendar", "monthInYear", [monthName, this.rangeStartDate.year]);
<method name="moveView">
<parameter name="aNumber"/>
let dates = this.getDateList({});
this.displayDaysOff = !this.mWorkdaysOnly;
if (!aNumber) {
let date = now();
this.selectedDay = date;
} else {
// The first few dates in this list are likely in the month
// prior to the one actually being shown (since the month
// probably doesn't start on a Sunday). The 7th item must
// be in correct month though.
let date = dates[6].clone();
date.month += aNumber;
// Need to store this before we move
let oldSelectedDay = this.selectedDay;
// Most of the time we want to select the date with the
// same day number in the next month
let newSelectedDay = oldSelectedDay.clone();
newSelectedDay.month += aNumber;
// correct for accidental rollover into the next month
if ((newSelectedDay.month - aNumber + 12) % 12 != oldSelectedDay.month) {
newSelectedDay.month -= 1; =;
this.selectedDay = newSelectedDay;