# Contributing to Eclipse SmartHome Thanks for your interest in this project! You can propose contributions by sending pull requests through GitHub. And of course you can [report issues](https://github.com/eclipse/smarthome/issues). ## Legal considerations Please read the [Eclipse Foundation policy on accepting contributions via Git](http://wiki.eclipse.org/Development_Resources/Contributing_via_Git). Your contribution cannot be accepted unless you have an [Eclipse Foundation Contributor License Agreement](http://www.eclipse.org/legal/CLA.php) in place. Here is the checklist for contributions to be _acceptable_: 1. [create an account at Eclipse](https://dev.eclipse.org/site_login/createaccount.php), and 2. add your GitHub user name in your account settings, and 3. [log into the projects portal](https://projects.eclipse.org/) and look for ["Eclipse CLA"](https://projects.eclipse.org/user/sign/cla), and 4. ensure that you _sign-off_ your Git commits, and 5. ensure that you use the _same_ email address as your Eclipse Foundation in commits. ## Technical considerations Again, check that your author email in commits is the same as your Eclipse Foundation account, and make sure that you sign-off every commit (`git commit -s`). Do not make pull requests from your `master` branch, please use topic branches instead. When submitting code, please make every effort to follow [our coding guidelines](https://www.eclipse.org/smarthome/documentation/development/guidelines.html) in order to keep the code as homogeneous as possible. Please provide meaningful commit messages. Here is a sample _good_ Git commit log message: [666999] Quick summary This is a discussion of the change with details on the impact, limitations, etc. Write just like if you were discussing with fellows :-) Bug: https://github.com/eclipse/smarthome/issues/1 Also-By: Somebody who also contributed parts of this code Signed-off-by: Yourself Finally, a contribution is not a good contribution unless it comes with unit tests, integration tests and documentation.