Simple and flexible tool for managing secrets
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Julien Vehent 14c2b7b148 add test json file 2015-08-14 08:38:38 -04:00
README.rst 0.1 prototype 2015-08-13 18:10:45 -04:00
sops add test json file 2015-08-14 08:38:38 -04:00
test.json add test json file 2015-08-14 08:38:38 -04:00
test.yaml small bug in decrypt of nested values 2015-08-14 08:18:11 -04:00


SOPS: Secrets OPerationS
`sops` is a cli that encrypt values of yaml, json or text files using AWS KMS.

* `boto3 <>`_
* `ruamel.yaml <>`_; requires
  libyaml-devel and python-devel prior to `pip install`-ing it.

.. code::

	sudo yum install libyaml-devel python-devel
	sudo pip install ruamel.yaml

* `cryptography <>`_; requires
  libffi-devel prior to `pip install`-ing it.

.. code::

	sudo yum install libffi-devel
	sudo pip install cryptography



`sops` encrypted file contain the necessary KMS information to decrypt their
content. All a user of `sops` need is valid AWS credentials and the necessary
permissions on KMS keys.

Given that, the only command a `sops` user need is:

.. code:: bash

	$ sops <file>

`<file>` will be opened, decrypted, passed to a text editor (vim by default),
encrypted if modified, and save back to its original location. All of these
steps, apart from the actual editing, are transparent to the user.


In order to create a file, the KMS ARN must be provided to `sops`, either on the
command line in the `-k` flag, or in the environment variable **SOPS_KMS_ARN**.

`sops` automatically create a file if the given path doesn't exist (it will not
create folders, however).

.. code:: bash

	$ sops newfile.yaml -k arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:656532927350:key/920aff2e-c5f1-4040-943a-047fa387b27e
	newfile.yaml doesn't exist, creating it.
	new data key generated from kms: CiC6yCOtzsnFhkfdIs...
	file written to newfile.yaml

	$ ./sops -d newfile.yaml 2>/dev/null
	mysecretkey: value12345abcdef
		enc: CiC6yCOtzsnFhkvfd...
		enc_ts: 1439502977.62264
		arn: arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:656532927350:key/920aff2e-c5f1-4040-943a-047fa387b27e

To create and encrypt a file without specifying the KMS ARN in `-k`:

.. code:: bash

	$ export SOPS_KMS_ARN="arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:656532927350:key/920aff2e-c5f1-4040-943a-047fa387b27e"
	$ sops newfile.yaml


To read an encrypted file without opening an editor, use `-d` flag. The
content of the file is sent to **stdout**, and accompanying messages are
sent to **stderr** (can be ignored with `2>/dev/null`).

.. code:: bash

	$ sops -d newfile.yaml

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* Julien Vehent