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95 строки
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import logging
import urllib, cgi, json, sys
from urlparse import urlparse
from pylons import config, request, response, session, tmpl_context as c, url
from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect
from pylons.decorators import jsonify
from pylons.decorators.util import get_pylons
from linkdrop.lib.base import BaseController, render
from linkdrop.lib.helpers import json_exception_response, api_response, api_entry, api_arg
from linkdrop.lib.oauth import get_provider
from linkdrop.lib import constants
from linkdrop.model.meta import Session
from linkdrop.model.links import Link
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound
from sqlalchemy import and_
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from webob.exc import status_map
def get_redirect_response(url, code=302, additional_headers=[]):
"""Raises a redirect exception to the specified URL
Optionally, a code variable may be passed with the status code of
the redirect, ie::
redirect(url(controller='home', action='index'), code=303)
XXX explain additional_headers
exc = status_map[code]
resp = exc(location=url)
for k,v in additional_headers:
resp.headers.add(k, v)
return resp
class LinksController(BaseController):
The 'link' namespace is used to access information regarding the shortened links.
__api_controller__ = True # for docs
def get(self, id):
num_id = int(id, 16)
#print "ID is ", num_id
link = Session.query(Link).filter_by(id = num_id).first()
#import sys
#print >> sys.stderr, link.to_dict()
#print "LONG_URL = ", link.long_url
resp = get_redirect_response(link.long_url,
('x-shortened-by', link.userkey),
('x-shortened-for', link.audience),
raise resp.exception
def shorten(self):
if not request.POST:
# XXX should be a 405
return {
'code': constants.INVALID_REQUEST,
'message': "must be POST call"}
url = request.POST.get('url')
#_from = request.POST.get('from')
#_to = request.POST.get('to')
except KeyError, what:
error = {
'code': constants.INVALID_PARAMS,
'message': "'%s' request param is not optional" % (what,),
return {'error': error}
# important to canonicalize the URL
u = urlparse(url)
if not u.scheme:
url = 'http://' + url
link = Link.get_or_create(url)
return {'result': link.to_dict()}