
442 строки
17 KiB

/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is the SeaMonkey Find As You Type.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Neil Rashbrook <>
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2008
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
* and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
const kSpace = " ".charCodeAt(0);
const kSlash = "/".charCodeAt(0);
const kApostrophe = "'".charCodeAt(0);
function findTypeController(aTypeAheadFind, aWindow)
this.mTypeAheadFind = aTypeAheadFind;
this.mWindow = aWindow;
findTypeController.prototype = {
/* nsIController */
supportsCommand: function(aCommand) {
return aCommand == "cmd_findTypeText" || aCommand == "cmd_findTypeLinks";
isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand) {
// We can always find if there's a primary content window in which to find.
if (this.mWindow.content)
return true;
// We can also find if the focused window is a content window.
// Note: this gets called during a focus change
// so the new window might not have focus yet.
var commandDispatcher = this.mWindow.document.commandDispatcher;
var e = commandDispatcher.focusedElement;
var w = e ? e.ownerDocument.defaultView : commandDispatcher.focusedWindow;
return != this.mWindow;
doCommand: function(aCommand) {
this.mTypeAheadFind.startFind(this.mWindow, aCommand != "cmd_findTypeText");
onEvent: function(aEvent) {
function typeAheadFind()
typeAheadFind.prototype = {
/* properties required for XPCOMUtils */
classID: Components.ID("{45c8f75b-a299-4178-a461-f63690389055}"),
/* members */
mBadKeysSinceMatch: 0,
mBundle: null,
mCurrentWindow: null,
mEventTarget: null,
mFind: null,
mFindService: null,
mFound: null,
mLinks: false,
mSearchString: "",
mSelection: null,
mTimer: null,
mXULBrowserWindow: null,
/* nsISupports */
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([
/* nsIObserver */
observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
if (aTopic == "app-startup") {
// It's now safe to get our pref branch.
this.mPrefs = Components.classes[";1"]
// We need to add our event listeners to all windows.
// We also need to listen for find again commands
.addObserver(this, "nsWebBrowserFind_FindAgain", true);
if (aTopic == "domwindowopened") {
// Add our listeners. They get automatically removed on window teardown.
aSubject.controllers.appendController(new findTypeController(this, aSubject));
aSubject.addEventListener("keypress", this, false);
if (aTopic == "nsWebBrowserFind_FindAgain" &&
aSubject instanceof Components.interfaces.nsISupportsInterfacePointer && instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIDOMWindow && == this.mCurrentWindow &&
this.mSearchString) {
// It's a find again. Was it one that we just searched for?
var w =;
var find = w.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
if (find.searchString.toLowerCase() == this.mSearchString) {
var reverse = aData == "up";
var result = Components.interfaces.nsITypeAheadFind.FIND_NOTFOUND;
if (!this.mBadKeysSinceMatch)
result = this.mFind.findAgain(reverse, this.mLinks);
this.showStatusMatch(result, reverse ? "prevmatch" : "nextmatch");
// Don't let anyone else try to find again. = null;
/* nsITimerCallback */
notify: function(aTimer) {
/* nsIDOMEventListener */
handleEvent: function(aEvent) {
if (aEvent.type != "keypress") {
return true;
// We don't care about these keys.
if (aEvent.altKey || aEvent.ctrlKey || aEvent.metaKey)
return true;
// Are we already in a find?
if (aEvent.eventPhase == Components.interfaces.nsIDOMEvent.CAPTURING_PHASE)
return this.processKey(aEvent);
// Check whether we want to start a new find.
if (aEvent.getPreventDefault())
return true;
// We don't want to start a find on a control character.
// We also don't want to start on a space, since that scrolls the page.
if (aEvent.keyCode || aEvent.charCode <= kSpace)
return true;
// Don't start a find if the focus is an editable element.
var window = aEvent.currentTarget;
var element = window.document.commandDispatcher.focusedElement;
if (element instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIDOMNSHTMLElement &&
element.contentEditable == "true")
return true;
// Don't start a find if the focus is on a form element.
if (element instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIDOMXULElement ||
element instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIDOMHTMLEmbedElement ||
element instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIDOMHTMLObjectElement ||
element instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIDOMHTMLIsIndexElement ||
element instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIDOMHTMLSelectElement ||
element instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIDOMHTMLTextAreaElement)
return true;
// Don't start a find if the focus is on an editable field
if (element instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIDOMHTMLInputElement &&
return true;
// Don't start a find if the focus isn't or can't be set to content
var w = window.document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow;
if ( == window)
w = window.content;
if (!w)
return true;
var webNav = w.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
try {
// Don't start a find if the window is in design mode
if (webNav.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
return true;
} catch (e) {
switch (aEvent.charCode) {
// Start finding text as you type
case kSlash:
this.startFind(window, false);
// Start finding links as you type
case kApostrophe:
this.startFind(window, true);
// Don't start if typeahead find is disabled
if (!this.mPrefs.getBoolPref("autostart"))
return true;
// Don't start in windows that don't want autostart
if (webNav.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDocShell)
.chromeEventHandler.getAttribute("autofind") == "false")
return true;
this.startFind(window, this.mPrefs.getBoolPref("linksonly"));
return false;
/* nsISelectionListener */
notifySelectionChanged: function(aDoc, aSelection, aReason) {
/* private methods */
showStatus: function(aText) {
if (this.mXULBrowserWindow)
this.mXULBrowserWindow.setOverLink(aText, null);
showStatusString: function(aString) {
// Set the status text from a localised string
this.showStatus(aString && this.mBundle.GetStringFromName(aString));
showStatusMatch: function(aResult, aExtra) {
// Set the status text from a find result
// link|text "..." [not] found [next|previous match] [(href)]
if (aExtra)
aExtra = " " + this.mBundle.GetStringFromName(aExtra);
var url = "";
var string = this.mLinks ? "link" : "text";
if (aResult == Components.interfaces.nsITypeAheadFind.FIND_NOTFOUND)
string += "not";
else if (this.mFind.foundLink && this.mFind.foundLink.href)
url = " " + this.mBundle.GetStringFromName("openparen") +
this.mFind.foundLink.href +
string += "found";
this.showStatus(this.mBundle.GetStringFromName(string) +
this.mSearchString +
this.mBundle.GetStringFromName("closequote") +
aExtra + url);
startTimer: function() {
if (this.mPrefs.getBoolPref("enabletimeout")) {
if (!this.mTimer)
this.mTimer = Components.classes[";1"]
processKey: function(aEvent) {
// Escape always cancels the find.
if (aEvent.keyCode == Components.interfaces.nsIDOMKeyEvent.DOM_VK_ESCAPE) {
return false;
var result = Components.interfaces.nsITypeAheadFind.FIND_NOTFOUND;
if (aEvent.keyCode == Components.interfaces.nsIDOMKeyEvent.DOM_VK_BACK_SPACE) {
this.mSearchString = this.mSearchString.slice(0, -1);
// Backspacing past the start of the string cancels the find.
if (!this.mSearchString) {
return false;
// The find will change the selection, so stop listening for changes
this.mEventTarget.removeEventListener("blur", this, true);
if (this.mSelection)
// Don't bother finding until we get back to a working string
if (!this.mBadKeysSinceMatch || !--this.mBadKeysSinceMatch)
result = this.mFind.find(this.mSearchString, this.mLinks);
} else {
// Ignore control characters.
if (aEvent.keyCode || aEvent.charCode < kSpace)
return true;
// It looks as if the cat walked on the keyboard.
if (this.mBadKeysSinceMatch >= 3)
return false;
// The find will change the selection/focus, so stop listening for changes
this.mEventTarget.removeEventListener("blur", this, true);
if (this.mSelection)
var previousString = this.mSearchString;
this.mSearchString += String.fromCharCode(aEvent.charCode).toLowerCase();
if (!this.mBadKeysSinceMatch) {
result = this.mFind.find(this.mSearchString, this.mLinks);
if (previousString &&
result == Components.interfaces.nsITypeAheadFind.FIND_NOTFOUND)
// Use a separate find instance to rehighlight the previous match
// until bug 463294 is fixed.
this.mFound.find(previousString, this.mLinks);
if (result == Components.interfaces.nsITypeAheadFind.FIND_NOTFOUND)
// Ensure that the correct frame is focused (work around for bug 485213).
if (this.mFind.currentWindow)
this.showStatusMatch(result, "");
if (!this.mFindService)
this.mFindService = Components.classes[";1"]
this.mFindService.searchString = this.mSearchString;
// Watch for blur changes in case the cursor leaves the current field.
this.mEventTarget.addEventListener("blur", this, true);
// Also watch for the cursor moving within the current field or window.
var commandDispatcher = this.mEventTarget.ownerDocument.commandDispatcher;
var editable = commandDispatcher.focusedElement;
if (editable instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIDOMNSEditableElement)
this.mSelection = editable.editor.selection;
this.mSelection = commandDispatcher.focusedWindow.getSelection();
return false;
startFind: function(aWindow, aLinks) {
if (this.mEventTarget)
// Try to get the status bar for the specified window
this.mXULBrowserWindow =
// If the current window is chrome then focus content instead
var w =;
if (w == aWindow)
(w = aWindow.content).focus();
// Get two toolkit typeaheadfind instances if we don't have them already.
var docShell = w.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
if (!this.mFind) {
this.mFind = Components.classes[";1"]
this.mFound = Components.classes[";1"]
// Get the string bundle if we don't have it already.
if (!this.mBundle)
this.mBundle = Components.classes[";1"]
// Set up all our properties
this.mEventTarget = docShell.chromeEventHandler;
this.mEventTarget.addEventListener("keypress", this, true);
this.mEventTarget.addEventListener("pagehide", this, true);
this.mCurrentWindow = w;
this.mBadKeysSinceMatch = 0;
this.mSearchString = "";
this.mLinks = aLinks;
this.showStatusString(this.mLinks ? "startlinkfind" : "starttextfind");
stopFind: function(aClear) {
if (this.mTimer)
if (this.mFind)
if (this.mEventTarget) {
this.mEventTarget.removeEventListener("blur", this, true);
this.mEventTarget.removeEventListener("pagehide", this, true);
this.mEventTarget.removeEventListener("keypress", this, true);
this.mEventTarget = null;
if (this.mSelection)
this.mSelection = null;
this.showStatusString(aClear ? "" : "stopfind");
if (aClear)
this.mSearchString = "";
if (aClear && this.mFind)
var NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([typeAheadFind]);