зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/taar.git
Update documentation to reflect modern deployment (#170)
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,18 +3,47 @@ Telemetry-Aware Addon Recommender
Table of Contents (ToC):
* [How does it work?](#how-does-it-work)
* [Supported models](#supported-models)
* [Instructions for Releasing Updates](#instructions-for-releasing-updates)
* [Building and Running tests](#build-and-run-tests)
Table of Contents
* [Taar](#taar)
* [How does it work?](#how-does-it-work)
* [Supported models](#supported-models)
* [Build and run tests](#build-and-run-tests)
* [Pinning dependencies](#pinning-dependencies)
* [Instructions for releasing updates to production](#instructions-for-releasing-updates-to-production)
* [Dependencies](#dependencies)
* [AWS resources](#aws-resources)
* [AWS enviroment configuration](#aws-enviroment-configuration)
* [Collaborative Recommender](#collaborative-recommender)
* [Ensemble Recommender](#ensemble-recommender)
* [Locale Recommender](#locale-recommender)
* [Similarity Recommender](#similarity-recommender)
* [Google Cloud Platform resources](#google-cloud-platform-resources)
* [Google Cloud BigQuery](#google-cloud-bigquery)
* [Google Cloud Storage](#google-cloud-storage)
* [Google Cloud BigTable](#google-cloud-bigtable)
* [Production Configuration Settings](#production-configuration-settings)
* [Deleting individual user data from all TAAR resources](#deleting-individual-user-data-from-all-taar-resources)
* [Airflow enviroment configuration](#airflow-enviroment-configuration)
* [Staging Enviroment](#staging-enviroment)
* [A note on cdist optimization\.](#a-note-on-cdist-optimization)
## How does it work?
The recommendation strategy is implemented through the [RecommendationManager](taar/recommenders/recommendation_manager.py). Once a recommendation is requested for a specific [client id](https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/toolkit/components/telemetry/telemetry/data/common-ping.html), the recommender iterates through all the registered models (e.g. [CollaborativeRecommender](taar/recommenders/collaborative_recommender.py)) linearly in their registered order. Results are returned from the first module that can perform a recommendation.
The recommendation strategy is implemented through the
Once a recommendation is requested for a specific [client
the recommender iterates through all the registered models (e.g.
linearly in their registered order. Results are returned from the
first module that can perform a recommendation.
Each module specifies its own sets of rules and requirements and thus can decide if it can perform a recommendation independently from the other modules.
Each module specifies its own sets of rules and requirements and thus
can decide if it can perform a recommendation independently from the
other modules.
### Supported models
This is the ordered list of the currently supported models:
@ -22,62 +51,210 @@ This is the ordered list of the currently supported models:
| Order | Model | Description | Conditions | Generator job |
| 1 | [Collaborative](taar/recommenders/collaborative_recommender.py) | recommends add-ons based on add-ons installed by other users (i.e. [collaborative filtering](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collaborative_filtering))|Telemetry data is available for the user and the user has at least one enabled add-on|[source](https://github.com/mozilla/telemetry-batch-view/blob/master/src/main/scala/com/mozilla/telemetry/ml/AddonRecommender.scala)|
| 2 | [Similarity](taar/recommenders/similarity_recommender.py) *| recommends add-ons based on add-ons installed by similar representative users|Telemetry data is available for the user and a suitable representative donor can be found|[source](https://github.com/mozilla/python_mozetl/blob/master/mozetl/taar/taar_similarity.py)|
| 2 | [Similarity](taar/recommenders/similarity_recommender.py) | recommends add-ons based on add-ons installed by similar representative users|Telemetry data is available for the user and a suitable representative donor can be found|[source](https://github.com/mozilla/python_mozetl/blob/master/mozetl/taar/taar_similarity.py)|
| 3 | [Locale](taar/recommenders/locale_recommender.py) |recommends add-ons based on the top addons for the user's locale|Telemetry data is available for the user and the locale has enough users|[source](https://github.com/mozilla/python_mozetl/blob/master/mozetl/taar/taar_locale.py)|
| 4 | [Ensemble](taar/recommenders/ensemble_recommender.py) *|recommends add-ons based on the combined (by [stacked generalization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ensemble_learning#Stacking)) recomendations of other available recommender modules.|More than one of the other Models are available to provide recommendations.|[source](https://github.com/mozilla/python_mozetl/blob/master/mozetl/taar/taar_ensemble.py)|
* All jobs are scheduled in Mozilla's instance of [Airflow](https://github.com/mozilla/telemetry-airflow). The Collaborative, Similarity and Locale jobs are executed on a [daily](https://github.com/mozilla/telemetry-airflow/blob/master/dags/taar_daily.py) schedule, while the ensemble job is scheduled on a [weekly](https://github.com/mozilla/telemetry-airflow/blob/master/dags/taar_weekly.py) schedule.
## Instructions for releasing updates
Releases for TAAR are split across ETL jobs for Airflow and the
webservice that handles traffic coming from addons.mozilla.org.
ETL releases are subdivided further into 3 categories:
1. Scala code that requires deployment by Java JAR file to a Dataproc environment
2. PySpark code that requires deployment by a single monolithic script in the
Dataproc enviroment. These are stored in [telemetry-airflow/jobs]
and are autodeployed to gs://moz-fx-data-prod-airflow-dataproc-artifacts/jobs
3. Python code that executes in a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
enviroment using a docker container image.
GKEPodOperator jobs:
* [taar_etl_.taar_amodump](https://github.com/mozilla/taar_gcp_etl/blob/master/taar_etl/taar_amodump.py)
* [taar_etl.taar_amowhitelist](https://github.com/mozilla/taar_gcp_etl/blob/master/taar_etl/taar_amowhitelist.py)
* [taar_etl.taar_update_whitelist](https://github.com/mozilla/taar_gcp_etl/blob/master/taar_etl/taar_update_whitelist.py)
PySpark jobs for Dataproc:
* [telemetry-airflow/jobs/taar_locale.py](https://github.com/mozilla/telemetry-airflow/blob/master/jobs/taar_locale.py)
* [telemetry-airflow/jobs/taar_similarity.py](https://github.com/mozilla/telemetry-airflow/blob/master/jobs/taar_similarity.py)
* [telemetry-airflow/jobs/taar_lite_guidguid.py](https://github.com/mozilla/telemetry-airflow/blob/master/jobs/taar_lite_guidguid.py)
Scala jobs for Dataproc
* [com.mozilla.telemetry.ml.AddonRecommender](https://github.com/mozilla/telemetry-batch-view/blob/master/src/main/scala/com/mozilla/telemetry/ml/AddonRecommender.scala) from telemetry-batch-view.jar
All jobs are scheduled in Mozilla's instance of
[Airflow](https://github.com/mozilla/telemetry-airflow). The
Collaborative, Similarity and Locale jobs are executed on a
schedule, while the ensemble job is scheduled on a
Jobs are scheduled in two separate DAGs in Airflow.
## Build and run tests
You should be able to build taar using Python 3.5 or 3.7.
To run the testsuite, execute ::
* [taar_daily](https://github.com/mozilla/telemetry-airflow/blob/master/dags/taar_daily.py)
* [taar_weekly](https://github.com/mozilla/telemetry-airflow/blob/master/dags/taar_weekly.py)
$ python setup.py develop
$ python setup.py test
GKEPodOperator jobs must have code packaged up as containers for
execution in GKE. Code can be found in the taar_gcp_etl repository.
Details to push containers into the GCP cloud repositories can be
found in the
in that repository.
Alternately, if you've got GNUMake installed, a Makefile is included
PySpark jobs are maintained in the telemetry-airflow repository. You
must take care to update the code in that repository and have it
merged to master for code to autodeploy. Airflow execution will
always copy jobs out of the [jobs](https://github.com/mozilla/telemetry-airflow/tree/master/jobs)
into `gs://moz-fx-data-prod-airflow-dataproc-artifacts/`
You can just run `make
build; make test-container` which will build a complete Docker
container and run the test suite inside the container.
The sole scala job remaining is part of the telemetry-batch-view
repository. Airflow will automatically use the latest code in the
master branch of `telemetry-batch-view`.
## Pinning dependencies
TAAR uses miniconda and a enviroment.yml file to manage versioning.
To update versions, edit the enviroment.yml with the new dependency
you need. If you are unfamiliar with using conda, see the [official
for reference.
## Instructions for releasing updates to production
Building a new release of TAAR is fairly involved. Documentation to
create a new release has been split out into separate
## Dependencies
### AWS resources
Recommendation engines load models from Amazon S3.
The following table is a complete list of all resources per
recommendation engine.
Recommendation Engine | S3 Resource
--- | ---
RecommendationManager Whitelist | s3://telemetry-parquet/telemetry-ml/addon_recommender/top_200_whitelist.json
Similarity Recommender | s3://telemetry-parquet/taar/similarity/donors.json <br> s3://telemetry-parquet/taar/similarity/lr_curves.json
CollaborativeRecommender | s3://telemetry-parquet/telemetry-ml/addon_recommender/item_matrix.json <br> s3://telemetry-parquet/telemetry-ml/addon_recommender/addon_mapping.json
LocaleRecommender | s3://telemetry-parquet/taar/locale/top10_dict.json
EnsembleRecommender | s3://telemetry-parquet/taar/ensemble/ensemble_weight.json
### AWS enviroment configuration
TAAR breaks out all S3 data load configuration into enviroment
variables. This ensures that running under test has no chance of
clobbering the production data in the event that a developer has AWS
configuration keys installed locally in `~/.aws/`
Production enviroment variables required for TAAR
## Collaborative Recommender
Env Variable | Value
------- | ---
TAAR_ITEM_MATRIX_BUCKET | "telemetry-parquet"
TAAR_ITEM_MATRIX_KEY | "telemetry-ml/addon_recommender/item_matrix.json"
TAAR_ADDON_MAPPING_BUCKET | "telemetry-parquet"
TAAR_ADDON_MAPPING_KEY | "telemetry-ml/addon_recommender/addon_mapping.json"
## Ensemble Recommender
Env Variable | Value
--- | ---
TAAR_ENSEMBLE_BUCKET | "telemetry-parquet"
TAAR_ENSEMBLE_KEY | "taar/ensemble/ensemble_weight.json"
## Locale Recommender
Env Variable | Value
--- | ---
TAAR_LOCALE_BUCKET | "telemetry-parquet"
TAAR_LOCALE_KEY | "taar/locale/top10_dict.json"
## Similarity Recommender
Env Variable | Value
--- | ---
TAAR_SIMILARITY_BUCKET | "telemetry-parquet"
TAAR_SIMILARITY_DONOR_KEY | "taar/similarity/donors.json"
TAAR_SIMILARITY_LRCURVES_KEY | "taar/similarity/lr_curves.json"
## Google Cloud Platform resources
### Google Cloud BigQuery
Cloud BigQuery uses the GCP project defined in Airflow in the
variable `taar_gcp_project_id`.
* `taar_tmp`
Table ID
* `taar_tmp_profile`
Note that this table only exists for the duration of the taar_weekly
job, so there should be no need to manually manage this table.
### Google Cloud Storage
The taar user profile extraction puts Avro format files into
a GCS bucket defined by the following two variables in Airflow:
* `taar_gcp_project_id`
* `taar_etl_storage_bucket`
The bucket is automatically cleared at the *start* and *end* of
the TAAR weekly ETL job.
### Google Cloud BigTable
The final TAAR user profile data is stored in a Cloud BigTable
instance defined by the following two variables in Airflow:
* `taar_gcp_project_id`
* `taar_bigtable_instance_id`
The table ID for user profile information is `taar_profile`.
## Production Configuration Settings
Production enviroment settings are stored in a [private repository](https://github.com/mozilla-services/cloudops-deployment/blob/master/projects/data/puppet/yaml/type/data.api.prod.taar.yaml).
## Deleting individual user data from all TAAR resources
Deletion of records in TAAR is fairly straight forward. Once a user
disables telemetry from Firefox, all that is required is to delete
records from TAAR.
Deletion of records from the TAAR BigTable instance will remove the
client's list of addons from TAAR. No further work is required.
Removal of the records from BigTable will cause JSON model updates to
no longer take the deleted record into account. JSON models are
updated on a daily basis via the
Updates in the weekly Airflow job in
[`taar_weekly`](https://github.com/mozilla/telemetry-airflow/blob/master/dags/taar_weekly.py) only update the ensemble weights and the user profile information.
If the user profile information in `clients_last_seen` continues to
have data for the user's telemetry-id, TAAR will repopulate the user
profile data.
Users who wish to remove their data from TAAR need to:
1. Disable telemetry in Firefox
2. Have user telemetry data removed from all telemetry storage systems
in GCP. Primarily this means the `clients_last_seen` table in
3. Have user data removed from BigTable.
## Airflow enviroment configuration
TAAR requires some configuration to be stored in Airflow variables for
the ETL jobs to run to completion correctly.
Airflow Variable | Value
--- | ---
taar_gcp_project_id | The Google Cloud Platform project where BigQuery temporary tables, Cloud Storage buckets for Avro files and BigTable reside for TAAR.
taar_etl_storage_bucket | The Cloud Storage bucket name where temporary Avro files will reside when transferring data from BigQuery to BigTable.
taar_bigtable_instance_id | The BigTable instance ID for TAAR user profile information
taar_dataflow_subnetwork | The subnetwork required to communicate between Cloud Dataflow
## Staging Enviroment
The staging enviroment of the TAAR service in GCP can be reached using
curl https://user@pass:stage.taar.nonprod.dataops.mozgcp.net/v1/api/recommendations/<hashed_telemetry_id>
## A note on cdist optimization.
cdist can speed up distance computation by a factor of 10 for the computations we're doing.
@ -94,149 +271,3 @@ However, when you manually provide a callable to cdist, cdist can not do it's ba
optimizations (https://github.com/scipy/scipy/blob/v1.0.0/scipy/spatial/distance.py#L2408)
so we can just apply the function `distance.hamming` to our array manually and get the same
## Build and run tests
You should be able to build taar using Python 3.5 or 3.7.
To run the testsuite, execute ::
$ python setup.py develop
$ python setup.py test
Alternately, if you've got GNUMake installed, you can just run `make build; make tests` which will build a complete Docker container and run the test suite inside the container.
## Pinning dependencies
TAAR uses miniconda and a enviroment.yml file to manage versioning.
To update versions, edit the enviroment.yml with the new dependency
you need.
## Required S3 dependencies
* s3://telemetry-parquet/telemetry-ml/addon_recommender/top_200_whitelist.json
Similarity Recommender:
* s3://telemetry-parquet/taar/similarity/donors.json
* s3://telemetry-parquet/taar/similarity/lr_curves.json
* s3://telemetry-parquet/telemetry-ml/addon_recommender/item_matrix.json
* s3://telemetry-parquet/telemetry-ml/addon_recommender/addon_mapping.json
* s3://telemetry-parquet/taar/locale/top10_dict.json
* s3://telemetry-parquet/taar/ensemble/ensemble_weight.json
## Google Cloud Platform resources
Google Cloud BigQuery ::
Cloud BigQuery uses the GCP project defined in Airflow in the
variable `taar_gcp_project_id`.
Dataset : `taar_tmp`
Table ID : `taar_tmp_profile`
Note that this table only exists for the duration of the
taar_weekly job, so there should be no need to manually manage this
Google Cloud Storage ::
The taar user profile extraction puts Avro format files into
a GCS bucket defined by the following two variables in Airflow:
The bucket is automatically cleared at the *start* and *end* of
the TAAR weekly ETL job.
Google Cloud BigTable ::
The final TAAR user profile data is stored in a Cloud BigTable
instance defined by the following two variables in Airflow:
* `taar_gcp_project_id`
* `taar_bigtable_instance_id`
The table ID for user profile information is `taar_profile`.
TAAR breaks out all S3 data load configuration into enviroment
variables. This ensures that running under test has no chance of
clobbering the production data in the event that a developer has AWS
configuration keys installed locally in `~/.aws/`
Production enviroment variables required for TAAR
Collaborative Recommender ::
TAAR_ITEM_MATRIX_BUCKET = "telemetry-parquet"
TAAR_ITEM_MATRIX_KEY = "telemetry-ml/addon_recommender/item_matrix.json"
TAAR_ADDON_MAPPING_BUCKET = "telemetry-parquet"
TAAR_ADDON_MAPPING_KEY = "telemetry-ml/addon_recommender/addon_mapping.json"
Ensemble Recommender ::
TAAR_ENSEMBLE_BUCKET = "telemetry-parquet"
TAAR_ENSEMBLE_KEY = "taar/ensemble/ensemble_weight.json"
Locale Recommender ::
TAAR_LOCALE_BUCKET = "telemetry-parquet"
TAAR_LOCALE_KEY = "taar/locale/top10_dict.json"
Similarity Recommender ::
TAAR_SIMILARITY_BUCKET = "telemetry-parquet"
TAAR_SIMILARITY_DONOR_KEY = "taar/similarity/donors.json"
TAAR_SIMILARITY_LRCURVES_KEY = "taar/similarity/lr_curves.json"
Production Configuration Settings
Production enviroment settings are stored in a [private repository](https://github.com/mozilla-services/cloudops-deployment/blob/master/projects/data/puppet/yaml/type/data.api.prod.taar.yaml).
Deleting individual user data from all TAAR resources
Deletion of records in TAAR is fairly straight forward. Once a user
disables telemetry from Firefox, all that is required is to delete
records from TAAR.
Deletion of records from the TAAR BigTable instance will remove the
client's list of addons from TAAR. No further work is required.
Removal of the records from BigTable will cause JSON model updates to
no longer take the deleted record into account. JSON models are
updated on a daily basis via the
DAG in Airflow.
Google Cloud Platform
Stage enviroment
curl https://stage:fancyfork38@stage.taar.nonprod.dataops.mozgcp.net/v1/api/recommendations/<hashed_telemetry_id>
Airflow variables for BigTable and GCS Avro storage
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
# Instructions for releasing updates
## Overview
Releases for TAAR are split across ETL jobs for Airflow and the
webservice that handles traffic coming from addons.mozilla.org.
You may or may not need to upgrade all parts at once.
### ETL release instructions
ETL releases are subdivided further into 3 categories:
1. Scala code that requires deployment by Java JAR file to a Dataproc environment
2. PySpark code that requires deployment by a single monolithic script in the
Dataproc enviroment. These are stored in [telemetry-airflow/jobs]
and are autodeployed to gs://moz-fx-data-prod-airflow-dataproc-artifacts/jobs
3. Python code that executes in a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
enviroment using a docker container image.
4. TAAR User profile information
#### 1. Scala jobs for Dataproc
* [com.mozilla.telemetry.ml.AddonRecommender](https://github.com/mozilla/telemetry-batch-view/blob/master/src/main/scala/com/mozilla/telemetry/ml/AddonRecommender.scala) from telemetry-batch-view.jar
#### 2. PySpark jobs for Dataproc
* [telemetry-airflow/jobs/taar_locale.py](https://github.com/mozilla/telemetry-airflow/blob/master/jobs/taar_locale.py)
* [telemetry-airflow/jobs/taar_similarity.py](https://github.com/mozilla/telemetry-airflow/blob/master/jobs/taar_similarity.py)
* [telemetry-airflow/jobs/taar_lite_guidguid.py](https://github.com/mozilla/telemetry-airflow/blob/master/jobs/taar_lite_guidguid.py)
#### 3. GKEPodOperator jobs
* [taar_etl_.taar_amodump](https://github.com/mozilla/taar_gcp_etl/blob/master/taar_etl/taar_amodump.py)
* [taar_etl.taar_amowhitelist](https://github.com/mozilla/taar_gcp_etl/blob/master/taar_etl/taar_amowhitelist.py)
* [taar_etl.taar_update_whitelist](https://github.com/mozilla/taar_gcp_etl/blob/master/taar_etl/taar_update_whitelist.py)
#### 4. TAAR User profile information
The TAAR User profile information is stored in Cloud BigTable. The
job is run as a list of idempotent steps. All tasks are contained in
a single file at:
* [taar_etl.taar_profile_bigtable](https://github.com/mozilla/taar_gcp_etl/blob/master/taar_etl/taar_profile_bigtable.py)
## Jobs are scheduled in two separate DAGs in Airflow.
* [taar_daily](https://github.com/mozilla/telemetry-airflow/blob/master/dags/taar_daily.py)
* [taar_weekly](https://github.com/mozilla/telemetry-airflow/blob/master/dags/taar_weekly.py)
### Updating code for GKEPodOperator jobs
G#KEPodOperator jobs must have code packaged up as containers for
execution in GKE. Code can be found in the taar_gcp_etl repository.
Detailed build instructions can be found in the
in that repository.
Generally, if you tag a revision in `taar_gcp_etl` - CircleCI will build the production
container for you automatically. You will also need to update the
container tag in the `taar_daily` or `taar_weekly` DAGs.
### Updating code for PySpark jobs
PySpark jobs are maintained in the telemetry-airflow repository. You
must take care to update the code in that repository and have it
merged to master for code to autodeploy into the production Airflow instance.
Airflow execution will always copy jobs out of the
into `gs://moz-fx-data-prod-airflow-dataproc-artifacts/`
### Updating code for the Scala ETL job
The sole scala job remaining is part of the telemetry-batch-view
repository. Airflow will automatically use the latest code in the
master branch of `telemetry-batch-view`.
## Deploying TAAR the webservice
The TAAR webservice is setup as a single container with no dependant
containers. If you are familiar with earlier versions of TAAR, you
may be expecting redis servers to also be required - this is no longer
the case. Models are sufficiently small that they can held in memory.
Tagging a version in git will trigger CircleCI to build a container
image for production.
You must inform operations to push the tag to staging and to
production enviroments.
No autopush on tag is currently enabled.
## A note about logging
tl;dr - Do **NOT** use python's logging module for any logging in the TAAR
repository. TAAR's recommendation code is used by the ETL jobs - some
of which execute inside a PySpark enviroment and logging is
incompatible with PySpark.
PySpark distributes executable objects across the spark worker nodes
by pickling live objects. Unfortunately, Python uses non-serizable
mutexes in the logging module which was not fixed until python 3.8.
See the https://bugs.python.org/issue30520 for details.
You cannot upgrade TAAR to use Python 3.8 either, as the full
numerical computation stack of PySpark, numpy, scipy, sklearn do not
properly support Python 3.8.
So again -just **don't use python logging**.
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