
383 строки
12 KiB
Executable File

#! /usr/bin/env node
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at */
* Create the string bundles and then save them to disk.
/*jshint node:true, browser:false, esnext:true*/
"use strict";
const async = require("marcosc-async");
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const clc = require("cli-color");
const fetch = require("node-fetch"); // jshint ignore:line
const repo = "";
const newTabPath = "/raw-file/tip/browser/chrome/browser/newTab";
const globalDirPath = "/raw-file/tip/dom/chrome/global.dtd";
const l10nPath = path.resolve(`${__dirname}/../l10n/`);
let defaultLocale;
// CLI-Colors
const error =;
const warn = clc.yellow;
const notice =;
function fetchAndProcessTask(processor) {
return async(function*(url) {
let response = yield assureResponse(yield fetch(url));
let text = yield response.text();
return processor(text);
// Curried functions, reduce duplicate code.
const dtdProcessorTask = fetchAndProcessTask(processDTD);
const propProcessorsTask = fetchAndProcessTask(processProps);
* Helper object for representing string bundles.
* @constructor
* @param {String} locale The locale for the string bundle.
function StringBundle(locale) {
this.locale = locale;
StringBundle.prototype = {
get properties() {
return `${repo}${this.locale}${newTabPath}.properties`;
get dtd() {
return `${repo}${this.locale}${newTabPath}.dtd`;
get dir() {
return `${repo}${this.locale}${globalDirPath}`;
* Saves the bundle to disk.
* @return {Promise} Resolves once writing to disk is done is done.
save() {
return async.task(function*() {
// Kick-off downloads
let processedStrings = yield Promise.all([
let localeMap = processedStrings.reduce(toSingleMap, new Map());
checkForMissingKeys(localeMap, this.locale);
let defaultClone = new Map(Array.from(defaultLocale.entries()));
// Fill in gaps
let dirtyMap = toSingleMap(defaultClone, localeMap);
let canonicalKeys = Array.from(defaultLocale.keys());
let trimmedMap = trimRedundantProps(dirtyMap, canonicalKeys, this.locale);
let sortedMap = toSortedMap(trimmedMap);
let text = "";
try {
text = JSON.stringify(sortedMap, mapReplacer, 2);
}catch (err) {
let msg = error("Error parsing JSON of ${this.locale}. Please fix this!");
yield writeToDisk(text, this.locale);
}, this);
* Attempts to recovers from HTTP errors (404 and 503).
* @param {Response} response The response to check.
* @return {Promise} Fulfills once an "ok" response is fetched.
function assureResponse(response) {
if (response.ok) {
// All is good!
return Promise.resolve(response);
// Otherwise, let's try to recover.
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
let msg = "";
switch (response.status) {
case 503:
msg = warn(`We got a 503 for: ${response.url} - trying again.`);
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);
case 404:
msg = warn(`l10n File is 404 : ${response.url}`);
// Node Response doesn't expose constructor, so fake it till you make it!
const fakeResponse = {
text() {
return Promise.resolve("");
msg = error(`Could not handle ${response.status} for: ${response.url}`);
reject(new Error(msg));
* Validate the data against the canonical default object.
* Invalid properties are logged via console.log.
* @param {Map} results results to be validated.
* @param {String} locale The corresponding locale.
* @return {Object[]} the validated (unmodified) results.
function checkForMissingKeys(results, locale) {
let missingKeys = Array.from(defaultLocale.keys())
.filter(key => !results.has(key));
if (missingKeys.length) {
${warn("WARNING:")} Locale "${locale}" is missing keys. The en-US locale will fill the gaps:
${notice("* " + missingKeys.join("\n * "))}`);
return results;
* Writes the resulting JSON to the file system.
* @param {String} data The string to write to disk.
* @param {String} locale The locale that this data is for.
* @return {Promise} Resolves when writing is done.
function writeToDisk(data, locale) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const dir = path.resolve(`${l10nPath}/${locale}/`);
if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) {
fs.writeFile(`${dir}/strings.json`, data, "utf8", (err) => {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
* Process DTD files by:
* - Split on each new line,
* - then filters out anything that doesn't start with "<!ENTITY"
* - then removes "<" and ">" and additional quotation marks.
* - then combines the remaining key/value pair into the result object.
* @param {String} text Text to be processed.
* @return {Object} The resulting object with the key value pairs.
function processDTD(text) {
return text.split("\n")
.filter(line => line.trim().startsWith("<!ENTITY"))
line => line.replace("<!ENTITY ", "")
.replace(">", "")
.replace(/\"/g, "")
.filter(item => item)
.reduce(toMap, new Map());
* Reduces key value pairs into a Map.
* @param {Map} map The map to reduce into.
* @param {String[]} nameValue The name/value pair to add to the map.
* @return {Object} The resulting (original) object.
function toMap(map, nameValue) {
let name = nameValue[0];
let value = nameValue[1];
map.set(name, value);
return map;
* Trims names and replaces "." for "-"; trims values.
* @param {String[]} item A name value pair
* @return {String[]} An new Array with the modified values
function cleanUpNameValuePairs(item) {
return [
item[0].trim().replace(/\./g, "-"),
* Process .properties files.
* - Split on new line
* - then remove comments
* - then map to key value pairs
* - then add key values pairs to resulting object.
* @param {String} text The properties files to process.
* @return {Object} The resulting object.
function processProps(text) {
return text.split("\n")
.filter(line => !line.startsWith("#") && line.trim(line))
.map(line => line.split(/=(.+)?/))
.reduce(toMap, new Map());
* Run only a few network requests at a time.
* @param {StringBundle[]} stringBundles the string bundles to save.
* @param {Number} throughPut How many network requests to perform simultaneously.
function* fetchRunner(stringBundles, throughPut) { // jshint ignore:line
// Gather N=throughPut requests, and wait until they are done before continuing.
for (let i = 0; i < stringBundles.length;) {
let bundles = [];
for (let j = 0; j < throughPut; j++) {
if (i >= stringBundles.length) {
yield Promise.all( =>
* Runs through the locales, downloads the data, and saves it.
* @param {String[]} allLocales The list of locales to download.
function generateL10NStrings(allLocales) {
let stringBundles = allLocales
.map(locale => new StringBundle(locale));
let runner = fetchRunner(stringBundles, 5);
let fetchSequentially = () => {
let next =;
if (!next.done) {
return next.value.then(fetchSequentially);
// Fetch a few at a time, otherwise server might get upset
* Trims properties that are not used in the about:newtab page.
* @param {Map} map The map to trip props from.
* @param {String[]} canonicalList The list of canonical properties.
* @param {String} locale The locale being trimmed, for reporting.
* @return {Map} The map
function trimRedundantProps(map, canonicalList, locale) {
let localeMap = new Map(Array.from(map.entries()));
let redudantProps = Array.from(localeMap.keys())
.filter(key => canonicalList.indexOf(key) === -1);
if (redudantProps.length) {
let msg = `
${warn("WARNING:")} Redundant props in ${locale}:`; // jshint ignore:line
msg += notice(`
* ${redudantProps.join("\n * ")}
key => localeMap.delete(key)
return localeMap;
* Reducer: merges entries of one map into another.
* @param {Map} prevMap The map that will be added to.
* @param {Map} nextMap The map where the new props will come from.
* @return {Map} The prevMap, with the added properties.
function toSingleMap(prevMap, nextMap) {
.forEach(entry => prevMap.set(entry[0], entry[1]));
return prevMap;
* Creates a sorted Map.
* @param {Map} unsortedMap The map to be sorted
* @return {Map} A new map, that has been sorted.
function toSortedMap(unsortedMap) {
return Array.from(unsortedMap.keys())
(prev, next) => {
prev.set(next, unsortedMap.get(next));
return prev;
}, new Map()
* When JSON.stringify(), replaces a map for its key values.
* @param {String} key The key to check.
* @param {Any} value The corresponding value.
* @return {String} The replaced string.
function mapReplacer(key, value) { // jshint ignore:line
if (!(value instanceof Map)) {
return value;
let result = Array.from(value.entries())
.map(keyValue => {
let key = keyValue[0];
let value = String(keyValue[1]).replace(/\"/g,`\\"`).trim();
return `"${key}": "${value}"`;
// Reduce "{", then each entry, and finally "}"
(prev, next, i, arr) => `${prev}${next}${(i < arr.length - 1) ? "," : "}"}` , "{"
return JSON.parse(result);
// Read the default locale data (en-US), get the "shipped locales",
// and save it all to disk!
async.task(function*() {
const mozCentral = "";
const mozAurora = "";
const newTabDTD = `${mozCentral}browser/locales/en-US/chrome/browser/newTab.dtd`;
const newTabProps = `${mozCentral}browser/locales/en-US/chrome/browser/`;
const globalDTD = "";
const localeMaps = yield Promise.all([
defaultLocale = toSortedMap(localeMaps.reduce(toSingleMap, new Map()));
// Save the default locale
let data = JSON.stringify(defaultLocale, mapReplacer, 2);
yield writeToDisk(data, "en-US");
let response = yield fetch(`${mozAurora}browser/locales/shipped-locales`);
let rawLocales = yield response.text();
//Remove default locale en-US, and discard OS specific invalid tags (e.g., "linux win32")
let allLocales = rawLocales.split("\n")
.filter(locale => locale && locale !== "en-US")
.map(locale => locale.split(/\s/)[0]);
try {
} catch (err) {
}).catch(err => console.log(err));