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/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is Snowl.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Mozilla.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2008
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Myk Melez <myk@mozilla.org>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
* and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
let EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["SnowlFeed"];
const Cc = Components.classes;
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
const Cr = Components.results;
const Cu = Components.utils;
// modules that come with Firefox
// modules that are generic
// modules that are Snowl-specific
// FIXME: make strands.js into a module.
let loader = Cc["@mozilla.org/moz/jssubscript-loader;1"].getService(Ci.mozIJSSubScriptLoader);
* Convert a string to an array of character codes.
* @param string {string} the string to convert
* @returns {array} the array of character codes
function stringToArray(string) {
var array = [];
for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++)
return array;
function SnowlFeed(aID, aName, aMachineURI, aHumanURI, aUsername, aLastRefreshed, aImportance, aPlaceID) {
SnowlSource.init.call(this, aID, aName, aMachineURI, aHumanURI, aUsername, aLastRefreshed, aImportance, aPlaceID);
SnowlFeed.prototype = {
// The constructor property is defined automatically, but we destroy it
// when we redefine the prototype, so we redefine it here in case we ever
// need to check it to find out what kind of object an instance is.
constructor: SnowlFeed,
get _log() {
let logger = Log4Moz.repository.getLogger("Snowl.Feed " + this.name);
this.__defineGetter__("_log", function() logger);
return this._log;
// If we prompt the user to authenticate, and the user asks us to remember
// their password, we store the nsIAuthInformation in this property until
// the request succeeds, at which point we store it with the login manager.
_authInfo: null,
// Abstract Class Composition Declarations
_classes: [SnowlSource],
implements: function(cls) {
return (this._classes.indexOf(cls) != -1);
// SnowlSource
get refreshInterval() {
return SnowlSource.refreshInterval;
id: null,
type: null,
name: null,
machineURI: null,
get principal() {
return SnowlSource.__lookupGetter__("principal").call(this);
humanURI: null,
username: null,
_lastRefreshed: null,
get lastRefreshed() {
return SnowlSource.__lookupGetter__("lastRefreshed").call(this);
set lastRefreshed(newValue) {
return SnowlSource.__lookupSetter__("lastRefreshed").call(this, newValue);
importance: null,
placeID: null,
get faviconSvc() {
return SnowlSource.faviconSvc;
get faviconURI() {
return SnowlSource.__lookupGetter__("faviconURI").call(this);
// refresh is defined elsewhere.
//refresh: function(refreshTime) {},
persist: function() {
get _stmtGetInternalIDForExternalID() {
return SnowlSource._stmtGetInternalIDForExternalID;
_getInternalIDForExternalID: function(externalID) {
return SnowlSource._getInternalIDForExternalID.call(this, externalID);
get _stmtInsertPart() {
return SnowlSource._stmtInsertPart;
get _stmtInsertPartText() {
return SnowlSource._stmtInsertPartText;
addPart: function(messageID, content, mediaType, partType, baseURI, languageTag) {
return SnowlSource.addPart.call(this, messageID, content, mediaType, partType, baseURI, languageTag);
// XPCOM Interface Goo
// nsISupports
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIAuthPrompt2]),
// nsIInterfaceRequestor
getInterface: function(iid) {
return this.QueryInterface(iid);
// nsIAuthPrompt2
_logins: null,
_loginIndex: 0,
promptAuth: function(channel, level, authInfo) {
// Check saved logins before prompting the user. We get them
// from the login manager and try each in turn until one of them works
// or we run out of them.
if (!this._logins) {
let lm = Cc["@mozilla.org/login-manager;1"].getService(Ci.nsILoginManager);
// XXX Should we be using channel.URI.prePath in case the old URI
// redirects us to a new one at a different hostname?
this._logins = lm.findLogins({}, this.machineURI.prePath, null, authInfo.realm);
let login = this._logins[this._loginIndex];
if (login) {
authInfo.username = login.username;
authInfo.password = login.password;
return true;
// If we've made it this far, none of the saved logins worked, so we prompt
// the user to provide one.
let args = Cc["@mozilla.org/supports-array;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsISupportsArray);
args.AppendElement({ wrappedJSObject: this });
// |result| is how the dialog passes information back to us. It sets two
// properties on the object: |proceed|, which we return from this function,
// and which determines whether or not authentication can proceed using
// the values entered by the user; and |remember|, which determines whether
// or not we save the user's login with the login manager once the request
// succeeds.
let result = {};
args.AppendElement({ wrappedJSObject: result });
let ww = Cc["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/window-watcher;1"].getService(Ci.nsIWindowWatcher);
// XXX Should we use commonDialog.xul?
if (result.remember)
this._authInfo = authInfo;
return result.proceed;
asyncPromptAuth: function() {
_refreshTime: null,
refresh: function(refreshTime) {
// Cache the refresh time so we can use it as the received time when adding
// messages to the datastore.
this._refreshTime = refreshTime;
let request = Cc["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlhttprequest;1"].createInstance();
let t = this;
request.addEventListener("load", function(e) { t.onRefreshLoad(e) }, false);
request.addEventListener("error", function(e) { t.onRefreshError(e) }, false);
// The feed processor is going to parse the XML, so override the MIME type
// in order to turn off parsing by XMLHttpRequest itself.
request.open("GET", this.machineURI.spec, true);
// Register a listener for notification callbacks so we handle authentication.
request.channel.notificationCallbacks = this;
// We set the last refreshed timestamp here even though the refresh
// is asynchronous, so we don't yet know whether it has succeeded.
// The upside of this approach is that we don't keep trying to refresh
// a source that isn't responding, but the downside is that it takes
// a long time for us to refresh a source that is only down for a short
// period of time. We should instead keep trying when a source fails,
// but with a progressively longer interval (up to the standard one).
// FIXME: implement the approach described above.
this.lastRefreshed = refreshTime;
onRefreshLoad: function(aEvent) {
let request = aEvent.target;
// The load event can fire even with a non 2xx code, so handle as error
if (request.status < 200 || request.status > 299) {
// XXX What's the right way to handle this?
if (request.responseText.length == 0) {
// _authInfo only gets set if we prompted the user to authenticate
// and the user checked the "remember password" box. Since we're here,
// it means the request succeeded, so we save the login.
if (this._authInfo)
// Use the built-in feed processor to parse the response synchronously
// (but we process the result asynchronously using a coroutine).
let parser = Cc["@mozilla.org/feed-processor;1"].
parser.listener = {
self: this,
handleResult: function(result) {
this.self._processRefresh(result, this.self._refreshTime);
parser.parseFromString(request.responseText, request.channel.URI);
onRefreshError: function(aEvent) {
let request = aEvent.target;
// Sometimes an attempt to retrieve status text throws NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE.
let statusText;
try {statusText = request.statusText;} catch(ex) {statusText = "[no status text]"}
this._log.error("onRefreshError: " + request.status + " (" + statusText + ")");
_processRefresh: strand(function(aResult, refreshTime) {
// FIXME: figure out why aResult.doc is sometimes null (its content isn't
// a valid feed?) and report a more descriptive error message.
if (aResult.doc == null) {
this._log.error("_processRefresh: aResult.doc is null");
// Observers.notify("snowl:subscribe:get:end", this);
// FIXME: Make this be "snowl:refresh:start" or move it into the subscribing
// caller so it makes sense that it's called "snowl:subscribe:get:start",
// since this method also gets called during periodically on feeds to which
// the user is already subscribed.
Observers.notify("snowl:subscribe:get:start", this);
let feed = aResult.doc.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIFeed);
let currentMessageIDs = [];
let messagesChanged = false;
// Sort the messages by date, so we insert them from oldest to newest,
// which makes them show up in the correct order in views that expect
// messages to be inserted in that order and sort messages by their IDs.
let messages = [];
for (let i = 0; i < feed.items.length; i++) {
let entry = feed.items.queryElementAt(i, Ci.nsIFeedEntry);
let timestamp = entry.updated ? new Date(entry.updated)
: entry.published ? new Date(entry.published)
: entry.get("dc:date") ? ISO8601DateUtils.parse(entry.get("dc:date"))
: null;
messages.push({ entry: entry, timestamp: timestamp });
messages.sort(function(a, b) a.timestamp < b.timestamp ? -1 :
a.timestamp > b.timestamp ? 1 : 0);
for each (let message in messages) {
let entry = message.entry;
// Figure out the ID for the entry, then check if the entry has already
// been retrieved. If the entry doesn't provide its own ID, we generate
// one for it based on its content.
let externalID;
try {
externalID = entry.id || this._generateID(entry);
catch(ex) {
this._log.warn("couldn't get an ID for a message: " + ex);
// Ignore the message if we've already added it.
let internalID = this._getInternalIDForExternalID(externalID);
if (internalID) {
// Add the message.
messagesChanged = true;
this._log.info("adding message " + externalID);
internalID = this._addMessage(feed, entry, externalID, message.timestamp, refreshTime);
// Sleep for a bit to give other sources that are being refreshed
// at the same time the opportunity to insert messages themselves,
// so the messages appear mixed together in views that display messages
// by the order in which they are received, which is more pleasing
// than if the messages were clumped together by source.
// As a side effect, this might reduce horkage of the UI thread
// during refreshes.
yield sleep(50);
// Update the current flag.
"UPDATE messages SET current = (CASE WHEN id IN " +
"(" + currentMessageIDs.join(", ") + ")" +
" THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) WHERE sourceID = " + this.id
// Notify list and collections views on completion of messages download, list
// also notified of each message addition.
if (messagesChanged)
Observers.notify("snowl:messages:changed", this.id);
Observers.notify("snowl:subscribe:get:end", this);
_resetRefresh: function() {
this._refreshTime = null;
* Add a message to the datastore for the given feed entry.
* @param aFeed {nsIFeed} the feed
* @param aEntry {nsIFeedEntry} the entry
* @param aExternalID {string} the external ID of the entry
* @param aTimestamp {Date} the message's timestamp
* @param aReceived {Date} when the message was received
_addMessage: function(aFeed, aEntry, aExternalID, aTimestamp, aReceived) {
let messageID;
try {
let authorID = null;
let authors = (aEntry.authors.length > 0) ? aEntry.authors
: (aFeed.authors.length > 0) ? aFeed.authors
: null;
if (authors && authors.length > 0) {
let author = authors.queryElementAt(0, Ci.nsIFeedPerson);
// The external ID for an author is her email address, if provided
// (many feeds don't); otherwise it's her name. For the name, on the
// other hand, we use the name, if provided, but fall back to the
// email address if a name is not provided (which it probably was).
let externalID = author.email || author.name;
let name = author.name || author.email;
// Get an existing identity or create a new one. Creating an identity
// automatically creates a person record with the provided name.
identity = SnowlIdentity.get(this.id, externalID) ||
SnowlIdentity.create(this.id, externalID, name);
authorID = identity.personID;
// FIXME: handle titles that contain markup or are missing.
messageID = this.addSimpleMessage(this.id, aExternalID,
aEntry.title.text, authorID,
aTimestamp, aReceived, aEntry.link);
// Add parts
if (aEntry.content) {
if (aEntry.summary) {
// Add metadata.
let fields = aEntry.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFeedContainer).
while (fields.hasMoreElements()) {
let field = fields.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsIProperty);
// FIXME: create people records for these.
if (field.name == "authors") {
let values = field.value.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIArray).enumerate();
while (values.hasMoreElements()) {
let value = values.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFeedPerson);
// FIXME: store people records in a separate table with individual
// columns for each person attribute (i.e. name, email, url)?
value.name && value.email ? value.name + "<" + value.email + ">"
: value.name ? value.name : value.email);
else if (field.name == "links") {
let values = field.value.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIArray).enumerate();
while (values.hasMoreElements()) {
let value = values.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsIPropertyBag2);
// FIXME: store link records in a separate table with individual
// colums for each link attribute (i.e. href, type, rel, title)?
"atom:link_" + value.get("rel"),
// For some reason, the values of certain simple fields (like RSS2 guid)
// are property bags containing the value instead of the value itself.
// For those, we need to unwrap the extra layer. This strange behavior
// has been filed as bug 427907.
else if (typeof field.value == "object") {
if (field.value instanceof Ci.nsIPropertyBag2) {
let value = field.value.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIPropertyBag2).get(field.name);
this._addMetadatum(messageID, field.name, value);
else if (field.value instanceof Ci.nsIArray) {
let values = field.value.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIArray).enumerate();
while (values.hasMoreElements()) {
// FIXME: values might not always have this interface.
let value = values.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsIPropertyBag2);
this._addMetadatum(messageID, field.name, value.get(field.name));
this._addMetadatum(messageID, field.name, field.value);
catch(ex) {
this._log.error("couldn't add " + aExternalID + ": " + ex);
Observers.notify("snowl:message:added", SnowlMessage.get(messageID));
return messageID;
* Given an entry, generate an ID for it based on a hash of its link,
* published, and title attributes. Useful for uniquely identifying entries
* that don't provide their own IDs.
* @param entry {nsIFeedEntry} the entry for which to generate an ID
* @returns {string} an ID for the entry
_generateID: function(entry) {
let hasher = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/hash;1"].
let identity = stringToArray(entry.link.spec + entry.published + entry.title.text);
hasher.update(identity, identity.length);
return "urn:" + hasher.finish(true);
// FIXME: Make the rest of this stuff be part of a superclass from which
// this class is derived.
* Add a message with a single part to the datastore.
* @param aSourceID {integer} the record ID of the message source
* @param aExternalID {string} the external ID of the message
* @param aSubject {string} the title of the message
* @param aAuthorID {string} the author of the message
* @param aTimestamp {Date} the date/time at which the message was sent
* @param aLink {nsIURI} a link to the content of the message,
* if the content is hosted on a server
* @returns {integer} the internal ID of the newly-created message
addSimpleMessage: function(aSourceID, aExternalID, aSubject, aAuthorID,
aTimestamp, aReceived, aLink) {
let messageID =
aLink ? aLink.spec : null);
return messageID;
_addMetadatum: function(aMessageID, aAttributeName, aValue) {
// FIXME: speed this up by caching the list of known attributes.
let attributeID = SnowlDatastore.selectAttributeID(aAttributeName)
|| SnowlDatastore.insertAttribute(aAttributeName);
SnowlDatastore.insertMetadatum(aMessageID, attributeID, aValue);
// Subscription
_subscribeCallback: null,
subscribe: function(callback) {
Observers.notify("snowl:subscribe:connect:start", this);
this._subscribeCallback = callback;
this._log.info("subscribing to " + this.machineURI.spec);
let request = Cc["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlhttprequest;1"].createInstance();
request = request.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDOMEventTarget);
let t = this;
request.addEventListener("load", function(e) { t.onSubscribeLoad(e) }, false);
request.addEventListener("error", function(e) { t.onSubscribeError(e) }, false);
request = request.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIXMLHttpRequest);
// The feed processor is going to parse the XML, so override the MIME type
// in order to turn off parsing by XMLHttpRequest itself.
request.open("GET", this.machineURI.spec, true);
// Register a listener for notification callbacks so we handle authentication.
request.channel.notificationCallbacks = this;
onSubscribeLoad: function(aEvent) {
let request = aEvent.target;
// The load event can fire even with a non 2xx code, so handle as error
if (request.status < 200 || request.status > 299) {
// XXX What's the right way to handle this?
if (request.responseText.length == 0) {
Observers.notify("snowl:subscribe:connect:end", this, request.status);
// _authInfo only gets set if we prompted the user to authenticate
// and the user checked the "remember password" box. Since we're here,
// it means the request succeeded, so we save the login.
if (this._authInfo)
let parser = Cc["@mozilla.org/feed-processor;1"].
parser.listener = { t: this, handleResult: function(r) { this.t.onSubscribeResult(r) } };
parser.parseFromString(request.responseText, request.channel.URI);
onSubscribeError: function(aEvent) {
let request = aEvent.target;
// Sometimes an attempt to retrieve status text throws NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE.
let statusText;
try {statusText = request.statusText;} catch(ex) {statusText = "[no status text]"}
this._log.error("onSubscribeError: " + request.status + " (" + statusText + ")");
Observers.notify("snowl:subscribe:connect:end", this, request.status);
if (this._subscribeCallback)
onSubscribeResult: strand(function(aResult) {
let feed;
try {
feed = aResult.doc.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIFeed);
// Extract the name (if we don't already have one) and human URI from the feed.
if (!this.name)
this.name = feed.title.plainText();
this.humanURI = feed.link;
// Observers.notify("snowl:sources:changed");
// Refresh the feed to import all its items.
// FIXME: use a date provided by the subscriber so refresh times are the same
// for all accounts subscribed at the same time (f.e. in an OPML import).
yield this._processRefresh(aResult, new Date());
catch(ex) {
this._log.error("error on subscribe result: " + feed.toSource());
this._log.error("error on subscribe result: " + ex);
Observers.notify("snowl:subscribe:connect:end", this, "error:" + ex);
finally {
if (this._subscribeCallback)
_saveLogin: function() {
let lm = Cc["@mozilla.org/login-manager;1"].getService(Ci.nsILoginManager);
// Create a new login with the auth information we obtained from the user.
let LoginInfo = new Components.Constructor("@mozilla.org/login-manager/loginInfo;1",
// XXX Should we be using channel.URI.prePath in case the old URI
// redirects us to a new one at a different hostname?
let newLogin = new LoginInfo(this.machineURI.prePath,
// Get existing logins that have the same hostname and realm.
let logins = lm.findLogins({}, this.machineURI.prePath, null, this._authInfo.realm);
// Try to figure out if we should replace one of the existing logins.
// If there's only one existing login, we replace it. Otherwise, if
// there's a login with the same username, we replace that. Otherwise,
// we add the new login instead of replacing an existing one.
let oldLogin;
if (logins.length == 1)
oldLogin = logins[0];
else if (logins.length > 1)
oldLogin = logins.filter(function(v) v.username == this._authInfo.username)[0];
if (oldLogin)
lm.modifyLogin(oldLogin, newLogin);
// Now that we've saved the login, we don't need the auth info anymore.
this._authInfo = null;