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/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is Snowl.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Mozilla.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2008
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Myk Melez <myk@mozilla.org>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
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* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
let EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["SnowlMessage", "SnowlMessagePart"];
const Cc = Components.classes;
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
const Cr = Components.results;
const Cu = Components.utils;
// modules that come with Firefox
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/utils.js"); // Places
// modules that are generic
// modules that are Snowl-specific
function SnowlMessage(props) {
for (let name in props)
this[name] = props[name];
// FIXME: refactor this with the similar code in the SnowlCollection::messages getter.
// FIXME: retrieve multiple messages in a single query.
SnowlMessage.retrieve = function(id) {
let message;
// FIXME: memoize this.
let statement = SnowlDatastore.createStatement(
"SELECT sourceID, externalID, subject, authorID, timestamp, received, link, current, read " +
"FROM messages WHERE messages.id = :id"
try {
statement.params.id = id;
if (statement.step()) {
message = new SnowlMessage({
id: id,
source: SnowlService.sourcesByID[statement.row.sourceID],
externalID: statement.row.externalID,
subject: statement.row.subject,
timestamp: SnowlDateUtils.julianToJSDate(statement.row.timestamp),
received: SnowlDateUtils.julianToJSDate(statement.row.received),
link: statement.row.link ? URI.get(statement.row.link) : null,
current: statement.row.current,
read: statement.row.read ? true : false
if (statement.row.authorID) {
message.author = SnowlIdentity.retrieve(statement.row.authorID);
// Duplicate the author name in the authorName property so sorting
// by author in the list view works.
// FIXME: come up with a better fix for this hack.
message.authorName = message.author.person.name;
finally {
if (message) {
message.summary = message._getPart(PART_TYPE_SUMMARY);
message.content = message._getPart(PART_TYPE_CONTENT);
return message;
SnowlMessage.delete = function(aMessage) {
let message = aMessage;
let messageID = message.id;
let current = message.current;
try {
// Delete messages
SnowlDatastore.dbConnection.executeSimpleSQL("DELETE FROM partsText " +
"WHERE docid IN " +
"(SELECT id FROM parts WHERE messageID = " + messageID + ")");
//this._log.info("_deleteMessages: Delete messages PARTSTEXT DONE");
SnowlDatastore.dbConnection.executeSimpleSQL("DELETE FROM parts " +
"WHERE messageID = " + messageID);
//this._log.info("_deleteMessages: Delete messages PARTS DONE");
// If a message is current and marked deleted, need to keep the record so
// duplicates are not re added upon refresh. So we move to a pending purge
// state and delete the rest of the message.
SnowlDatastore.dbConnection.executeSimpleSQL("UPDATE messages " +
" WHERE id = " + messageID);
SnowlDatastore.dbConnection.executeSimpleSQL("DELETE FROM messages " +
"WHERE id = " + messageID);
//this._log.info("_deleteMessages: Delete messages DONE");
if (message.author && !SnowlService.hasAuthorMessage(message.author.person.id)) {
// Delete people/identities; author's only message has been deleted.
SnowlDatastore.dbConnection.executeSimpleSQL("DELETE FROM people " +
"WHERE id = " + message.author.person.id);
SnowlDatastore.dbConnection.executeSimpleSQL("DELETE FROM identities " +
"WHERE id = " + message.author.id);
// Finally, clean up Places bookmark by author's placeID. A collections
// tree rebuild is triggered by Places on removeItem of a visible item,
// triggering a select event. Need to bypass in onSelect.
SnowlMessage.prototype.CollectionsView.noSelect = true;
//this._log.info("_deleteMessages: Delete DONE authorID - "+authorID);
// PlacesUtils.history.removePage(URI(this.MESSAGE_URI + messageID));
//SnowlPlaces._log.info("_deleteMessages: Delete DONE messageID - "+messageID);
catch(ex) {
throw ex;
SnowlMessage.markDeleted = function(aMessage) {
let message = aMessage;
let messageID = message.id;
try {
// Mark message deleted, make sure this caller checks for non delete status first.
"UPDATE messages SET current =" +
" WHEN current = " + MESSAGE_CURRENT +
" END)" +
" WHERE id = " + messageID
catch(ex) {
throw ex;
SnowlMessage.prototype = {
id: null,
source: null,
externalID: null,
subject: null,
author: null,
link: null,
timestamp: null,
received: null,
read: false,
current: null,
summary: null,
content: null,
get excerpt() {
let construct = this.content || this.summary;
if (!construct)
return null;
let contentText = construct.plainText();
// XXX Does an ellipsis need to be localizable?
// FIXME: use a real ellipsis character (…, a.k.a. …).
return contentText.substring(0, 140) + (contentText.length > 140 ? "..." : "");
get _getPartStatement() {
let statement = SnowlDatastore.createStatement(
"SELECT id, content, mediaType, baseURI, languageTag FROM parts " +
"WHERE messageID = :messageID AND partType = :partType"
this.__defineGetter__("_getPartStatement", function() { return statement });
return this._getPartStatement;
_getPart: function(aPartType) {
let part = null;
try {
this._getPartStatement.params.messageID = this.id;
this._getPartStatement.params.partType = aPartType;
if (this._getPartStatement.step()) {
part = new SnowlMessagePart({ id: this._getPartStatement.row.id,
partType: aPartType,
content: this._getPartStatement.row.content,
mediaType: this._getPartStatement.row.mediaType,
baseURI: URI.get(this._getPartStatement.row.baseURI),
languageTag: this._getPartStatement.row.languageTag });
finally {
return part;
get _insertMessageStmt() {
// FIXME: persist message.current.
let statement = SnowlDatastore.createStatement(
"INSERT INTO messages " +
"( sourceID, externalID, subject, authorID, timestamp, received, link, " + /*current, */ " read) " +
"(:sourceID, :externalID, :subject, :authorID, :timestamp, :received, :link, " + /*:current, */ ":read)"
this.__defineGetter__("_insertMessageStmt", function() statement);
return this._insertMessageStmt;
get _updateMessageStmt() {
let statement = SnowlDatastore.createStatement(
"UPDATE messages SET " +
"sourceID = :sourceID, " +
"externalID = :externalID, " +
"subject = :subject, " +
"authorID = :authorID, " +
"timestamp = :timestamp, " +
"received = :received, " +
"link = :link, " +
// FIXME: persist message.current.
//"current = :current, " +
"read = :read " +
"WHERE id = :id"
this.__defineGetter__("_updateMessageStmt", function() statement);
return this._updateMessageStmt;
* Persist the message to the messages table.
* @returns {integer} the ID of the newly-created record
persist: function() {
let added = false;
// The message might already be stored, even if we don't have an ID for it
// (we might have retrieved it from its source), so try to get its ID
// from the datastore before storing it, so we know whether to create a new
// record for it or update an existing one.
if (!this.id) {
this.id = this._getInternalID();
// If this SnowlMessage instance doesn't have an ID (i.e. we've just
// retrieved it from its source), but the message does exist in the
// datastore, then override the default value of the read property
// with its value in the datastore, so messages that have been marked
// read don't get unmarked the next time we retrieve them.
// This is something of a hack; right now |read| is the only property
// that we persist and restore that can change for an existing message,
// and we have to override the default value with the persisted value
// when persisting a message that we've just retrieved from its source.
// Perhaps we should distinguish between initial persistence of a new
// message and updating of an existing message so we can apply different
// rules in those two situations, although there's still the difficult
// question of what those rules are.
if (this.id)
this.read = this._getRead();
if (this.author)
// Determine whether to update an existing record or create a new one,
// and set any params that are specific to the type of query we execute.
let statement;
if (this.id) {
statement = this._updateMessageStmt;
statement.params.id = this.id;
else {
statement = this._insertMessageStmt;
// Set params that are common to both types of queries.
statement.params.sourceID = this.source.id;
statement.params.externalID = this.externalID;
statement.params.subject = this.subject;
statement.params.authorID = this.author ? this.author.id : null;
statement.params.timestamp = SnowlDateUtils.jsToJulianDate(this.timestamp);
statement.params.received = SnowlDateUtils.jsToJulianDate(this.received);
statement.params.link = this.link ? this.link.spec : null;
// FIXME: persist message.current.
//statement.params.current = this.current;
statement.params.read = this.read;
if (this.id) {
// FIXME: update the message parts (content, summary).
else {
added = true;
this.id = SnowlDatastore.dbConnection.lastInsertRowID;
if (this.content)
if (this.summary)
if (added)
Observers.notify("snowl:message:added", this);
return added;
get _getInternalIDStmt() {
let statement = SnowlDatastore.createStatement(
"SELECT id FROM messages WHERE sourceID = :sourceID AND externalID = :externalID"
this.__defineGetter__("_getInternalIDStmt", function() statement);
return this._getInternalIDStmt;
* Get the internal ID of the message.
* @returns {Number}
* the internal ID of the message, or undefined if the message
* doesn't exist in the datastore
_getInternalID: function() {
let internalID;
try {
this._getInternalIDStmt.params.sourceID = this.source.id;
this._getInternalIDStmt.params.externalID = this.externalID;
if (this._getInternalIDStmt.step())
internalID = this._getInternalIDStmt.row["id"];
finally {
return internalID;
get _getReadStmt() {
let statement = SnowlDatastore.createStatement(
"SELECT read FROM messages WHERE id = :id"
this.__defineGetter__("_getReadStmt", function() statement);
return this._getReadStmt;
* Get the read status of the message.
* @returns {Boolean}
* the read status of the message
_getRead: function() {
let read;
try {
this._getReadStmt.params.id = this.id;
if (this._getReadStmt.step())
read = this._getReadStmt.row.read;
finally {
return read;
get CollectionsView() {
delete this._CollectionsView;
return this._CollectionsView = SnowlService.gBrowserWindow.document.
function SnowlMessagePart(properties) {
[this[name] = properties[name] for (name in properties)];
SnowlMessagePart.prototype = {
id: null,
partType: null,
content: null,
mediaType: null,
baseURI: null,
languageTag: null,
get textConstruct() {
let textConstruct = Cc["@mozilla.org/feed-textconstruct;1"].
textConstruct.text = this.content;
textConstruct.type = TEXT_CONSTRUCT_TYPES[this.mediaType];
textConstruct.base = this.baseURI;
textConstruct.lang = this.languageTag;
this.__defineGetter__("textConstruct", function() textConstruct);
return this.textConstruct;
// Implement nsIFeedTextConstruct properties for backwards-compatibility
// until we update all callers to use the new API for this object.
get text() this.textConstruct.text,
get type() this.textConstruct.type,
get base() this.textConstruct.base,
get lang() this.textConstruct.lang,
plainText: function() this.textConstruct.plainText(),
createDocumentFragment: function(element) this.textConstruct.createDocumentFragment(element),
get _stmtInsertPart() {
let statement = SnowlDatastore.createStatement(
"INSERT INTO parts( messageID, content, mediaType, partType, baseURI, languageTag) " +
"VALUES (:messageID, :content, :mediaType, :partType, :baseURI, :languageTag)"
this.__defineGetter__("_stmtInsertPart", function() statement);
return this._stmtInsertPart;
get _stmtInsertPartText() {
let statement = SnowlDatastore.createStatement(
"INSERT INTO partsText( docid, content) " +
"VALUES (:docid, :content)"
this.__defineGetter__("_stmtInsertPartText", function() statement);
return this._stmtInsertPartText;
persist: function(message) {
if (this.id) {
// FIXME: update the existing record as appropriate.
else {
this._stmtInsertPart.params.messageID = message.id;
this._stmtInsertPart.params.partType = this.partType;
this._stmtInsertPart.params.content = this.content;
this._stmtInsertPart.params.mediaType = this.mediaType;
this._stmtInsertPart.params.baseURI = (this.baseURI ? this.baseURI.spec : null);
this._stmtInsertPart.params.languageTag = this.languageTag;
this.id = SnowlDatastore.dbConnection.lastInsertRowID;
// Insert a plaintext version of the content into the partsText fulltext
// table, converting it to plaintext first if necessary (and possible).
switch (this.mediaType) {
case "text/html":
case "application/xhtml+xml":
case "text/plain":
// Give the fulltext record the same doc ID as the row ID of the parts
// record so we can join them together to get the part (and thence the
// message) when doing a fulltext search.
this._stmtInsertPartText.params.docid = this.id;
this._stmtInsertPartText.params.content = this.plainText();
// It isn't a type we understand, so don't do anything with it.
// XXX If it's text/*, shouldn't we fulltext index it anyway?