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/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is Snowl.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Mozilla.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2008
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Myk Melez <>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
* and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
let EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["SnowlSource"];
const Cc = Components.classes;
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
const Cr = Components.results;
const Cu = Components.utils;
// modules that are generic
// modules that are Snowl-specific
// FIXME: make strands.js into a module.
let loader = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.mozIJSSubScriptLoader);
* SnowlSource: a source of messages.
* FIXME: update this documentation now that we're using it via mixins
* instead of inheritance.
* This is an abstract class that should not be instantiated. Rather, objects
* should inherit it via one of two methods (depending on whether or not they
* also inherit other functionality):
* Objects that only inherit SnowlSource may assign it to their prototype
* (or to their prototype's prototype) and then declare overridden attributes
* as appropriate, with the prototype chain automatically delegating other
* attributes to SnowlSource:
* function MySource = {
*, ...);
* this.overriddenMethod: function(...) {...},
* this.overriddenProperty: "foo",
* this.__defineGetter("overriddenGetter", function() {...}),
* this.__defineSetter("overriddenSetter", function(newVal) {...}),
* }
* MySource.prototype = SnowlSource;
* -- or --
* function MySource = {
*, ...);
* }
* MySource.prototype = {
* __proto__: SnowlSource,
* overriddenMethod: function(...) {...},
* overriddenProperty: "foo",
* get overriddenGetter() {...},
* set overriddenSetter(newVal) {...}
* };
* Objects that inherit other functionality should redeclare every attribute
* in SnowlSource, manually delegating to SnowlSource as appropriate:
* FIXME: make it possible to import attributes instead of redeclaring them.
* function MyThing = {
*, ...);
* }
* MyThing.prototype = {
* overriddenMethod: function(...) {...},
* overriddenProperty: "foo",
* get overriddenGetter() {...},
* set overriddenSetter(newVal) {...}
* delegatedMethod: function(...) {
*, ...);
* },
* get delegatedProperty: function() {
* return SnowlSource.delegatedProperty;
* },
* // It's dangerous to set the base class's properties; don't do this!!!
* set delegatedProperty: function(newVal) {
* SnowlSource.delegatedProperty = newVal;
* },
* get delegatedGetter: function() {
* return SnowlSource.__lookupGetter__("delegatedGetter").call(this);
* },
* set delegatedSetter: function(newVal) {
* SnowlSource.__lookupSetter__("delegatedSetter").call(this, newVal);
* }
* };
* Memoizing unary getters in this object must memoize to another getter
* so that subclasses can call the getters directly without causing trouble
* for other subclasses that access them via __lookupGetter__.
function SnowlSource() {}
SnowlSource.retrieve = function(id) {
let source = null;
// FIXME: memoize this.
let statement = SnowlDatastore.createStatement(
"SELECT type, name, machineURI, humanURI, username, lastRefreshed, " +
" importance, placeID, attributes " +
"FROM sources " +
"WHERE id = :id"
try { = id;
if (statement.step()) {
let row = statement.row;
let constructor;
// Bleh, this function is called within the JS context for this module,
// which means it doesn't know anything about other modules it doesn't
// import (like SnowlFeed and SnowlTwitter). The current hack to deal
// with this is to set the constructor to |this| hoping that |this| is
// the right constructor (which it is as long as this function got mixed
// into the right constructor), but this isn't going to work when we want
// to use this to pull all accounts and make them available in the service,
// so we'll have to figure out something better to do then.
try { constructor = eval(row.type) } catch(ex) { constructor = this };
source = new constructor(id,,
row.lastRefreshed ? SnowlDateUtils.julianToJSDate(row.lastRefreshed) : null,
finally {
return source;
SnowlSource.prototype = {
init: function(aID, aName, aMachineURI, aHumanURI, aUsername,
aLastRefreshed, aImportance, aPlaceID, aAttributes) { = aID; = aName;
this.machineURI = aMachineURI;
this.humanURI = aHumanURI;
this.username = aUsername;
this.lastRefreshed = aLastRefreshed;
// FIXME: make it so I don't have to set importance to null if it isn't
// specified in order for its non-set value to remain null.
this.importance = aImportance || null;
this.placeID = aPlaceID;
this.attributes = aAttributes || this.Attributes;
get _log() {
let logger = Log4Moz.repository.getLogger(this._logName);
this.__defineGetter__("_log", function() logger);
return this._log;
// For adding isBusy property to collections tree.
busy: false,
// For adding hasError property to collections tree.
error: false,
id: null,
name: null,
* The URL at which to find a machine-processable representation of the data
* provided by the source. For a feed source, this is the URL of its RSS/Atom
* document; for an email source, it's the URL of its POP/IMAP server.
machineURI: null,
* The codebase principal for the machine URI. We use this to determine
* whether or not the source can link to the links it provides, so we can
* prevent sources from linking to javascript: and data: links that would
* run with chrome privileges if inserted into our views.
get principal() {
let securityManager = Cc[";1"].
let principal = securityManager.getCodebasePrincipal(this.machineURI);
this.__defineGetter__("principal", function() principal);
return this.principal;
// The URL at which to find a human-readable representation of the data
// provided by the source. For a feed source, this is the website that
// publishes the feed; for an email source, it might be the webmail interface.
humanURI: null,
// The username with which the user gets authorized to access the account.
username: null,
// A JavaScript Date object representing the last time this source
// was checked for updates to its set of messages. If source attributes not
// set to use default source type value *and* source type setting does not
// override customizations on individual sources, then use the custom value.
lastRefreshed: null,
get refreshInterval() {
return this.attributes.refresh["useDefault"] ||
attributes.refresh["useDefault"] ?
attributes.refresh["interval"] :
// An integer representing how important this source is to the user
// relative to other sources to which the user is subscribed.
importance: null,
// The ID of the place representing this source in a list of collections.
placeID: null,
// The default global attributes for a all sources. Source types may override
// and add their own attributes (but need to consider such exceptions in
// generic handling). The attributes objects are combined by Mixins.meld().
// If a global or source type attribute is changed, db maintenance must remove
// that source type record (SnowlFeed, SnowlTwitter) so it may be rebuilt with
// all new values (also will overwrite user changes, if any), or update only
// those attributes changing.
attributes: {
refresh: {
// If true for the default Type, overrides individual setting; if
// true for individual source, overrides default if default is false.
useDefault: true,
// 30 minutes
interval: 1000 * 60 * 30,
// Status determines behavior of auto and user refreshes:
// 'active' - auto refresh on interval, immediately on user action
// 'paused' - no refresh on auto or user action, set by user
// 'disabled' - refresh only on user action, auto set on permanent error
status: "active",
// Code, usually response code, or internal error code.
code: "",
// Descriptive error message.
text: ""
retention: {
// If true for the default Type, overrides individual setting; if
// true for individual source, overrides default if default is false.
useDefault: true,
// If 0, do not delete any messaged; if 1, delete by number of messages;
// if 2, delete by days old.
deleteBy: 0,
// If radio checked, delete messages older than number (of days).
deleteDays: 30,
// If radio checked, delete messages greater than number (of messages).
deleteNumber: 500,
// If true, messages will never be auto deleted.
keepFlagged: true
// Retrieve the melded global and source default attributes, and customizations,
// for seeding newly subscribed source attributes.
get Attributes() {
delete this._Attributes;
return this._Attributes =
// The collection of messages from this source.
messages: null,
// Favicon Service
get faviconSvc() {
let faviconSvc = Cc[";1"].
this.__defineGetter__("faviconSvc", function() faviconSvc);
return this.faviconSvc;
// If a favicon is not in places, getFaviconForPage throws, but we do not want
// to try getFaviconImageForPage as that returns a default moz image. Best
// efforts and tricks to get a favicon.
get faviconURI() {
if (this.humanURI) {
try {
// Due to private browsing changes, the favicon will only be in places
// if the page has been bookmarked.
return this.faviconSvc.getFaviconForPage(this.humanURI);
catch(ex) {
// Not bookmarked.
if ( == "SnowlFeed")
// Get the favicon - they're usually here for feeds.. If not, an
// atom is set for defaultFeedIcon and css handles it.
return URI.get('http://' + + '/favicon.ico');
if ( == "SnowlTwitter")
// Get the favicon - Twitter.
return URI.get("");
* Check for new messages and update the local store of messages to reflect
* the latest updates available from the source. This method is a stub that
* is expected to be overridden by subclass implementations.
* @param refreshTime {Date}
* the time at which a refresh currently in progress began
* Note: we use this as the received time when adding messages to
* the datastore. We get it from the caller instead of generating it
* ourselves to allow the caller to synchronize received times
* across refreshes of multiple sources, which makes message views
* sorted by received, then published look better for messages
* received in the same refresh cycle.
refresh: function(refreshTime) {},
onRefreshError: function() {
this.error = true;
if (this.attributes.refresh["code"] == 401 ||
this.attributes.refresh["code"] == 404) {
this.attributes.refresh["status"] = "disabled";
SnowlService.sourcesByID[].attributes.refresh["status"] = "disabled";
this._log.error("Refresh error: " + this.attributes.refresh["text"]);
onDbCompleted: function() {
// Database source record updated, set notifications and states.
if ( {
// Only for existing stored sources; notify refreshes collections tree state.
SnowlService.sourcesByID[].busy = false;
SnowlService.sourcesByID[].error = this.error;
SnowlService.refreshingCount = --SnowlService.refreshingCount;
onDbError: function() {
this.error = true;
if ( {
// Only for existing stored sources; notify refreshes collections tree state.
SnowlService.sourcesByID[].busy = false;
SnowlService.sourcesByID[].error = this.error;
SnowlService.refreshingCount = --SnowlService.refreshingCount;
this._log.error("Database error: " + this.attributes.refresh["text"]);
retrieveMessages: function() {
// FIXME: memoize this.
let messagesStatement = SnowlDatastore.createStatement(
"SELECT id FROM messages WHERE sourceID = :id"
try { = id;
this.messages = [];
// FIXME: retrieve all messages at once instead of one at a time.
while (messagesStatement.step())
finally {
* Insert a record for this source into the database, or update an existing
* record; store placeID back into sources table.
* @param pauseBetweenMessages {Boolean}
* whether or not to pause between each message we persist; useful for
* mixing up messages received at the same time from different sources
* when refreshing multiple sources at once
* FIXME: move this to a SnowlAccount interface.
persist: function(pauseBetweenMessages) {
let statement, placeID;
if ( {
statement = SnowlDatastore.createStatement(
"UPDATE sources " +
"SET name = :name, " +
" type = :type, " +
" machineURI = :machineURI, " +
" humanURI = :humanURI, " +
" username = :username, " +
"lastRefreshed = :lastRefreshed, " +
" importance = :importance, " +
" attributes = :attributes " +
"WHERE id = :id"
else {
statement = SnowlDatastore.createStatement(
"INSERT INTO sources ( name, type, machineURI, humanURI, username, " +
" lastRefreshed, importance, attributes) " +
"VALUES ( :name, :type, :machineURI, :humanURI, :username, " +
" :lastRefreshed, :importance, :attributes)"
// Need to get a transaction lock.
if (SnowlDatastore.dbConnection.transactionInProgress) {
this.attributes.refresh["code"] = "db:transactionInProgress";
this.attributes.refresh["text"] = "Database temporarily busy, could not get transaction lock";
if ( {
// Only for existing stored sources; notify refreshes collections tree state.
SnowlService.sourcesByID[].busy = false;
SnowlService.sourcesByID[].error = this.error;
SnowlService.refreshingCount = --SnowlService.refreshingCount;
// Observers.notify("snowl:messages:completed",;
else {
// New subscriptions need to return feedback.
this.error = true;"persist: " + this.attributes.refresh["text"]);
try { =;
statement.params.type =;
statement.params.machineURI = this.machineURI.spec;
statement.params.humanURI = this.humanURI ? this.humanURI.spec : null;
statement.params.username = this.username;
statement.params.lastRefreshed = this.lastRefreshed ? SnowlDateUtils.jsToJulianDate(this.lastRefreshed) : null;
statement.params.importance = this.importance;
statement.params.attributes = JSON.stringify(this.attributes);
if ( =;
if (! {
// Extract the ID of the source from the newly-created database record. = SnowlDatastore.dbConnection.lastInsertRowID;
// New source, bump refreshing count.
SnowlService.refreshingCount = ++SnowlService.refreshingCount;
// Update message authors to include the source ID.
// FIXME: make SnowlIdentity records have a source property
// referencing a source object rather than a sourceID property
// referencing a source object's ID.
if (this.messages)
for each (let message in this.messages)
if ( =;
// Create places record
this.placeID = SnowlPlaces.persistPlace("sources",,,
null, // this.username,
this.faviconURI,; // aSourceID
// Store placeID back into messages for db integrity
"UPDATE sources " +
"SET placeID = " + this.placeID +
" WHERE id = " +;
this._log.debug("persist - " + this.placeID + " : " +;
// Use 'added' here for collections observer for more specificity
Observers.notify("snowl:source:added", this.placeID);
if (this.messages) {
// Sort the messages by date, so we insert them from oldest to newest,
// which makes them show up in the correct order in views that expect
// messages to be inserted in that order and sort messages by their IDs.
this.messages.sort(function(a, b) a.timestamp < b.timestamp ? -1 :
a.timestamp > b.timestamp ? 1 : 0);
let currentMessageIDs = [];
let messagesChanged = false;
for each (let message in this.messages) {
let added = false; = message._getInternalID();
if (! {
// Persist only new messages, ie without an id."persisting new message " + message.externalID);
try {
added = message.persist();
catch(ex) {
this._log.error("couldn't persist " + message.externalID + ": " + ex);
if (messagesChanged == false && added)
messagesChanged = true;
// Sleep for a bit to give other sources that are being refreshed
// at the same time the opportunity to insert messages themselves,
// so the messages appear mixed together in views that display them
// by the order in which they are received, which is more pleasing
// than if the messages were clumped together by source.
// As a side effect, this might reduce horkage of the UI thread
// during refreshes.
if (pauseBetweenMessages)
// Update the current flag.
if (messagesChanged)
// Invalidate stats cache on completion of refresh with new messages.
SnowlService._collectionStatsByCollectionID = null;
// Source successfully stored/updated.
catch(ex) {
this.attributes.refresh["code"] = "db:error";
this.attributes.refresh["text"] = ex;
finally {
get _persistAttributesStmt() {
let statement = SnowlDatastore.createStatement(
"UPDATE sources SET attributes = :attributes WHERE id = :id");
this.__defineGetter__("_persistAttributesStmt", function() statement);
return this._persistAttributesStmt;
persistAttributes: function() {
try { =;
this._persistAttributesStmt.params.attributes = JSON.stringify(this.attributes);
finally {
unstore: function() {
try {
// FIXME: delegate unstorage of messages and people to their respective
// JavaScript representations.
SnowlDatastore.dbConnection.executeSimpleSQL("DELETE FROM partsText " +
"WHERE docid IN " +
"(SELECT id FROM parts WHERE messageID IN " +
"(SELECT id FROM messages WHERE sourceID = " + + "))");
SnowlDatastore.dbConnection.executeSimpleSQL("DELETE FROM parts " +
"WHERE messageID IN " +
"(SELECT id FROM messages WHERE sourceID = " + + ")");
SnowlDatastore.dbConnection.executeSimpleSQL("DELETE FROM messages " +
"WHERE sourceID = " +;
// FIXME: don't delete people unless the only identities with which
// they are associated are identities associated with this source.
SnowlDatastore.dbConnection.executeSimpleSQL("DELETE FROM people " +
"WHERE id IN " +
"(SELECT personID FROM identities WHERE sourceID = " + + ")");
SnowlDatastore.dbConnection.executeSimpleSQL("DELETE FROM identities " +
"WHERE sourceID = " +;
SnowlDatastore.dbConnection.executeSimpleSQL("DELETE FROM sources " +
"WHERE id = " +;
// Finally, clean up Places bookmarks with sourceID in its prefixed uri.
SnowlPlaces.removePlacesItemsByURI("snowl:sId=" + + "&", true);
catch(ex) {
throw ex;
Observers.notify("snowl:source:unstored",; = null;
* Update the current flag for messages in a source, after a refresh.
* If message's current flag = 1 set to 0, then set current flag for messages
* in the current refresh list to 1. Purge current and marked deleted
* placeholder message records if no longer current.
* @param aCurrentMessageIDs {array} messages table ids of the current list
updateCurrentMessages: function(aCurrentMessageIDs) {
"UPDATE messages SET current = " + MESSAGE_NON_CURRENT +
" WHERE sourceID = " + + " AND current = " + MESSAGE_CURRENT
"UPDATE messages SET current = " + MESSAGE_CURRENT +
" WHERE sourceID = " + + " AND id IN" +
" (" + aCurrentMessageIDs.join(", ") + ") AND current = " + MESSAGE_NON_CURRENT
"DELETE FROM messages" +
" WHERE sourceID = " + + " AND" +
" id NOT IN (" + aCurrentMessageIDs.join(", ") + ")"