зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/shumway.git
Plays PCM data via Audio Data API or Web Audio API
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
<script src="../../lib/DataView.js/DataView.js"></script>
<script src="../../lib/Kanvas/kanvas.js"></script>
<script src="../../lib/xstats/xstats.js"></script>
<script src="../../lib/mp3/mp3.js"></script>
<!-- Load SWF Dependencies -->
<script src="../../src/swf/util.js"></script>
@ -0,0 +1 @@
// placeholder for MP3Decoder class
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ var LoaderDefinition = (function () {
var LOADER_PATH = 'flash/display/Loader.js';
@ -1,9 +1,17 @@
var SoundDefinition = (function () {
var audioElement = null;
function getAudioDescription(soundData, onComplete) {
audioElement = audioElement || document.createElement('audio');
if (!audioElement.canPlayType(soundData.mimeType)) {
duration: 0
audioElement.src = "data:" + soundData.mimeType + ";base64," + base64ArrayBuffer(soundData.data);
audioElement.addEventListener("loadedmetadata", function () {
@ -23,8 +31,19 @@ var SoundDefinition = (function () {
this._id3 = new flash.media.ID3Info();
var s = this.symbol;
if (s && s.packaged) {
var soundData = s.packaged;
if (s) {
var soundData = {};
if (s.pcm) {
soundData.sampleRate = s.sampleRate;
soundData.channels = s.channels;
soundData.pcm = s.pcm;
soundData.end = s.pcm.length;
soundData.completed = true;
if (s.packaged) {
soundData.data = s.packaged.data.buffer;
soundData.mimeType = s.packaged.mimeType;
var _this = this;
getAudioDescription(soundData, function (description) {
_this._length = description.duration;
@ -48,27 +67,68 @@ var SoundDefinition = (function () {
var _this = this;
var loader = this._loader = new flash.net.URLLoader(request);
loader.dataFormat = "binary";
var stream = this._stream = new flash.net.URLStream();
var ByteArrayClass = avm2.systemDomain.getClass("flash.utils.ByteArray");
var data = ByteArrayClass.createInstance();
var dataPosition = 0;
var mp3DecodingSession = null;
var soundData = { completed: false };
loader.addEventListener("progress", function (event) {
stream.addEventListener("progress", function (event) {
_this._bytesLoaded = event.public$bytesLoaded;
_this._bytesTotal = event.public$bytesTotal;
if (!PLAY_USING_AUDIO_TAG && !mp3DecodingSession) {
// initialize MP3 decoding
mp3DecodingSession = decodeMP3(soundData, function ondurationchanged(duration) {
if (_this._length === 0) {
// once we have some data, trying to play it
_this._soundData = soundData;
_this._playQueue.forEach(function (item) {
item.channel._playSoundDataViaChannel(soundData, item.startTime);
// TODO estimate duration based on bytesTotal
_this._length = duration * 1000;
var bytesAvailable = stream.bytesAvailable;
stream.readBytes(data, dataPosition, bytesAvailable);
if (mp3DecodingSession) {
mp3DecodingSession.pushData(data, dataPosition, bytesAvailable);
dataPosition += bytesAvailable;
loader.addEventListener("complete", function (event) {
stream.addEventListener("complete", function (event) {
var soundData = _this._soundData = {
data: loader.data.a,
mimeType: 'audio/mpeg'
getAudioDescription(soundData, function (description) {
_this._length = description.duration;
_this._playQueue.forEach(function (item) {
playChannel(soundData, item.channel, item.startTime, item.soundTransform);
soundData.data = data.a;
soundData.mimeType = 'audio/mpeg';
soundData.completed = true;
_this._soundData = soundData;
getAudioDescription(soundData, function (description) {
_this._length = description.duration;
_this._playQueue.forEach(function (item) {
item.channel._playSoundDataViaAudio(soundData, item.startTime);
if (mp3DecodingSession) {
loadCompressedDataFromByteArray: function loadCompressedDataFromByteArray(bytes, bytesLength) {
throw 'Not implemented: loadCompressedDataFromByteArray';
@ -82,22 +142,25 @@ var SoundDefinition = (function () {
startTime = startTime || 0;
var channel = new flash.media.SoundChannel();
channel._sound = this;
channel._soundTransform = soundTransform;
channel: channel,
startTime: startTime,
soundTransform: soundTransform
startTime: startTime
if (this._soundData) {
playChannel(this._soundData, channel, startTime, soundTransform);
channel._playSoundDataViaAudio(this._soundData, startTime);
channel._playSoundDataViaChannel(this._soundData, startTime);
return channel;
get bytesLoaded() {
return this._loader.bytesLoaded;
return this._bytesLoaded;
get bytesTotal() {
return this._loader.bytesTotal;
return this._bytesTotal;
get id3() {
return this._id3;
@ -116,13 +179,59 @@ var SoundDefinition = (function () {
function playChannel(soundData, channel, startTime, soundTransform) {
var element = channel._element;
element.src = "data:" + soundData.mimeType + ";base64," + base64ArrayBuffer(soundData.data);
element.addEventListener("loadeddata", function loaded() {
element.currentTime = startTime / 1000;
// TODO send to MP3 decoding worker
function decodeMP3(soundData, ondurationchanged) {
var currentSize = 8000;
var pcm = new Float32Array(currentSize);
var position = 0;
var mp3Decoder = new MP3Decoder();
mp3Decoder.onframedata = function (frame, channels, sampleRate) {
if (frame.length === 0)
if (!position) {
// first data: initializes pcm data fields
soundData.sampleRate = sampleRate,
soundData.channels = channels;
soundData.pcm = pcm;
if (position + frame.length >= currentSize) {
do {
currentSize *= 2;
} while (position + frame.length >= currentSize);
var newPcm = new Float32Array(currentSize);
pcm = soundData.pcm = newPcm;
pcm.set(frame, position);
soundData.end = position += frame.length;
var duration = position / soundData.sampleRate / soundData.channels;
return {
chunks: [],
pushData: function (data, offset, length) {
function decodeNext() {
var chunk = chunks.shift();
if (chunks.length > 0)
var chunks = this.chunks;
var initPush = chunks.length === 0;
var maxChunkLength = 8000;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i += maxChunkLength) {
var chunkOffset = offset + i;
var chunkLength = Math.min(length - chunkOffset, maxChunkLength);
var chunk = new Uint8Array(data.a, chunkOffset, chunkLength);
if (initPush)
close: function () {
var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
@ -2,7 +2,56 @@ const SoundChannelDefinition = (function () {
return {
// ()
initialize: function () {
this._element = document.createElement('audio');
this._element = null;
this._position = 0;
this._pcmData = null;
this._soundTransform = null;
_playSoundDataViaChannel: function (soundData, startTime) {
assert(soundData.pcm, 'no pcm data found');
var self = this;
var position = Math.round(startTime / 1000 * soundData.sampleRate) *
this._position = startTime;
this._audioChannel = createAudioChannel(soundData.sampleRate, soundData.channels);
this._audioChannel.ondatarequested = function (e) {
var end = soundData.end;
if (position >= end && soundData.completed) {
// end of buffer
// TODO loop
var count = Math.min(end - position, e.count);
if (count === 0) return;
var data = e.data;
var source = soundData.pcm;
for (var j = 0; j < count; j++) {
data[j] = source[position++];
self._position = position / soundData.sampleRate / soundData.channels * 1000;
_playSoundDataViaAudio: function (soundData, startTime) {
this._position = startTime;
var self = this;
var element = document.createElement('audio');
if (!element.canPlayType(soundData.mimeType))
error('\"' + soundData.mimeType + '\" type playback is not supported by the browser');
element.src = "data:" + soundData.mimeType + ";base64," + base64ArrayBuffer(soundData.data);
element.addEventListener("loadeddata", function loaded() {
element.currentTime = startTime / 1000;
element.addEventListener("timeupdate", function timeupdate() {
self._position = element.currentTime * 1000;
this._element = element;
__glue__: {
native: {
@ -11,12 +60,25 @@ const SoundChannelDefinition = (function () {
instance: {
// (void) -> void
stop: function stop() {
if (this._element) {
if (this._audioChannel) {
"position": {
// (void) -> Number
get: function position() {
return this._element.currentTime * 1000;
return this._position;
"soundTransform": {
get: function soundTransform() {
return this._soundTransform;
set: function soundTransform(val) {
this._soundTransform = val;
@ -24,3 +86,181 @@ const SoundChannelDefinition = (function () {
function createAudioChannel(sampleRate, channels) {
if (WebAudioChannel.isSupported)
return new WebAudioChannel(sampleRate, channels);
else if (AudioDataChannel.isSupported)
return new AudioDataChannel(sampleRate, channels);
error('PCM data playback is not supported by the browser');
// Resample sound using linear interpolation for Web Audio due to
// http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=73062
function AudioResampler(sourceRate, targetRate) {
this.sourceRate = sourceRate;
this.targetRate = targetRate;
this.tail = [];
this.sourceOffset = 0;
AudioResampler.prototype = {
ondatarequested: function (e) { },
getData: function (channelsData, count) {
var k = this.sourceRate / this.targetRate;
var offset = this.sourceOffset;
var needed = Math.ceil((count - 1) * k + offset) + 1;
var sourceData = [];
for (var channel = 0; channel < channelsData.length; channel++)
sourceData.push(new Float32Array(needed));
var e = { data: sourceData, count: needed };
for (var channel = 0; channel < channelsData.length; channel++) {
var data = channelsData[channel];
var source = sourceData[channel];
for (var j = 0; j < count; j++) {
var i = j * k + offset;
var i1 = Math.floor(i), i2 = Math.ceil(i);
var source_i1 = i1 < 0 ? this.tail[channel] : source[i1];
if (i1 === i2) {
data[j] = source_i1;
} else {
var alpha = i - i1;
data[j] = source_i1 * (1 - alpha) + source[i2] * alpha;
this.tail[channel] = source[needed - 1];
this.sourceOffset = ((count - 1) * k + offset) - (needed - 1);
function WebAudioChannel(sampleRate, channels) {
var context = WebAudioChannel.context;
if (!context) {
if (typeof AudioContext !== 'undefined')
context = new AudioContext();
context = new webkitAudioContext();
WebAudioChannel.context = context;
this.context = context;
this.contextSampleRate = context.sampleRate || 44100;
this.channels = channels;
this.sampleRate = sampleRate;
if (this.contextSampleRate != sampleRate) {
this.resampler = new AudioResampler(sampleRate, this.contextSampleRate);
this.resampler.ondatarequested = function (e) {
this.requestData(e.data, e.count);
WebAudioChannel.prototype = {
start: function () {
var source = this.context.createScriptProcessor ?
this.context.createScriptProcessor(2048, 0, this.channels) :
this.context.createJavaScriptNode(2048, 0, this.channels);
var self = this;
source.onaudioprocess = function(e) {
var channelsData = [];
for (var i = 0; i < self.channels; i++)
var count = channelsData[0].length;
if (self.resampler) {
self.resampler.getData(channelsData, count);
} else {
var e = { data: channelsData, count: count };
self.requestData(channelsData, count);
this.source = source;
stop: function () {
requestData: function (channelsData, count) {
var channels = this.channels;
var buffer = new Float32Array(count * channels);
var e = { data: buffer, count: buffer.length };
for (var j = 0, p = 0; j < count; j++) {
for (var i = 0; i < channels; i++)
channelsData[i][j] = buffer[p++];
WebAudioChannel.isSupported = (function() {
return typeof AudioContext !== 'undefined' ||
typeof webkitAudioContext != 'undefined';
// from https://wiki.mozilla.org/Audio_Data_API
function AudioDataChannel(sampleRate, channels) {
this.sampleRate = sampleRate;
this.channels = channels;
AudioDataChannel.prototype = {
start: function () {
var sampleRate = this.sampleRate;
var channels = this.channels;
var self = this;
// Initialize the audio output.
var audio = new Audio();
audio.mozSetup(channels, sampleRate);
var currentWritePosition = 0;
var prebufferSize = sampleRate * channels / 2; // buffer 500ms
var tail = null, tailPosition;
// The function called with regular interval to populate
// the audio output buffer.
this.interval = setInterval(function() {
var written;
// Check if some data was not written in previous attempts.
if(tail) {
written = audio.mozWriteAudio(tail.subarray(tailPosition));
currentWritePosition += written;
tailPosition += written;
if(tailPosition < tail.length) {
// Not all the data was written, saving the tail...
return; // ... and exit the function.
tail = null;
// Check if we need add some data to the audio output.
var currentPosition = audio.mozCurrentSampleOffset();
var available = currentPosition + prebufferSize - currentWritePosition;
available -= available % channels; // align to channels count
if(available > 0) {
// Request some sound data from the callback function.
var soundData = new Float32Array(available);
self.requestData(soundData, available);
// Writting the data.
written = audio.mozWriteAudio(soundData);
if(written < soundData.length) {
// Not all the data was written, saving the tail.
tail = soundData;
tailPosition = written;
currentWritePosition += written;
}, 100);
stop: function () {
requestData: function (data, count) {
this.ondatarequested({data: data, count: count});
AudioDataChannel.isSupported = (function () {
return 'mozSetup' in (new Audio);
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ function defineSound(tag, dictionary) {
if (tag.soundSize == SOUND_SIZE_16_BIT) {
for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < pcm.length; i++, j += 2)
pcm[i] = ((data[i] << 24) | (data[i + 1] << 16)) / 2147483648;
pcm[i] = ((data[j] << 24) | (data[j + 1] << 16)) / 2147483648;
packaged = packageWave(data, sampleRate, channels, 16, true);
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < pcm.length; i++)
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ function defineSound(tag, dictionary) {
if (tag.soundSize == SOUND_SIZE_16_BIT) {
for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < pcm.length; i++, j += 2)
pcm[i] = ((data[i + 1] << 24) | (data[i] << 16)) / 2147483648;
pcm[i] = ((data[j + 1] << 24) | (data[j] << 16)) / 2147483648;
packaged = packageWave(data, sampleRate, channels, 16, false);
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < pcm.length; i++)
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ function SwfSoundStream_decode_PCM(data) {
function SwfSoundStream_decode_PCM_be(data) {
var pcm = new Float32Array(data.length / 2);
for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < pcm.length; i++, j += 2)
pcm[i] = ((data[i] << 24) | (data[i + 1] << 16)) / 2147483648;
pcm[i] = ((data[j] << 24) | (data[j + 1] << 16)) / 2147483648;
this.currentSample += pcm.length / this.channels;
return {
pcm: pcm,
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ function SwfSoundStream_decode_PCM_be(data) {
function SwfSoundStream_decode_PCM_le(data) {
var pcm = new Float32Array(data.length / 2);
for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < pcm.length; i++, j += 2)
pcm[i] = ((data[i + 1] << 24) | (data[i] << 16)) / 2147483648;
pcm[i] = ((data[j + 1] << 24) | (data[j] << 16)) / 2147483648;
this.currentSample += pcm.length / this.channels;
return {
pcm: pcm,
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