
902 строки
34 KiB

/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is the Feed Subscribe Handler.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Google Inc.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2006
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Ben Goodger <>
* Asaf Romano <>
* Myk Melez <>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
* and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
const Cc = Components.classes;
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
const Cr = Components.results;
const Cu = Components.utils;
// modules that come with Firefox
// modules that should come with Firefox
// modules that are Snowl-specific
const XML_NS = ""
const XUL_NS = "";
const HTML_NS = "";
let gBrowserWindow = window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).
let gMessageViewWindow = window;
let SnowlMessageView = {
get _log() {
delete this._log;
return this._log = Log4Moz.Service.getLogger("Snowl.River");
// Favicon Service
get _faviconSvc() {
let faviconSvc = Cc[";1"].
delete this._faviconSvc;
this._faviconSvc = faviconSvc;
return this._faviconSvc;
get _currentButton() {
let currentButton = document.getElementById("currentButton");
delete this._currentButton;
this._currentButton = currentButton;
return this._currentButton;
get _bodyButton() {
let bodyButton = document.getElementById("bodyButton");
delete this._bodyButton;
this._bodyButton = bodyButton;
return this._bodyButton;
get _columnsButton() {
let columnsButton = document.getElementById("columnsButton");
delete this._columnsButton;
this._columnsButton = columnsButton;
return this._columnsButton;
get _filterTextbox() {
delete this._filterTextbox;
return this._filterTextbox = document.getElementById("filterTextbox");
get _periodMenu() {
delete this._periodMenu;
return this._periodMenu = document.getElementById("periodMenu");
get _periodMenuPopup() {
delete this._periodMenuPopup;
return this._periodMenuPopup = document.getElementById("periodMenuPopup");
get _periodStartTime() {
if (!this._periodMenu.selectedItem)
return 0;
switch (this._periodMenu.selectedItem.value) {
case "today":
return SnowlDateUtils.jsToJulianDate(;
case "yesterday":
return SnowlDateUtils.jsToJulianDate(SnowlDateUtils.yesterday);
case "last7days":
return SnowlDateUtils.jsToJulianDate(SnowlDateUtils.sixDaysAgo.epoch);
case "last4weeks":
return SnowlDateUtils.jsToJulianDate(SnowlDateUtils.twentySevenDaysAgo.epoch);
case "all":
return 0;
get _periodEndTime() {
if (!this._periodMenu.selectedItem)
return Number.MAX_VALUE;
switch (this._periodMenu.selectedItem.value) {
// Yesterday means only that day, but the rest of the periods are fairly
// open-ended, since they all include today, and in theory there shouldn't
// be any messages received after today. I suppose we could exclude
// messages received in the future from these categories, but since that
// situation is exceptional, it's probably better to show those.
case "yesterday":
return SnowlDateUtils.jsToJulianDate(;
case "today":
case "last7days":
case "last4weeks":
case "all":
return Number.MAX_VALUE;
// The set of messages to display in the view.
_collection: null,
// whether or not the content area has scrollbars
_hasHorizontalScrollbar: false,
_hasVerticalScrollbar: false,
// the width (narrower dimension) of the vertical and horizontal scrollbars;
// useful for calculating the viewable size of the viewport, since window.
// innerWidth and innerHeight include the area taken up by the scrollbars
// XXX Is this value correct, and does it vary by platform?
scrollbarWidth: 15,
get contentStylesheet() {
for (let i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++)
if (document.styleSheets[i].href == "chrome://snowl/content/riverContent.css")
return document.styleSheets[i];
return null;
set columnWidth(newVal) {
this._updateContentRule(0, "#contentStack[columns] > #contentBox " +
"{ -moz-column-width: " + newVal + "px }");
// Set the maximum width for images in the content so they don't stick out
// the side of the columns.
this._updateContentRule(1, "#contentBox img { max-width: " + newVal + "px }");
_updateContentRule: function(position, newValue) {
this.contentStylesheet.insertRule(newValue, position);
set contentHeight(newVal) {
document.getElementById("contentBox").style.height = newVal + "px";
// Make the column splitter as tall as the content box. It doesn't
// resize itself, perhaps because it's (absolutely positioned) in a stack.
document.getElementById("columnResizeSplitter").style.height = newVal + "px";
// Set the maximum height for images and tables in the content so they
// don't make the columns taller than the height of the content box.
this._updateContentRule(2, "#contentBox img { max-height: " + newVal + "px }");
this._updateContentRule(3, "#contentBox table { max-height: " + newVal + "px }");
_window: null,
_document: null,
// Initialization
init: function() {
// FIXME: use the Observers module to observe message change
// or message added notifications and rebuild the view when they happen.
// FIXME: simplify the way the view gets built after the collections view
// gets loaded to make this code less buggy and easier to hack.
// Finish initializing after a brief timeout to give the collections view
// time to initialize itself.
let t = this;
window.setTimeout(function() { t._initDelayed() }, 0);
_initDelayed: function() {
// Resize the content box to the initial size of the browser.
// Listen for resize events so we can resize the content box when the size
// of the browser changes. We set this event listener here rather than
// in an onresize attribute on the page element because loading this view
// on startup can cause a resize event to fire before the view is loaded
// (and thus before SnowlMessageView has been defined), which would cause
// an attribute-based listener to throw an exception.
function() SnowlMessageView.resizeContentBox(),
// Explicitly wrap |window| in an XPCNativeWrapper to make sure
// it's a real native object! This will throw an exception if we
// get a non-native object.
this._window = new XPCNativeWrapper(window);
this._document = this._window.document;
//this._collection = new SnowlCollection();
* Resize the content box to the height of the viewport. We have to do this
* because of bug 434683.
resizeContentBox: function() {
let toolbarHeight = document.getElementById("toolbar").boxObject.height;
// We do this on load, when there isn't yet a horizontal scrollbar,
// but we anticipate that there probably will be one, so we include it
// in the calculation. Perhap we should instead wait to resize
// the content box until the content actually overflows horizontally.
// XXX Why do I have to subtract *double* the width of the scrollbar???
// Maybe it's because of the 7px padding all around the contentBox?
this.contentHeight =
window.innerHeight - (this.scrollbarWidth*2) - toolbarHeight;
_setMidnightTimout: function() {
let t = this;
let now = new Date();
let msUntilMidnight = SnowlDateUtils.tomorrow - now;"setting midnight timeout for " + new Date(now.getTime() + msUntilMidnight));
window.setTimeout(function() { t.onMidnight() }, msUntilMidnight);
// Toolbar
_updateToolbar: function() {
this._params = {};
let query =;
for each (let param in query.split("&")) {
let name, value;
if (param.indexOf("=") != -1) {
[name, value] = param.split("=");
value = decodeURIComponent(value);
name = param;
this._params[name] = value;
if ("current" in this._params)
this._currentButton.checked = true;
if ("body" in this._params) {
this._bodyButton.checked = true;
if ("filter" in this._params)
document.getElementById("filterTextbox").value = this._params.filter;
if ("period" in this._params) {
let item = this._periodMenuPopup.getElementsByAttribute("value", this._params.period)[0];
if (item)
this._periodMenu.selectedItem = item;
if ("columns" in this._params) {
this._columnsButton.checked = true;
// XXX This feels like the wrong place to do this, but I don't see
// a better place at the moment. Yuck, the whole process by which
// the view gets built needs to get cleaned up and documented.
let selected = false;
if ("collection" in this._params) {
//dump("this._params.collection: " + this._params.collection + "; " + + "\n");
for (let i = 0; i < CollectionsView._rows.length; i++) {
let collection = CollectionsView._rows[i];
//dump("collection id: " + + "; parent id: " + (collection.parent ? : "no parent") + "; = " + + "\n");
if ( == this._params.collection) {;
selected = true;
else if ("group" in this._params &&
collection.parent && == this._params.collection && == {;
selected = true;
if (!selected);
onFilter: function(aEvent) {
onCommandCurrentButton: function(aEvent) {
_applyFilters: function() {
let filters = [];
if (this._currentButton.checked)
filters.push({ expression: "current = 1", parameters: {} });
// FIXME: use a left join here once the SQLite bug breaking left joins to
// virtual tables has been fixed (i.e. after we upgrade to SQLite 3.5.7+).
if (this._filterTextbox.value)
filters.push({ expression: " IN (SELECT messageID FROM parts WHERE content MATCH :filter)",
parameters: { filter: this._filterTextbox.value } });
if (this._periodMenu.selectedItem)
filters.push({ expression: "received >= :startTime AND received < :endTime",
parameters: { startTime: this._periodStartTime,
endTime: this._periodEndTime } });
this._collection.filters = filters;
onCommandBodyButton: function() {
_setBody: function(showBody) {
let contentBox = document.getElementById("contentBox");
if (showBody) {
let classes = contentBox.className.split(/\s/);
contentBox.className = classes.join(" ");
else {
contentBox.className = contentBox.className.
filter(function(v) v != "showBody").
join(" ");
onCommandColumnsButton: function() {
_setColumns: function(columns) {
if (columns) {
document.getElementById("contentStack").setAttribute("columns", true);
// Enable the keys that map PageUp and PageDown to PageLeft and PageRight.
else {
document.getElementById("pageLeftKey").setAttribute("disabled", "true");
document.getElementById("pageRightKey").setAttribute("disabled", "true");
onCommandPeriodMenu: function(event) {
_updateURI: function() {
let params = [];
if (this._currentButton.checked)
if (this._bodyButton.checked)
if (this._columnsButton.checked)
// FIXME: don't add the collection if it's the default All collection,
// but do add it if it's already in the list of params.
if (
params.push("collection=" +;
else if (this._collection.parent) {
params.push("collection=" +;
params.push("group=" + encodeURIComponent(;
if (this._filterTextbox.value)
params.push("filter=" + encodeURIComponent(this._filterTextbox.value));
// FIXME: do add the All period if it's already in the list of params.
if (this._periodMenu.selectedItem && this._periodMenu.selectedItem.value != "all")
params.push("period=" + encodeURIComponent(this._periodMenu.selectedItem.value));
let browser = gBrowserWindow.gBrowser.getBrowserForDocument(document);
let currentURI = browser.docShell.currentURI.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIURL);
let query = params.length > 0 ? "?" + params.join("&") : "";
let spec = currentURI.prePath + currentURI.filePath + query;
let uri = Cc[";1"].
newURI(spec, null, null);
// Update the docshell with the new URI. This updates the location bar
// and gets used by the bookmarks service when the user bookmarks the page.
// Update the session history entry for the page with the new URI.
// This gets used when the user reloads the page or traverses history.
let history = browser.sessionHistory;
let historyEntry = history.getEntryAtIndex(history.index, false);
if (historyEntry instanceof Ci.nsISHEntry)
this._log.error("can't update session history URI for " +
"'" + historyEntry.title + "' " +
"<" + historyEntry.URI.spec + ">; " +
"entry is not an instance of nsISHEntry");
// Event Handlers
onMidnight: function() {
doPageMove: function(direction) {
let contentBox = document.getElementById("contentBox");
// element.clientWidth is the width of an element not including the space
// taken up by a vertical scrollbar, if any, so it should be the right
// number of pixels to scroll whether or not there is a vertical scrollbar
// (which there shouldn't ever be but sometimes is anyway because of bugs
// or limitations in the column breaking algorithm). However, for some
// reason clientWidth is actually 18 pixels less than the number of pixels
// to scroll, so we have to add back that number of pixels.
let pixelsToScroll = contentBox.clientWidth + 18;
// FIXME: file a bug on clientWidth being 18 pixels less than the width
// of the page (if it really is; first, measure to make sure it's the case,
// as the bug could be an issue with column placement instead).
this.doMove(direction * pixelsToScroll);
// Note: this doesn't really work because the computed column width
// isn't the same as the actual width. Bug 463828 is about Gecko providing
// a way to get the actual width (perhaps by making the computed width
// be the actual width).
// FIXME: fix this once bug 463828 is fixed.
doColumnMove: function(direction) {
let contentBox = document.getElementById("contentBox");
let computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(contentBox, null);
let columnWidth = parseInt(computedStyle.MozColumnWidth) +
this.doMove(direction * columnWidth);
doMove: function(pixels) {
let contentBox = document.getElementById("contentBox");
contentBox.scrollLeft = contentBox.scrollLeft + pixels;
onHome: function() {
let contentBox = document.getElementById("contentBox");
contentBox.scrollLeft = 0;
onEnd: function() {
let contentBox = document.getElementById("contentBox");
contentBox.scrollLeft = contentBox.scrollWidth;
* Handle overflow and underflow events. |event.detail| is 0 if vertical flow
* changed, 1 if horizontal flow changed, and 2 if both changed.
onFlowChange: function(event) {
let val = event.type == "overflow" ? true : false;
switch(event.detail) {
case 0:
this._hasVerticalScrollbar = val;
case 1:
this._hasHorizontalScrollbar = val;
case 2:
this._hasVerticalScrollbar = val;
this._hasHorizontalScrollbar = val;
setCollection: function(collection) {
this._collection = collection;
this._collection.sortOrder = -1;
this._collection.sortProperties = ["received", "timestamp"];
// No need to rebuild the view here, as _applyFilters will do it for us.
// XXX Should we pull the call to rebuildView out of _applyFilters?
// Safe DOM Manipulation
* Use this sandbox to run any DOM manipulation code on nodes
* which are already inserted into the content document.
get _contentSandbox() {
delete this._contentSandbox;
return this._contentSandbox = new Cu.Sandbox(this._window);
// FIXME: use this when setting story title and byline.
_setContentText: function FW__setContentText(id, text) {
this._contentSandbox.element = this._document.getElementById(id);
this._contentSandbox.textNode = this._document.createTextNode(text);
let codeStr =
"while (element.hasChildNodes()) " +
" element.removeChild(element.firstChild);" +
Cu.evalInSandbox(codeStr, this._contentSandbox);
this._contentSandbox.element = null;
this._contentSandbox.textNode = null;
// FIXME: use this when linkifying the story title and source.
* Safely sets the href attribute on an anchor tag, providing the URI
* specified can be loaded according to rules.
* XXX Renamed from safeSetURIAttribute to unsafeSetURIAttribute to reflect
* that we've commented out the stuff that makes it safe.
* FIXME: I don't understand the security implications here, but presumably
* there's a reason this is here, and we should be respecting it, so make this
* work by giving each message in a collection have a reference to its source
* and then use the source's URI to create the principal with which we compare
* the URI.
* @param element
* The element to set a URI attribute on
* @param attribute
* The attribute of the element to set the URI to, e.g. href or src
* @param uri
* The URI spec to set as the href
function FW__unsafeSetURIAttribute(element, attribute, uri) {
let secman = Cc[";1"].
const flags = Ci.nsIScriptSecurityManager.DISALLOW_INHERIT_PRINCIPAL;
try {
secman.checkLoadURIStrWithPrincipal(this._feedPrincipal, uri, flags);
// checkLoadURIStrWithPrincipal will throw if the link URI should not be
// loaded, either because our feedURI isn't allowed to load it or per
// the rules specified in |flags|, so we'll never "linkify" the link...
catch (e) {
// Not allowed to load this link because secman.checkLoadURIStr threw
this._contentSandbox.element = element;
this._contentSandbox.uri = uri;
let codeStr = "element.setAttribute('" + attribute + "', uri);";
Cu.evalInSandbox(codeStr, this._contentSandbox);
// Content Generation
rebuildView: function() {
let contentBox = this._document.getElementById("contentBox");
while (contentBox.hasChildNodes())
* A JavaScript Strands Future with which we pause the writing of messages
* so as not to hork the UI thread.
_futureWriteMessages: null,
// FIXME: make group names localizable.
// FIXME: move group names into the SnowlUtils module.
// I wonder if it makes more sense to define groups in a data structure
// that also defines the periods to which they apply and specify start/end
// times rather than epochs (which are essentially start times).
// Among other benefits, we could potentially eliminate unused epochs
// like "The Future" and (in some cases) "Older" while fixing the bug
// that epochs never reached don't appear in the view.
// The groups into which we break up messages. These vary by period,
// since different periods are optimally split up into different groupings.
_groups: {
today: [
{ name: "The Future", epoch: Number.MAX_VALUE },
{ name: "Evening", epoch: SnowlDateUtils.evening( },
{ name: "Afternoon", epoch: SnowlDateUtils.afternoon( },
{ name: "Morning", epoch: SnowlDateUtils.morning( },
{ name: "Wee Hours", epoch: },
{ name: "Older", epoch: 0 }
yesterday: [
{ name: "The Future", epoch: Number.MAX_VALUE },
{ name: "Evening", epoch: SnowlDateUtils.evening(SnowlDateUtils.yesterday) },
{ name: "Afternoon", epoch: SnowlDateUtils.afternoon(SnowlDateUtils.yesterday) },
{ name: "Morning", epoch: SnowlDateUtils.morning(SnowlDateUtils.yesterday) },
{ name: "Wee Hours", epoch: SnowlDateUtils.yesterday },
{ name: "Older", epoch: 0 }
last7days: [
{ name: "The Future", epoch: Number.MAX_VALUE },
{ name: "Today", epoch: },
{ name: "Yesterday", epoch: SnowlDateUtils.yesterday },
{ name:, epoch: SnowlDateUtils.twoDaysAgo.epoch },
{ name:, epoch: SnowlDateUtils.threeDaysAgo.epoch },
{ name:, epoch: SnowlDateUtils.fourDaysAgo.epoch },
{ name:, epoch: SnowlDateUtils.fiveDaysAgo.epoch },
{ name:, epoch: SnowlDateUtils.sixDaysAgo.epoch },
{ name: "Older", epoch: 0 }
last4weeks: [
{ name: "The Future", epoch: Number.MAX_VALUE },
{ name: "Week One", epoch: SnowlDateUtils.tomorrow - (SnowlDateUtils.msInDay * 7) },
{ name: "Week Two", epoch: SnowlDateUtils.tomorrow - (SnowlDateUtils.msInDay * 14) },
{ name: "Week Three", epoch: SnowlDateUtils.tomorrow - (SnowlDateUtils.msInDay * 21) },
{ name: "Week Four", epoch: SnowlDateUtils.tomorrow - (SnowlDateUtils.msInDay * 28) },
{ name: "Older", epoch: 0 }
all: [
{ name: "The Future", epoch: Number.MAX_VALUE },
{ name: "Today", epoch: },
{ name: "Yesterday", epoch: SnowlDateUtils.yesterday },
{ name: "Older", epoch: 0 }
* Sleep the specified number of milliseconds before continuing at the point
* in the caller where this function was called. For the most part, this is
* a generic sleep routine like the one provided by JavaScript Strands,
* but we store the Future this function creates in the _futureWriteMessages
* property so we can interrupt it when writeMessages gets called again
* while it is currently writing messages.
_sleepWriteMessages: strand(function(millis) {
this._futureWriteMessages = new Future();
setTimeout(this._futureWriteMessages.fulfill, millis);
yield this._futureWriteMessages.result();
writeContent: strand(function() {
let begin = new Date();
// Interrupt a strand currently writing messages so we don't both try
// to write messages at the same time.
// FIXME: figure out how to suppress the exception this throws to the error
// console, since this interruption is expected and normal behavior.
if (this._futureWriteMessages)
let contentBox = this._document.getElementById("contentBox");
this._contentSandbox.messages = contentBox;
let period = this._periodMenu.selectedItem ? this._periodMenu.selectedItem.value : "all";
let groups = this._groups[period];
let groupIndex = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < this._collection.messages.length; ++i) {
let message = this._collection.messages[i];
while (message.received < groups[groupIndex].epoch) {
let header = this._document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "checkbox");
header.className = "groupHeader";
header.setAttribute("label", groups[groupIndex].name);
header.setAttribute("checked", "true");
let listener = function(event) { = ? "block" : "none";
header.addEventListener("command", listener, false);
let container = this._document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "div");
container.className = "groupBox";
this._contentSandbox.messages = container;
let messageBox = this._document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "div");
messageBox.className = "message";
messageBox.setAttribute("index", i);
// These are the elements that will be appended to the message box.
let messageIcon, bylineBox, title, excerpt, body;
messageIcon = document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "img");
excerpt = document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "span");
excerpt.className = "excerpt";
// Byline
bylineBox = this._document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "div");
bylineBox.className = "byline";
// Author and/or Source
if (
if (message.source) {
if (
bylineBox.appendChild(this._document.createTextNode(" - "));
// Source
//let source = this._document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "a");
//source.className = "source";
//let sourceIcon = document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "img");
//let sourceFaviconURI = message.source.humanURI || URI.get("urn:use-default-icon");
//sourceIcon.src = this._faviconSvc.getFaviconImageForPage(sourceFaviconURI).spec;
//if (message.source.humanURI)
// this._unsafeSetURIAttribute(source, "href", message.source.humanURI.spec);
// Title
title = this._document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "h2");
title.className = "title";
let titleLink = this._document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "a");
titleLink.appendChild(this._document.createTextNode(message.subject || "untitled"));
if (
this._unsafeSetURIAttribute(titleLink, "href",;
// Body
let bodyText = message.content || message.summary;
if (bodyText) {
body = this._document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "div");
body.className = "body";
if (bodyText.base)
body.setAttributeNS(XML_NS, "base", bodyText.base.spec);
let docFragment = bodyText.createDocumentFragment(body);
if (docFragment) {
// Generate a excerpt of the message.
// FIXME: use an actual ellipsis.
// XXX Does an ellipsis need to be localizable?
body.textContent.substring(0, 140) + ((body.textContent.length > 140) ? "..." : "")));
// Generate an icon representing the message.
let firstImage = body.getElementsByTagName("img")[0];
if (firstImage) {
messageIcon = firstImage.cloneNode(false);
messageIcon.className = "messageIcon";
//// Timestamp
//let lastUpdated = SnowlDateUtils._formatDate(message.timestamp);
//if (lastUpdated) {
// let timestamp = this._document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "span");
// timestamp.className = "timestamp";
// timestamp.appendChild(document.createTextNode(lastUpdated));
// if (bylineBox.hasChildNodes())
// bylineBox.appendChild(this._document.createTextNode(" - "));
// bylineBox.appendChild(timestamp);
// FIXME: implement support for enclosures.
this._contentSandbox.messageBox = messageBox;
let codeStr = "messages.appendChild(messageBox)";
Cu.evalInSandbox(codeStr, this._contentSandbox);
// Sleep after every tenth message so we don't hork the UI thread and users
// can immediately start reading messages while we finish writing them.
if (!(i % 10))
yield this._sleepWriteMessages(0);
this._contentSandbox.messages = null;
this._contentSandbox.messageBox = null;"time spent building view: " + (new Date() - begin) + "ms\n");
let splitterDragObserver = {
onMouseDown: function(event) {
document.documentElement.addEventListener("mousemove", this, false);
onMouseUp: function(event) {
document.documentElement.removeEventListener("mousemove", this, false);
// Note: because this function gets passed directly to setTimeout,
// |this| doesn't reference splitterDragObserver inside the function.
callback: function(width) {
SnowlMessageView.columnWidth = width;
handleEvent: function(event) {
if (this._timeout)
this._timeout = window.clearTimeout(this._timeout);
let width = event.clientX - document.getElementById("contentBox").offsetLeft;
document.getElementById("columnResizeSplitter").left = width;
this._timeout = window.setTimeout(this.callback, 500, width);