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#!/usr/bin/env python
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License,
# v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can
# obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
import ftplib
import logging
import os
import requests
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
import stoneridge
LINUX_SUBDIRS = ('try-linux64',) # We only do 64-bit linux tests
MAC_SUBDIRS = ('try-macosx64',) # There is only one OS X build
WINDOWS_SUBDIRS = ('try-win32',) # win64 is unsupported, so ignore it for now
EMAIL_MESSAGE = '''Hello, %s
This is the Stone Ridge service. Unfortunately, I have had to cancel your test
run for the following reason:
I hope this doesn't impact the happiness of your day too significantly.
My sincerest (for a computer) apologies,
-Stone Ridge
class StoneRidgeCloner(object):
"""This runs on the central stone ridge server, and downloads releases from
ftp.m.o to a local directory that is served up to the clients by a plain
ol' web server. Those clients use stoneridge_downloader.py to get the files
they need from the central server.
def __init__(self, nightly, srid, operating_systems, netconfigs,
ldap, sha, attempt):
self.host = stoneridge.get_config('cloner', 'host')
self.nightly = nightly
self.outroot = stoneridge.get_config('cloner', 'output')
self.srid = srid
self.outdir = os.path.join(self.outroot, srid)
self.keep = stoneridge.get_config_int('cloner', 'keep', default=50)
self.max_attempts = stoneridge.get_config_int('cloner', 'attempts')
self.operating_systems = operating_systems
self.netconfigs = netconfigs
self.ldap = ldap
self.sha = sha
self.attempt = attempt
if not os.path.exists(self.outroot):
root = stoneridge.get_config('cloner', 'root')
if nightly:
self.path = '/'.join([root, 'nightly', 'latest-mozilla-central'])
self.path = '/'.join([root, 'try-builds', '%s-%s' % (ldap, sha)])
logging.debug('host: %s' % (self.host,))
logging.debug('path: %s' % (self.path,))
logging.debug('nightly: %s' % (self.nightly,))
logging.debug('srid: %s' % (self.srid,))
logging.debug('output root: %s' % (self.outroot,))
logging.debug('output directory: %s' % (self.outdir,))
logging.debug('keep history: %s' % (self.keep,))
logging.debug('max attempts: %s' % (self.max_attempts,))
logging.debug('operating systems: %s' % (self.operating_systems,))
logging.debug('netconfigs: %s' % (self.netconfigs,))
logging.debug('ldap: %s' % (self.ldap,))
logging.debug('sha: %s' % (self.sha,))
logging.debug('attempt: %s' % (self.attempt,))
self.prefix = ''
def _gather_filelist(self, path):
"""Get the list of files available on our FTP server
Returns: list of filenames relative to the path on the server
logging.debug('gathering files from ftp server')
ftp = ftplib.FTP(self.host)
files = ftp.nlst()
# We blanket-catch exceptions here, because we want the error
# handling in the top level to take precedence for ANY problem that
# happens while listing the directory. Logging helps us track down
# unexpected errors that may occur.
logging.exception('Unable to list files in %s' % (path,))
return []
logging.debug('files in %s: %s' % (path, files))
return files
def _build_dl_url(self, try_subdir, fname):
"""Create a download (https) URL for a particular file
Returns: a URL string
logging.debug('creating download url for %s' % (fname,))
remotefile = self.path
if not self.nightly:
remotefile = '/'.join([remotefile, try_subdir])
remotefile = '/'.join([remotefile, fname])
logging.debug('remote filename: %s' % (remotefile,))
url = 'https://%s%s' % (self.host, remotefile)
logging.debug('url: %s' % (url,))
return url
def _get_prefix(self, files):
"""Get the filename prefix that is common to all the files we'll need
to download
Returns: <prefix (string)>
logging.debug('getting filename prefix')
prefixfile = [f for f in files if f.endswith('.checksums.asc')][-1]
prefix = prefixfile.replace('.checksums.asc', '')
prefix = prefix.rsplit('.', 1)[0] # Strip off the platform information
logging.debug('filename prefix: %s' % (prefix,))
return prefix
def _ensure_outdir(self, platform):
"""Ensure the output directory for a platform exists
logging.debug('ensuring output directory for %s exists' % (platform,))
if not os.path.exists(self.outdir):
logging.debug('creating outdir %s' % (self.outdir,))
platdir = os.path.join(self.outdir, platform)
logging.debug('platform directory: %s' % (platdir,))
if not os.path.exists(platdir):
logging.debug('creating platform directory %s' % (platdir,))
def _dl_to_file(self, url, outfile):
"""Download the file at <url> and save it to the file
at <outfile>
logging.debug('downloading %s => %s' % (url, outfile))
resp = requests.get(url, timeout=30000)
with file(outfile, 'wb') as f:
logging.debug('writing file contents')
def _dl_test_zip(self, try_subdir, archid, outdir):
"""Download the test zip for a particular architecture id (<archid>)
and save it at <outdir>/tests.zip
logging.debug('downloading test zip for %s to %s' % (archid, outdir))
srcfile = '%s.%s.tests.zip' % (self.prefix, archid)
logging.debug('zip source filename: %s' % (srcfile,))
url = self._build_dl_url(try_subdir, srcfile)
outfile = os.path.join(self.outdir, outdir, 'tests.zip')
logging.debug('zip dest filename: %s' % (outfile,))
self._dl_to_file(url, outfile)
def _clone_mac(self):
"""Clone the dmg and tests zip for the mac build
logging.debug('cloning mac build')
logging.debug('downloading firefox dmg')
dmg = '%s.mac.dmg' % (self.prefix,)
logging.debug('dmg source filename: %s' % (dmg,))
url = self._build_dl_url(MAC_SUBDIRS[0], dmg)
outfile = os.path.join(self.outdir, 'mac', 'firefox.dmg')
logging.debug('dmg dest filename: %s' % (outfile,))
self._dl_to_file(url, outfile)
self._dl_test_zip(MAC_SUBDIRS[0], 'mac', 'mac')
def _clone_linux(self):
"""Clone the .tar.bz2 and tests zip for both 32-bit and 64-bit linux
logging.debug('cloning linux builds')
archids = ('x86_64',)
outdirs = ('linux64',)
for archid, outdir, subdir in zip(archids, outdirs, LINUX_SUBDIRS):
logging.debug('architecture: %s' % (archid,))
logging.debug('outdir: %s' % (outdir,))
logging.debug('downloading firefox tarball')
srcfile = '%s.linux-%s.tar.bz2' % (self.prefix, archid)
logging.debug('tarball source filename: %s' % (srcfile,))
url = self._build_dl_url(subdir, srcfile)
outfile = os.path.join(self.outdir, outdir, 'firefox.tar.bz2')
logging.debug('tarball dest filename: %s' % (outfile,))
self._dl_to_file(url, outfile)
self._dl_test_zip(subdir, 'linux-%s' % (archid,), outdir)
def _clone_win(self):
"""Clone the firefox zip and tests zip for both 32-bit and 64-bit
windows builds
logging.debug('cloning windows build')
logging.debug('downloading firefox zip')
srcfile = '%s.win32.zip' % (self.prefix,)
logging.debug('zip source filename: %s' % (srcfile,))
url = self._build_dl_url(WINDOWS_SUBDIRS[0], srcfile)
outfile = os.path.join(self.outdir, 'win32', 'firefox.zip')
logging.debug('zip dest filename: %s' % (outfile,))
self._dl_to_file(url, outfile)
self._dl_test_zip(WINDOWS_SUBDIRS[0], 'win32', 'win32')
def _cleanup_old_directories(self):
"""We only keep around so many directories of historical firefoxen.
This gets rid of ones we don't care about any more
logging.debug('cleaning up old directories')
with stoneridge.cwd(self.outroot):
listing = os.listdir('.')
logging.debug('candidate files: %s' % (listing,))
# We want to make sure that we're not looking at anything that's
# not a directory that may have somehow gotten into our directory.
# We also need to ignore dotfiles.
directories = [l for l in listing
if os.path.isdir(l) and not l.startswith('.')]
logging.debug('directories: %s' % (directories,))
# Find out when the directories were last modified, and sort the
# list by that, so we can delete the oldest ones.
times = [(d, os.stat(d).st_mtime) for d in directories]
times.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
# Now we can figure out which directories to delete!
delete_us = times[:-self.keep]
logging.debug('directories to delete: %s' % (delete_us,))
for d in delete_us:
logging.debug('removing %s' % (d,))
def defer(self):
args = ['srdeferrer.py',
'--srid', self.srid,
'--config', stoneridge.get_config_file(),
'--log', '/dev/null',
'--pidfile', tempfile.mktemp(),
'--attempt', self.attempt + 1]
if self.nightly:
args.extend(['--ldap', self.ldap])
args.extend(['--sha', self.sha])
for ops in self.operating_systems:
args.append('--%s' % (ops,))
for nc in self.netconfigs:
args.append('--%s' % (nc,))
def email(self, failure_message):
if not self.ldap:
message = EMAIL_MESSAGE % (self.ldap, failure_message)
stoneridge.sendmail(self.ldap, 'Stone Ridge Run Cancelled', message)
def exit_and_maybe_defer(self, deferred_message):
next_attempt = self.attempt + 1
if next_attempt > self.max_attempts:
logging.error('Unable to get build results for %s after %s '
'attempts. Cancelling run.' %
(self.srid, self.max_attempts))
def run(self):
files = self._gather_filelist(self.path)
if not self.nightly:
# For some ungodly reason, try builds have a different directory
# structure than nightly builds, so we have to handle them
# differently. Instead of all output being at the same level,
# they are separated out by platform for try builds. Le sigh.
subdirs = []
dist_files = None
if 'linux' in self.operating_systems:
if 'mac' in self.operating_systems:
if 'windows' in self.operating_systems:
# Be reasonably sure the try run is complete, such that everything
# is ready for us to download.
for d in subdirs:
if d not in files:
'Run %s not available' % (d,))
dist_path = '/'.join([self.path, subdirs[0]])
dist_files = self._gather_filelist(dist_path)
if not dist_files:
# We didn't get any files listed, but we should have. Just drop
# this run on the floor
self.email('No dist files found for srid %s' % (self.srid,))
logging.error('No files found! Dropping srid %s' %
files = dist_files
if not files:
'No files found for %s' % (self.srid,))
self.prefix = self._get_prefix(files)
# Make sure our output directory exists
if not os.path.exists(self.outdir):
logging.debug('creating output directory')
# Now download all the builds and test zipfiles
if self.nightly or 'mac' in self.operating_systems:
if self.nightly or 'linux' in self.operating_systems:
if self.nightly or 'windows' in self.operating_systems:
def main():
parser = stoneridge.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--nightly', dest='nightly', action='store_true',
parser.add_argument('--srid', dest='srid', required=True)
for ops in stoneridge.OPERATING_SYSTEMS:
parser.add_argument('--%s' % (ops,), dest='operating_systems',
action='append_const', const=ops, default=[])
for nc in stoneridge.NETCONFIGS:
parser.add_argument('--%s' % (nc,), dest='netconfigs',
action='append_const', const=nc, default=[])
parser.add_argument('--attempt', dest='attempt', required=True, type=int)
parser.add_argument('--ldap', dest='ldap', default='')
parser.add_argument('--sha', dest='sha', default='')
args = parser.parse_args()
cloner = StoneRidgeCloner(args.nightly, args.srid, args.operating_systems,
args.netconfigs, args.ldap, args.sha,