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# Version: MPL 1.1
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
# 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# License.
# The Original Code is Raindrop.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
# Mozilla Messaging, Inc..
# Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2009
# the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s):
# partially based on code from velruse
import urlparse
from urlparse import parse_qs
except ImportError:
from cgi import parse_qs
import json
import httplib2
import urllib
import random
import copy
import logging
from pylons import config, request, response, session, tmpl_context as c, url
from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect
from linkdrop.lib.oauth.base import OAuth2
domain = ''
log = logging.getLogger(domain)
# this function is a derivative of:
## {{{ (r1)
def encode_multipart_formdata(body):
BOUNDARY = '----------$_BOUNDARY_' + str(random.getrandbits(128)) + '_$'
CRLF = '\r\n'
L = []
for key in body:
L.append('--' + BOUNDARY)
L.append('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"' % key)
L.append('--' + BOUNDARY + '--')
body = CRLF.join(L)
content_type = 'multipart/form-data; boundary=%s' % BOUNDARY
return content_type, body.encode('utf-8')
# borrowed from velruse
def extract_fb_data(data):
#import sys; print >> sys.stderr, data
# Setup the normalized poco contact object
nick = None
# Setup the nick and preferred username to the last portion of the
# FB link URL if its not their ID
# if a user sets up their personal link, they get a url that looks like:
#, otherwise they have something
# like:
link = data.get('link')
if link:
link = urlparse.urlparse(link)
path = link.path[1:].split('/')[0]
if not link.query and path is not 'profile.php' and path is not data['id']:
nick = path
profile = {
'providerName': 'Facebook',
'identifier': '' % data['id'],
'displayName': data['name'],
'emails': [data.get('email')],
'verifiedEmail': data.get('verified') and data.get('email'),
'gender': data.get('gender'),
'preferredUsername': nick or data['name'],
account = {'domain': '',
'userid': data['id'],
'username': nick or data['name'] }
profile['accounts'] = [account]
tz = data.get('timezone')
if tz:
parts = str(tz).split(':')
if len(parts) > 1:
h, m = parts
h, m = parts[0], '00'
if len(h) >= 2:
h = '%s0%s' % (h[0], h[1])
data['utfOffset'] = ':'.join([h, m])
bday = data.get('birthday')
if bday:
mth, day, yr = bday.split('/')
profile['birthday'] = '-'.join([yr, mth, day])
name = {}
pcard_map = {'first_name': 'givenName', 'last_name': 'familyName'}
for key, val in pcard_map.items():
part = data.get(key)
if part:
name[val] = part
name['formatted'] = data.get('name')
profile['name'] = name
# facebook gives us an absolute url, these work and redirect to their CDN
profile['photos'] = [
{'type':"thumbnail", 'value':"" + data['id'] + "/picture?type=square"},
{'type':"profile", 'value':"" + data['id'] + "/picture?type=large"}
# Now strip out empty values
for k, v in profile.items():
if not v or (isinstance(v, list) and not v[0]):
del profile[k]
return profile
class responder(OAuth2):
"""Handle Facebook OAuth login/authentication"""
profile_url = ''
domain = ''
def __init__(self):
OAuth2.__init__(self, domain)
def _get_credentials(self, access_token):
profile_url = config.get("", self.profile_url)
fields = 'id,first_name,last_name,name,link,birthday,email,website,verified,picture,gender,timezone'
client = httplib2.Http()
resp, content = client.request(url(profile_url, access_token=access_token, fields=fields))
if resp['status'] != '200':
raise Exception("Error status: %r", resp['status'])
fb_profile = json.loads(content)
profile = extract_fb_data(fb_profile)
result_data = {'profile': profile,
'oauth_token': access_token}
return result_data
class api():
def __init__(self, account):
self.access_token = account.get('oauth_token')
def _make_error(self, data, resp):
# Facebook makes error handling fun! So much for standards.
# handle the various error mechanisms they deliver and hope
# something works. (this is in part, proper oauth2 error
# handling, in part facebook oauth error handling and facebook
# rest api error handling).
# brainbook sends a 400 status to get us to authenticate, check
# for the authenticate header, though its almost forgivable
# considering the state of the oauth 2.0 draft text. They FAIL
# at getting the format of the value for www-authenticate correct
# so we wont even bother with it, but the real error_code is
# hidden within.
if 'invalid_token' in resp.get('www-authenticate',''):
status = 401
status = int(resp['status'])
# this should be retreived from www-authenticate if provided there,
# see above comments
code = data.get('error_code', 0)
# try oauth 2.0-10 first, facebook points to api libraries that
# do it this way, perhaps some sandbox got updated.
if 'error_description' in data:
error = {
'message': data.get('error_description',
'This is very descriptive'),
'uri': data.get('error_uri', ''),
'state': data.get('state', 'of decay'),
# now try what fb currenty gives us (i.e. oauth 2.0-00 kind of)
elif isinstance(data.get('error', None), dict):
error = copy.copy(data['error'])
# fallback to their rest error message
elif 'error_msg' in data:
error = {
'message': data.get('error_msg', 'it\'s an error, kthx'),
# who knows, some other abberation
error = {
'message': "expectedly, an unexpected facebook error: %r"% (data,),
error.update({'code': code,
'provider': domain,
'status': status})
return error
def rawcall(self, url, body=None, method="GET"):
url = url +"?"+urllib.urlencode(dict(access_token=self.access_token))
headers = None
if body:
content_type, body = encode_multipart_formdata(body)
headers = {
'Content-type': content_type,
'Content-Length': str(len(body))
resp, content = httplib2.Http().request(url, method=method, headers=headers, body=body)
data = json.loads(content)
result = error = None
if 'id' in data:
result = data
result[domain] = data['id']
elif 'data' in data:
result = data
result[domain] = None
error = self._make_error(data, resp)
return result, error
# feed supports message, picture, link, name, caption, description, source
# map our stuff to theirs
post_map = {
'link': 'link',
'title': 'name',
'description': 'description',
'picture': 'picture',
'caption': 'caption',
'source': 'source'
def sendmessage(self, message, options={}):
direct = options.get('to', None)
if direct:
url = "" % (direct,)
url = config.get("", "")
body = {
"message": message
for ours, yours in self.post_map.items():
if ours in options:
body[yours] = options[ours]
return self.rawcall(url, body, "POST")
def getcontacts(self, start=0, page=25, group=None):
# for twitter we get only those people who we follow and who follow us
# since this data is used for direct messaging
url = ""
result, error = self.rawcall(url)
if error:
return result, error
groups = []
for group in result['data']:
'displayName': group.get('name'),
'accounts': [{'userid': group.get('id'), 'username': None, 'domain': domain}]
connectedto = {
'entry': groups,
'itemsPerPage': len(groups),
'startIndex': 0,
'totalResults': len(groups),
return connectedto, None