FROM python:3.12.7 AS compile ENV PIP_NO_CACHE_DIR=off \ PIP_DISABLE_PIP_VERSION_CHECK=on \ POETRY_HOME="/opt/poetry" \ POETRY_NO_INTERACTION=1 \ POETRY_VIRTUALENVS_IN_PROJECT=true \ VIRTUAL_ENV=/opt/.venv \ PATH="/opt/.venv/bin:$PATH" # Install Poetry RUN python -m venv $POETRY_HOME && \ $POETRY_HOME/bin/pip install poetry==1.4.1 && \ $POETRY_HOME/bin/poetry --version WORKDIR /opt COPY ./poetry.lock ./pyproject.toml ./ RUN $POETRY_HOME/bin/poetry install --only main --no-root && \ uwsgi --build-plugin # though we have kinto-remote-settings specified as a dependency in # pyproject.toml, we have it configured to install in editable mode for local # development. For building the container, we only install the "main" # dependency group so that we can use pip to install the packages in # non-editable mode COPY ./kinto-remote-settings ./kinto-remote-settings COPY version.json . RUN pip install ./kinto-remote-settings # We pull the Kinto Admin assets at the version specified in `kinto-admin/VERSION`. FROM alpine:3 AS get-admin WORKDIR /opt COPY bin/ . COPY kinto-admin/ kinto-admin/ RUN ./ FROM python:3.12.7-slim AS production ENV KINTO_INI=config/local.ini \ KINTO_ADMIN_ASSETS_PATH=/app/kinto-admin/build/ \ PATH="/opt/.venv/bin:$PATH" \ PORT=8888 \ PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 \ VIRTUAL_ENV=/opt/.venv COPY /bin/ /opt RUN /opt/ \ # Needed for UWSGI libxml2-dev \ # Needed for psycopg2 libpq-dev COPY --from=compile $VIRTUAL_ENV $VIRTUAL_ENV WORKDIR /app RUN chown 10001:10001 /app && \ groupadd --gid 10001 app && \ useradd --no-create-home --uid 10001 --gid 10001 --home-dir /app app COPY --chown=app:app . . COPY --from=compile /opt/ . COPY --from=get-admin /opt/kinto-admin/build $KINTO_ADMIN_ASSETS_PATH # Generate local key pair to simplify running without Autograph out of the box (see `config/testing.ini`) RUN python -m kinto_remote_settings.signer.generate_keypair /app/ecdsa.private.pem /app/ecdsa.public.pem EXPOSE $PORT USER app ENTRYPOINT ["./bin/"] # Run uwsgi by default CMD ["start"] FROM production AS local # create directories for volume mounts used in browser tests / local development RUN mkdir -p -m 777 /app/mail && mkdir -p -m 777 /tmp/attachments