зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/scribe.git
modify cve-tracker to generate scribe documents
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,14 +11,14 @@ package main
import (
@ -94,42 +94,26 @@ func hackTranslateVersion(pkgname string, ver string) string {
return ret
func addReleaseDefinition(o *oval.GOvalDefinitions, rinfo *releaseInformation) {
func addReleaseDefinition(o *scribe.Document, rinfo *releaseInformation) {
identifier := fmt.Sprintf("reldef-%v", rinfo.identifier)
rinfo.defid = identifier
obj := oval.GTFC54Obj{}
obj.ID = identifier + "-object"
obj.Path = "/etc"
obj.Filename = "lsb-release"
obj.Pattern = "^.*Ubuntu.*\\nDISTRIB_RELEASE=(\\d{1,2}\\.\\d{1,2})"
obj := scribe.Object{}
obj.Object = identifier + "-object"
obj.FileContent.Path = "/etc"
obj.FileContent.File = "^lsb-release$"
obj.FileContent.Expression = "DISTRIB_RELEASE=(\\d{1,2}\\.\\d{1,2})"
state := oval.GTFC54State{}
state.ID = identifier + "-state"
state.SubExpression = rinfo.lsbmatch
test := scribe.Test{}
test.TestID = identifier + "-test"
test.Object = obj.Object
test.EMatch.Value = rinfo.lsbmatch
test := oval.GTFC54Test{}
test.ID = identifier + "-test"
test.Object.ObjectRef = obj.ID
test.State.StateRef = state.ID
def := oval.GDefinition{}
def.ID = identifier
def.Class = "inventory"
def.Metadata.Title = fmt.Sprintf("release check for %v", identifier)
criterion := oval.GCriterion{}
criterion.Test = test.ID
def.Criteria.Operator = "AND"
def.Criteria.Criterion = append(def.Criteria.Criterion, criterion)
o.Definitions.Definitions = append(o.Definitions.Definitions, def)
o.Tests.TFC54Tests = append(o.Tests.TFC54Tests, test)
o.Objects.TFC54Objects = append(o.Objects.TFC54Objects, obj)
o.States.TFC54States = append(o.States.TFC54States, state)
o.Tests = append(o.Tests, test)
o.Objects = append(o.Objects, obj)
func addReleaseDefinitions(o *oval.GOvalDefinitions) {
func addReleaseDefinitions(o *scribe.Document) {
for x := range releaseList {
addReleaseDefinition(o, &releaseList[x])
@ -226,7 +210,7 @@ func loadEntries(dirpath string) {
func addDefinition(o *oval.GOvalDefinitions, prefix string, pkgname string, dist string, cve cveEntry) {
func addDefinition(o *scribe.Document, prefix string, pkgname string, dist string, cve cveEntry) {
// Don't create a definition for anything that is not in our release
// list.
reldefid := getReleaseDefinition(dist)
@ -234,52 +218,28 @@ func addDefinition(o *oval.GOvalDefinitions, prefix string, pkgname string, dist
// Create a state
stateid := fmt.Sprintf("%v-state", prefix)
state := oval.GDPKGInfoState{}
state.ID = stateid
state.EVRCheck.DataType = "evr_string"
state.EVRCheck.Operation = "less than"
state.EVRCheck.Value = cve.pkgMap[pkgname][dist]
// Create an object definition for the package
objid := fmt.Sprintf("%v-object", prefix)
obj := oval.GDPKGInfoObj{}
obj.Name = pkgname
obj.ID = objid
obj := scribe.Object{}
obj.Object = objid
obj.Package.Name = pkgname
// Create a test
testid := fmt.Sprintf("%v-test", prefix)
test := oval.GDPKGInfoTest{}
test.ID = testid
test.Object.ObjectRef = objid
test.State.StateRef = stateid
test := scribe.Test{}
test.TestID = testid
test.Object = obj.Object
test.EVR.Value = cve.pkgMap[pkgname][dist]
test.EVR.Operation = "<"
disttestref := fmt.Sprintf("reldef-%v-test", dist)
test.If = append(test.If, disttestref)
// Extend definition for release criteria
exdef := oval.GExtendDefinition{}
exdef.Test = reldefid
exdef.Comment = "associated release definition"
// Create the new definition
def := oval.GDefinition{}
def.ID = prefix
def.Class = "patch"
def.Metadata.Title = fmt.Sprintf("%v (%v) test for %v", cve.cveID, pkgname, dist)
criterion := oval.GCriterion{}
criterion.Test = testid
def.Criteria.Operator = "AND"
def.Criteria.Criterion = append(def.Criteria.Criterion, criterion)
def.Criteria.ExtendDef = append(def.Criteria.ExtendDef, exdef)
o.Definitions.Definitions = append(o.Definitions.Definitions, def)
o.States.DPKGInfoStates = append(o.States.DPKGInfoStates, state)
o.Objects.DPKGInfoObjects = append(o.Objects.DPKGInfoObjects, obj)
o.Tests.DPKGInfoTests = append(o.Tests.DPKGInfoTests, test)
o.Tests = append(o.Tests, test)
o.Objects = append(o.Objects, obj)
func processEntries() {
root := oval.GOvalDefinitions{}
root := scribe.Document{}
@ -292,12 +252,12 @@ func processEntries() {
enc := xml.NewEncoder(os.Stdout)
enc.Indent("", " ")
if err := enc.Encode(root); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", err)
buf, err := json.MarshalIndent(&root, "", " ")
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error: %v\n", err)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "%v\n", string(buf))
func main() {
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