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== SLAVE ==
- device (slave) has features configured inside its slave/config.json 'features'.
- features: {feature-name: {'url:$URL, ???
e.g. { "camera" : {"tag": "raspi", "url" : "localhost:8090/?action=snapshot"},
"led" : {"tag": "led1", "url" : "i reside at this url"} }
or { "camera" : { "url" : "localhost:8090/?action=snapshot"},
"led" : { "url" : "i reside at this url"} }
- link to interact with a sensor/actuator/etc.
- on startup, registers itself to the configured directory
- conn to directory: PUT /thing/UUID data: {"uuid":uuid, "localURL": 'http://' + socket.address().address + ':' + config.port}
- exposes a REST API to the user to assign 'tags' to existing features
- slave REST API (listens on the config.port)
- GET /tags => return json tags
- PUT /tags/$name => puts tags in state, saves to disk
- DELETE /tags/$name or /tags/* => delete a tag / all tags, save to disk
- GET /features => return features from config
- TODO: GET /tags/$name ?
== ROT JS API ==
- ROT.init( cb (error or undefined) )
= get my uuids => GET /ls on directory => [uuids]
= for each uuid => GET /thing/uuid/ => info registeded by each device/slave. {"uuid":uuid, "localURL": slave-rest-endpoint}
= for each uuid => GET /tags/. First time, no tags defined (likely): brand new device.
* interaction with tags *
- ROT.queryTags(["tag1", "tag2"], cb (resp, err)); where resp: {"tag1": ?, "tag2": ?}
- ROT.readTag("tag", function cb(resp, err) { ... } ) => resp: WHATEVER THE URLS OF THAT TAG RETURNS
- ROT.writeTag("tag", data, cb(resp, err) { ... } ) => data: whaever data you want, resp: tag will respond whatever it wants
* configuration (useful for new devices, or using new APP) *
- ROT.getFeatures(cb(resp, err)); resp: {'uuid1': feature-dict from slave REST API}
- ROT.setTag("uuid", "feature-name", "tag", cb (error or undefined))
- ROT.deleteTag("uuid", "tag", cb (error or undefined))
== UI DEMO ==
- TODO: lighs or shuts down leds, queries led status
- app uses these tags: "led1", "led2".
- app startup:
- ROT.init
- ROT.queryTags(["led1", "led2"], ...)
- if no leds defined => :( tell user to define them
- if leds defined:
=> show button with color to show whether the led is on/off ==> ROT.readTag
=> push button => toggle led, also update UI ==> ROT.writeTag/ROT.readTag (for update ui)
- user configures tags:
- ROT.getFeatures => return all features,
- display in table,
- with <text> boxes for user to add tags (ROT.setTag),
- checkbutton to delete tags (ROT.deleteTag)