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# Version: MPL 1.1
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
# 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# License.
# The Original Code is Raindrop.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
# Mozilla Messaging, Inc..
# Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2009
# the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s):
"""Google Responder
A Google responder that authenticates against Google using OpenID, or optionally
can use OpenId+OAuth hybrid protocol to request access to Google Apps using OAuth2.
import urlparse
import re
from openid.extensions import ax, pape
from openid.consumer import consumer
from openid import oidutil
from import DiscoveryFailure
from openid.message import Message, OPENID_NS, OPENID2_NS, OPENID1_NS, \
import oauth2 as oauth
#from oauth2.clients.smtp import SMTP
import smtplib
import base64
import gdata.contacts
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.mime.image import MIMEImage
from email.header import Header
from pylons import config, request, response, session, tmpl_context as c, url
from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect
from paste.deploy.converters import asbool
from linkdrop.lib.base import render
from linkdrop.lib.helpers import safeHTML, literal
from linkdrop.lib.oauth.oid_extensions import OAuthRequest
from linkdrop.lib.oauth.oid_extensions import UIRequest
from linkdrop.lib.oauth.openidconsumer import ax_attributes, alternate_ax_attributes, attributes
from linkdrop.lib.oauth.openidconsumer import OpenIDResponder
from linkdrop.lib.oauth.base import get_oauth_config
domain = ''
class GoogleConsumer(consumer.GenericConsumer):
# a HACK to allow us to user google domains for federated login.
# this doesn't do the proper discovery and validation, but since we
# are forcing this to go through well known endpoints it is fine.
def _discoverAndVerify(self, claimed_id, to_match_endpoints):
oidutil.log('Performing discovery on %s' % (claimed_id,))
if not claimed_id.startswith(''):
# want to get a service endpoint for the domain, but keep the
# original claimed_id so tests during verify pass
g_claimed_id = ""+claimed_id
_, services = self._discover(g_claimed_id)
services[0].claimed_id = claimed_id
_, services = self._discover(claimed_id)
if not services:
raise DiscoveryFailure('No OpenID information found at %s' %
(claimed_id,), None)
return self._verifyDiscoveredServices(claimed_id, services,
def complete(self, message, endpoint, return_to):
"""Process the OpenID message, using the specified endpoint
and return_to URL as context. This method will handle any
OpenID message that is sent to the return_to URL.
mode = message.getArg(OPENID_NS, 'mode', '<No mode set>')
claimed_id = message.getArg(OPENID2_NS, 'claimed_id')
if not claimed_id.startswith(''):
# we want to be sure we have the correct endpoint with the
# google domain claimed_id hacked in
claimed_id = ""+claimed_id
_, services = self._discover(claimed_id)
endpoint = services[0]
modeMethod = getattr(self, '_complete_' + mode,
return modeMethod(message, endpoint, return_to)
class responder(OpenIDResponder):
def __init__(self, consumer=None, oauth_key=None, oauth_secret=None, request_attributes=None, *args,
"""Handle Google Auth
This also handles making an OAuth request during the OpenID
OpenIDResponder.__init__(self, domain)
self.consumer_key = str(self.config.get('consumer_key'))
self.consumer_secret = str(self.config.get('consumer_secret'))
self.provider = request.POST.get('domain', domain) # support for google apps domains
self.consumer_class = GoogleConsumer
def _lookup_identifier(self, identifier):
"""Return the Google OpenID directed endpoint"""
if identifier:
return "" % (identifier)
return ""
def _update_authrequest(self, authrequest):
"""Update the authrequest with Attribute Exchange and optionally OAuth
To optionally request OAuth, the request POST must include an ``oauth_scope``
parameter that indicates what Google Apps should have access requested.
request_attributes = request.POST.get('ax_attributes', ax_attributes.keys())
ax_request = ax.FetchRequest()
for attr in request_attributes:
ax_request.add(ax.AttrInfo(attributes[attr], required=True))
# Add PAPE request information. Setting max_auth_age to zero will force a login.
requested_policies = []
policy_prefix = 'policy_'
for k, v in request.POST.iteritems():
if k.startswith(policy_prefix):
policy_attr = k[len(policy_prefix):]
requested_policies.append(getattr(pape, policy_attr))
pape_request = pape.Request(requested_policies,
oauth_request = OAuthRequest(consumer=self.consumer_key, scope=self.scope or '')
if 'popup_mode' in request.POST:
kw_args = {'mode': request.POST['popup_mode']}
if 'popup_icon' in request.POST:
kw_args['icon'] = request.POST['popup_icon']
ui_request = UIRequest(**kw_args)
return None
def _update_verify(self, consumer):
def _get_access_token(self, request_token):
"""Retrieve the access token if OAuth hybrid was used"""
consumer = oauth.Consumer(self.consumer_key, self.consumer_secret)
token = oauth.Token(key=request_token, secret='')
client = oauth.Client(consumer, token)
resp, content = client.request(GOOGLE_OAUTH, "POST")
if resp['status'] != '200':
return None
return dict(urlparse.parse_qsl(content))
def _get_credentials(self, result_data):
#{'profile': {'preferredUsername': u'mixedpuppy',
# 'displayName': u'Shane Caraveo',
# 'name':
# {'givenName': u'Shane',
# 'formatted': u'Shane Caraveo',
# 'familyName': u'Caraveo'},
# 'providerName': 'Google',
# 'verifiedEmail': u'',
# 'identifier': ''}}
# google OpenID for domains result is:
#{'profile': {
# 'displayName': u'Shane Caraveo',
# 'name': {'givenName': u'Shane', 'formatted': u'Shane Caraveo', 'familyName': u'Caraveo'},
# 'providerName': 'OpenID',
# 'identifier': u'',
# 'emails': [u'']}}
profile = result_data['profile']
provider = domain
if profile.get('providerName').lower() == 'openid':
provider = ''
userid = profile.get('verifiedEmail','')
emails = profile.get('emails')
profile['emails'] = []
if userid:
profile['emails'] = [{ 'value': userid, 'primary': False }]
if emails:
# fix the emails list
for e in emails:
profile['emails'].append({ 'value': e, 'primary': False })
profile['emails'][0]['primary'] = True
account = {'domain': provider,
'userid': profile['emails'][0]['value'],
'username': profile.get('preferredUsername','') }
profile['accounts'] = [account]
return result_data
# XXX right now, python-oauth2 does not raise the exception if there is an error,
# this is copied from oauth2.clients.smtp and fixed
class SMTP(smtplib.SMTP):
"""SMTP wrapper for smtplib.SMTP that implements XOAUTH."""
def authenticate(self, url, consumer, token):
if consumer is not None and not isinstance(consumer, oauth.Consumer):
raise ValueError("Invalid consumer.")
if token is not None and not isinstance(token, oauth.Token):
raise ValueError("Invalid token.")
xoauth_string = oauth.build_xoauth_string(url, consumer, token)
code, resp = self.docmd('AUTH', 'XOAUTH %s' % base64.b64encode(xoauth_string))
if code >= 500:
raise smtplib.SMTPResponseException(code, resp)
return code, resp
class api():
def __init__(self, account): = ""
self.port = 587
self.config = get_oauth_config(domain)
self.account = account
self.oauth_token = oauth.Token(key=str(account.get('oauth_token')), secret=str(account.get('oauth_token_secret')))
self.consumer_key = str(self.config.get('consumer_key'))
self.consumer_secret = str(self.config.get('consumer_secret'))
self.consumer = oauth.Consumer(key=self.consumer_key, secret=self.consumer_secret)
def sendmessage(self, message, options={}):
result = error = None
profile = self.account.get('profile', {})
from_email = from_ = profile['emails'][0]['value']
fullname = profile.get('displayName', None)
if fullname:
from_email = '"%s" <%s>' % (Header(fullname, 'utf-8').encode(), from_,)
url = "" % from_
to_ = options['to']
server = SMTP(, self.port)
# in the app:main set debug = true to enable
if asbool(config.get('debug', False)):
subject = options.get('subject', config.get('share_subject', 'A web link has been shared with you'))
title = options.get('title', options.get('link', options.get('shorturl', '')))
description = options.get('description', '')[:280]
msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative')
msg.add_header('Subject', Header(subject, 'utf-8').encode())
msg.add_header('From', from_email)
msg.add_header('To', to_)
c.safeHTML = safeHTML
c.options = options
# insert the url if it is not already in the message
c.longurl = options.get('link')
c.shorturl = options.get('shorturl')
# reset to unwrapped for html email, they will be escaped
c.from_name = fullname
c.subject = subject
c.from_header = from_
c.to_header = to_
c.title = title
c.description = description
c.message = message
c.thumbnail = (options.get('picture_base64', "") != "")
if c.thumbnail:
part2 = MIMEMultipart('related')
html = MIMEText(render('/html_email.mako').encode('utf-8'), 'html')
# FIXME: we decode the base64 data just so MIMEImage can re-encode it as base64
image = MIMEImage(base64.b64decode(options.get('picture_base64')), 'png')
image.add_header('Content-Id', '<thumbnail>')
image.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'inline; filename=thumbnail.png')
part2 = MIMEText(render('/html_email.mako').encode('utf-8'), 'html')
# get the title, or the long url or the short url or nothing
# wrap these in literal for text email
c.from_name = literal(fullname)
c.subject = literal(subject)
c.from_header = literal(from_)
c.to_header = literal(to_)
c.title = literal(title)
c.description = literal(description)
c.message = literal(message)
part1 = MIMEText(render('/text_email.mako').encode('utf-8'), 'plain')
except smtplib.SMTPException:"smtp server does not support TLS")
server.authenticate(url, self.consumer, self.oauth_token)
server.sendmail(from_, to_, msg.as_string())
except UnicodeEncodeError, exc:
except ValueError, exc:
error = {"provider":,
"message": "%s: %s" % (exc.smtp_code, exc.smtp_error),
"status": exc.smtp_code
except smtplib.SMTPResponseException, exc:
"message": "%s: %s" % (exc.smtp_code, exc.smtp_error),
"status": exc.smtp_code
if error is None:
result = {"status": "message sent"}
return result, error
def getgroup_id(self, group):
url = ''
method = 'GET'
client = oauth.Client(self.consumer, self.oauth_token)
resp, content = client.request(url, method)
feed = gdata.contacts.GroupsFeedFromString(content)
for entry in feed.entry:
this_group = entry.content.text
if this_group.startswith('System Group: '):
this_group = this_group[14:]
if group == this_group:
def getcontacts(self, start=0, page=25, group=None):
contacts = []
profile = self.account.get('profile', {})
accounts = profile.get('accounts', [{}])
userdomain = 'default'
if accounts[0].get('domain') == '':
userdomain = accounts[0].get('userid').split('@')[-1]
url = '' % (userdomain, page,)
method = 'GET'
if start > 0:
url = url + "&start-index=%d" % (start,)
if group:
gid = self.getgroup_id(group)
if not gid:
error={"provider": domain,
"message": "Group '%s' not available" % group,
return None, error
url = url + "&group=%s" % (gid,)
# itemsPerPage, startIndex, totalResults
client = oauth.Client(self.consumer, self.oauth_token)
resp, content = client.request(url, method)
if int(resp.status) != 200:
error={"provider": domain,
"message": content,
"status": int(resp.status)
return None, error
feed = gdata.contacts.ContactsFeedFromString(content)
for entry in feed.entry:
#print entry.group_membership_info
p = {
'displayName': entry.title.text,
email =[0]
p['emails'] = [{'value': email.address, 'primary': email.primary}]
if not p['displayName']:
p['displayName'] = email.address
result = {
'entry': contacts,
'itemsPerPage': feed.items_per_page.text,
'startIndex': feed.start_index.text,
'totalResults': feed.total_results.text,
return result, None