
246 строки
6.8 KiB

(function(global) {
if (typeof superagent === 'undefined') {
superagent = require('superagent');
var baseurl = "";
var allUuids = [];
var allThings = {}; // { 'uuid1dc65c13': { uuid: 'uuid1dc65c13', localURL: 'http://slave:80' }}
var allTags = {};
var allFeatures = {}
function isValidURL(url){
var RegExp = /(ftp|http|https):\/\/(\w+:{0,1}\w*@)?(\S+)(:[0-9]+)?(\/|\/([\w#!:.?+=&%@!\-\/]))?/;
return true;
return false;
function init(cb) {
superagent.get(baseurl + "/ls", function(err, res) {
console.log("--------------------- ROT init ------------------");
if (err) {
var uuids = Object.keys(JSON.parse(res.text));
console.log("ROT got uuids: ", uuids);
allUuids = uuids;
getAllThings(uuids, function(err, things) {
allThings = things;
console.log("ROT allThings: ", allThings);
getAllFeatures(things, function(err, features) {
allFeatures = features;
console.log("ROT allFeatures: ", allFeatures);
getAllTags(things, function(err, tags) {
allTags = tags;
console.log("ROT allTags: ", allTags);
= get my data => GET /ls on directory => [data]
= for each uuid => GET /thing/uuid/ => info registeded by each device/slave. {"uuid":uuid, "localURL": slave-rest-endpoint}
= for each uuid => GET /tags/. First time, no tags defined (likely): brand new device.
function queryTags(tags, cb) {
// ["tag1", "tag2"], cb (resp, err)); where resp: {"tag1": ?, "tag2": ?}
var resp = {};
for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
resp[tags[i]] = allTags[tags[i]];
cb(resp); // no error
//this works only for http requests not free tags
function readTag(tag, cb) {
var tagData = allTags[tag];
console.log("ROT READ TAG--", tagData);
if (tagData === undefined) {
cb(undefined, "ROT No such tag: " + tag + " :(");
} else if (tagData === undefined) {
cb(undefined, "ROT No url for tag: " + tag + " :(");
} else if (isValidURL(tagData)) {
console.log("res is ", res);
} else {
return tagData;
//this works only for http requests not for free tags
function writeTag(tag, data, cb) {
var tagData = allTags[tag];
console.log("IN WRITE TAG and tagData is ", tagData);
if (tagData === undefined) {
cb(undefined, "No such tag: " + tag + " :(");
} else if (tagData === undefined) {
cb(undefined, "No url for tag: " + tag + " :(");
} else if (isValidURL(tagData)){
//"http://" + tagData)
console.log("valid tag is:", tagData)
//var url = "http://" + tagData;
console.log("callback is ", cb);
cb(res.text, !res.ok);
} else {
return tagData;
function getAllThings(uuids, cb) {
console.log("------------------ROT GET ALL THINGS-------------------");
var things = {};
var errors = undefined;
var done = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < uuids.length; i++) {
console.log("ROT uuids are ", uuids);
(function() {
var uuid = uuids[i];
superagent.get(baseurl + "/thing/" + uuid, function(err, res) {
if (err) {
if (errors === undefined)
errors = [];
} else {
var thing = JSON.parse(res.text);
things[uuid] = thing;
done ++;
if (done === uuids.length) {
cb(errors, things);
function getAllTags(things, cb) {
console.log("ROT I am in getAllTags having things :--------", things);
var tags = {};
var errors = undefined;
var done = 0;
for (var uuid in things) {
(function(uuid) {
var thing = things[uuid];
superagent.get(thing['localURL'] + "/tags/", function(err, res) {
console.log("--> getAllTags: err: ", err);
if (err) {
if (errors === undefined)
errors = [];
} else {
var tagsResp = JSON.parse(res.text);
console.log("Got tagsResp: ", tagsResp, " for thing: ", thing);
// merge tag lists
for (var tagName in tagsResp) {
if (JSON.parse(tagsResp[tagName]).url !== undefined) {
tags[tagName] = JSON.parse(tagsResp[tagName]).url;
if (JSON.parse(tagsResp[tagName]).val !== undefined) {
tags[tagName] = JSON.parse(tagsResp[tagName]).val;
done ++;
if (done === Object.keys(things).length)
cb(errors, tags);
function getAllFeatures(things, cb) {
var features = {};
var errors = undefined;
var done = 0;
for (var uuid in things) {
(function(uuid) {
var thing = things[uuid];
superagent.get(thing['localURL'] + "/features/", function(err, res) {
console.log("--> getAllFeatures: err: ", err, " res.text: ", res.text);
if (err) {
if (errors === undefined)
errors = [];
} else {
var featuresResp = JSON.parse(res.text);
features[uuid] = JSON.stringify(featuresResp);
done ++;
if (done === Object.keys(things).length)
cb(errors, features);
function getFeatures(cb) {
//only tags for features
function setTag(uuid, feature, tag, cb) {
var data = {"url":JSON.parse(allFeatures[uuid])[feature].url, "feature":feature};
if (allFeatures[uuid] === undefined) {
cb("No such uuid: " + uuid + " :( in allFeatures:" + allFeatures);
} else if (JSON.parse(allFeatures[uuid])[feature] === undefined) {
cb("No such feature: " + feature + " for uuid: " + uuid + " :(");
} else if (tag in allTags) {
cb("Tag already used: " + tag + " :(");
} else {
var url = allThings[uuid].localURL + "/tags/" + tag;
allTags[tag] = JSON.parse(allFeatures[uuid])[feature].url;
if (res.ok) {
} else {
// TODO:implementation & testing as not sure if we want to expose it
function deleteTag(tag, cb) {
if (allTags[tag] == undefined) {
cb("No such tag: " + tag + " :(");
} else {
delete allTags[tag];
cb(); // no error
// See
// make it work in both nodejs/browser.
global.init = init;
global.queryTags = queryTags;
global.readTag = readTag;
global.writeTag = writeTag;
global.getFeatures = getFeatures;
global.setTag = setTag;
global.deleteTag = deleteTag;