.PHONY: build clean clean-gke fixes gke help pip-compile pip-install-local redis-cli run shell stop test up help: @echo "Welcome to the Telemetry Airflow\n" @echo "The list of commands for local development:\n" @echo " build Builds the docker images for the docker-compose setup" @echo " clean Stops and removes all docker containers" @echo " fixes Applies Black and Ruff fixes to Python files" @echo " pip-compile Compile dependencies from 'requirements.in' into 'requirements.txt'" @echo " pip-install-local Install pip project requirements to your local environment" @echo " redis-cli Opens a Redis CLI" @echo " shell Opens a Bash shell" @echo " test Runs pytest" @echo " up Runs the whole stack, served under http://localhost:8080/" @echo " gke Create a sandbox gke cluster for testing" @echo " clean-gke Delete the sandbox gke cluster" @echo " stop Stops the docker containers" build: docker-compose build pip-compile: pip-compile --strip-extras --no-annotate requirements.in pip-compile --strip-extras --no-annotate requirements-dev.in fixes: ruff check $$(git diff --name-only --diff-filter=ACMR origin/main | grep -E "(.py$$)") --fix black $$(git diff --name-only --diff-filter=ACMR origin/main | grep -E "(.py$$)") clean: stop docker-compose down --volumes docker-compose rm -f rm -rf logs/* if [ -f airflow-worker.pid ]; then rm airflow-worker.pid; fi pip-install-local: pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-dev.txt pip install -r requirements-override.txt --upgrade shell: docker-compose run airflow-webserver bash redis-cli: docker-compose run redis redis-cli -h redis stop: docker-compose down docker-compose stop up: grep -qF 'AIRFLOW_UID=' .env || echo "AIRFLOW_UID=$$(id -u)" >> .env grep -qF 'FERNET_KEY=' .env || echo "FERNET_KEY=$$(python3 -c "from cryptography.fernet import Fernet; fernet_key = Fernet.generate_key(); print(fernet_key.decode())")" >> .env docker-compose up --wait docker-compose exec airflow-webserver airflow variables import dev_variables.json docker-compose exec airflow-webserver airflow connections import dev_connections.json gke: bin/start_gke clean-gke: bin/stop_gke test: python -m pytest tests/