This commit is contained in:
Michael Bebenita 2012-12-06 18:06:12 -08:00
Родитель 1a606e2e68
Коммит 5fd2818246
3 изменённых файлов: 3899 добавлений и 0 удалений

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@ -0,0 +1,621 @@
(function (exports) {
const T = estransform;
const Literal = T.Literal;
const Identifier = T.Identifier;
const VariableDeclaration = T.VariableDeclaration;
const VariableDeclarator = T.VariableDeclarator;
const MemberExpression = T.MemberExpression;
const BinaryExpression = T.BinaryExpression;
const SequenceExpression = T.SequenceExpression;
const CallExpression = T.CallExpression;
const AssignmentExpression = T.AssignmentExpression;
const ExpressionStatement = T.ExpressionStatement;
const ReturnStatement = T.ReturnStatement;
const Program = T.Program;
const Statement = T.Statement;
const FunctionDeclaration = T.FunctionDeclaration;
const FunctionExpression = T.FunctionExpression;
const ConditionalExpression = T.ConditionalExpression;
const ObjectExpression = T.ObjectExpression;
const ArrayExpression = T.ArrayExpression;
const UnaryExpression = T.UnaryExpression;
const NewExpression = T.NewExpression;
const Property = T.Property;
const UpdateExpression = T.UpdateExpression;
const ForStatement = T.ForStatement;
const BlockStatement = T.BlockStatement;
const ThisExpression = T.ThisExpression;
const TypeAliasDirective = T.TypeAliasDirective;
const CastExpression = T.CastExpression;
const ThrowStatement = T.ThrowStatement;
const IfStatement = T.IfStatement;
const WhileStatement = T.WhileStatement;
const BreakStatement = T.BreakStatement;
const ContinueStatement = T.ContinueStatement;
const SwitchStatement = T.SwitchStatement;
const SwitchCase = T.SwitchCase;
const TryStatement = T.TryStatement;
const CatchClause = T.CatchClause;
var Block = IR.Block;
var Operator = IR.Operator;
var If = IR.If;
var Jump = IR.Jump;
var Projection = IR.Projection;
var Start = IR.Start;
var Control = Looper.Control;
var Variable = IR.Variable;
Control.Break.prototype.compile = function (cx, state) {
return cx.compileBreak(this, state);
Control.Continue.prototype.compile = function (cx, state) {
return cx.compileContinue(this, state);
Control.Exit.prototype.compile = function (cx, state) {
return cx.compileExit(this, state);
Control.LabelSwitch.prototype.compile = function (cx, state) {
return cx.compileLabelSwitch(this, state);
Control.Seq.prototype.compile = function (cx, state) {
return cx.compileSequence(this, state);
Block.prototype.compile = function (cx, state) {
return cx.compileBlock(this, state);
Control.Loop.prototype.compile = function (cx, state) {
return cx.compileLoop(this, state);
Control.Switch.prototype.compile = function (cx, state) {
return cx.compileSwitch(this, state);
Control.If.prototype.compile = function (cx, state) {
return cx.compileIf(this, state);
Control.Try.prototype.compile = function (cx, state) {
return cx.compileTry(this, state);
var Constant = (function () {
const constantsName = new Identifier("$C");
function objectId(object) {
release || assert(object);
if (object.hasOwnProperty("objectID")) {
return object.objectID;
var id = $C.length;
Object.defineProperty(object, "objectID", {value: id, writable: false, enumerable: false});
return id;
function constant(value) {
this.value = value;
if (value === undefined) {, "undefined");
} else if (value !== null && typeof value === "object") {
assert(value instanceof Multiname ||
value instanceof Runtime ||
value instanceof Domain ||
value instanceof MethodInfo ||
value instanceof ClassInfo ||
value instanceof AbcFile ||
value instanceof Array ||
value instanceof CatchScopeObject ||
value instanceof Scope ||
value instanceof Global ||
value instanceof Interface,
"Should not make constants from ", value);
*/, constantsName, new Literal(objectId(value)), true);
} else {
if (typeof value === "number" && isNaN(value)) {, "NaN");
} else if (value === Infinity) {, "Infinity");
} else if (value === -Infinity) {, "-", new Identifier("Infinity"));
} else if (typeof value === "number" && (1 / value) < 0) {, "-", new Literal(Math.abs(value)));
} else {, value);
return constant;
function constant(value) {
// TODO: Fix this constant ugliness.
if (typeof value === "string") {
return new Literal(value);
return new Constant(value);
function id(name) {
assert (typeof name === "string");
return new Identifier(name);
function isIdentifierStart(c) {
return (c === '$') || (c === '_') || (c === '\\') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z');
function isIdentifierPart(c) {
return (c === '$') || (c === '_') || (c === '\\') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ||
((c >= '0') && (c <= '9'));
function isIdentifier(s) {
if (!isIdentifierStart(s[0])) {
return false;
for (var i = 1; i < s.length; i++) {
if (!isIdentifierPart(s[i])) {
return false;
return true;
function property(obj) {
var path =, 1);
path.forEach(function(x) {
if (typeof x === "string") {
if (isIdentifier(x)) {
obj = new MemberExpression(obj, new Identifier(x), false);
} else {
obj = new MemberExpression(obj, new Literal(x), true);
} else if (x instanceof Literal && isIdentifier(x.value)) {
obj = new MemberExpression(obj, new Identifier(x.value), false);
} else {
obj = new MemberExpression(obj, x, true);
return obj;
function call(callee, arguments) {
assert(arguments instanceof Array);
arguments.forEach(function (x) {
assert(!(x instanceof Array));
assert(x !== undefined);
return new CallExpression(callee, arguments);
function callCall(callee, object, arguments) {
return call(property(callee, "call"), [object].concat(arguments));
function assignment(left, right) {
assert(left && right);
return new AssignmentExpression(left, "=", right);
function variableDeclaration(declarations) {
return new VariableDeclaration("var", declarations);
function negate(node) {
if (node instanceof Constant) {
if (node.value === true || node.value === false) {
return constant(!node.value);
} else if (node instanceof Identifier) {
return new UnaryExpression(, node);
release || assert(node instanceof BinaryExpression || node instanceof UnaryExpression, node);
var left = node instanceof BinaryExpression ? node.left : node.argument;
var right = node.right;
var operator = Operator.fromName(node.operator);
if (operator === Operator.EQ && right instanceof Literal && right.value === false) {
return left;
if (operator === Operator.FALSE) {
return left;
if (operator.not) {
if (node instanceof BinaryExpression) {
return new BinaryExpression(, left, right);
} else {
return new UnaryExpression(, left);
return new UnaryExpression(, node);
function Context () {
this.label = new Variable("$L");
this.variables = [];
this.parameters = [];
Context.prototype.useVariable = function (variable) {
assert (variable);
return this.variables.pushUnique(variable);
Context.prototype.useParameter = function (parameter) {
return this.parameters[parameter.index] = parameter;
Context.prototype.compileLabelBody = function compileLabelBody(node) {
var body = [];
if (node.label) {
body.push(new ExpressionStatement(assignment(id(, new Literal(node.label))));
return body;
Context.prototype.compileBreak = function compileBreak(node) {
var body = this.compileLabelBody(node);
body.push(new BreakStatement(null));
return new BlockStatement(body);
Context.prototype.compileContinue = function compileContinue(node) {
var body = this.compileLabelBody(node);
body.push(new ContinueStatement(null));
return new BlockStatement(body);
Context.prototype.compileExit = function compileExit(node) {
return new BlockStatement(this.compileLabelBody(node));
Context.prototype.compileIf = function compileIf(node) {
var cr = node.cond.compile(this);
var tr = null, er = null;
if (node.then) {
tr = node.then.compile(this);
if (node.else) {
er = node.else.compile(this);
var condition = compileValue(cr.end.predicate, this);
condition = node.negated ? negate(condition) : condition;
cr.body.push(new IfStatement(condition, tr || new BlockStatement([]), er || null));
return cr;
Context.prototype.compileLabelSwitch = function compileLabelSwitch(node) {
var statement = null;
var labelName = id(;
function compileLabelTest(labelID) {
release || assert(typeof labelID === "number");
return new BinaryExpression("===", labelName, new Literal(labelID));
for (var i = node.cases.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var c = node.cases[i];
var labels = c.labels;
var labelTest = compileLabelTest(labels[0]);
for (var j = 1; j < labels.length; j++) {
labelTest = new BinaryExpression("||", labelTest, compileLabelTest(labels[j]));
statement = new IfStatement(
c.body ? c.body.compile(this) : new BlockStatement(),
return statement;
Context.prototype.compileLoop = function compileLoop(node) {
var br = node.body.compile(this);
return new WhileStatement(constant(true), br);
Context.prototype.compileSequence = function compileSequence(node) {
var cx = this;
var body = [];
node.body.forEach(function (x) {
var result = x.compile(cx);
if (result instanceof BlockStatement) {
body = body.concat(result.body);
} else {
return new BlockStatement(body);
Context.prototype.compileBlock = function compileBlock(block) {
var body = [];
for (var i = 1; i < block.nodes.length - 1; i++) {
print("Block[" + i + "]: " + block.nodes[i]);
for (var i = 1; i < block.nodes.length - 1; i++) {
var node = block.nodes[i];
var statement;
var to;
var from;
if (node instanceof IR.Throw) {
statement = compileValue(node, this, true);
} else {
if (node instanceof IR.Move) {
to = id(;
from = compileValue(node.from, this);
} else {
to = id(;
from = compileValue(node, this, true);
statement = new ExpressionStatement(assignment(to, from));
var end = block.nodes.last();
if (end instanceof IR.Stop) {
body.push(new ReturnStatement(compileValue(end.argument, this)));
var result = new BlockStatement(body);
result.end = block.nodes.last();
assert (result.end instanceof IR.End);
// print("Block: " + block + " -> " + generateSource(result));
return result;
function compileValue(value, cx, noVariable) {
assert (value);
assert (value.compile, "Implement |compile| for " + value + " (" + value.nodeName + ")");
assert (cx instanceof Context);
assert (!isArray(value));
if (noVariable || !value.variable) {
var node = value.compile(cx);
return node;
assert (value.variable, "Value has no variable: " + value);
return id(;
function isArray(array) {
return array instanceof Array;
function compileValues(values, cx) {
assert (isArray(values));
return (value) {
return compileValue(value, cx);
IR.Parameter.prototype.compile = function (cx) {
return id(;
IR.Constant.prototype.compile = function (cx) {
return constant(this.value);
IR.Variable.prototype.compile = function (cx) {
return id(;
IR.Phi.prototype.compile = function (cx) {
assert (this.variable);
return compileValue(this.variable, cx);
IR.AVM2Scope.prototype.compile = function (cx) {
var parent = compileValue(this.parent, cx);
var object = compileValue(this.object, cx);
var isWith = new Literal(this.isWith);
return new NewExpression(id("Scope"), [parent, object, isWith]);
IR.AVM2FindProperty.prototype.compile = function (cx) {
var scope = compileValue(this.scope, cx);
var name = compileValue(, cx);
var domain = compileValue(this.domain, cx);
var strict = new Literal(this.strict);
return call(property(scope, "findProperty"), [name, domain, strict]);
IR.AVM2GetProperty.prototype.compile = function (cx) {
var object = compileValue(this.object, cx);
var name = compileValue(, cx);
return call(id("getProperty"), [object, name]);
IR.Latch.prototype.compile = function (cx) {
return new ConditionalExpression (
compileValue(this.condition, cx),
compileValue(this.left, cx),
compileValue(this.right, cx)
IR.Unary.prototype.compile = function (cx) {
return new UnaryExpression (,
compileValue(this.argument, cx)
IR.Binary.prototype.compile = function (cx) {
return new BinaryExpression (,
compileValue(this.left, cx),
compileValue(this.right, cx)
IR.Call.prototype.compile = function (cx) {
var arguments = (arg) {
return compileValue(arg, cx);
var callee = compileValue(this.callee, cx);
if (this.object) {
var object = compileValue(this.object, cx);
return callCall(callee, object, arguments);
return call(callee, arguments);
IR.AVM2New.prototype.compile = function (cx) {
var arguments = (arg) {
return compileValue(arg, cx);
var callee = compileValue(this.callee, cx);
callee = property(callee, "instance");
return new NewExpression(callee, arguments);
IR.This.prototype.compile = function (cx) {
return new ThisExpression();
IR.Throw.prototype.compile = function (cx) {
var argument = compileValue(this.argument, cx);
return new ThrowStatement(argument);
IR.Arguments.prototype.compile = function (cx) {
return id("arguments");
IR.AVM2Global.prototype.compile = function (cx) {
var scope = compileValue(this.scope, cx);
return property(scope, "global", "object");
IR.AVM2SetProperty.prototype.compile = function (cx) {
var object = compileValue(this.object, cx);
var name = compileValue(, cx);
var value = compileValue(this.value, cx);
return call(id("setProperty"), [object, name, value]);
IR.GlobalProperty.prototype.compile = function (cx) {
return id(;
IR.GetProperty.prototype.compile = function (cx) {
var object = compileValue(this.object, cx);
var name = compileValue(, cx);
return property(object, name);
IR.SetProperty.prototype.compile = function (cx) {
var object = compileValue(this.object, cx);
var name = compileValue(, cx);
var value = compileValue(this.value, cx);
return assignment(property(object, name), value);
IR.AVM2GetProperty.prototype.compile = function (cx) {
var object = compileValue(this.object, cx);
var name = compileValue(, cx);
return call(id("getProperty"), [object, name]);
IR.AVM2SetSlot.prototype.compile = function (cx) {
var object = compileValue(this.object, cx);
var index = compileValue(this.index, cx);
var value = compileValue(this.value, cx);
return(call(id("setSlot"), [object, index, value]));
IR.AVM2GetSlot.prototype.compile = function (cx) {
var object = compileValue(this.object, cx);
var index = compileValue(this.index, cx);
return(call(id("getSlot"), [object, index]));
IR.Projection.prototype.compile = function (cx) {
assert (this.type === Projection.Type.SCOPE);
assert (this.argument instanceof Start);
return compileValue(this.argument.scope, cx);
IR.NewArray.prototype.compile = function (cx) {
return new ArrayExpression(compileValues(this.elements, cx));
IR.NewObject.prototype.compile = function (cx) {
var properties = (property) {
var key = compileValue(property.key, cx);
var value = compileValue(property.value, cx);
return new Property(key, value, "init");
return new ObjectExpression(properties);
IR.AVM2NewActivation.prototype.compile = function (cx) {
var methodInfo = compileValue(this.methodInfo, cx);
return call(id("createActivation"), [methodInfo]);
IR.AVM2RuntimeMultiname.prototype.compile = function (cx) {
//, property(id("Multiname"), "getMultiname"), [namespaces, name]);
var namespaces = compileValue(this.namespaces, cx);
var name = compileValue(, cx);
return call(property(id("Multiname"), "getMultiname"), [namespaces, name]);
function generateSource(node) {
return escodegen.generate(node, {base: "", indent: " ", comment: true});
function generate(cfg) {
var root = Looper.analyze(cfg);
var writer = new IndentingWriter();
// root.trace(writer);
var cx = new Context();
var code = root.compile(cx);
var parameters = [];
for (var i = 0; i < cx.parameters.length; i++) {
var name = cx.parameters[i] ? cx.parameters[i].name : "_";
if (cx.variables.length) {
var variables = variableDeclaration( (variable) {
return new VariableDeclarator(id(;
// var node = new FunctionDeclaration(id("fn"), parameters, code);
// writer.writeLn("==================================");
// writer.writeLn(generateSource(node));
// writer.writeLn("==================================");
return generateSource(code);
Backend.generate = generate;
})(typeof exports === "undefined" ? (Backend = {}) : exports);

src/avm2/compiler/c4/ir.js Normal file

Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера Загрузить разницу

Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера Загрузить разницу