add openid+oauth support, google almost working (oauth not returning due to dns issue)
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ = prh6A961516mJ3XEjd7eERsGxuVZqycrBB6lV7LQ
||| = 158102624846
|||| = 4203f7f23803f405e06509ec4d4b9729
|||| = anonymous
|||| = anonymous
use = egg:Paste#urlmap
@ -74,17 +74,16 @@ the contacts API that uses @me/@self.
service = get_provider(provider)
auth = service.responder()
access_key = auth.verify()
data = auth.get_credentials(access_key)
#import sys; print >> sys.stderr, data
user = auth.verify()
import sys; print >> sys.stderr, user
account = data['profile']['accounts'][0]
account = user['profile']['accounts'][0]
acct = self._get_or_create_account(provider, account['userid'], account['username'])
acct.profile = data['profile']
acct.oauth_token = data['oauth_token']
if 'oauth_token_secret' in data:
acct.oauth_token_secret = data['oauth_token_secret']
acct.profile = user['profile']
acct.oauth_token = user.get('oauth_token', None)
if 'oauth_token_secret' in user:
acct.oauth_token_secret = user['oauth_token_secret']
fragment = "oauth_success_" + provider
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
from linkdrop.lib.oauth import facebook_
#from linkdrop.lib.oauth.google_ import GoogleResponder
from linkdrop.lib.oauth import google_
#from linkdrop.lib.oauth.live_ import LiveResponder
#from linkdrop.lib.oauth.openidconsumer import OpenIDResponder
from linkdrop.lib.oauth import twitter_
@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ __all__ = ['get_provider']
# XXX need a better way to do this
_providers = {
twitter_.domain: twitter_,
facebook_.domain: facebook_
facebook_.domain: facebook_,
google_.domain: google_
def get_provider(provider):
@ -78,9 +78,9 @@ class OAuth1():
access_token = dict(urlparse.parse_qsl(content))
return access_token
return self._get_credentials(access_token)
def get_credentials(self, access_token):
def _get_credentials(self, access_token):
return access_token
class OAuth2():
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ class OAuth2():
def verify(self):
code = request.GET.get('code')
if not code:
raise Exception("No oauth code received")
return_to = url(controller='account', action="verify",
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ class OAuth2():
raise Exception("Error status: %r", resp['status'])
access_token = parse_qs(content)['access_token'][0]
return access_token
return self._get_credentials(access_token)
def get_credentials(self, access_token):
def _get_credentials(self, access_token):
return access_token
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ class responder(OAuth2):
self.authorization_url = ''
self.access_token_url = ''
def get_credentials(self, access_token):
def _get_credentials(self, access_token):
fields = 'id,first_name,last_name,name,link,birthday,email,website,verified,picture,gender,timezone'
client = httplib2.Http()
resp, content = client.request(url(self.profile_url, access_token=access_token, fields=fields))
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
"""Google Responder
A Google responder that authenticates against Google using OpenID, or optionally
can use OpenId+OAuth hybrid protocol to request access to Google Apps using OAuth2.
import urlparse
from openid.extensions import ax
import oauth2 as oauth
from pylons import config, request, response, session, tmpl_context as c, url
from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect
from linkdrop.lib.oauth.oid_extensions import OAuthRequest
from linkdrop.lib.oauth.oid_extensions import UIRequest
from linkdrop.lib.oauth.openidconsumer import ax_attributes, alternate_ax_attributes, attributes
from linkdrop.lib.oauth.openidconsumer import OpenIDResponder
domain = ''
class responder(OpenIDResponder):
def __init__(self, consumer=None, oauth_key=None, oauth_secret=None, request_attributes=None, *args,
"""Handle Google Auth
This also handles making an OAuth request during the OpenID
OpenIDResponder.__init__(self, domain)
self.consumer_key = self.config.get('consumer_key')
self.consumer_secret = self.config.get('consumer_secret')
def _lookup_identifier(self, identifier):
"""Return the Google OpenID directed endpoint"""
return ""
def _update_authrequest(self, authrequest):
"""Update the authrequest with Attribute Exchange and optionally OAuth
To optionally request OAuth, the request POST must include an ``oauth_scope``
parameter that indicates what Google Apps should have access requested.
request_attributes = request.POST.get('ax_attributes',
['country', 'email', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'language'])
ax_request = ax.FetchRequest()
for attr in request_attributes:
ax_request.add(ax.AttrInfo(attributes[attr], required=True))
oauth_request = OAuthRequest(consumer=self.consumer_key, scope=request.POST.get('scope', ''))
if 'popup_mode' in request.POST:
kw_args = {'mode': request.POST['popup_mode']}
if 'popup_icon' in request.POST:
kw_args['icon'] = request.POST['popup_icon']
ui_request = UIRequest(**kw_args)
return None
def _get_access_token(self, request_token):
"""Retrieve the access token if OAuth hybrid was used"""
consumer = oauth.Consumer(self.consumer_key, self.consumer_secret)
token = oauth.Token(key=request_token, secret='')
client = oauth.Client(consumer, token)
resp, content = client.request(GOOGLE_OAUTH, "POST")
if resp['status'] != '200':
return None
return dict(urlparse.parse_qsl(content))
def _get_credentials(self, result_data):
#{'profile': {'preferredUsername': u'mixedpuppy',
# 'displayName': u'Shane Caraveo',
# 'name':
# {'givenName': u'Shane',
# 'formatted': u'Shane Caraveo',
# 'familyName': u'Caraveo'},
# 'providerName': 'Google',
# 'verifiedEmail': u'',
# 'identifier': ''}}
profile = result_data['profile']
userid = profile['verifiedEmail']
username = profile['preferredUsername']
profile['emails'] = [{ 'value': userid, 'primary': True }]
account = {'domain': domain,
'userid': userid,
'username': username }
profile['accounts'] = [account]
return result_data
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
"""OpenID Extensions
Additional OpenID extensions for OAuth and UIRequest extensions.
original code from velruse
from openid import extension
class UIRequest(extension.Extension):
"""OpenID UI extension"""
ns_uri = ''
ns_alias = 'ui'
def __init__(self, mode=None, icon=False):
super(UIRequest, self).__init__()
self._args = {}
if mode:
self._args['mode'] = mode
if icon:
self._args['icon'] = str(icon).lower()
def getExtensionArgs(self):
return self._args
class OAuthRequest(extension.Extension):
"""OAuth extension"""
ns_uri = ''
ns_alias = 'oauth'
def __init__(self, consumer, scope=None):
super(OAuthRequest, self).__init__()
self._args = {'consumer': consumer}
if scope:
self._args['scope'] = scope
def getExtensionArgs(self):
return self._args
@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
import logging
import re
from openid.consumer import consumer
from openid.extensions import ax, sreg, pape
from import memstore, filestore, sqlstore
from pylons import config, request, response, session, tmpl_context as c, url
from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect
from linkdrop.lib.oauth.base import get_oauth_config
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
__all__ = ['OpenIDResponder']
# Setup our attribute objects that we'll be requesting
ax_attributes = dict(
nickname = '',
email = '',
full_name = '',
birthday = '',
gender = '',
postal_code = '',
country = '',
timezone = '',
language = '',
name_prefix = '',
first_name = '',
last_name = '',
middle_name = '',
name_suffix = '',
web = '',
#Change names later to make things a little bit clearer
alternate_ax_attributes = dict(
nickname = '',
email = '',
full_name = '',
birthday = '',
gender = '',
postal_code = '',
country = '',
timezone = '',
language = '',
name_prefix = '',
first_name = '',
last_name = '',
middle_name = '',
name_suffix = '',
web = '',
# Translation dict for AX attrib names to sreg equiv
trans_dict = dict(
full_name = 'fullname',
birthday = 'dob',
postal_code = 'postcode',
attributes = ax_attributes
class AttribAccess(object):
"""Uniform attribute accessor for Simple Reg and Attribute Exchange values"""
def __init__(self, sreg_resp, ax_resp):
self.sreg_resp = sreg_resp or {}
self.ax_resp = ax_resp or ax.AXKeyValueMessage()
def get(self, key, ax_only=False):
"""Get a value from either Simple Reg or AX"""
# First attempt to fetch it from AX
v = self.ax_resp.getSingle(attributes[key])
if v:
return v
if ax_only:
return None
# Translate the key if needed
if key in trans_dict:
key = trans_dict[key]
# Don't attempt to fetch keys that aren't valid sreg fields
if key not in sreg.data_fields:
return None
return self.sreg_resp.get(key)
def extract_openid_data(identifier, sreg_resp, ax_resp):
"""Extract the OpenID Data from Simple Reg and AX data
This normalizes the data to the appropriate format.
attribs = AttribAccess(sreg_resp, ax_resp)
ud = {'identifier': identifier}
if '' in identifier:
ud['providerName'] = 'Google'
elif '' in identifier:
ud['providerName'] = 'Yahoo'
ud['providerName'] = 'OpenID'
# Sort out the display name and preferred username
if ud['providerName'] == 'Google':
# Extract the first bit as the username since Google doesn't return
# any usable nickname info
email = attribs.get('email')
if email:
ud['preferredUsername'] = re.match('(^.*?)@', email).groups()[0]
ud['preferredUsername'] = attribs.get('nickname')
# We trust that Google and Yahoo both verify their email addresses
if ud['providerName'] in ['Google', 'Yahoo']:
ud['verifiedEmail'] = attribs.get('email', ax_only=True)
ud['emails'] = [attribs.get('email')]
# Parse through the name parts, assign the properly if present
name = {}
name_keys = ['name_prefix', 'first_name', 'middle_name', 'last_name', 'name_suffix']
pcard_map = {'first_name': 'givenName', 'middle_name': 'middleName', 'last_name': 'familyName',
'name_prefix': 'honorificPrefix', 'name_suffix': 'honorificSuffix'}
full_name_vals = []
for part in name_keys:
val = attribs.get(part)
if val:
name[pcard_map[part]] = val
full_name = ' '.join(full_name_vals).strip()
if not full_name:
full_name = attribs.get('full_name')
name['formatted'] = full_name
ud['name'] = name
ud['displayName'] = full_name or ud.get('preferredUsername')
urls = attribs.get('web')
if urls:
ud['urls'] = [urls]
for k in ['gender', 'birthday']:
ud[k] = attribs.get(k)
# Now strip out empty values
for k, v in ud.items():
if not v or (isinstance(v, list) and not v[0]):
del ud[k]
return ud
class OpenIDResponder():
"""OpenID Consumer for handling OpenID authentication
def __init__(self, provider):
self.log_debug = logging.DEBUG >= log.getEffectiveLevel()
self.config = get_oauth_config(provider)
self.endpoint_regex = self.config.get('endpoint_regex')
# application config items, dont use self.config
store = config.get('openid_store', 'mem')
if store==u"file":
store_file_path = config.get('openid_store_path', None)
self.openid_store = filestore.FileOpenIDStore(store_file_path)
elif store==u"mem":
self.openid_store = memstore.MemoryStore()
elif store==u"sql":
# TODO: This does not work as we need a connection, not a string
self.openid_store = sqlstore.SQLStore(sql_connstring, sql_associations_table, sql_connstring)
def _lookup_identifier(self, identifier):
"""Extension point for inherited classes that want to change or set
a default identifier"""
return identifier
def _update_authrequest(self, authrequest):
"""Update the authrequest with the default extensions and attributes
we ask for
This method doesn't need to return anything, since the extensions
should be added to the authrequest object itself.
# Add on the Attribute Exchange for those that support that
ax_request = ax.FetchRequest()
for attrib in attributes.values():
# Form the Simple Reg request
sreg_request = sreg.SRegRequest(
optional=['nickname', 'email', 'fullname', 'dob', 'gender', 'postcode',
'country', 'language', 'timezone'],
return None
def _get_access_token(self, request_token):
"""Called to exchange a request token for the access token
This method doesn't by default return anything, other OpenID+Oauth
consumers should override it to do the appropriate lookup for the
access token, and return the access token.
return None
def request_access(self):
log_debug = self.log_debug
if log_debug:
log.debug('Handling OpenID login')
# Load default parameters that all Auth Responders take
session['end_point_success'] = request.POST['end_point_success']
session['end_point_auth_failure'] = request.POST['end_point_auth_failure']
openid_url = request.POST.get('openid_identifier')
# Let inherited consumers alter the openid identifier if desired
openid_url = self._lookup_identifier(openid_url)
if not openid_url or (self.endpoint_regex and not re.match(self.endpoint_regex, end_point)):
return redirect(session['end_point_auth_failure'])
openid_session = {}
oidconsumer = consumer.Consumer(openid_session, self.openid_store)
authrequest = oidconsumer.begin(openid_url)
except consumer.DiscoveryFailure:
return redirect(session['end_point_auth_failure'])
if authrequest is None:
return redirect(session['end_point_auth_failure'])
# Update the authrequest
return_to = url(controller='account', action="verify",
# Ensure our session is saved for the id to persist
session['openid_session'] = openid_session
redirect_url = authrequest.redirectURL(realm=request.application_url,
return redirect(redirect_url)
# OpenID 2.0 lets Providers request POST instead of redirect, this
# checks for such a request.
if authrequest.shouldSendRedirect():
redirect_url = authrequest.redirectURL(realm=request.application_url,
return redirect(redirect_url)
# XXX this will likely fail for now
html = authrequest.htmlMarkup(realm=request.application_url, return_to=return_to,
return response(body=html)
def verify(self):
"""Handle incoming redirect from OpenID Provider"""
log_debug = self.log_debug
if log_debug:
log.debug('Handling processing of response from server')
openid_session = session['openid_session']
if not openid_session:
raise Exception("openid session missing")
# Setup the consumer and parse the information coming back
oidconsumer = consumer.Consumer(openid_session, self.openid_store)
return_to = url(controller='account', action="verify",
info = oidconsumer.complete(request.params, return_to)
if info.status == consumer.FAILURE:
raise Exception("consumer failure")
elif info.status == consumer.CANCEL:
raise Exception("consumer canceled")
elif info.status == consumer.SUCCESS:
openid_identity = info.identity_url
if info.endpoint.canonicalID:
# If it's an i-name, use the canonicalID as its secure even if
# the old one is compromised
openid_identity = info.endpoint.canonicalID
user_data = extract_openid_data(identifier=openid_identity,
result_data = {'profile': user_data}
# Did we get any OAuth info?
access_token = None
oauth = info.extensionResponse('', False)
if oauth and 'request_token' in oauth:
access_token = self._get_access_token(oauth['request_token'])
if access_token:
result_data['oauth_token'] = access_token
return self._get_credentials(result_data)
raise Exception("unknown openid failure")
def _get_credentials(self, access_token):
return access_token
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class responder(OAuth1):
self.access_token_url = ''
self.authorization_url = ''
def get_credentials(self, access_token):
def _get_credentials(self, access_token):
# XXX should call twitter.api.VerifyCredentials to get the user object
# Setup the normalized poco contact object
username = access_token['screen_name']
@ -156,6 +156,31 @@
<!-- Google section -->
<div class="section google hidden">
<form id="oauthForm" action="/api/account/authorize" method="POST">
<div class="row">
<div class="c1 googleHeader">
<strong>step 4:</strong> Add Google account *
<div class="c1">
<input type="hidden" name="domain" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="scope" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="end_point_success" value="/scratch/oauth/#oauth_success_google_com">
<input type="hidden" name="end_point_auth_failure" value="/scratch/oauth/#oauth_failure_google_com">
<div class="googleActions">
<a class="skip" href="#done">skip this step</a>
<div class="finePrint grey">
*You may delete your account at any time
<!-- done section -->
<div class="section done hidden">
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