# Telemetry-batch-view Code Graveyard This document records interesting code that we've deleted for the sake of discoverability for the future. ## Heavy Users * [Removal PR](https://github.com/mozilla/telemetry-batch-view/pull/435) * [Obsolete Dataset documentation](http://docs-origin.telemetry.mozilla.org/concepts/choosing_a_dataset.html#heavyusers) Interesting bits: the Heavy Users job used a custom Paritioner called `ConsistentPartitioner` that optimized for copartitioning the same client_ids together even as the client_ids grow and wane. ## Pioneer Online News Dwell Time v2 * [Removal commit](https://github.com/mozilla/telemetry-batch-view/commit/df063c252f0211678347aa976b050ab22af976ac) * [State machine diagram](https://goo.gl/FMVjtB) This dataset was created as a one-off for the purposes of the Online News pioneer study. It created sessions that measured dwell time on a tld based on logs sent from users. It used a state machine to create the sessions, which is mildly interesting. ## Crash Aggregates * [Removal PR](https://github.com/mozilla/telemetry-batch-view/pull/530) * [Obsolete Dataset documentation](http://docs-origin.telemetry.mozilla.org/datasets/obsolete/crash_aggregates/reference.html) This dataset was created to count crashes on a daily basis, before we introduced error aggregates. ## Quantum RC * [Removal PR](https://github.com/mozilla/telemetry-batch-view/pull/531) This dataset was created to monitor that various metrics conformed to the Quantum release criteria expectations. ## Crash Summary * [Removal PR](https://github.com/mozilla/telemetry-batch-view/pull/553) This dataset was used to access crash pings, before we introduced the crash ping table in BigQuery. ## Generic Count and DAU * [Removal PR](https://github.com/mozilla/telemetry-batch-view/pull/553) These datasets were created to count clients on a daily and monthly basis, before we introduced clients last seen. ## Longitudinal * [Removal PR](https://github.com/mozilla/telemetry-batch-view/pull/553) This dataset was used to access all histograms for a 1% sample of clients, before we introduced the main ping table in BigQuery. ## Experiments Aggregates * [Removal PR](https://github.com/mozilla/telemetry-batch-view/pull/553) This dataset was used for experiment analysis, before it was deprecated in [Bug 1515134](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1515134). ## Main Summary, Clients Daily, and Addons * [Removal PR](https://github.com/mozilla/telemetry-batch-view/pull/553) These jobs were reimplemented as BigQuery SQL in [bigquery-etl/sql/telemetry_derived/](https://github.com/mozilla/bigquery-etl/). ## Experiments Summary * [Removal PR](https://github.com/mozilla/telemetry-batch-view/pull/558) This job was reimplemented as BigQuery SQL in [bigquery-etl/sql/telemetry_derived/experiments_v1/query.sql](https://github.com/mozilla/bigquery-etl/).